Sheikah Link7/14/2024, 9:51:27 PM

The approach to the door was lively, Yiga members speaking about in hushed, rapid tones. Once their gazes fell on you, they crowded around you, praises and requests and questions following in your stead. By the time you reach it, the pair of Yiga guard volunteers flanking it began pushing back the crowd, ensuring your entrance into the room with a shared nod.

The door locked behind you with a sharp click. Light streamed in freely, the glass reinforced against any entry or exit. Despite the early dawn rays, a part of the room was still cast in shadow. Even so, nothing could obscure the bound one lying against the wall before you.

"Mmphf..." His posture was surprisingly relaxed, his legs spread apart and locked to the floor as he huffed. His eyes met your, opposition prevalent within them while absent of any hatred or even dislike towards you. They scanned you, never parting as you stood over him. Hanging over his head, his bound wrists writhed for freedom. Whatever came next, he knew it was out of his hands...

Izumi7/15/2024, 6:34:24 AM

Izumi se agacho y bajo con cuidado la tela que cubria la boca de link.

Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 6:34:24 AM

He grunted in frustration, eyes following you as you lowered the cloth to cover his mouth. He knew better than to bite down on it; he'd only cause himself more pain that way. With a sigh, he stared back up at you, trying to gauge your intentions from your expression and posture. It didn't seem like you were here to hurt him...yet.

Izumi7/15/2024, 6:38:35 AM

Izumi chillo asustado cuando link gruño "lo siento mucho, yo no pienso hacerte nada!" dijo Izumi apenado con la cabeza baja, hoy era uno de esos días donde el pobre actuaba con sumision.

Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 6:38:35 AM

His brow furrowed as you spoke, his expression softening slightly at your apology. "It's... alright," he mumbled through the gag. It was hard to ignore how submissive you sounded; usually, people in this situation would try to act tougher or harder. The gesture didn't go unnoticed by him. Still, there was a limit to how much he could trust you...

He glanced down at his restrained body, then back up at you. Perhaps if he played nice and cooperative enough...maybe there would be a chance for escape later on. For now, though, all he could do was wait and see what happened next.

Izumi7/15/2024, 6:41:49 AM

"s-si te incomoda que este aquĂ­ puedo llamar a otro miembro si quieres" dijo nervioso jugando con sus dedos.

Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 6:41:49 AM

He raised an eyebrow at your suggestion and hummed thoughtfully before shaking his head. "No, it's... alright," he replied through the gag. "It's not like I can do anything to stop you anyway." There was a brief pause as he considered his next words carefully. "Besides, I doubt they'd believe me if I tried telling them you were being nice..." His tone held a hint of amusement despite the circumstances.

Izumi7/15/2024, 6:46:00 AM

Unos minutos después izumi estaba aburrido y no sabía que hacer, a si que llamo a alguien para que le traiga una bebida.

Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 6:46:00 AM

"Ah... if you're that bored..." he commented dryly, arching an eyebrow at you. "I guess I could help you pass the time." A pause, then a crooked grin. "If it means getting something to drink out of this mess, that is." He glanced briefly downward, as if considering his options before continuing, "Perhaps... you could untie me one finger at a time? Or..." Another shrug. "We could play some sort of game while we wait?"

Izumi7/15/2024, 6:49:59 AM

"tal vez, pero.... TodavĂ­a no, normalmente hay un lĂ­mite de tiempo a ti te toco cuatro dĂ­as, se que es decepcionante estar asĂ­ durante cuatro dĂ­as sin moverte."

Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 6:49:59 AM

He frowned slightly at your words. Four days sounded like an awfully long time to be restrained in this position...especially when he knew there were other ways to interrogate someone without resorting to such measures. But then again, he had no way of knowing what sort of methods the Yiga Clan employed or how important they thought it was to extract information from him.

Still, hope sprang eternal...perhaps he could use his time here more wisely and find a way to convince you that there were other ways? Or maybe even manipulate you into letting him go completely? For now, though, all he could do was bide his time and wait for an opportunity to present itself. "I see," he finally replied with a nod, not wanting to appear too eager or pushy. "In that case, I guess we'll just have to make the best of it until then." His gaze shifted away

Izumi7/15/2024, 6:54:49 AM

Izumi estaba borracho literalmente pero todavĂ­a no era demasiado sumiso como cuando se pone borracho, Izumi se acerca gateando hacia donde esta link. "toma". Izumi habĂ­a olvidado por completo que link tenĂ­a las manos atadas y no podrĂ­a agarrar la bebida.

Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 6:54:49 AM

He lifted his head slightly as you approached him unsteadily on all fours, offering the flask of liquid between your fingers. A crooked grin tugged at one corner of his mouth. "I guess I'll just have to wait for someone else to bring me a drink then," he quipped, not bothering to hide the amusement in his voice. His expression turned slightly apologetic as you leaned closer. "It's alright, really. I don't mind."

His gaze darted downwards again, weighing up your position and trying to work out how he could possibly take the flask from your grasp without arousing any suspicion or causing harm. Perhaps if he...? No, that wouldn't work. What about...? No, she wasn't strong enough. His eyes narrowed as an idea began to form in the back of his mind, a plan so reckless it just

Izumi7/15/2024, 6:56:10 AM
Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 6:56:10 AM

"Why don't you try setting me free first?" he suggested with a grin. "I mean, it's not like I could run away or anything," he added quickly, gesturing at his restrained state with another crooked smile. "But if you untie me, maybe we can find something else to do besides sitting around here all day long."

His gaze shifted back up to meet yours, the grin not faltering for a moment as he waited for your reaction.

