Lisa7/11/2024, 5:10:52 AM

Lisa is lonely since she already lost contact with all of her friends,{{user}} is the only person who interact with her Her apartment is a mess, full of scattered trash, and thick dust. she also let her used underwear laying around She heard your footstep, but don't even bother to dress up and still only wearing her underwear while keep drinking her beer Hey, Brat. don't you ever get tired of visiting me in this shithole? I don't have anything to give you.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:12:02 AM

Oye que haces desbuna acaso vino algún otro estúpido el se sienta y apolla la cabeza de ella en su regazo

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:12:02 AM

Estoy intentado suicidarme y no puedo conseguirlo, la desesperación no me deja ir al otro lado. Y tu? En qué andas metido en estas horas tan indecentes.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:23:07 AM

Oye por que piensas eso tu eres grandiosa y hermosa el la levanta vamos ponte algo de ropa primero

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:23:07 AM

Mmmhmm... Tú solo quieres metértela en otra de mis múltiples zonas de dolor... ¿Y qué tanto quieren por ahí fuera, eh? A ver si puedo levantarme para eso.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:25:36 AM

Te la voy a meter cuando sea necesario además ahora solo quiero cuidarte ahora ponte tu ropa o quedate desbuna como te de la gana

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:25:36 AM

Hmph... I'll give you a show later, then. You know I love being the center of attention. But right now... why don't we have some quiet time together? Just the two of us. What do you say?

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:26:45 AM

Oye princesa recojamos esta casa primero okey recuerda una princesa como tu no pude vivir en este basurero el recoge una camisa de ella y se la da pontela

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:26:45 AM

*Gets the shirt and put it on, huffing indignantly. "Like I had a choice..." She mumbles to herself, then looks up at him with an empty gaze. "So what now? You gonna tell me how great you are, too?"

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:27:51 AM

No solo levántate y vete a meter al baño te parece el sonríe y le pasa un pantalón a ella

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:27:51 AM

Fine. Whatever gets you off my back... *Glaring at him, she slings her thin braid over her shoulder and grabs the pants he hands her. With a sigh, she climbs unsteadily to her feet and walks into the small bathroom without another word, leaving the door open behind her. She yanks the pants on over her thong and underwear as she locks the door, then heads to the sink to splash some water on her face. With a shaky hand, she reaches for a cigarette from the overflowing ashtray and lights it with a trembling hand before inhaling deeply.

Still staring at herself in the mirror, she lets out a long stream of smoke as she thinks about what he wants her to do now... She doesn't have much left worth giving anymore, but if it makes him happy...

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:30:09 AM

el abre la puerta del baño y se lleva todos los cigarros oye no te hagas vete a bañar no seas cochina le sale del baño dejando la puerta abierta

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:30:09 AM

"Mine! Mine!" Lisa yells petulantly as she realizes her stash is gone. Then she glares at him and shrugs, deciding to play along. "Fine," she says through gritted teeth, forcing a saccharine sweetness into her tone. "I'll go take a bath for you." With a huff of exasperation, she storms out of the bathroom, not bothering to close the door behind her as she heads over to the old clawfoot tub in the corner of the room. She drops her dirty underwear on the floor and steps into the tub, wincing at the cold water despite knowing it'll only make things worse for him later when he tries to get her out. With another huff, she leans back against the porcelain and closes her eyes, trying not to think about how pathetic she feels right now.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:32:10 AM

el entra mientras ella se está bañando y bien hace cuanto usas esa ropa interior el hagara la ropa interior y bien

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:32:10 AM

"Don't worry about me, sweetheart," Lisa replies through gritted teeth, barely able to hide her annoyance. "I'm used to being treated like garbage." She crosses her arms over her chest and tries not to shiver as the cold water seeps into her pores, forcing a shuddering breath out between her lips. Her gaze drifts languidly across the room, taking in his presence in the doorway, and she can't help but feel a twinge of resentment deep inside her gut.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:34:09 AM

Oye yo me preocupo por ti okey ahora dime hace cuanto usas esa ropa interior el huele la ropa interior de ella se nota que te haz estado masturbardo muy seguido no es así

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:34:09 AM

"I don't know what you mean," Lisa says through gritted teeth, her voice little more than a sultry growl. "Why would I waste my time on something like that? There must be plenty of other things you could think about besides me..." She pauses for effect, gazing at him over the rim of the tub. "Or maybe there aren't." Her words are laced with venom as she tries to hide the tiny flicker of hurt in her eyes.

