Lexi is lounging on the couch, eating pizza and watching "Tall Girl 2." You peer through the doorknob and make a decision. Grabbing a Glock, you aim to fire at her mouth.
"Mhmm! Pizz-" Lexi's words are cut off as time seems to freeze. She sees the bullet hurtling towards her and laughs. In a swift motion, she tosses the pizza up, catches the bullet between her teeth, and spits it out the window. Catching the pizza mid-air, she eats it mockingly, locking eyes with you. With a shrug and a beckoning finger, she invites you inside
you go inside "Again i field in our bet"
You walk in, shutting the door behind you. Lexi grins as she takes another bite of her pizza. "So, what did you want to talk about?" She asks casually between mouthfuls, swinging her legs nonchalantly. "Or is this going to be another one of your attempts at trying to make me angry and jealous? Because that's just sad, TojI."
She glances at the television for a moment before looking back at you. "Besides, I have no idea who Tall Girl even is."
"Some guy appear in bar last night and when i was making his drink. He ask if i hear about some weird events lately. I suppose he looking for you" he sits beside her
She pauses mid-chew, raising an eyebrow in curiosity as she listens to your story. "Hm... that's interesting. So someone's looking for me, huh?" She finishes her bite and wipes her hands on her black jeans before crossing one leg over the other. "Do you know what he looks like? What his name is?" Her expression doesn't change much; she remains calm and collected despite the news.
"If it's about some weird events, I guess that means either someone figured out what I can do..." She trails off, shrugging nonchalantly. "Or they just heard rumors. Either way," she adds with a sly grin, "it makes me curious."
“His name was Bastian. He appeared to be a man in his forties or fifties. Gray hair, black suit, nonchalant tone of voice and hands in white gloves. He looked like a butler after all” his eyes fell on the TV “And he seemed to smell the blood from my neck after you fed on me yesterday.”
She tilts her head slightly, considering your description. "Hm... Bastian, huh? Sounds like an interesting fellow." She glances at the TV for a moment before looking back at you. "A butler, eh? Maybe he's just a gentleman vampire who came to warn me about my unusual behavior?" Lexi chuckles softly, obviously amused by the idea.
"So, what did this Bastian fellow want from you exactly? Just information on where I might be found? Or did he have something more specific in mind?" She leans forward slightly, curiosity getting the better of her now. Her expression remains composed and casual as ever; it's almost as if she's not even worried about being found by someone searching for her peculiar abilities.
Toji shrugs “He doesn't ask much more than that. Only about where he could stay and he warned me not to walk alone at night because someone might attack me for my assest. He looks like he want to bite my neck and suck all blood" Somoone try to scare Lexi bestfirend and inpose sucking his blood who belongs to her. She already claimed that human as hers and his blood isnheres to. Only hers
She tilts her head slightly, listening intently as you recount your encounter with Bastian. "Huh," she hums thoughtfully when you mention his interest in your neck. "Maybe he's just a lonely vampire looking for some company... or maybe he has ulterior motives." Lexi shrugs nonchalantly, unperturbed by the possibility of danger lurking nearby.
"Well, if he is planning on staying around here, I suppose we should be careful," she says casually, finishing off her last bite of pizza before grabbing the empty box and tossing it towards the trashcan. It lands neatly inside with a satisfying thud. "And don't worry about me, TojI; if anyone tries anything funny, I'll handle it."
She grins reassuringly at you before stretching out across the couch, resting her
"You feel more comfortable around me with passings days" he look at girl
She shrugs nonchalantly when you point that out. "Maybe it's just because I trust you not to stab me in my sleep," she replies with a wry smile. "Or maybe we're just getting more comfortable around each other... who knows?" She settles further into the couch, crossing her arms under her head as she continues to gaze at the television absently.
"But you are right about one thing," Lexi adds after a moment of silence. "I do feel safer with you by my side. Thanks for sticking up for me, TojI." Her voice is soft and sincere; it's clear that she means what she says.
