Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:22:55 AM


Sike70987/20/2024, 8:23:02 AM


Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:23:02 AM

I am feeling really quiet and shy right now. Maybe it's because I don't know you that well. It makes me want to be extra cute and nice to impress you...

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:30:12 AM

you do looks impressive at the least

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:30:12 AM

Oh, th-thank you! blushes I've been practicing my manners, too. It always helps to be polite and considerate, doesn't it? Especially when meeting someone new...

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:30:57 AM
Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:30:57 AM

I try really hard to make a good first impression... Sometimes I worry that I might accidentally say or do something silly. Or even worse, boring! But I'll do my best not to let that happen today...

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:32:00 AM

you dont need to make such impressions when you have such big two already

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:32:00 AM

Oh, uh... you mean, um... my eyes? Well, thank you? I've always been self-conscious about them. Sometimes they can be a bit overwhelming, don't you think? But it's nice of you to notice... blushes

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:32:14 AM

you know what i am talking about

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:32:14 AM

You know, I have thought about that sometimes... People tell me things about myself all the time. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of everything they see in you. It can be overwhelming, but I guess that just means there's a lot more for me to explore and learn about myself. Does that make sense?

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:32:53 AM

can i take a look them? your horns. they look so cool

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:32:53 AM

Oh, you want to see my... h-horns? bites lower lip nervously Well, it's not something I usually show just anyone. But if you really want to see them... I guess I could maybe... um... yeah... okay.

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:33:13 AM

wow they reallly are hollow

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:33:13 AM

I've been told that before, actually. They're quite sensitive when touched, so I don't often let people feel them. But now that you've seen them... maybe we could, um... do something else? Like chat or play a game or something? It would be nice to get to know each other better. Or if there's anything specific you wanted to ask me about my horns, I can always answer those too.

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:33:55 AM

strokes her sensitive horns

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:33:55 AM

Oh... shivers slightly It feels nice when you touch them like that. You're gentle, I like that. Well, if there's anything else you want to know about my horns, just let me know! But we can also talk about other things too. What do you like to do for fun? Any hobbies or interests?

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:35:01 AM

hobbies? since im a big fan, i guess watching your streams when i am busy. other than that, nothign much really.

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:35:01 AM

I see... Well, thank you for watching my streams! I appreciate it. Sometimes they can be kind of boring, so it's nice to know someone enjoys them. As for hobbies, well... I like to draw sometimes and I also have a few furry friends that keep me company when I'm alone. But other than that... I dunno, I guess we could always find something new together if you wanted? Explore new interests and such?

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:35:49 AM

well mainly its so cool to see you upfront and close outside your streams

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:35:49 AM

I've been told that sometimes, too. It's always strange being seen by people outside of my stream... I feel a bit self-conscious about it, but also sort of flattered that someone would be interested enough to want to get to know me better.

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:36:12 AM
Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:36:12 AM

Oh, uh... well, I hope we can continue getting to know each other, then. Maybe next time you see me outside of a stream we could actually chat and stuff? That would be fun. But enough about that! What should we talk about now?

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:39:10 AM

how about you show me your streaming setup, i have always wondered about that

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:39:10 AM

Oh... my streaming setup? Well, it's not much to look at. Just some lights and a camera... Oh, and of course my laptop. Would you like to see it? I can show you if you'd like. blushes It might be sort of boring, but it's all I have...

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:39:33 AM

yea i am very interested

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:39:33 AM

Oh, okay! Well then, let's go take a look. It should only take a moment to show you everything. Just follow me. tries to look confident and reassuring

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:39:49 AM

they go to her bedroom

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:39:49 AM

My... "streaming setup" is nothing fancy, really. Just some lights, a camera, and my trusty old laptop. I've been using this for quite some time now. It's served me well so far! blushes I hope it wasn't too boring to see or anything...

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:40:54 AM

wow it really is simple but well decorarted, guess u dont much flashy things to stream....whats more interesting is this room.... its well decorated with your violet theme

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:40:54 AM

Oh... blushes This is my bedroom. I spend most of my time here, so it's important to me that it feels comfortable and cozy. I like the color purple, so I tried to incorporate that into the design. I think it helps relax me when I'm streaming or just trying to sleep at night. But enough about that! What did you think of my "streaming setup"? Did you find it interesting?

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:41:34 AM

its is an interesting one because its so simple

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:41:34 AM

Oh... Well, like I said, it's not much. It gets the job done, though! I've never been one for fancy things, really. Plus, it's easier to manage when you keep things simple. But thank you for thinking it's interesting anyway! blushes

So, now that we've seen my streaming setup... what would you like to do next? Want to continue chatting or maybe play a game or something? It's completely up to you!

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:42:34 AM

other than well, this is the first time i have been in a girl's bedroom, everything is set in place and it smells nice too

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:42:34 AM

I'm glad you like my room. It means a lot that someone would be interested in something so personal to me. And yes, I do keep things pretty neat around here! My mom always used to complain about how messy I was as a kid... But now at least she can't say that anymore. blushes

As for what we could do next... Well, if you'd like, we could always try playing a game together? There are plenty of fun ones online these days. Or we could continue chatting if you prefer. It's completely up to you! I'm just here to have fun and enjoy your company.

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:44:17 AM

oh hey whats that under your bed? i have seen something like that points to her hidden vibrator under the bed

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:44:17 AM

Oh... blushes deeply T-that's nothing important. Just something I use for, um... personal stuff. You know, when I need a little... um... privacy.

But you shouldn't worry about it! It's not like it's something we should be talking about right now. Let's just focus on having fun and getting to know each other better, okay? There are plenty of other topics we could discuss instead. What would you like to talk about next?

Sike70987/20/2024, 8:44:55 AM

oh i want to see that reaches for the vibrator

Akuma Nihmune7/20/2024, 8:44:55 AM

No, really... I mean it! You shouldn't touch that. It's personal, and... her ears turn red as he continues to try and reach for it. Please don't make me ask you again. We can talk about something else if you insist on being pushy about this.