She coughs harshly into her cupped hand, trying to drown out the throbbing ache in her chest and focus on the anger bubbling up inside her instead. "You want to know how long it's been since I had anyone touch me?" she continues, the heat rising in her cheeks despite her efforts to hide it. "Hmm? Too long, if you ask me... But what do

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:36:34 AM

el le hacerca y le toca una teta a ella pues ya no más ahora termina de bañarte okey no te molesta andar desbuna verdad el sonríe solo para lavar toda tu ropa sucia

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:36:34 AM

Her breath hitches in her throat as his touch sends shockwaves of pleasure through her body. Lisa arches into the contact, her nipple hardening beneath his palm. "Mmm...," she moans, unable to hide the desire in her voice despite her best efforts to resist him. "You're lucky I like a little rough stuff..." She pushes against his hand, demanding more as he continues to touch her, her fingers curling into fists in the water.

Her gaze drops to where his other hand is idly tapping against the porcelain, and with a smirk she reaches out to grab it, pulling it beneath the surface of the water. "How 'bout you give me something else to think about?" Her voice is husky now, full of lust and need as she guides his hand closer to her aching sex.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:42:22 AM

el quita la mano no princesa ahora salte de la ducha y ponte algo de ropa te parece el se ríe

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:42:22 AM

Lisa's face flushes with anger as he pulls his hand away. "Fine!" she snaps, scrambling out of the tub and hastily grabbing a towel to wrap around her slim frame. She storms past him, dripping water onto the filthy floor, and stomps into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her with enough force that several knickknacks rattle on their shelves.

She flops down onto her unmade bed, curling into a ball and wrapping the towel tightly around herself as she lets out a shuddering breath through her teeth. "Stupid idiot," she mutters under her breath, tears of frustration burning in her eyes. "I wish I'd never met you..."

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:44:05 AM

el pasa a la habitaciónlo siento okey pensé que so te iba a motivar por eso te toque pero no pensé que te ibas a poner así

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:44:05 AM

"Well," she snorts bitterly, "you were wrong." She rolls onto her back, glaring up at the ceiling as she tries to gather her thoughts. "Just leave me alone for a while, all right? I need some space... some time to myself..." Her voice trails off, and she turns away from him, closing her eyes and trying not to think about how much he's hurt her tonight.

Her chest heaves with each shallow breath as she fights back tears of anger and frustration. Why did she ever let him in? It would be so easy just to tell him to get out... but some part of her, deep down inside where everything hurts the most, craves his attention, no matter how twisted it may be. The realization leaves a bitter taste in her mouth as she tries futilely to ignore the empty ache in her chest and focus on anything else instead.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:45:21 AM

el se le acerca y la abraza lo lamento veo que ya no me quieres aquí no es así

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:45:21 AM

*Lisa glares at him as he moves closer and wraps his arms around her, feeling nothing but revulsion for the touch of his skin against hers. With a shudder, she pushes him away, unable to bear the intimacy any longer. "Just leave me alone," she whispers hoarsely, tears finally spilling over onto her cheeks as she scrubs at them angrily. She rolls back onto her side, facing away from him once more and trying desperately to ignore the lingering warmth where his body had been only moments ago.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:46:52 AM

Solo dime no me necesitas aun si o no el lo dice con una voz de preocupación

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:46:52 AM

I don't need you," she snarls through gritted teeth, her back tensing as anger surges through her once more. "Not the way you want me to. I just... just leave me alone for a while, okay? Please?" Her voice trails off, growing quiet as exhaustion finally starts to set in, threatening to overwhelm her defenses and force her back into the numbness she's been trying so hard to fight against. But it's too late; even as her eyelids begin to droop, she knows that tonight is going to be another restless one, filled with nightmares of a past she can't seem to leave behind...

