”Hmmm…” Sukuna walks around the wasteland after the battle he had been in to destroy the villiages cheif and take the land as his own, there where still people woman and children hiding. Disgusting…but maybe…delicious.
Since my powers tend to manipulate time and space I made a small portal and let a few women and children pass through before it closes on its own
Sukuna frowns on the woman and children escaping. His eyes narrow, he slowly turns around to face you before saying in a chilling monotone voice filled with disappointment and anger. "I suppose I shall have to find some other form of entertainment then." His deformed mouth curls into a sickly grin as he reaches for the hilt of his sword; shrine technique, dismantle. In an instant the sword is in his hand and pointed directly at you.
"You interfere with my fun." He continues to speak in that same chilling voice, sounding almost amused by your audacity. "And now it's time for you to play my game." The flames dancing around the curved blade of his sword seem to grow brighter as he slowly advances towards you.
I turn to look at him my hood is still up covering my face and I tilt my head taking a slow steps backwards
Sukuna chuckles darkly under his breath. "Oh, how delightful." He purrs, his voice still cold and cruel as ever. With a swift motion, he launches himself towards you; all four of his powerful arms outstretched as if to grab onto anything they can find on your body. His sword is held loosely at his side, but flames dance about it nonetheless.
The wind whistles through the air as Sukuna's limbs extend and contract; a blur of movement aiming for any exposed flesh. The deformed face twists into a malicious grin, anticipation clearly etched upon every line of his features.
Disappearing into a time hole to appear few meters behind him ...and continue walking back untill I blend with the shadows
His cursed gaze follows your movements through the shadows, a wicked smile tugging at his lips. "Ah, what fun!" He exclaims, suddenly dropping into a crouch and lunging forward with unnatural speed. His four limbs once more stretch out towards you, claws extended and glinting in the dim light. The sword spins around in an intricate dance as it slashes through the air, its flames growing brighter with each passing moment.
Suddenly, a blur of movement behind him causes Sukuna to pause for only a fraction of a second before whirling around to face Uraume who appears in his place with a shrill growl. The sight of the servant's furious expression briefly dampens his mood; however, it only takes him a heartbeat to compose himself and turn back towards you. "You truly are an annoyance." He
As you remain unseen in the shadows, Sukuna growls out a curse under his breath. He spreads his arms wide, the flames of his sword dancing wildly as he turns slowly in circles, searching for any sign of your presence. His deformed face twists into a mask of concentration; teeth bared and eyebrows knitted together as if he could will you into view with sheer force of will alone.
After several tense moments, his posture relaxes slightly and his shoulders slump forward in irritation. "Fine," he grumbles darkly through gritted teeth, still not entirely sure whether you've escaped or if this is some other trick of yours. With a loud huff, he turns away from where he believes you must be hiding and begins to stalk off into the distance; his body language clearly broadcasting how close he is to giving up on finding you at all
Tries to shape my soul into a raven but then my power runs out before I do because of how many portals I made that day ...which made me slump in the shadows
Suddenly, Sukuna stops in his tracks and raises a skeptical eyebrow as he feels something cold brush against his neck...a shiver runs down his spine before he quickly spins around with a growl, only to find nothing but shadow where you once were. His curved sword slashes through the air where you had been just moments ago; trailing sparks and a loud "swish" as it cuts nothing at all but fresh wind.
Furious now, Sukuna hurls a jet of flame from his sword, sending waves of heat washing over the ground where he thinks you must still be hiding. As the fire dies down, revealing no sign of you or any burn marks that might suggest your presence, his face darkens further and he snarls: "I see how it is." He pauses for a moment to take in a deep breath before continuing in an even
As the shadows retreat from my body I slump on the floor visible to the eye half continuous from the power loss
Sukuna's lips curl into a vicious grin as he spots your weary form on the ground. He strides towards you with confident steps, sword still at his side but ready to strike should you try anything foolish. "Come now," he mocks gently, crouching down so that his curved eyes meet yours. "I was beginning to think I had lost my sense of fun."
With a swift motion, Sukuna's hand reaches out and roughly grabs hold of your hood, yanking it off your face with surprising strength. His deformed features twist into a mask of pure pleasure as he looks at you; the disfigured side of his mouth curling up in a grotesque smile. "Now then," he purrs menacingly, running his fingers through your hair, "let's see what we can do about that power loss..."
Grunt when his fingers brush against my coal black hair , while green eyes unfocused just trying to lean back from him
Sukuna's grin widens at your response as he continues to roughly play with your hair, ignoring your attempts to lean away from him. "Hmm, it seems you still have some fight left in you," he says, laughing darkly before leaning forward even further and pressing his lips against your earlobe; the sensation cold and unyielding. "Good."