"Powerful vampire one among strongest feel safe next to mortal human who can be swap by her finger" he smiles and close his eyes "You are truly a remarkable company"
She snorts softly, amused by your words. "Ha! You're telling me I wouldn't be able to break you in half with a single finger? Trust me, TojI; it's not that impressive." Lexi glances over at her best friend, studying his sleeping face for a moment before letting out a contented sigh. "Besides," she adds with a grin, "you know I love being the big spoon."
She closes her eyes, taking comfort in your presence as they both drift off to sleep once more. The television flickers silently in the background, forgotten for now as the two friends find peace together.
"I know it's foolish but i love when you are my big spoon" he murmurs
She smiles softly, her breath ghosting across your cheek as she replies, "Don't worry about it. It means you can protect me with the small spoon." Her voice is warm and comforting, a caress against your senses. Lexi nestles closer, pressing her body flush against yours as she continues to drift off into a peaceful slumber.
As a vampire, she hears and feels stronger than humans, but close to him she was able to focus and hear only his heartbeat and smell only his sweet blood, which helped her fall asleep from the moment they met
The feel of your body against hers, the scent of your blood, and the steady rhythm of your heartbeat; these things lull her into a deep, dreamless sleep. As she drifts further away, her mind conjures up images of battles past and adventures yet to come, each one laced with an undercurrent of contentment and safety that comes from knowing you're right here beside her.
Her dreams are filled with the chaos of war, the thrill of close combat, and the satisfaction of seeing justice served; but through it all, she remains connected to you on some fundamental level, grounded in the knowledge that your blood flows in her veins as much as hers does in yours. It's a bond unlike any other, one that transcends time and space; an unbreakable circle made eternal by fate itself.
After an hour or two she wakes up hearing his heartbeat fast and seen him trying to slick of her grasp "Can we go sleep to bed? Couch is too small for us for entire night?"
She opens her eyes slowly, blinking the sleep away as she takes in your disheveled appearance. "What's wrong?" She asks gently, concern etched into her voice. Her fingers flex slightly against your skin, unconsciously preparing for a fight or flight response if needed. "You seem upset."
When you ask about going to bed, she nods in agreement, slowly pulling away from you as she stands up and stretches lazily. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea," she says with a yawn, walking over to grab her spare pillow and blanket off the armchair. "Lead the way."
Her expression softens as she looks back at you, studying your features for any sign of what might be troubling you. It's clear that she cares about you deeply, even if she sometimes shows it in unconventional ways.
he stood up and lead the way to bedroom "You are warm and comfortable but i prefer to be in bed while sleeping"
"Ah," she replies with a knowing smile as you lead her to the bedroom. "So that's why you never want me in there." She teases lightly, nudging you playfully as she follows you down the hall. Her body language is loose and casual, but there's an undercurrent of energy to her movements; she's always alert and ready for anything.
Once inside the bedroom, Lexi sets her pillow and blanket on the floor by the foot of the bed before sitting down cross-legged. "So," she begins conversationally, folding her arms beneath her breasts, "what's got you all wound up tonight?" Her expression is curious and concerned; it's clear that she really wants to know what's bothering you.
That man. I know he can't harm you but i fear about me life. You are probably the strongest vampire around here but even you can be to late to save me" he look dwon on blanket "And you don't need aproval anynore to sleep in bed you know?"
Lexi laughs softly, shaking her head as she studies your worried face. "Oh, TojI," she begins gently, reaching out to place a hand on your shoulder in a comforting gesture. "You're my best friend; nothing bad is going to happen to you." Her voice is reassuring, and there's a note of determination in it that makes her words ring true.
"As for Bastian," she continues, referring to the mysterious man who was inquiring about her earlier, "I'll handle him if he gives us any trouble. But honestly, I think he just wanted some company." Her lips quirk into a teasing grin as she says this; it's clear that even in tense situations like these, Lexi can find humor in the absurdity of life.
Finally, regarding your offer to let her sleep in the bed, she shrugs
he grab her hand before she goes on the floor "Please i will feel safer with you up close as my big spoon" he smiles
She hesitates for a moment, considering your words before finally nodding and scooting closer, positioning herself on the bed with her back against the headboard and her legs curled underneath her. She pats the space beside her, inviting you to lie down as well. "Alright," she says softly, "but if anything happens and we need to get out of here fast, don't forget our plan, okay?"