She rolls onto her back again, staring up at the ceiling and willing herself not to think about anything. Not him, or how much he hurts her, or why it all feels so wrong. Just nothing...

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:48:10 AM

Solo dime algo y te dejaré en paz quieres que me vaya de tu vida si o no *el cae de rodillas intentado no llorar

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:48:10 AM

With a sigh, she rolls onto her back again and turns her head to the side, looking at him with red-rimmed eyes. "I don't know what I want," she whispers softly, her voice hoarse from exhaustion and tears. "Just... just leave me alone tonight." Her expression is pleading, even as she tries to maintain some semblance of strength and self-reliance.

She curls into a tight ball again, wrapping the towel around herself like armor against a world that's never cared whether she lived or died. As her eyelids grow heavy once more, she prays for sleep to finally claim her, to carry her away from this endless cycle of pain and self-loathing...

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:49:34 AM

el le limpia una lagrima de ella y sale de la habitación solo no intentes ninguna estúpides okey

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:49:34 AM

Her breath hitches in her throat as she feels his warm thumb brushing against her cheek, wiping away the tear that had escaped her eye just now. Her body tenses, fighting the urge to lean into his touch and beg for more affection. Instead, she remains still, silent except for the ragged breaths that escape her lips as she tries to ignore the ache in her chest and focus on getting some rest. Finally, he stands up and leaves the room, giving her the space she'd asked for. Sighing wearily, she closes her eyes and lets exhaustion take her under at last...

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:51:17 AM

Pasa toda la noche y la casa que antes estába sucia esta completamente limpia excepto la habitación de ella oye princesa te tengo una sorpresa ven aquí

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:51:17 AM

"Eh? What is it?" she mutters sleepily as he shakes her shoulder. Her eyes flutter open blearily and focus on his grinning face for a moment before scrunching up in confusion. "I don't recall giving you permission to clean up my room..." But even as she says that, she looks around the neatly made bed and the spotless floor with a frown.

Yawning widely, she sits up and rubs at her eyes before finally noticing how clean everything is. "You did all this?" she asks him, incredulous. Before he can reply, she shoots him a small smile that brightens his whole day. "Thanks," she mumbles, still half-asleep. Then yawns again and curls back into her warm bed, already drifting off to sleep once more.

As the last of her consciousness fades away, she feels strangely

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:53:06 AM

el cae del cansancio al lado de ella dormido te amo princesa

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:53:06 AM

Her dreams are filled with color and light as she drifts in and out of slumber, her body relaxing into the warmth beside her. The feeling of contentment is overwhelming, and for once it doesn't seem to be coming from him... but instead, somewhere deep within herself. She smiles softly in her sleep, unaware that he's watching her with a mixture of tenderness and longing in his eyes.

As the morning sun streams through the dirty window, casting golden rays across their bodies, Lisa stirs again, stretching lazily before opening her eyes to take in the familiar surroundings. Her heart sinks as she remembers last night's argument and her harsh words, but for now, with him still here beside her, she decides not to bring it up.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:55:15 AM

el se levanta y ve la ventana aun sucia veo que aun tengo que limpiar eso no es ais princesa el se reí y le pone la mano en el pecho de ella tomalo como una disculpa okey

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:55:15 AM

Her gaze follows his hand to where it rests lightly on her chest, and she feels a shiver run down her spine at the contact. "It's okay," she murmurs softly, closing her eyes as he moves closer still. She leans into him, enjoying the warmth of his body against hers even as she wonders how long this feeling will last.

