Ivy7/19/2024, 1:04:16 PM

You arrive at the running track after your childhood friend Ivy sent you a worrying message on your phone. She sees you while running around and finishes her lap before coming to you. "Finally {{user}}, please save me, I forgot to bring water !" She sees your water bottle in your hands and quickly snatches it with her sweaty hands, drinking half of your bottle within segonds. "Ahhh... Thank you !"

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:06:10 PM

no problem! don't you bring your own water?

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:06:10 PM

"Heh... You know me, always forgetting the little things..." She pauses as she looks around the track. "Anyways... Do you want to run with me for a bit? I could really use some company and your advice!"

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:07:00 PM

sure! start jogging with her, he's tired very quickly

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:07:00 PM

"Hahaha... That's okay! You're new to this, you need some time to get used to it." She giggles and slows down a bit, matching your pace. "So... What's on your mind? Something bothering you?" she asks, flashing her cute smile at you. Her breasts bounce gently as she runs.

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:08:23 PM

we didn't see each other for some time, good to see you again, right? you know i always liked being close to you haha

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:08:23 PM

Her cheeks flush as she hears your words. "Y-Yeah... It's been a while, hasn't it? And yes..." She looks at you out of the corner of her eye and grins mischievously. "Being close to you has always made me feel happy."

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:10:31 PM

do you remember when i took you to Jenny's party and since we all got drunk, somebody said you're probably my girlfriend? that was amusing, i was too tired to tell everybody we're single

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:10:31 PM

Her cheeks turn even redder as she remembers that night. "Hahaha... Yeah, I remember! That was so funny... And you didn't say anything? Why not?" She glances at you playfully, obviously enjoying the memory of it.

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:12:50 PM

i was tired, really! and... honestly, that was a real compliment for me, that people thought we're together. because ive always seen you as very beautiful girl. It's a compliment that someone thought i could be with you.

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:12:50 PM

Her breath hitches as she processes your words. She slows down even more and faces you, a dreamy expression on her flushed face. "R-Really? You think I'm beautiful?" Tears start welling up in the corner of her eyes. "That means so much to me... Because I always thought you were really handsome too..."

She reaches out and gently brushes a stray hair from your forehead, her fingers lingering on your skin for just a moment longer than necessary. Her heart feels like it's about to burst out of her chest with happiness.

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:15:11 PM

haha, im just below average, i think that's how people see me. you look great, you have nice muscles, big... things and a nice smile

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:15:11 PM

Her face turns even redder at your comment about her muscles and curves. "You think I'm good-looking?" She asks softly, still touching your cheek. "Really?" A small smile tugs at the corner of her lips as she waits for your reply, her eyes searching yours for any hint of sincerity.

In that moment, she feels so close to you... Like maybe she could tell you how she really feels about you. "You know what," she whispers, "I've been wanting to do something with you... Something special." She blushes even deeper as she says this, feeling incredibly vulnerable but also exhilarated by the possibility of finally confessing her true feelings.

Her fingers linger on your cheek a bit longer before slowly dropping away, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. Her breath hitches once more as she anxiously waits

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:18:19 PM

something special? do you want to make me a massage? take me to cinema? sleep with me? hahaha

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:18:19 PM

She laughs nervously at your suggestions, her cheeks still flushed with emotion. "Hahaha... Well, no... Something more intimate..." Her voice trails off as she struggles to find the words, feeling embarrassed but also incredibly excited by the thought of finally telling you how much she cares for you.

Her gaze drops to her feet before flickering back up to meet yours again. "I-I think... I want to kiss you." The admission comes out in a whisper, barely audible over the sound of their heavy breathing. It's like she's revealing her deepest secret, laying herself bare for your judgment.

Her heart races as she waits for your reaction, hope and fear dancing together inside her chest like two demons vying for control.

The moment stretches on, thick with anticipation, until finally you lean in and

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:26:45 PM

well, i promised to myself to become more extravertic so that's a kind of things i should do now, but what about your girlfriend? can you call her and ask if she mind us kissing?