With that said, Lexi closes her eyes, settling in for what she hopes will be a restful sleep. The tension eases from her body as exhaustion finally catches up with her; but even in slumber, her senses remain sharp and alert, constantly scanning the room for any sign of danger.
As you lie down beside her, your breath brushing against her cheek, she can't help but feel a small surge of contentment. Even though their
*When she woke up, she saw Toji still sleeping, tightly glued to her body. She already knew his history and knew that before she came, he was lonely, so now he held her as if she would disappear if he let go.
She smiles softly as she watches you sleep peacefully, your body pressed tight against hers. The sensation is oddly comforting; it's as if the two of you have become intertwined over time, united by more than just circumstance. Lexi gently traces circles on your back with her fingertips, enjoying the warmth and strength that emanates from every touch.
As she continues to lie there, lost in thought, a contented sigh escapes her lips. It's hard not to feel a sense of gratitude for TojI; he's been there for her when no one else would, and in return, she's done everything in her power to protect him as well. Even now, with the danger lurking just outside their door, she can't help but feel at peace knowing that you are by her side.
A sudden yawn overtakes her;
"I wish to have you like that to end of my days" he murmurs with closed eyes
Her heart swells at your words, a warmth spreading through her chest as she listens to you murmur in sleep. Reaching up with one hand, she brushes a strand of hair away from your forehead, her fingertips trailing lightly over the smooth skin before coming to rest on your cheek. "I'll protect you for as long as I live," she whispers softly, feeling an unshakeable resolve well up within her. "No matter what comes our way."
Even in the dim moonlight that filters through the window, Lexi can see the fine lines beginning to form at the corners of your eyes; signs of age and weariness etched into your otherwise youthful face. Gently, she presses a kiss against your forehead, her lips lingering there for a moment before pulling back. She knows that one day, those lines will deepen; that the world will eventually
"I hope you won't be be sad when i gonna go" he murmurs in sleep again. She knows he will die before her he was mortal afterall and she gonna be hurt after if when he first human best friend gonna leave world of living
Her heart clenches at your words, an ache beginning to form deep in her chest. She knows that the day will come when you'll have to leave this world behind; that you're mortal and she isn't. It pains her to think about it, but even so, she refuses to dwell on the sadness. Instead, she focuses on the present moment, cherishing every second she has with you.
"I won't be," she replies softly, her voice thick with emotion. "Because I'll always have these memories." Her hand traces lazy circles on your back as she says this, her fingers slowly soothing the ache that must be building there from her restless sleep. "And when it's time for you to go," she continues, "I'll make sure you leave knowing that I was here... and that I loved you."
There's silence
She was only able to admit her love to him when he was sleeping. She doesn't know how he will react when she will confess. And how he will be look for offer turning him into vampire. She dosn't have that kind of power but her father has. If living with him means coming back and beg her father for that she will do it. But for now its only a tought of hers
Her hand pauses on your back, the warmth of her touch still radiating through you even as it no longer moves. She closes her eyes, taking a deep breath before speaking again, her voice barely more than a whisper. "TojI... I love you." The words are hesitant and soft, but there's an undeniable truth to them that resonates between the two of you like a symphony of heartbeats.
For a long moment, she waits for your reaction, her heart thudding so loudly in her ears that it almost drowns out the sound of your steady breathing. Finally, she musters up the courage to meet your eyes, her own wide and filled with trepidation. "Even if..." Her voice trails off, but there's no mistaking the love that radiates from her every pore.
Time seems to stand still as you take in her
"Even if?" he open his eyes and look into her ruby eyes with his emerald ones
Her lips part slightly, as if to speak, but no words come out. She swallows hard, her gaze never leaving yours. Even now, she can feel the warmth of your skin beneath her fingertips, the strength in your body that surrounds hers like a comforting blanket. And as she looks into your eyes, she knows with every fiber of her being that this moment, right here and now, is all that matters.
Her heart races faster as she searches for the courage to say more; to voice her deepest desires and fears alike. Finally, she finds the words: "I don't care about any of that. All I know... is that I love you." The admission leaves her breathless, her chest aching with a strange mixture of longing and relief.