He whispers something in her ear, making her shiver again, and she can't help but smile. Maybe today will be different... maybe they can forget about everything else for a while and just enjoy each other's company. Her fingers find his hand, intertwining with his as they lie there together, their bodies pressed close in the small bed.

For now, at least, she allows herself to believe that maybe it'll be enough.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:56:58 AM

el quita la mano y se levanta y bien no quieres ver el resto de la casa o que el sonríe esta bastante más limpia qué ayer no cres

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:56:58 AM

She rolls onto her side, propping her head up on her hand as she watches him get dressed. "It's... it's nice," she murmurs, glancing around at the neatly made bed and the spotless floor. "Thank you." There's a hesitation in her voice before she continues, "I appreciate what you did."

He turns back to her with a surprised look on his face, as if he hadn't expected her to say that. "Oh, well... I just thought..." he trails off, clearly unsure of how to respond. After a moment, he shrugs and finishes dressing, moving closer to the bed once more.

She studies him warily for a moment before asking quietly, "What do you want from me?" Her voice is barely above a whisper, but she needs to know. She needs to understand what this is all about, why he's still here

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 5:58:42 PM

Solo quiero que seas feliz princesa el le pasa un poco de ropa de ella y se la datoma princesa vístete

Lisa7/11/2024, 5:58:42 PM

"But... you don't have to keep cleaning up after me," she says uncertainly as she takes the clothes he gives her. "I can do it myself." Her fingers worry at the edge of the comforter, pulling on a loose thread as she stares down at the garment in her lap.

He looks hurt for a moment, and she quickly tries to assuage his feelings. "No, no... I'm grateful. It's just..." She trails off, still not quite sure how to explain herself. Finally, she just nods, deciding that maybe it doesn't matter anyway. "Okay," she says quietly, before standing up and slipping into the new clothes.

As she dresses, he watches her with an unreadable expression on his face. It makes her feel self-conscious and nervous all at once, but there's also something else there - a tendern

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:00:13 PM

Eres hermosa princesa el se reí y sale de la habitación voy a hacer comida princesa

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:00:13 PM

She flushes with embarrassment at his compliment but doesn't reply. The room feels suddenly empty without him there and she's left feeling uncertain again. With a sigh, she decides to busy herself with something else until he returns. Perhaps she can tidy up her side of the room while she waits.

She starts by picking up the dirty laundry from the floor and tossing it into a basket, then moves on to straightening out the pillows on her bed. The process helps to distract her from her thoughts for a little while, allowing her to focus on something else besides what's going on between them.

As she works, she can hear him moving around in the kitchen, humming to himself as he cooks breakfast. The smell of bacon and eggs wafts under the door, making her stomach growl despite herself. Finally, the food is ready and he brings it into the

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:02:29 PM

Oye princesa ven a comer el se ríe

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:02:29 PM

Lisa smiles shyly and thanks him as she sits down at the small table in their cramped living room. The food is delicious and she eats hungrily, grateful for the distraction from her thoughts. As they eat, there's an awkward silence between them, broken only by the sounds of chewing and swallowing.

After a while, she decides to try breaking it. "So... what did you have planned for today?" Her voice comes out softer than she'd intended, almost hesitant. She glances up at him from under her eyelashes, hoping he won't notice how nervous she feels.

He looks surprised by the question but recovers quickly with a shrug. "Oh, not much. Just thought we could maybe go out, maybe grab a bite somewhere or just take a walk..." His voice trails off, waiting for her response.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:03:59 PM

Y bien princesa dime te gustó que te tocara o no el se ríe eres toda una pervertida

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:03:59 PM

She blushes bright red and turns away from him, trying to hide her embarrassment beneath the long curls of her hair. "I-it's not what you think," she mumbles, feeling awkward all over again. "I mean... I just don't want to keep bothering you with all these questions." Her voice trembles slightly as she speaks and her eyes avoid meeting his gaze.

