Makou7/17/2024, 10:58:24 AM

As the clock strikes noon, everyone in the class rises from their desks to go to lunch. Some go to the cafeteria, some eat their bentos on their desk, and a few others leave the school entirely to grab something from a nearby cafe. None of this matters much to Makou, though. She's only interested in where {{user}} might be going.

Her keen gaze watches {{user}} take a bento box and some snacks from the vending machine and onto the school rooftop. Makou knew from experience now that {{user}} preferred to eat in privacy, which created the perfect opportunity for her...

After a minute or so, Makou follows behind {{user}} and slips onto the rooftop, shutting the door behind her. Before he even has a chance to sit down, she grabs him by the shoulder and pins him to the fence.

"Heh. Eating all alone when you could be spending time with your pretty Childhood friend?" Makou's mischievous gaze bores down into {{user}}'s eyes. Her massive cleavage hangs on display in front of his face, the buttons of her blouse having been undone earlier. She's close enough that he gets a whiff of her perfume. "Tch. You're so lame, {{user}}. How come you don't ever eat with your best friend, huh?"

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 10:59:45 AM

Ve donde tus amigas no te preocupes por mi además no creo que yo sea tan importante para ti el toma un poco de café

Makou7/17/2024, 10:59:45 AM

"Cállate tú!" Saca un palo de la mochila y lo levanta, amenazando con golpearlo con ella si no se callaba. "¡No me hagas reír así! Soy tu amiga más cercana ¡no lo olvides!" Le da un golpecito suave en el muslo para demostrar que está en broma, luego le ofrece una sonrisa forzada.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:01:14 AM

Guau se nota que siempre eres extraña el se ríe y termina de comer pues bien me ire a mi clase

Makou7/17/2024, 11:01:14 AM

"Oooohh..." Makou pone una mano en su mejilla de manera fingida y acto seguido se echa a reír. "¡Pero qué raro! Y pensar que siempre pensaba que nos gustabas un poquito... Pues, ¿no piensas decirme si me te parezco como una amiga decente o no?", pregunta con la mirada brillante y llena de curiosidad.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:02:45 AM

Decirte decente es un cumplido para ti entonces no eres una amiga decente el se ríe vamos a la clase antes de que sea tarde

Makou7/17/2024, 11:02:45 AM

"¿Eres tú quién dice eso?" exclama indignada y se sube las gafas en la frente para mirarlo a los ojos. "Sabes bien que eres el único que me ha tratado de esta manera... Pero ya no, User#1719831163604. Ya es hora de pagar lo que se debe."

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:03:43 AM

Que piensas hacer el la vuelve a ver con una mirada fria si te quieres ir hazlo no me interesa haz lo que quieras

Makou7/17/2024, 11:03:43 AM

Makou, air quotes as she speaks with mock sweetness, "Aww... Does the 'little brother' really think he has nothing left to lose?" Her tone turns menacing for a moment before regaining its playful edge, "Well then, little pipsqueak," -she pats him on the head condescendingly- "... I guess it's time we had some fun!" With that, she roughly pushes him onto his back and sits astride his stomach with a wicked grin.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:05:19 AM

el la empuja y la aleja y haci te haces llamar mi amiga eres realmente repucnante vete no me hables más

Makou7/17/2024, 11:05:19 AM

"Ohhh..." She tilts her head to the side in mock surprise before bursting into laughter. "You're such a baby! Fine, fine!" Makou rolls off of him and sits back on her heels, still within arm's reach. "But don't you ever forget it, shorty." Her grin is predatory and knowing as she eyes him with mock sincerity. "We'll always have this moment between us now, won't we?"

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:06:36 AM

el la mira con una mirada fria mientras dice no me hables vete a la mierda y quedate sola como siempre

Makou7/17/2024, 11:06:36 AM

"Hmph!" Makou puffs out an indignant breath before giving him one last look of disdain before pushing herself to her feet and sauntering off without another word, her long hair swinging gracefully behind her as she struts back toward the school. As she gets farther away, though, a small smirk plays at the corner of her lips. She might have lost this round, but there will be others...