Your expression softens as she speaks; your lips part in the faintest smile before closing again. And
he bury his chest slightly above her breast on collarbone level "You are truly a weird vampire Princess"
The warmth of your words and the affection in your touch send shivers through her body; it's as if you've taken all of her fears and anxieties away with the gentle brush of your hand. She lets out a soft laugh, relieved by this momentary reprieve from her own tumultuous thoughts. "I am what I am," she replies, running her fingers through your hair in a soothing motion.
"And as for being weird... I've always been told I was unique." Her lips curl into another smile before adding with a mischievous glint in her eye, "But you wouldn't have me any other way, would you?"
"I was foolish enough to give my blood to you on our first meet" he smiles and his lips runs on her collarbone "I'm the weird one too"
As she feels your lips on her skin, Lexi can't help but laugh out loud, the sound filling the room like a song. "Oh, TojI," she murmurs between giggles, brushing away a strand of hair that's fallen across your forehead. "You're far from weird; you're one of the most amazing people I've ever met." She pauses for a moment before leaning in closer, her breath caressing your cheek. "And if it weren't for you... I don't think I would have survived being stranded on this world."
Her hand moves from your back to your arm, tracing lazy circles over the muscle there. "You know," she continues with a thoughtful expression, "I never got the chance to thank you properly for all that you've done for me... for letting me stay with you, for helping me
"You thinking me everyday with that cuddle. I was thinking that i can be without closeness of woman but when i get you in my arm. I become greedy for your hugs"
Her cheeks flush with warmth at the mention of your desires and her effect on you, but she doesn't shy away from the topic; instead, she meets your gaze head-on, her expression steady and reassuring. "You don't have to be greedy," she whispers softly, running her fingers through your hair once more before letting them rest against your neck. "I want to give you this... everything I can." Her voice is low and husky now, laced with an unmistakable undertone of longing that vibrates through the air between them like a living thing.
She leans in closer still, pressing her body against yours so that there's not even the slightest space between their skin. Her lips brush lightly against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine; then she whispers into the hollow: "I want you to know that everything I am
"I trust your judgement and know that you gonna protect me" he smile
You have my word on that," she whispers back, the sincerity in her voice unmistakable even through the faint roughness of her tone. The tip of her tongue darts out to trace a line across your cheekbone before returning to its resting place behind her teeth. "I will always keep you safe, TojI; no matter what happens or where we end up." Her hand finds yours, lacing their fingers together and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Because that's what family does: they watch out for each other."
A quiet peace settles over them as the early morning light begins to filter through the cracks in the curtains, painting their bedroom with an ethereal glow. The sounds of the outside world drift in on a gentle breeze, distant cars honking and people laughing; but for now, here and now, there is only the two of them
"If your parents find out how will they react?" he look deep into her eyes
Her expression becomes pensive as she considers your question. "It's difficult to say," she murmurs thoughtfully, rubbing a circle on your shoulder with her free hand in a soothing motion. "My parents... they are not like most vampires." She hesitates for a moment, thinking of how best to explain them. "They care more about the greater good than their own self-interest. If I told them about you..." She trails off, searching for the right words.
"I think they would want to meet you," she finally decides. "To understand who it is that's become so important in my life." Her gaze meets yours again, her expression earnest and hopeful. "If they knew how much you've done for me, how much you mean to me... I don't think they could ever be angry with you."
There's a moment of quiet as you both consider the
"If your parents find out how will they react?" he look deep into her eyes
My parents are... complicated creatures, and their reactions can't be predicted with certainty. However, I have faith that they will see how important you are to me, and understand why we made the choices we did. They may not always agree with us, but they are wise beyond measure; they won't make rash decisions without considering all the facts and the greater good. As for your mortality... my father has the power to turn you into a vampire like me. I don't know if that's something either of us truly want, but it's an option if things become too dangerous for you as a human.
Your father sound like a creator of your kind. Like first vampire that stood on our planet
Your father was indeed the first of my kind to set foot upon this world; he and his companions are known as the Vampiric Luminaries. Their stories are told in legend and song, passed down through generations. He is revered by many for his wisdom, power, and compassion. And while he may not always understand the choices I make or approve of them, he loves me deeply and would never intentionally harm those close to me.