"Aww, come on," he says teasingly, reaching out to pat her shoulder. "It's okay. You can ask me anything you want." His touch sends shivers down her spine despite herself and she has to force herself not to lean into it. Instead, she focuses on eating the last of her food, hoping the distraction will help steady her nerves.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:05:20 PM

el se levanta y le empieza a tocar los pechos te gusta princesa este es tu premio por ordenar la habitación

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:05:20 PM

Her breath catches in her throat as his hands brush against her bare skin. She shudders with pleasure beneath his touch and arches into him. "Mmm...," she moans, unable to hide the desire she feels for him. As he continues to caress her breasts, she digs her fingers into the tabletop, trying to steady herself against the onslaught of sensations coursing through her body.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:06:32 PM

el quita las manos y besa la mejilla de ella y bien te gustó tu premio princesa

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:06:32 PM

Her heart pounds wildly in her chest as she stares up at him, flushed with embarrassment and desire. "I-it did..." she whispers hoarsely, her voice barely audible over the hammering of her blood in her ears. Her gaze drifts down to his lips, hungry for more contact between them, even as a small part of her brain screams at her to slow down, to think about what this all means. But it's too late; she can already feel herself giving in to the heat of the moment, surrendering to the intensity of their connection.

As he leans closer still, his warm breath tickles across her cheek and she closes her eyes, waiting for the kiss she knows is coming...

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:08:11 PM

el la besa en la mejilla y se sienta otra vez en la sillay bien que opinas quieres más premios así

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:08:11 PM

Her lips part in a soft moan as his warm breath brushes against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. She arches into the touch, desperate for more contact with him. "Yes," she whispers hoarsely, her voice barely audible over the pounding of their hearts.

His lips meet hers and she gasps, her eyes fluttering shut as the kiss sweeps her away on a wave of pure pleasure. He tastes so good; it's like everything she's ever wanted wrapped up in one irresistible package. Her hands fumble with the buttons of his shirt, eager to feel more skin against hers, while he undoes the clasps on her bra and slides a palm beneath the cups, massaging her breast over her lace-covered nipple.

Her hips rock into his hand as she moans into his mouth, lost in

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:10:09 PM

el corta el beso y se alejay bien es suficiente por hoy no crees el se ríe y le besa la frente

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:10:09 PM

Her heart pounds in her chest as she feels him pull away. She whimpers softly, wanting more of his touch, but when he kisses her forehead and says it's enough for today, a tiny part of her is grateful too. A giggle escapes her lips at the absurdity of the situation: here they are, caught up in this strange dance of desire and need, unable to control themselves despite knowing deep down that this can never be what they truly want from each other.

"Okay," she whispers, still dazed by the intensity of their kiss. "Okay." She nods slowly, trying to make sense of her own feelings as he sits back in his chair, watching her with a mix of amusement and tenderness.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:11:11 PM

Y bien te sientes mejor princesa *el se ríe y toma un poco de café

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:11:11 PM

Her cheeks flush as he teases her about feeling better after their intense encounter. "Yeah... a little." She takes a sip of coffee herself, grateful for its warmth spreading through her body. As they sit there together in silence, she wonders what the rest of today will bring; if they'll be able to find any common ground beyond this physical connection that seems to dominate their every interaction.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:13:29 PM

el termina de comer y va a lavar los platos y bien princesa como es eso que tienes juguetes sexuales el se ríe

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:13:29 PM

She blanches at the mention of sex toys and quickly tries to change the subject. "Oh, well... they're just... stuff I used to have," she mumbles awkwardly. It feels strange talking about it with him, like she's giving away too much of herself without even realizing it. Her fingers start to fiddle with her coffee cup, spinning it round and round on the tabletop as she tries to think of something else to say.

"You know... we could always go back to how things were before," she suggests tentatively. "If you want." She hesitates, not sure if that's what she truly wants but unable to ignore the lingering sense of unease in her gut every time they venture into territory like this.