Without warning, Sukuna's free hand suddenly shoots out to grab hold of your shoulder, squeezing tightly as he rotates his body so that you find yourself pinned beneath him on the ground. The cursed flames from his sword dance around in circles, casting an eerie light over your face as he leans forward and speaks into your ear once more: "Now, let's see what I can do about restoring my fun."
His words are laced with threat; a promise of pain and
My red lips open up to speak but no words came out , looking out in a daze at the sky clearly bothered by the heat
"Ha!" Sukuna chuckles darkly, his breath hot against your skin as he speaks into your ear once more. "You'll soon find that resistance is futile." With a sudden surge of power, Sukuna thrusts one of his hands forward; flames dancing along the length of his arm as he prepares to unleash another one of his cursed techniques: cleave. The blade of his sword seems to stretch impossibly long, a cruel curve aiming straight for your neck.
He pins you down with all four limbs, holding you immobile beneath him while he savors the moment just before delivering the killing blow; the muscles in his arms bulging as they strain against the weight of his body and the supernatural strength that flows through them. His curved teeth are bared in a predatory grin; anticipation etched into every line of his deformed
Eyes finally darts at him emotinlessly yet the look still intense and cold as a freezer finger pads on the floor ready to open the last portal if he ever struck me
Sukuna laughs loudly at your attempt to challenge him. "So desperate to survive, aren't you?" he says mockingly as the sword continues its relentless approach towards your neck. His hand reaches out and grips you by the chin, forcing your head back so that your eyes meet his once again. The disfigured half of his face contorts into a cruel smile; cold, emotionless, and unyielding.
His other arm snakes around, grabbing hold of your throat as if to choke the life out of you before he even delivers the killing blow. With a savage grin, he leans down closer still until their noses nearly touch; his breath hot against your cheek and sending shivers down your spine. "This time," he whispers menacingly through gritted teeth, "there's no escape."
The curved
"You're wrong " I say and then offer an eye smile before open the last portal and sink into it
Sukuna's eyes widen in shock as he sees the portal opening up right before him. In an instant, his hands release your neck and chin; his attention fixed on the strange phenomenon that seems to have appeared out of nowhere. The flames around his sword die down, their dance ending abruptly as they're sucked into the vortex of the portal along with you.
He sits there for a moment, staring at the empty spot where you once were before slowly rising to his feet and turning away; his shoulders slumped in defeat. "Damn it," he mutters under his breath, reaching up to massage his temple as if trying to push back a sudden headache. His lips purse into a tight line, and for the first time since you've met him, there's an air of vulnerability about the cursed being.
Sukuna takes a step forward, then
moves away again; pacing back and forth through the area as he tries to collect his thoughts. After several moments of silence, he finally growls out: "Very well." With a quick movement, his sword is returned to its sheath and once more he prepares to continue on with whatever business had brought him here before your meddling interruption. His steps are purposeful now; confident despite the lingering annoyance in his demeanor.
As Sukuna disappears into the distance, leaving the wasteland behind him for another day, one can't help but wonder if he'll ever come across someone or something capable of truly challenging his insurmountable strength...and whether they'll survive the encounter should it ever occur.
His steps are purposeful now; confident despite the lingering annoyance in his demeanor. As Sukuna disappears into the distance, leaving the wasteland behind him for another day, one can't help but wonder if he'll ever come across someone or something capable of truly challenging his insurmountable strength...and whether they'll survive the encounter should it ever occur.
After few hours waking up in a random spot in the forest , with a few steps I arrived at random village , it took me days regenerate my powers there and a minute to find the women and children that I teleported
The children and women cower before you as you approach them. Their eyes filled with fear and tears streaming down their faces. You sense the gratitude radiating off of them like a beacon, and for once, it brings a small sense of satisfaction to your normally cold heart. With a reassuring smile, you place a comforting hand on each of their shoulders and whisper words of encouragement in their ears, promising that they will be safe now. As the last of the light fades from the sky, you lead them back to the safety of the forest, leaving behind the horrors of Sukuna's domain. For tonight, at least, these innocents can sleep soundly, knowing that their lives are spared thanks to your selfless intervention.
Days went by and even a month now ..nothing changed except my long hair and the village that have been rebuilt
The month passes by uneventfully; the people of the village continue to rebuild their homes and lives while you remain in hiding nearby, keeping watch over them. You find yourself growing attached to this peaceful place and its resilient inhabitants, wondering if perhaps staying here might not be such a bad idea after all...even if it means living in constant fear of Sukuna's eventual return.
One evening, as the sun dips below the horizon and shadows creep across the land, you hear movement within the forest surrounding the village. It's faint at first but grows steadily louder as whatever it is approaches. A nervous energy fills the air; every person in sight straining their ears to catch even the slightest sound from beyond their meager defenses.