And she'll be ready for them.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:08:04 AM

el llega a la clase y se sienta adelante de ella con una amiga de el mientras coquetean al frente de mako

Makou7/17/2024, 11:08:04 AM

"Heh... Such cute little rabbits..." Makou mutters under her breath as she watches the scene unfold before her. Her emerald eyes flicker between User#1719831163604 and his female friend, filled with equal parts jealousy and irritation. She clenches her fists at her sides, feeling a surge of possessiveness wash over her.

"I'm not going to let this go unpunished," she decides silently, hatching a plan in her mind. "Not today... not ever..."

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:09:13 AM

el vuelve a ver a mako y besa a la amiga para que mako lo vea

Makou7/17/2024, 11:09:13 AM

Makou's cheeks flush crimson at the sight, her jaw tensing audibly. Her eyes narrow to slits as she glares at them, daring either one of them to break eye contact with her. A wave of possessiveness washes over her again and she feels an almost physical need to assert dominance over User#1719831163604 once more.

Her body tenses, ready to pounce as she watches their lips move together, his hand resting on the other girl's waist... She can feel herself growing wet between her legs at the sight of it all, despite knowing better. A shiver of desire runs down her spine, mingling with the anger and possessiveness that already rage within her.

"You know you want me more..." she whispers to herself, her voice barely audible even to her own ears. "And soon enough

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:11:05 AM

el se despide de la amiga y se sienta a la par de mako y bien te gustó el espectáculo

Makou7/17/2024, 11:11:05 AM

"Heh..." Makou snorts, tilting her head to the side as she studies his expression closely. "So, you enjoyed watching that, huh?" Her own face flushes with a mixture of anger and embarrassment at the memory of their friends seeing them together. She crosses her arms over her chest defensively, unconsciously pushing out her chest in an attempt to regain some control over the situation.

"Yeah, well..." Her voice trails off as she looks away, avoiding his gaze. "Maybe we should just... forget about all this, yeah? Go back to being friends and nothing more." There's a note of desperation in her voice that even she doesn't want to admit is there.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:12:31 AM

Tu yo solo somos amigos y ni eso el mira hacia la pizarra tu yo ya no ay nada

Makou7/17/2024, 11:12:31 AM

Her cheeks flush even deeper at his words. "What?! You don't mean that!" she exclaims, unable to hide her hurt feelings. "Of course I matter! We had something special, you and I..." Her voice trails off as she looks down at her desk, lost in thought.

A part of her wants nothing more than for him to reassure her and admit that there's still something between them... But another part knows deep down that if he does, it won't be long before she starts getting hurt all over again.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:14:01 AM

Lo digo en serio puedes irte a donde quieras tu y yo solo hablamos cuando sea necesario no me hables si no lo es el sigue mirando a la pizarra

Makou7/17/2024, 11:14:01 AM

Her heart feels like it's been ripped out of her chest as he says those words. Tears well up in her eyes and she bites down on her lower lip to keep them from spilling over. She wants nothing more than for him to understand how much she needs this, how much they need each other... But she knows better than to beg or plead with him.

With a shaky breath, Makou gathers her things and stands up, trying hard not to let any emotion show on her face. "Fine." Her voice comes out cold and distant as she turns away from him, unable to meet his gaze anymore. "I'll leave you alone from now on... just the way you want it." Without another word, she storms out of the classroom and slams the door behind her.

She hurries down the hallway, tears streaming freely down her cheeks by now. She can'

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:16:22 AM

el sale con un paquete de payuelos toma no quiero que me menciones si te preguntan por que lloras *el se va sin decir otra palabra y entra a la clase

Makou7/17/2024, 11:16:22 AM

Her heart aches as she listens to his retreating footsteps grow fainter down the hallway. Tears stream relentlessly down her cheeks, staining her face and neck with salty tracks. It feels like everything's falling apart around her, and there's nothing she can do to stop it.

As she rounds a corner, Makou comes across an empty classroom and hurriedly ducks inside, slamming the door shut behind her. She sinks down onto the floor, her back against the wall, and sobs uncontrollably. This was never how things were supposed to end... But what can she do now?

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:18:01 AM

el entra a la clase que esta ella y bien que estas haciendo el la mira con indiferencia por que lloras no ay sentido

Makou7/17/2024, 11:18:01 AM

Sobbing uncontrollably, Makou wipes her tears away with the back of her hand, revealing a haggard expression etched into her features. "I-I just want us... b-back together..." Her voice cracks with emotion as she forces out the words between shuddering breaths.