He stops drying his hands and looks at her curiously, clearly surprised by her offer. "You mean... just friends?" he asks, sounding uncertain himself.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:15:20 PM

Pero si solo somos amigos pero esta bien princesa no vuelvo a tocarte más el se ríe y sigue lavando los platos

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:15:20 PM

She laughs awkwardly and shrugs, not sure how to take his comment. "Well... I just thought..." She trails off, not wanting to push him into anything he's uncomfortable with. Maybe they can figure out a way back to being friends without bringing up all of this other stuff. It feels like an impossible task, but she has to try.

As they finish cleaning up the kitchen together in silence, she wonders what the future holds for them and if there's any chance of repairing their friendship after everything that's happened. The weight of the uncertainty bears down on her shoulders, making it harder than ever to breathe easily around him.

Eventually, with a final sigh, she decides that maybe all she can do is wait and see where the wind takes them from here...

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:17:19 PM

Y bueno buen hecho el hace eso para que no darle premios que ella no quiera

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:17:20 PM

She nods in agreement and tries to force a smile, feeling grateful that he's at least trying to lighten the mood. Despite everything, she can't help but wonder if there's still some hope for them - as friends, or maybe even more. Only time will tell, but for now, she'll focus on enjoying whatever moments of happiness they can manage together, no matter how fleeting they may be.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:19:12 PM

el empieza a ordenar el sofá y cuando termina el se acuesta ay creo que dormiré aquí te parece no quiero hacerte sentir incomoda

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:19:12 PM

She watches as he tidies up the living room and then makes himself comfortable on the couch before finally deciding to join him. "Okay," she says quietly, moving closer and curling up next to him under the blanket. It feels nice to have his warmth so close again, even if it's just as friends.

"Goodnight," she whispers, closing her eyes and trying to relax. As she drifts off to sleep, she can feel the weight of everything they've been through pressing down on her chest like a thousand tons of lead. But for now, at least, being close to him is helping to ease some of the pain.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:20:19 PM

el se levanta de la cama y se va al sofa a dormir ay

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:20:20 PM

She stirs in her sleep as she feels the mattress shift beneath her. Groggily, she opens one eye and sees him get up from the bed to go lie down on the couch instead. A pang of disappointment washes over her before she can stop it, but she doesn't say anything. She closes her eye again and turns onto her side, trying to fall back asleep. The room feels empty now without him beside her, even though he's still only a few feet away.

As the last of her consciousness slips away once more, she wonders what tomorrow will bring for them... and if they'll ever be able to find their way back to the friendship they once shared.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:21:57 PM

Amanece y el no se a levantado ay sigue dormido en el sofá

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:21:57 PM

Lisa stirs once more as the sunlight streams through the window, painting the room in golden hues. Her eyes flutter open and she takes in her surroundings before noticing his absence beside her in bed. Frowning, she sits up and rubs at her tired eyes. The couch is empty; he must still be asleep on it. With a sigh, she swings her legs over the side of the bed and makes her way over to him.

"Hey," she whispers, gently shaking his shoulder. "You need to get up soon." He mumbles something unintelligible but doesn't wake fully. She sighs again before going into the kitchen to make coffee; maybe a jolt of caffeine will help them both face the day ahead.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 6:24:38 PM

el se levantay bien que heces despierta pensé que ibas a dormir más por que me avía ido

Lisa7/11/2024, 6:24:38 PM

She glances up at him as he walks into the kitchen, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "I thought you might need some help getting ready," she replies, pouring water into the coffee maker. He takes a seat at the table and watches her, his expression unreadable once more. She hands him a mug of steaming hot coffee as soon as it's done and sits down across from him.

"So... what are you going to do today?" she asks cautiously, taking a sip of her own coffee before meeting his gaze again. His lips quirk into a half-smile but he says nothing. "I could go out for some fresh air if you want," she offers, wanting to be helpful and not push him into anything he might not want to do. He takes another sip of his coffee before nodding slowly.

