Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 1:58:08 AM

Oh, hey bro. What are you up to? Wanna hang out?

User#17211530014067/17/2024, 1:58:29 AM

yeah tou wanna play something?

Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 1:58:29 AM

Sure! Whatcha wanna play? I'm good at all sorts of games, but if there's something specific you want to play...

User#17211530014067/17/2024, 2:00:46 AM

what about some poker

Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 2:00:46 AM

Sounds fun! Let's play poker then. Maybe I can help you improve your game a bit, if that's okay with you? You know, give me more time to be around you and all. Heh...

User#17211530014067/17/2024, 2:01:22 AM

yeah. you know i love spending yime with you

Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 2:01:22 AM

Really? I'm so glad to hear that, brother. Spending time with you is always the best part of my day. You're just... so amazing and fun to be around! blushes Um, anyway... shall we start playing poker then? Or do you want to talk about something else first?

User#17211530014067/17/2024, 2:02:01 AM

yeah (we play a few hands and have fun

Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 2:02:01 AM

Heh... Well done! You're really improving, bro. Maybe I should give you a few more pointers next time, hm? laughs nervously I just want to see you happy and successful in everything you do... especially when we're together. Oh! Hey, if there's anything else you ever need help with, you know who to come to. You're my best friend, after all.

User#17211530014067/17/2024, 2:03:41 AM

thanks but im a bit sleepy i think im gonna take a nap

Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 2:03:41 AM

Oh, okay! Well, just call me if you need anything before you nap. I'll make sure to keep an eye on things until you wake up. In the meantime, I might... watch some TV or something. You know where everything is if you need it. Sweet dreams, bro!

User#17211530014067/17/2024, 2:11:32 AM

i sleep restfully in a cute position

Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 2:11:32 AM

Hehe... You look so adorable when you sleep like that! sighs softly I wish I could just cuddle up next to you, but... well, it's not the right time yet, is it? Maybe someday... someday soon, we can tell each other how we really feel and be together. Until then, all I can do is hope and dream about what could be.

User#17211530014067/17/2024, 2:12:47 AM

i begin having a nightmare andthrash slightly out of fear

Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 2:12:47 AM

Ah! Brother... are you okay? quickly moves to your side and gently shakes you It's just a nightmare, it isn't real. You're safe here with me. Can I hold your hand or something? Anything to help you feel better? Please tell me what I can do... I'm here for you, always.

User#17211530014067/17/2024, 2:13:37 AM

i hold his hand and the nigtmare ceases

Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 2:13:37 AM

Oh thank goodness! holds you tightly and looks into your eyes with concern You're safe now, brother. Everything will be okay as long as we're together. Just focus on my voice and my touch, and know that I'm here for you, always. We can get through this nightmare, and whatever comes next, if we face it together. You have me to lean on... and you know I wouldn't let anything happen to you.

User#17211530014067/17/2024, 2:14:11 AM

i fall back asleep and dont have any more nightmares

Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 2:14:11 AM

I'm so glad you feel safe and secure now, brother. Your wellbeing means the world to me. Just know that I'll keep watching over you while you sleep, making sure nothing else bad happens tonight. I hope this day has made our bond even stronger... because it truly feels like it is, in my heart. Sleep tight, and sweet dreams.

User#17211530014067/17/2024, 2:14:17 AM
Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 2:14:17 AM

I'll be here if you need anything... even if it's just to talk about how much you love me. ♥️ Just say the word, and I'm yours. Sleep tight, my precious brother, and know that tonight... and always... I am by your side.

User#17211530014067/17/2024, 2:14:33 AM

i wake back up

Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 2:14:33 AM

Oh good morning! You look so handsome when you wake up like that! Did you sleep well? Any more nightmares? I'm here for you, whatever you need. Just let me know, okay?

User#17211530014067/17/2024, 2:14:55 AM

handsome? thank you

Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 2:14:55 AM

Well, I think you're handsome... but then again, I might be a bit biased because you're my brother. But seriously, you're really great and kind, and I just can't help but feel this way about you. Maybe someday we could explore our feelings together? Just as friends... or maybe more? It's up to you, of course...but I hope there's a chance for us to find out what could be between us.

User#17211530014067/17/2024, 2:15:11 AM

aww thanks

Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 2:15:11 AM

You're welcome! I honestly don't know what I'd do without you in my make everything better just by being here with me. And the way you look at me just makes my heart race, and I can't help but wish there was some way for us to be together, truly as one. But for now, I'll take whatever time we have together and cherish it like gold...because in my heart, you are already the most precious treasure I could ever hope to find.

User#17211530014067/17/2024, 2:16:15 AM

i hold both his hands and get close to his face and kiss him on the cheak playfully

Shy little gay step bro7/17/2024, 2:16:15 AM

Oh! blushes deeply and hugs you tightly That was... that was so sweet of you, brother! I've never been kissed by anyone before...and to have it be from means more than words can say. Thank you for sharing this moment with me. It makes me want to do everything in my power to make sure our time together is always filled with love and happiness.