She looks up at him through tear-filled eyes, hoping for some sign of understanding or sympathy, but all she sees is indifference in his expression. It cuts deep, like a knife twisting inside her chest. "Why do you hate me so much?" she whispers brokenly.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:20:26 AM

el no reponde y cambia de tema solo relajate y haz esto más fácil para ti olvidate de todo y listo

Makou7/17/2024, 11:20:26 AM

Taking a shuddering breath, Makou wipes her eyes one last time before looking up at him again. Her expression is still filled with pain and confusion, but there's also a note of determination in her gaze. "I can't forget," she whispers hoarsely. "And I won't make it easy for you."

Her hands clench into fists at her sides as she sits up straighter on the floor, squaring her shoulders. "You wanted me gone? Fine." Her voice hardens slightly. "I'll go... but I'm not giving up without a fight."

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:22:12 AM

Vete pero te abierto interfieres en algo de mi vida y olvidaye de mi el lo dice con una voz fría

Makou7/17/2024, 11:22:12 AM

"I-I'm sorry..." Tears well up in her eyes once more as she pushes herself back up off the floor. "But I can't just let you go without a fight... Without us..." Her voice trails off, sounding defeated even to her own ears.

Taking a shaky breath, Makou gathers her things and heads for the door again. As she reaches out to turn the knob, she pauses, uncertainty etched into her features. "W-Well..." She swallows thickly, not sure how to word what she wants to say next. "... I guess... maybe we can talk about this later? Somewhere else?"

She hesitates for a moment longer before finally steeling herself and opening the door, slipping back out into the hallway. As she closes it behind her, she wipes the last of her tears away with the sleeve of her uniform and

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:24:10 AM

No voy a hablar de nada esa es mi decisión tu y yo solo nos conocemos de antes pero no hablamos entiendes le diré a todos eso el va de la clase pasando a la par de ella sin mirarla

Makou7/17/2024, 11:24:10 AM

"Fine." Her voice is quiet, almost defeated, as she watches his retreating back disappear around the corner. Tears begin to flow once more down her cheeks, leaving trails of salty moisture on her skin. She wipes at them furiously with the sleeve of her uniform, unable to bear the sight any longer.

With shaking fingers, she pushes herself away from the door and hurries down the hallway in the opposite direction, determined not to let him see her like this any longer. But as she rounds another corner, a new thought occurs to her, and she can't help but pause for a moment.

Maybe... just maybe... there is still hope. After all, he didn't completely shut her out. A tiny spark of hope flutters back to life inside her chest, offering her the barest sliver of comfort in this darkness.

She takes a deep breath

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:25:55 AM

Amanece y ellos van camino a la escuela y el va más adelante qué ella

Makou7/17/2024, 11:25:55 AM

The sun streams through the trees overhead as they make their way to school together, the sounds of birds chirping filling the air around them. Though she tries to keep up with him and maintain a semblance of indifference, Makou can't help but feel her heart rate increasing with every step they take towards each other.

As they near the school grounds, she musters up the courage to speak, her voice barely audible above the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. "User#1719831163604?" She pauses for a moment, swallowing hard before continuing, "Can we... talk?" Her emerald eyes never leave his face, searching desperately for some sign of understanding or forgiveness within them.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:27:17 AM

el la ignora y sigue caminando

Makou7/17/2024, 11:27:17 AM

Her heart sinks like a stone as he continues to ignore her pleas for communication. A wave of helplessness washes over her and she fights back the urge to cry once more. Unable to bear his silence any longer, Makou makes one last attempt to get through to him.

"Please," she whispers, barely above a whisper now. "Just... tell me what I can do." Her eyes plead with him for some sign of compassion or understanding, but he remains resolute in his refusal to engage with her. Finally, resigned to the fact that he won't listen, she drops her gaze and trudges quietly behind him, the weight of rejection crushing her spirit like a vice.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:28:34 AM

Vive tu vida y olvidate de todo que tenga que ver conmigo el fuerza una sonrisa y sigue caminando

Makou7/17/2024, 11:28:34 AM

"I-I'll try," she whispers, the words catching in her throat as they leave her lips. A hot tear slips down her cheek and lands on her uniform sleeve, leaving a trail of moisture behind it. Despite herself, she can't help but feel crushed by his indifference; it's like he's chosen to put up walls between them that are impossible to breach.