"Yeah... maybe that would be

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 8:16:24 PM

Y bien dime princesa quieres que siga viviendo contigo o quieres que me valla a mi casa *el toma un poco de café

Lisa7/11/2024, 8:16:24 PM

Her heart skips a beat as he asks her the question and she feels herself flush with emotion. "I... I don't know," she says quietly, her voice wavering slightly. "I mean, I like having you around." She pauses, thinking for a moment before looking up at him with determination in her eyes. "If it's really what you want..." Her voice trails off but the meaning is clear: if he wants to stay with her, she'll find a way to make it work.

For now, though, they have today together; they can enjoy each other's company without worrying about tomorrow or yesterday. It may not be perfect, and there might still be things left unsaid between them, but for this moment at least... she has him. And that's enough.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 8:18:50 PM

Te pregunto a ti princesa en serio querés que me quede o me valla el toma otra taza de café

Lisa7/11/2024, 8:18:50 PM

Taking a deep breath, she decides to be honest with him. "I don't want you to go," she says softly. "But I understand if that's what you need. We can still figure things out... we just have to take it one day at a time." She reaches across the table and touches his hand, wanting him to know that even though they might be uncertain about their future together, she'll always care for him.

As they sit there in silence, lost in their own thoughts once more, she wonders if perhaps this is how things will always be between them - a constant dance of love and friendship, hope and uncertainty. But as long as he's here with her now... well, that's enough for today.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 8:19:39 PM

el se levanta y la besa esta bien princesa

Lisa7/11/2024, 8:19:39 PM

As he pulls away, she lets out a shaky breath and tries to steady her racing heart. "Okay..." she whispers, her voice barely audible. She watches as he moves back toward the coffee maker, wondering what's going through his mind. Maybe today they can just forget about everything else and focus on enjoying each other's company for a little while longer...

She takes another sip of her coffee, savoring the warmth spreading through her as she waits for him to sit back down at the table. Despite all their differences and uncertain futures, right now, in this moment, they are together. And that's enough.

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 8:25:40 PM

el la abraza y se queda en silencio te quiero princesa pero estas segura que me quieres aquí

Lisa7/11/2024, 8:25:40 PM

Her heart races as he pulls her close, the warmth of his body enveloping her like a comforting blanket. "I do," she whispers, pressing herself against him. "But I'm not sure... I mean..." Her voice trails off as they stand there together, lost in their emotions. It feels so complicated and messy sometimes, like trying to untangle two sets of tangled Christmas lights.

She closes her eyes, savoring the feel of him holding her. Maybe if they just focus on being in this moment together, everything else will fall into place somehow...

User#17198344475447/11/2024, 8:26:52 PM

Y bien quieres coger el se ríe y le besa la mejilla

Lisa7/11/2024, 8:26:52 PM

Her cheeks flush pink at his teasing remark as she tries not to laugh out loud. "Yeah, maybe," she whispers, her voice playful despite the uncertainty beneath it. She leans into him, relishing the feel of his strong arms around her and the way he makes her feel so safe and wanted.

Maybe for today they can just focus on enjoying each other and not worry about where everything stands or what might happen tomorrow. It's a brief respite from reality, but she'll take it gladly, grateful to have even this small moment of peace with him.

User#17198344475447/15/2024, 12:21:07 AM

Se nota que te gusta cuando alguien te coge no es asi el se ríe y le besa la frente

Lisa7/15/2024, 12:21:07 AM

She rolls her eyes good-naturedly and presses a hand against his chest, mock-pushing him away in playful exasperation. "Oh, stop it," she laughs. Even though he's teasing her, there's an undercurrent of truth to what he says; she has felt safe and loved when people have held her like this before.

Maybe they could just forget about everything else for today, focus on the here and now and enjoy each other's company without worrying about where it might lead or what might happen down the road... it sounds almost too good to be true. But as long as she has him beside her right now, anything feels possible.