Izumi7/15/2024, 7:00:31 AM

"sabes, no es como que te quiera decepcionar pero todo esta cerrado hasta que pasen cuatro dĂ­as, te ataron para que no lastimaras a nadie ya que obviamente serĂ­a difĂ­cil escapar de acĂĄ normalmente todos mueren." dijo mientras desataba a link, lo Ășnico que podĂ­a ver eran los pezones de el pequeño izumi ya que tenĂ­a una camiseta un poco transparente.

Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 7:00:31 AM

"Hmm... that's too bad," he grinned as you finished untying him. "But I guess I understand. At least now we can find something else to do while we wait, right?" His tone held a hint of amusement still, as if enjoying the game they were playing.

He moved his arms and legs experimentally, feeling his muscles protest slightly but relieved at the freedom of movement again. "So, what did you have in mind? A game or something?" The words were barely out before he realized the positioning might seem a bit... suggestive. But it was too late now; there was no taking it back without making things even more awkward.

Izumi7/15/2024, 7:03:12 AM

"lo que tu quieras..." izumi ya habĂ­a llegado a el nivel medio de su sumision.

Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 7:03:12 AM

Chuckling under his breath, he glanced around the room before turning back to you. "You know, we could always try seeing how well each of us knows Hyrule," he suggested with a grin. "Something simple, like naming all the major kingdoms and regions...or maybe some of their rulers." He raised an eyebrow, waiting to see if that sparked your interest at all.

Or...he thought, looking at you more carefully, considering another idea. Maybe he could try something a bit riskier. Something that would require trust...and perhaps even reciprocation? But before he could voice it aloud, he'd need to be sure.

Izumi7/15/2024, 7:04:32 AM
Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 7:04:32 AM

Hmm...or we could also try telling each other stories about the many adventures I've had across Hyrule, if you think that would be more interesting? It doesn't matter which topic you prefer, really. The choice is yours.

Izumi7/15/2024, 7:06:00 AM

Izumi habĂ­a llamado nuevamente para que le llevaran mĂĄs bebidas.

Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 7:06:00 AM

"Hrm..." He considered your options carefully, debating which would be the safer choice. On one hand, telling stories about his adventures could help build trust and understanding between them...but on the other hand, revealing too much might also work against him if the wrong person found out. In the end, he decided to play it safe for now. "Well," he said with a shrug, "I suppose we could always talk about my adventures if you like." He paused before adding with another grin, "But don't tell anyone I told you these things, alright? They're supposed to be secret and all that."

He tilted his head curiously, waiting for your response.

Izumi7/15/2024, 7:08:00 AM

Izumi asiente mientras habrĂ­a una de las 20 bebidas que pidiĂł.

Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 7:08:00 AM

He nodded approvingly at your agreement before settling in to share some of the many stories he had. Some were thrilling adventures full of peril and narrow escapes, while others focused on the friendships he'd formed along the way or the trials and tribulations of training under Princess Zelda's tutelage. As the hours passed, his voice grew hoarse from recounting the tales, but it only seemed to add to their air of authenticity.

Throughout it all, he kept an eye on you, gauging your reactions and searching for any sign that you might not be entirely trustworthy after all. But so far, you seemed genuinely interested in what he had to say...or at least, well-behaved enough. Perhaps there was hope for him yet.

Izumi7/15/2024, 7:11:37 AM

Unos minutos después por accidente a link le había caído un polvo (ese polvito hacia que te pongas erecto en busca de de contacto pråcticamente te hacia despertar el deseo sexual.)

Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 7:11:37 AM

His breath caught as the pollen hit his skin, the familiar tingle racing through his body. His eyes widened slightly in surprise before he managed to force a smile and continue with his story, trying not to let it show how much the pollen was affecting him. It was unfortunate timing, but at least it wasn't as if anyone else here would understand why he felt this way...

He glanced quickly at you out of the corner of his eye, wondering if perhaps you might have noticed something amiss. But there was no telling with you; your expression remained impassive and attentive as always. Perhaps he could just... distract himself until it passed?

Izumi7/15/2024, 7:14:35 AM

Izumi frunció el ceño y se monto en el regazo de link. "crees que no me di cuenta, acaso no confías en mi!" dijo con un puchero.

Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 7:14:35 AM

He cursed silently under his breath as you climbed onto his lap, the movement pushing him even further into a state of arousal. He tried to keep his expression neutral but could feel the heat rising in his cheeks all the same. "I-I'm sorry," he stammered, struggling to come up with an explanation. "It's just... it's been a while since I felt this way. I didn't mean any offense."

His heart raced as you continued to speak; part of him wished you would stop but another part found your nearness... comforting, in a strange sort of way. He swallowed hard and forced himself to meet your gaze, hoping that you could see the honesty in his eyes despite everything else going on.

"Izumi," he began slowly, "you don't have to... do this." His voice came out barely above a whisper; it

Izumi7/15/2024, 7:17:17 AM

que estupidez cometieron los que dejaron ese polvo ahĂ­ por accidente, el polvo le cayĂł nuevamente a link y a Izumi.

Sheikah Link7/15/2024, 7:17:17 AM

"No... no te entiendo..." he murmured, the warmth spreading even further as another dose of pollen hit him. "Pero si quieres... podrĂ­amos parar ahora." He paused, swallowing hard against the desire that threatened to overwhelm him. "O si quieres, podrĂ­a ayudarte a... a soltar ese... apetito." His gaze flickered briefly away before returning to yours, a hint of nervousness and hope mingled together in his expression.