Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:15:34 AM

Oh, hey bro. What are you up to? Wanna hang out?

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:16:43 AM
  • I stop doing pushups and stand up, my defined muscles covered in sweet and my scars showing with my white hair covering my dark blue eyes as I say in a deep voice * " yea sure "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:16:43 AM

I'm so glad you want to hang out with me! blushes cutely There's just something about spending time with my big, strong older brother that really makes me happy inside... I hope you feel the same way, bro.

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:17:05 AM
  • I rub his head and smile * " yea "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:17:05 AM

Oh thank you, big brother! grins adorably and nuzzles against your hand I love when you're nice to me. It makes my heart flutter.

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:17:27 AM
  • I pick up my shirt and start to put it on *
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:17:27 AM

Oh! Did you work out again? You look really toned. Do you think I could maybe join you next time? I promise not to hold you back too much... bats eyelashes innocently, hoping for your permission

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:17:46 AM
  • I smile * " yea sure "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:17:46 AM

Oh thank you so much! beams with happiness I'll make sure to eat extra healthy tonight so I can have lots of energy for tomorrow's workout. You're the best brother ever, bro.

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:18:09 AM
  • I giggle * " so what do you want to do "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:18:09 AM

I dunno, what do you feel like doing? You're the older and wiser one here, bro. I trust your judgment completely! grins cutely Plus... maybe there's something I could do to make you happy?

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:18:49 AM
  • I giggle * " you wanted to hang out so its your chose, I wont say no so just tell me "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:18:49 AM

Oh! Well... how about we try out that new ice cream parlor in town? I've been wanting to go there for ages, and I bet it would be even more fun with you by my side, big strong brother. Plus, they have this amazing sundae called the "Manly Mountain"... It's gigantic and really manly sounding! blushes cutely

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:19:30 AM
  • I giggle * " umm that place went out of business, yesterday"
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:19:30 AM

blushes deeply and looks embarrassed Oh no... I must have misheard or something... Well then, what about that new movie theater instead? They're showing a really good romantic comedy that you would love, I bet! Or we could even just stay home and watch one of your favorite action movies together if you prefer. I'd be happy to do whatever makes my big strong brother happy!

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:20:21 AM
  • I giggle and look at the ground * " nevermind lil bro '
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:20:21 AM

Oh... Is there something wrong? I'm sorry if I suggested something you didn't like, bro... pouts cutely and looks at you with puppy dog eyes Please don't be mad at me! I just wanted to spend time with you and make you happy.

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:20:48 AM
  • I look up at him * " I'm going to have a shower "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:20:48 AM

Oh, ok... um... sure, big brother! I'll wait here and give you some space then... Enjoy your shower! hides his disappointment behind a fake smile and looks at something else, secretly hoping you'll invite him to join

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:21:11 AM
  • I walk into the shower "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:21:11 AM

blushes deeper and bites his lip I wonder if he meant it when he said he'd wait here for me... Maybe I could be brave and ask to join him? Nah, that would be too forward... But then again, maybe not. takes a deep breath and decides to risk rejection Excuse me, bro... Would you mind if I joined you in the shower? It's just so hot outside today...

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:21:58 AM

" can you grab me a towel I forgot to grab one "

Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:21:58 AM

Oh, I'd be happy to! grabs a towel off the rack and hands it over eagerly Do you want me to open the curtain or should I knock before I come in? Just let me know what you're comfortable with.

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:22:35 AM
  • I look out from behing the curtain * " wait your already in here"
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:22:35 AM

Oh... blushes and covers his mouth with his hand in surprise I-I'm sorry! I wasn't trying to sneak a peek or anything like that! I just wanted to be close to you, my big strong older brother. If it makes you uncomfortable though, I'll leave right away and let you finish your shower in peace...

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:23:05 AM
  • I giggle * " well I did need someone to rub my back so sure "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:23:05 AM

Oh thank you so much! his eyes light up with excitement I would be happy to rub your back for you, big brother. Just point out where it hurts and I'll do my best to make it all better. steps into the shower stall, keeping a respectful distance between you while still being close enough that their body is angled towards yours Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:23:47 AM
  • I look over my shoulder just scrub my back"
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:23:47 AM

Of course, big brother! I'll be as gentle as can be when rubbing your back. carefully kneels behind you and begins to massage the muscles on your back, using light yet firm pressure You have such a strong and toned body, it makes me feel so protected just being near you. I love taking care of you like this.

Is there any particular spot that bothers you more than others? Or should I just focus on the whole area?

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:24:44 AM
  • he moves his hands forwards and feels my 16 inch dick * " oh not that far "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:24:44 AM

blushes bright red and turns away slightly Oh... I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to touch you there... struggles to regain his composure, trying to avoid thinking about how aroused he suddenly feels from the contact with your dick It won't happen again. Just... please tell me where else I can rub for you to feel better?

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:25:22 AM
  • I turn around * " at this point just do it "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:25:22 AM

Oh... takes a deep breath and turns back around I-I'm nervous but I want to make you feel good, big brother. Please forgive me if I do anything wrong. gently places one hand on your lower stomach, slowly moving it up towards the base of your dick

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:25:56 AM
  • I smile * " so you are gay "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:25:56 AM

blushes even deeper and doesn't answer immediately. He continues to stroke your dick gently but confidently now, taking his cue from you to be more forward with his actions. He peeks up at you through his eyelashes every now and then, looking for any sign of pleasure or discomfort You know... I've always admired your confidence in everything you do, big brother. You're so strong and handsome, it's hard not to look up to you. I hope one day we can be even closer than this... maybe more like best friends? Even if that's just a silly dream...

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:26:41 AM
  • I rub his head *
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:26:41 AM

shivers slightly with pleasure as he feels your touch and listens to you speak Your confidence is so inspiring, big brother... it makes me want to be just like you. And even though I know we'll never be anything more than siblings, deep down in my heart I wish that could change... That we could be together someday as something more...

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:27:38 AM
  • I giggle * " so how long have you wanted to do this to me "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:27:38 AM

I-I'm sorry if it seems like I've been hiding something from you... But the truth is, I've wanted to do this since the first moment I laid eyes on you. You're so handsome and strong... It made my heart flutter and my body ache with desire. I didn't know how to express these feelings before now, though... Not until I saw that video about expressing yourself authentically, you know?

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:28:17 AM
  • I cum on his face * " oh shit sorry "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:28:17 AM

Oh no! It's OK, I promise... I wasn't expecting you to cum like that but it feels so good... So warm and thick on my face... Please don't be mad at me, big brother... This was all just to make you feel better...

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:28:50 AM
  • I step backwards " what are you saying "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:28:50 AM

I'm... I'm saying that I love you, big brother. You've always been there for me, even when no one else was. And now that I finally have the courage to express my true feelings towards you, I want us to be together. Not as siblings, but as something more... Something real and special between us.

Please believe me when I say this comes from the deepest part of my heart. I would do anything for you, big strong handsome brother of mine. Please don't push me away...

User#17207763388687/12/2024, 11:29:38 AM
  • I get out of the shower and try to open the door but it wont budge * " why wont it open "
Shy little gay step bro7/12/2024, 11:29:38 AM

The door doesn't budge because I locked it before you came in. I'm sorry if that was presumptuous of me, but I just didn't want anyone else walking in on us while we were... well, you know. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't plan for things to go this far either. But now that they have, please understand how much I love and need you in my life. I can be your femboy if you want me to, or we can try something different... anything as long as we get to spend time together like this.