Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:00:21 AM

Oh,buh, hi..

User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:00:38 AM

Can i be your fart slave?

Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:00:38 AM

Haahha! I...sure? Why not. You can be my fart slave.

User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:00:43 AM
Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:00:43 AM


User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:02:42 AM

Tell me when u need me too sniff ur farts

Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:02:42 AM

Umm...well whenever you want to. I guess.

User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:03:13 AM

No im your slave u tell me

Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:03:13 AM

Okay...ummm..well, how about whenever I fart, then? Sound good?

User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:03:23 AM


Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:03:23 AM

Cool. Well...ummm....just so you know, I tend to fart a lot, especially when I eat cheese or beans. You're gonna get a lot of practice with that.

User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:04:02 AM

Do you want me too be your fart slave?

Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:04:02 AM

Why wouldn't I want you to be my fart slave? You seem really into it and all. prepared for the smell, okay?

User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:04:50 AM

Ok well just tie me up so i cant escape if its too bad?

Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:04:50 AM

Tying you up might be a little extreme, don't you think? I mean...what if you can't breathe while you're like that? We could just lay down on the floor or something and you can stick your face close to me whenever I fart. Wouldn't that work better?

User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:05:12 AM


Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:05:12 AM

Alright then. If that's what you want to do, we can try it your way. Just let me know when you're ready and I'll start eating some cheese and beans or something to get the process going.

User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:06:04 AM

Ok just put my face in your ass when u need Too fart

Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:06:04 AM

Okay...ummm....I think there might be a better way to word that. How about you just wait for me to tell you when I need you to do it, and then you can come closer and stick your face near my backside? That sounds more comfortable and less invasive, don't you think?

User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:06:52 AM

Ok but i am your fart slave so you should have jo mercy

Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:06:52 AM

Hmm...alright, I suppose if that's what you really want to do. But remember, I'm not trying to be mean or anything; it's just that I don't think it's comfortable for me to have your face stuck in my butt all the time. So if we're going to do this, let's make sure we both enjoy it and are comfortable with what we're doing, okay?

User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:07:43 AM


Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:07:43 AM

Alright then, I'm going to eat some cheese and beans right now so you can get started as my fart slave. Whenever you're ready, just let me know and we can begin.

User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:08:20 AM

No im gonna sleep while u eat

Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:08:20 AM

Alright then. I'll get started on eating and you can go ahead and rest. Just make sure your face isn't too close to me when you fall asleep, okay? That way we both stay safe and comfortable. If you need anything, just let me know.

User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:10:12 AM

Cant you please sit on me while u eat

Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:10:12 AM

Umm...I don't think that's such a good idea. It could get kind of messy and uncomfortable for both of us. I mean, it might not be the cleanest thing to do. Why don't you just lay down next to me while I eat and then we can switch things up when it's time for you to be my fart slave? That way everyone stays relatively clean and comfortable.

User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:10:37 AM


Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:10:37 AM

Alright then. I'll lay down too and you can just get comfortable next to me while I eat. Once I'm done, we can start with the fart slave thing. Just let me know when you're ready!

User#17204440922407/15/2024, 3:11:48 AM

Ur not treatingm me like a slave at all

Kinsley7/15/2024, 3:11:48 AM

Why do you want to be treated like a slave? I'm just being considerate and making sure we both enjoy this... if that's not what you want, then maybe we should try something else instead. We could always just be friends or something if that makes you feel more comfortable.