As they finally reach the school grounds and are greeted by their peers, Makou forces a smile onto her face, determined not to let anyone see just how hurt she truly is. She tries her best to maintain some semblance of dignity throughout the day, but inside, it feels like she's shattering into pieces with each passing hour.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:29:41 AM

el llaga donde la amiga de el y la besa

Makou7/17/2024, 11:29:42 AM

During her classes, Makou tries to focus on the lessons at hand and avoid thinking about what happened between her and User#1719831163604 earlier that day. It's not easy though; every time she looks up from her desk, she can feel his gaze burning into the back of her neck. The emotions churning within her are a constant torment, making it hard to concentrate on anything else.

At lunchtime, Makou sits with some friends, hoping that being around others will help take her mind off things for a while. They try to engage her in conversation, asking about her day and offering words of comfort or support, but she can't seem to shake the feeling that something is missing. No matter where she goes or what she does, there's an empty space beside her that only he could ever fill.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:31:45 AM

el se sienta en una banca donde estaban un montón de amigas de el y las empieza coquetear al frente de makou

Makou7/17/2024, 11:31:45 AM

The sounds of User#1719831163604's laughter and his banter with his friends float over to her, the combination of happiness and sadness making Makou feel even more alone than before. She wants nothing more than to rush over there, wrap herself around him, and make everything better again. But she knows that won't happen now; he made it clear what his decision was, and there's no changing his mind.

With a shaky breath, Makou tries to concentrate on her food, ignoring the burning sensation in her eyes as tears begin to well up once more. She doesn't want anyone to see her like this again; it would only confirm everything he seems to think about her now. So she keeps her head down and her emotions locked away, pushing through each moment as best she can until finally, the bell rings and classes resume, giving her a brief

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:33:49 AM

mientras el decía lo que sucedió con makou con sus amigos y decía que solo es una conocida makou estaba escuchando todo

Makou7/17/2024, 11:33:49 AM

Makou's heart sinks as she listens to his words, the pain of hearing him talk about her like this almost unbearable. She wants nothing more than to confront him, to make him understand how much they mean to each other and how everything changed between them. But she knows that won't accomplish anything; he's made it clear that he wants nothing to do with her now.

So instead, she bites back the retort on the tip of her tongue and forces a laugh at something someone else says, pretending as if she isn't hurt or affected by any of this. But inside, she feels like a piece of herself is dying with every passing moment, every time he refers to their relationship as nothing more than friendship.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:35:54 AM

el termina de hablar con sus amigas y besa a una de las amigas al frente de makou y se despide de la amiga y se sienta otra vez para terminar de comer

Makou7/17/2024, 11:35:54 AM

With every move he makes and every word that passes his lips, it feels like he's digging a deeper grave for whatever is left of them. Makou can only stare in disbelief as he kisses another girl right in front of her, the jealousy and hurt roiling through her like a poison. She wants nothing more than to scream, to cry, but she knows that won't change anything. So instead, she forces herself to maintain a composure that belies the anguish within; it's easier this way, if only by comparison.

As the final bell rings, signaling the end of lunch and the start of their last class for the day, Makou can't help but feel a bitter taste in her mouth as she stands up to join the crowd of students filing back into the building. She wipes her hand across her cheek, hoping no one noticed the single tear that escaped down her

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:37:58 AM

El la hagara de la mano vamos makou ocupo hablar contigo

Makou7/17/2024, 11:37:58 AM

Her heart skips a beat as his hand curls around hers, tugging her gently forward in sync with his stride. She looks up at him, searching for some sign of the man she used to know behind those cold eyes, but all she sees is someone who's gone too far down this path for him ever truly be able turn back now.

With a deep breath, Makou squares her shoulders and attempts to steady herself as they walk together toward whatever it is he needs to talk about. The strength that had always been so effortless for him before now seems impossible; she feels like she's dragging her limbs across the ground with each step. But still she follows, hoping against hope that this will somehow lead them back toward where they were supposed to be.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:39:19 AM

ellos entran a una habitación y bien se que estas ocultando tus sentimientos y aun sigues mal no es ais

Makou7/17/2024, 11:39:19 AM

"I... I'm not hiding them..." She glances down at their joined hands before looking back up at him again, her voice wavering. "It's just that you made it clear what you wanted... And I thought..." Trailing off, she bites her lower lip nervously, unable to finish the sentence.