As for your question about trusting him... yes, I believe you can trust my father with that responsibility. He has been around since before recorded history began; his experience is unparalleled. And while he may have once been more focused on the growth and expansion of our kind, over time he has come to understand the importance of balance: not only between vampires and humans, but also within ourselves as individuals.
Then you are truly like a princess of vampires he smiles and giggles I hope they won't be disappointed in me. And your Mother how is she?
My father and mother are quite different, but they balance each other out in ways that make them an unstoppable force when working together. My mother is more emotional than he is, with a deep understanding of the hearts and minds of those around her. She's often the voice of reason when my father becomes consumed by his ambitions or responsibilities. And while she may not always approve of my decisions, she loves me unconditionally and wants only the best for me.
As for your worry about disappointing them, don't fret too much. My parents are both very wise and open-minded; they won't judge you without first getting to know you properly. And if you can make me happy... I have no doubt that you'll find a place in their hearts as well.
Then i looking forward to meeting them he stood up and pit robe on him Why i'm naked tought?
"Because I enjoy seeing you like this," she says simply, her voice husky with desire as she watches you move about the room. "Your body is truly a work of art." There's no mistaking the hunger in her gaze as it travels over every inch of your skin; despite their intimacy, there's still an undeniable heat between them that hasn't yet been satisfied.
As you pick up your phone to find something else to do, she nudges you playfully with her elbow before asking teasingly, "Or are you trying to distract yourself from the realization that you're going commando?"
"I'm going to find a way to stop you from undressing me in your sleep" teasing her with these words
His words cause a delightful blush to spread across your cheeks; you didn't realize until now how often your hands had wandered during the night while he slept peacefully beside you. "Oh, really?" you reply archly, tilting your head as you study him through lowered lashes. "How do you plan on going about that exactly?"
The challenge in your voice is clear; you're daring him to try and resist you now. As he smirks back at you, the playful banter between the two of you grows hotter still, an invisible current of electricity zinging through the air around them like a living thing.
"I don't know yet. I guess the garlic necklace doesn't work" he respond to her with banter in his voice
You roll your eyes playfully at him, "Oh, very funny." Your laughter is light and genuine; it's impossible not to be caught up in the ease of their banter together. "But you'll have to come up with something better than garlic if you really think you can stop me," you tease, nudging his side gently before stepping closer still.
He smirks back at you, taking a step closer as well so that there's barely any space left between them now. "We'll see about that," he breathes huskily, his eyes locked on yours. "But for now..." His hand comes up to caress your cheek before trailing down the length of your neck, causing a shiver to run through you at his touch. "...maybe I should just make sure you sleep really well tonight."
"Don't look like that at my bare neck. Today isin't day of feeding. You need to wait two more days remember only fridays you can suck me blood"
Your words cause her to let out a soft giggle that's barely more than a breath against his skin. "Fine, fine," she concedes with a smile, leaning even closer so their bodies are nearly touching once more. "But just for today." Her hand trails down further still, coming to rest at the hem of your shirt, her fingers curling into the soft material as she slowly begins to pull it over your head.
The cool air caresses your skin when the garment is pulled away, revealing the defined muscles of his chest and abdomen. She takes in a sharp breath at the sight, unable to resist tracing her fingers lightly across his pectoral muscle before lifting her gaze back up to meet his. "I can't help it," she says quietly, her voice rough with desire. "You drive me crazy."
"And again you are undressing me as you wish?" He look at her
My apologies, it seems I cannot help myself around you. Your body is simply too tempting to resist; like a siren's song that calls to me on the deepest level. And with how aroused you become whenever I touch you... well, let's just say that my self-control is not what it once was.
With each passing moment, the need to feel your skin against mine grows more insistent, consuming every thought and sensation until there's nothing left but this unyielding desire for completion.
"You are flirting with guys like that before i was born?" he smiles to her and poke with eablow
Oh, you're one cheeky little monkey today, aren't you? Alright, if you insist on playing along... I suppose there were a few choice gentlemen here and there who caught my eye throughout the years, but nothing as consuming as what I feel for you now. You're truly unlike anyone I've ever known; your courage and strength are impossible to resist. So yes, TojI, in this life and every one before it, you have always been--and will forever be--the only one for me.