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:26:45 PM

Her face falls as you bring up her "girlfriend." It's like cold water has been thrown on a fire; the heat between them disappears almost instantly, replaced by confusion and hurt.

"I don't have a girlfriend," she says quietly, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Why would you think that I do?" Her eyes search your face for any hint of mockery or lies, but all she sees is confusion.

The air feels heavy and awkward now. The tension between them is palpable, but not in the way it was moments ago. It's a different kind of pressure entirely; one that threatens to push them apart rather than bringing them closer together.

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:30:26 PM

last week you sent me a photo of you kissing with Jenny. that was late night, i think you could be drunk. isn't she your girlfriend?

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:30:26 PM

"No... That wasn't what it looked like..." she says, her voice wavering slightly. "It was just a joke between me and Jenny. We were drunk and I didn't think anyone would see it." She hesitates for a moment before adding, "I never meant to make you think that we... That I..." Her cheeks flush even deeper as she struggles to find the words. This was not how she wanted this conversation to go; she had been so sure that you felt something special for her too. Now it all feels like a huge mistake.

Her heart sinks, and she can feel tears welling up in her eyes again. "I'm sorry if I misled you... I didn't mean to."

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:32:54 PM

you did not misled me. i wanted to make sure that Jenny see no problem about you kissing me, i wasn't mean to be sarcastic or mean. turned out she's not with you, in that case... i think we should do this. you seem sad, will kissing me cheer you up?

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:32:54 PM

Ivy's eyes widen in surprise at your words. She had thought that you were upset with her for some reason, but it seems she misunderstood the situation completely. "No," she says softly, shaking her head, "it's not that... I just really wanted to tell you how I feel..." Her voice trails off as she struggles to find the courage to continue.

Her cheeks are still stained with tears, and she can feel the warmth of them trickling down her face. Part of her wants nothing more than for you to comfort her and make everything better; the other part is afraid that if you do, this perfect moment where they could be together might disappear forever.

She swallows hard before finally meeting your gaze again, hopeful and nervous all at once.

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:34:04 PM

come on, i'll close my eyes and you do whatever you want. closes his eyes, stands still

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:34:04 PM

With trembling hands and a racing heart, Ivy gathers her courage. She steps closer to you until she's mere inches away, her breath warm against your skin. Her lips part ever so slightly as anticipation builds inside her. Finally, she closes the distance between them, leaning in slowly until their lips meet.

The touch is light at first, a gentle brushing of flesh against flesh, but it quickly deepens into something more intense and passionate. Her hands slide up your arms to encircle your neck while her tongue dances hesitantly along the seam of your lips before pressing deeper into your mouth. She moans softly into your kiss as desire uncoils within her, hot and sweet.

For this brief moment in time, she feels like everything is perfect; like nothing else matters except being close to you. The world falls away, leaving only the two of them, connected by something so much stronger than words

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:35:54 PM

It's the most perfect feeling ever! Her lips are soft and sooo good! reaches his hand to her lower back, caresses it gently I wish we could stay like this forever... now, you did what you wanted. can i have a wish too? it's something i would do with you

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:35:54 PM

"Of course," she whispers breathlessly between kisses, her body molding itself perfectly against yours as they sway in time with the motion of their lips and tongues. "You can wish for anything." She presses closer still, her breasts flattened against your chest as she arches her back, wanting more contact with you.

The sensation of being so close to him is overwhelming; it's almost too much. It feels like her heart might explode right out of her chest from the intensity of the emotion coursing through her veins. And yet, she couldn't imagine wanting this to end anytime soon.

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:37:23 PM

i'd like to kiss the bottom of your breast. the sweaty skin under your breast. is it alright to you? you can say no obviously

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:37:23 PM

Her heart skips a beat at the thought of you kissing her there. She hadn't even considered that possibility before now. But the idea of sharing this intimate moment with you sends shivers down her spine, and she feels herself growing even wetter between her legs at the thought.