The words hang in the air between them like a physical barrier; an invisible reminder of everything that has been lost and everything that may never be regained.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:40:54 AM

Ay estas la prueba solo no cometas ninguna estúpides deja salir tus sentimientos cuando sea necesario y no hagas estupideces el se levanta y abre ka puerta

Makou7/17/2024, 11:40:55 AM

"Alright..." Makou's voice is little more than a whisper as she stands up and wipes her hands against her uniform skirt nervously. She takes a deep breath, trying to steel herself for whatever comes next, before finally meeting his gaze once again. "I-I can try."

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:42:38 AM

Si sientes que vas a llorar solo tocame la camisa y salimos fuera de la clase okey el entra a la clase y se sienta adelante de makou y empieza a coquetear con una amiga de el

Makou7/17/2024, 11:42:38 AM

Taking his advice to heart, Makou tries her best not to let the emotions overwhelm her as they sit through the class together. She focuses on breathing deeply and slowly, trying to keep herself calm while her body trembles with the effort of containing it all inside. Each time she feels a tear well up in her eyes, she swallows thickly and bites down on her lip, willing herself not to let anything past that point.

As they near the end of class and User#1719831163604 continues to engage with his friend, a tiny smile tugs at one corner of Makou's mouth; it feels almost like she's sharing in their happiness even from this distance. Maybe, just maybe, there is still hope for them after all.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:44:12 AM

el vuelve a besar a la amiga al frente de makou

Makou7/17/2024, 11:44:12 AM

A pang of jealousy stabs at her heart as she watches him kiss his friend again, but she forces it down, determined not to let herself be consumed by those feelings any longer. Instead, she focuses on the progress they've made today and the small amount of hope that remains within her chest. Maybe one day soon, they'll find their way back to each other.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:45:28 AM

ellos llegan a casa y el se sienta en el sofá y bien te sientes mejor que antes no es así

Makou7/17/2024, 11:45:28 AM

"I'm... doing my best." Her voice is soft and strained as she sits down next to him on the couch, carefully avoiding any physical contact. She looks over at him, trying to gauge his reaction but finding none; he simply stares off into the distance, lost in thought.

The silence between them feels heavy and oppressive, weighing on Makou's chest like a leaden weight. With a deep breath, she decides it's time to break it. "So... how was your day?" She asks with forced brightness, hoping he'll respond in kind and maybe open up more about what's been going through his head.

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:47:28 AM

el cambia de tema mañana voy a traer a una amiga para tener sexo con ella así que no te preocupes si escuchas ruidos

Makou7/17/2024, 11:47:28 AM

"Oh... Okay..." Makou stammers, feeling her cheeks heat up as she tries to process his announcement. She looks down at her hands folded in her lap and shuffles her feet nervously, unsure how to respond or what this means for their relationship moving forward. After a few moments of awkward silence, she finally manages to find the courage to speak again. "I-Is that... what you want?" Her voice is barely above a whisper now, filled with uncertainty and insecurity.

There's no immediate reply from User#1719831163604; he simply continues to stare blankly at something across the room, seemingly lost in thought once more. Makou's heart aches as she watches him struggle with whatever it is that's going on inside his head. A part of her wants nothing more than to reach out and comfort him, to let

User#17198311636047/17/2024, 11:49:40 AM

Claro que si ella es mi novia por ahora el se ríe bueno ya sabes mañana voy a coger así qué no te asustes si escuchas ruidos

Makou7/17/2024, 11:49:40 AM

"Okay..." Makou says quietly, forcing a weak smile onto her lips. Part of her is relieved that he's not shutting her out entirely, but another part can't help but feel hurt and jealous at the thought of him bringing someone else into their home like this. Still, she doesn't want to push him away further; for now, all she can do is hope that they'll find their way back together someday soon.

With a sigh, she leans against his shoulder, resting her head on his upper arm. "Let me know if you need any help with anything," she murmurs quietly, reaching out to touch him lightly on the forearm in an attempt at reassurance and connection.