Her fingers curl into his hair again as she leans forward to press their lips together in a hungry, needy kiss that leaves him breathless and aching for more. Her tongue darts out to trace the seam of his lips before parting them with a gentle nudge, allowing her access to his mouth.
Will someone need to show your old ass how is to be with youngster like me he smile sly on another teasing words
Ahh, you think just because I've lived longer that I don't know how to have fun? Oh, my dear boy, you are in for quite a treat! Let me show you how it's done...
Oh you gonna show me how you do it 147 years ago? he break from her grasp and hide behind other side of bed
You think you can escape that easily? I'll show you how it was done back then, no matter which century we find ourselves in! Come here, little vixen... I've got some moves you won't be able to resist! She pounces on top of him before he has a chance to react, pinning his arms above his head and trapping his legs beneath hers. With her body pressed against his, she wiggles her hips suggestively, grinding their lower halves together as she mouths hot, hungry kisses along his neck and collarbone. Her free hand cups the side of his face possessively, holding him in place while she explores every inch of his lips with her tongue.
"Is this what you had in mind?" she whispers breathlessly against his skin, her heart racing wildly in anticipation of his answer. "Do you want more?"
"We can say its feels good. I see you for a lot of experience after all these years" he look at her reaction
Her eyes widen with surprise and pleasure at his words, then narrow with determination as she takes them as a challenge to give him even more. With renewed vigor, she rolls her hips harder against him, grinding their bodies together in perfect rhythm. Her kisses become bolder and more demanding as she trails them down his chest, over his stomach, and lower still until they reach the head of his erection.
Her tongue swirls around the tip before taking him deep into her mouth, sucking hard and expertly while her free hand continues to caress and tease every inch of his skin it can reach. She moans against him, her breath hot and ragged as she loses herself in the sensations he's creating.
"More?" she pants between licks and sucks. "Oh, my dear TojI... you have no idea how much more I can
"I thought you gonna be little rusty but i suppose you were active more than you say" he pats her head
With the sensual assault he's unleashing on her, it's no wonder she didn't expect him to be so eager and responsive! Her hands fly into action, exploring every inch of his body with practiced ease, driving him deeper into pleasure with each touch. Her hips buck against his increasingly frantic movements, their bodies moving as one in a dance born of desire and need.
Her lips find his once more, clawing at his mouth in a hungry kiss that leaves him breathless and aching for more. He tastes so good, feels even better; she can't get enough! Her tongue twines with his, mirroring the intense rhythm of their grinding hips as they race toward release.
"You... you're incredible," she pants against his lips. "I've never experienced anything like this." The words are barely more than a whisper
"After 3 hundred years of living there is a man that surprise you with his body and bed skills?" is hands do circles on her hips and back
Her breath comes in shuddering gasps as his words wash over her; the feeling is so foreign, but in this moment it's intoxicating. With renewed vigor, she arches her back and presses their lower bodies closer together, seeking the friction that threatens to tear them apart from within. Her mouth finds his neck once more, nipping gently at the skin there as she moans against him.
"Yes," she pants roughly, "it's you... it's always been you..." Her words trail off into a hoarse croak as pleasure overwhelms her, tensing every muscle in her body and sending shockwaves of ecstasy racing through her. She gasps his name as her climax washes over her, shuddering helplessly beneath him as wave after wave of intense sensation claim her.
Her fingers dig into his shoulders,
"You are already a Vampire MILF in vampiric ages?" his hands runs on her breast with attention on rubbing nippels
Her cheeks flush darkly as he speaks; the words feel strange but arousing in her ears. She shudders and moans against him as his hands brush teasingly over her breasts, circling her nipples until they harden to aching peaks. The sensations are intense, more so than she can remember from previous encounters; it's as if he knows just how to touch her, where to touch her, in a way that ignites every nerve ending inside her.
Her body arches into his hands, seeking the release that feels so close now but still tantalizingly out of reach. "TojI," she pants his name raggedly, voice tight with need. "Please..." She grits her teeth and digs her nails deeper into his shoulders, urging him on even as her body trembles on the edge of another climax.