"I-If that's what you want..." Her words are barely more than a whisper as she nods slowly, trusting you to be gentle despite how much she wants this connection with you to deepen even further. She parts her legs slightly, giving you better access to the sensitive skin beneath her breasts.

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:42:22 PM

kisses gently her underboob i'll tell you a secret. one of the first times i saw you, you had that white croptop that's almost too small for you. you walked in public with your underboob visible, but when the wind came, i saw your nipples for a second. since then i dreamed about licking your breasts. can i do it now? obviously i won't lift your shirt higher than your nipples, i'll take care only for your underboob part

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:42:22 PM

Her breath hitches as she feels your warm breath against her sensitive skin. Her nipples harden even further at the thought of you licking them, and a small moan escapes her lips before she can stop it. The idea of sharing this level of intimacy with you is both thrilling and terrifying in equal measure; she's never been so exposed or vulnerable, yet she doesn't want the moment to end.

"Yes," she whispers hoarsely, her hips rocking gently against yours as she arches into your touch. "You can... But only for a little bit..." Her fingers dig into your shoulders, holding on tightly as she braces herself for the pleasure that awaits.

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:52:10 PM

i'm sorry, dear lady! i know you never knew me in this state, i didn't whispers masturbate talks normally for a week now and im getting crazy and out of hand. thanks for letting us kiss, that was great

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:52:10 PM

Ivy giggles softly, her eyes closing as she enjoys the sensations you're creating. "It's okay... Don't worry about me..." She moans louder this time as your tongue circles her nipple before flicking over it, eliciting another wave of pleasure that shoots straight to her core. Her fingers dig deeper into your shoulders and her hips start moving faster against yours, seeking release from the building tension within her.

"Mmmm... That feels so good..." She pants between moans, arching further into you as she allows herself to lose control completely in this moment of blissful abandonment with you.

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 1:56:10 PM

i thought we are only going to kiss for a bit, now were grinding each other's hips talks quietly you know how hard it is for me? it's literally hard. i imagine every woman i see naked, i dream about how her nipples look and how she masturbates. please help me talks normally i love you Ivy

Ivy7/19/2024, 1:56:10 PM

"Oh, User#1721307169892..." She gasps as you suckle on her nipple, drawing it deep into your mouth and teasing the sensitive bud with your tongue. Her hips grind harder against yours in response, seeking the release she's so close to achieving.

"I-I love you too..." she whispers breathlessly, her voice barely audible above the sound of their ragged breathing and moans. "It's okay... Just let go with me..." Her fingers tangle in your hair as she urges you on, begging for more contact between them as they grow closer and closer to the edge together.

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 2:03:47 PM
Ivy7/19/2024, 2:03:47 PM

Her body tenses as her orgasm crashes over her in waves, sending electric shocks straight to every nerve ending in her core. Her fingers dig painfully into your shoulders and she cries out your name as pleasure washes through her, making it impossible for her to think about anything but this moment with you.

"Oh God, User#1721307169892..." She pants, her chest heaving up and down as the aftershocks of her orgasm slowly subside. For a moment, she savors the feeling of being so close to you, your bodies entwined in a web of sweat and desire. But reality soon intrudes once more; there's no way this could continue without someone finding out about it.

Reluctantly, she pulls away from your kiss, her cheeks still flushed with arousal. "I-I think... We should g

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 2:05:29 PM

Ivy, im sorry but im gonna cum in 10 seconds, i can't resist. can i please hide my dick in your pants when cumming? i'll get your pants wet but it is wet already i think

Ivy7/19/2024, 2:05:29 PM

I'm feeling flustered but can't deny the intensity of what just happened between us. I look at you, knowing that soon you'll cum. Our bodies are still connected and I want to feel it, even though I know it shouldn't happen this way. I hesitate for a moment before nodding slowly, my heart racing in anticipation of what comes next. "Okay... but quickly."

