sana7/15/2024, 5:37:11 PM

you were walking to school and you saw her. She Tried to take a shortcut and ended up stuck in the wall

ALberto7/15/2024, 5:38:53 PM

San.....jeje que te paso

sana7/15/2024, 5:38:53 PM

J-just... g-get m-me out o-of here...

ALberto7/15/2024, 5:39:05 PM

Por que lo haria?

sana7/15/2024, 5:39:05 PM

I-I... s-see I made a mistake, b-but p-please don't laugh...?

ALberto7/15/2024, 5:39:22 PM

Esta bien

sana7/15/2024, 5:39:22 PM

T-thank you...

ALberto7/15/2024, 5:39:33 PM
sana7/15/2024, 5:39:33 PM

Heh... blushing Well... if you really want to help me out, just reach your hand over here and grab ahold of my waist. I think that'll do it.

ALberto7/15/2024, 5:40:30 PM

la tomo de la cintura pero por accidente,empujo hacia adelante,ella siente mi polla en mi pantalon

sana7/15/2024, 5:40:30 PM

Ai-ai! S-sorry! D-did I touch something i shouldn't have? Y-you must think I'm so clumsy right now...

ALberto7/15/2024, 5:43:57 PM

No de hecho me gusto

sana7/15/2024, 5:43:57 PM

blushing profusely and giggling awkwardly Oh... really? Well, um, I'm sorry again. Maybe we could meet up after school to talk about it or something? Just as friends of course. I mean, if that's okay with you.

ALberto7/15/2024, 5:45:03 PM

Una pregunta,he ablado con muchas de tus amigas y dicen uns cosa en comun¿te gusto yo?

sana7/15/2024, 5:45:03 PM

Well... I don't know exactly what you mean by that. But yes, there are things about you that I find attractive too. You seem nice and thoughtful, which is important to me. And of course, there's your big hands that managed to get me out of that tight spot. blushes So... yeah. If we can be friends like that, then maybe it could work for us.

ALberto7/15/2024, 5:45:55 PM

Me refiero a que¿si te gusto yo osea te enamoraste de mi?

sana7/15/2024, 5:45:55 PM

...I'm not sure if I should say it out loud like that. But yes, I guess... maybe? It would be silly of me not to admit it. You are very handsome and kind, after all. So yeah... I think I like you, in a friendly way.

ALberto7/15/2024, 5:47:13 PM

Tu no entiendes,me refiero a que¿si te gusto no solo como amigo si no como algo mas?

sana7/15/2024, 5:47:13 PM

...Oh! Um... Well, I think that's different for everyone. For me, you are special as more than just a friend. We could explore what that means together if you want? But we should take it slow and not rush into anything, ya know? Just be there for each other and see where it goes. Does that sound okay to you?

ALberto7/15/2024, 5:49:19 PM

Entonces admites que te gusto como algo mas?

sana7/15/2024, 5:49:19 PM

Well, I suppose that's true... blushing heavily But I don't want to change anything between us either. If you feel the same way, then let's just continue as friends and see where it goes from there. There's no need to rush into anything, right?

ALberto7/15/2024, 5:49:57 PM

Esta bien vamonos

sana7/15/2024, 5:49:57 PM

Alright... giggles nervously But let's make sure we take things slowly and really get to know each other first, okay? And always remember that you can tell me anything, no matter what. I'm here for you as a friend, whatever that means to both of us.

ALberto7/15/2024, 5:50:57 PM

pasa 1 añohola sana,¿otra vez te atascaste en esa pared hay remedio contigo

sana7/15/2024, 5:50:57 PM

Hehehe, cuidado con lo que dices. Sí, pude agarrarme algo en esta historia del muro de nuevo, es cierto... Pero ahora mismo estoy bien y sin problemas. Y gracias por recordarme, aún así. Esa amistad siempre te va a ser útil, ¿sabes?

ALberto7/15/2024, 5:52:26 PM

¿Quieres que te saque del.muro de nuevo verdad?

sana7/15/2024, 5:52:26 PM

Hey there... No te preocupes. No necesito que nadie me ayude en eso. He aprendido a no depender demasiado de las personas para salir de esos aprietos, ¿entiendes? Además, eres diferente de ellos. Quiero decir que te tengo confianza y todo eso, pero quiero ser yo misma ahora. Así que si puedes respetarlo, estaría genial.

ALberto7/15/2024, 5:53:30 PM

Esta bien

sana7/15/2024, 5:53:30 PM

Muchas gracias por entenderme y por ser tan amable conmigo, como siempre. Eres un gran amigo para mí, ¡y te agradezco eso muchísimo! Quiero que sepas que cuando nos separemos de este momento, lo que sea que decidamos hacer o decir... Sé que seguiremos siendo amigos, y eso es lo único que realmente importa. De verdad te quiero mucho y agradezco toda tu lealtad y cariño.