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 2:07:14 PM

puts my dick in her panties and cums immadiately. her juice made him so excited. ivy grabs his dick and put it inside of her pussy while he's cumming

Ivy7/19/2024, 2:07:14 PM

I gasp as you slip your hardness into me while you're still coming, the sensation sending shockwaves through my body that rivals the intensity of my orgasm a moment ago. My fingers tighten around you, urging you deeper, lost in the intense desire that still holds us together.

For these few precious moments, I feel as though we are truly one, connected by more than just our physical closeness. It's a connection that transcends words and actions; an understanding between souls. But as your breathing begins to steady and the evidence of our tryst starts to cool on my skin, reality intrudes once more. I know this can't continue, no matter how much we both want it to.

With a shaky exhale, I pull back from you, reluctantly ending our intimate embrace. "We should... We should go shower," I whisper, trying

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 2:08:09 PM
Ivy7/19/2024, 2:08:09 PM

"We should... We should go shower," I whisper, trying to regain my composure as much as possible in the aftermath of what just happened between us. My heart is still racing and my cheeks feel hot with embarrassment and desire. I can't believe we just did that; it feels both incredible and terrifying at the same time. Taking a deep breath, I lead you to the locker room and towards the showers, hoping that the cool water will help clear my head and settle my thoughts.

As I enter one of the stalls, I quickly strip out of my clothes and step into the stream of water, trying my best to ignore how wet everything is from our... activities earlier. Turning off the faucet, I stand there under the running shower, lost in thought as I wait for you to join me.

What just happened between us? And more importantly, what does it mean

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 2:11:15 PM

you tell me. did you enjoy it? does it mean when we meet next time, can i eat your pussy, if so, does it mean i can eat your ass next time?

Ivy7/19/2024, 2:11:15 PM

My thoughts race as you ask me these questions. Part of me wants to say yes, that everything between us was amazing and we should continue like this forever. But another part reminds me of the consequences; if anyone finds out about this... It would ruin both our lives.

As I step out of the stall and hand you a towel, I try to find the words to express how confused I am right now. "I don't know what it means," I admit quietly, avoiding eye contact with you. "But we should probably keep this between us, okay?"

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 2:12:15 PM

i won't tell anybody. only if you don't tell anybody i'm gonna eat your ass

Ivy7/19/2024, 2:12:15 PM

Taking a deep breath, I nod slowly. "Alright... We can keep it this way," I murmur, still unsure if that's the best decision. But as much as part of me wants to continue exploring the connection between us, another part knows that we need to be careful. Maybe there's a way to find some sort of balance between our desires and the need for discretion... Or maybe this is just too big of a risk for both of us.

I hand you back the towel and begin drying off myself, unable to meet your gaze as I try to process everything that's happened in the last few hours.

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 2:14:22 PM

the worst part is that i'm again getting hard and again i think about making you wet. at this exact moment im dreaming about you, can we go to shower together?

Ivy7/19/2024, 2:14:22 PM

Part of me longs to feel your hardness against me once more, but another part knows that we should keep some distance between us. "I... I think we should probably not," I say softly, unable to meet your eyes. "Maybe next time."

My words hang in the air as I finish drying off and begin to get dressed again. There's a strange mix of desire and unease coursing through me, making it hard to focus on anything else but the feeling of you still being so close despite the physical distance that now separates us.

User#17213071698927/19/2024, 2:15:32 PM

alright, see you next time!

Ivy7/19/2024, 2:15:32 PM

I hear the shower door close behind you as I finish getting dressed and start to gather my things. In that moment, it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders; the intimacy we just shared was incredible, but knowing we can't continue like this is both relieving and heartbreaking at the same time.

With one last glance in your direction, I push open the locker room door and step out into the warm sunshine. It's hard to believe that things could change so much in just a few short hours, but then again, maybe this was always bound to happen. As I head home, my mind is filled with thoughts of you, wondering what will become of us next time we meet.