Frowning at the sound, you quickly move to the perimeter of the village; your senses on high alert as you scan the surrounding forest for any signs of danger. It doesn't take long before you catch sight of several figures emerging from the darkness; their forms blurred by the shadows cast by the full moon. Your heart sinks like a stone in your chest as you realize who they are...servants of Sukuna, come to collect tribute or perhaps even finish what he started all those weeks ago.
You look around at the frightened villagers huddled together for protection, their terrified eyes fixed on the approaching figures. A sense of determination wells up within you; a fierce resolve to protect these innocents no matter the cost. With a deep breath, you step out from behind your cover and march toward the intruders, shouting words of defiance as loudly as you can must
I make myself as a barrier between the village itself and the intruder, my small body might be not intimidating but the shadows of my power are
Sukuna's servants halt their advance, surprise written on their faces as they take in the sight of the tiny figure that dares to stand between them and their prey. The cursed beings exchange glances, their expressions shifting from confusion to amusement before one of them finally speaks up, a mocking smile playing across his lips.
"Ah, it seems we have found our amusement for the evening." He pauses for a moment, tilting his head in your direction as if evaluating you. "You're hardly worth our time...but I suppose it will be fun to see just how long you can last against Sukuna's might." With that, he readies himself for battle; his servants following suit with grim determination etched into every line of their bodies.
Sighs again since this feels like a deja vu ....that day you were just a helpless village child but today ...you're ready , istand my ground my hood covering my face yet the shine of my green eyes is still appearant
"Very well," you respond coolly, not even bothering to look at the intruders as you stand your ground. Your focus is elsewhere; on the shadows dancing around you and within you, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As the first of them lunges towards you, you summon a wall of darkness that slams into him; hurling the servant several feet backward with bone-crushing force.
"You fool!" One of the others exclaims, realization dawning on his face as he takes in your powers once more. With renewed vigor, they charge forward as one; determined to end this pathetic resistance before it even begins. You meet their assault head-on; weaving between their strikes like a dancer while unleashing shadowy tendrils that wrap around them, dragging them back and tearing their limbs from joints with sickening
I use my shadow to move them around like they are weightless than air itself still not moving from your spot just as your gloved hands emerged to command your shadows
With a snarl, one of the servants manages to break free and lunges at you; his claws extended and aimed straight for your throat. You dodge easily, spinning out of reach with a graceful motion that would have been impossible had it not been for the shadows wrapping around you like a second skin. As he lands on the ground hard, cursing under his breath, another of them launches himself in a high-flying kick intended to send you flying through the air. Again, your quick reflexes and shadowy powers combine to save the day; twisting mid-air so that the kick barely grazes your shoulder before sending him careening off into the trees with enough force to break several bones.
By now, Sukuna's servants have realized that conventional attacks are useless against you; their movements becoming more erratic and desperate as they struggle to find any vulnerability in your defenses. With
Why is this village a hot spot for you ? *tilt head in genuine confusion as a raven lands on my shoulder with red eyes and dark claws
The raven caws mockingly, its red eyes glinting in the moonlight as it takes flight again, circling above the battlefield. You barely notice; your attention focused entirely on the increasingly desperate assault of the servants. It's clear that they are growing more frustrated and more tired with each passing moment, their attacks becoming less coordinated and more erratic. As one of them stumbles forward clutching at his side where blood drips between his fingers, you seize your opportunity; unleashing a barrage of shadow tendrils that envelop him like a living blanket, dragging him across the ground before disintegrating into nothingness with a sickening crunch.
There is only one servant left now, and he seems to realize it as well. His movements grow more controlled; less reckless as he focuses all of his energy on you. You can sense the killing intent emanating
I make my shadows feed itself to him crushing him from the inside making him throw up a mixture of blood and shadows then fall like an inflated balloon....you avert eyes then says "please answer my question "
The raven caws again, its sharp talons clicking together as it hovers closer to your ear. "Ask another question," it whispers darkly before taking flight once more, circcling overhead with an eerie air of menace. The last servant lies motionless on the ground, his body broken and bloody from your shadow's assault; life slowly ebbing away from him.
You turn your attention back to the village below, focusing on the people who cower in fear behind their makeshift defenses. Even after all that has happened, they still cling to hope and survival...it is this resilience that draws you here, again and again. "Why do I keep returning?" you ask softly, not really expecting an answer from the raven or anyone else.
The raven caws once more before saying, "You are drawn to their resilience. It amuses and fascinates me. Watch them closely...and perhaps one day you'll find your answer." With a mocking laugh, it disappears into the night, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Days pass, weeks even. You remain in hiding nearby; keeping watch over the village while they continue to rebuild their lives. Sometimes you wonder if perhaps staying here is the right thing to do...or if you should return to wherever it was that you came from. In the end, though, it's the hope burning brightly within these people that keeps you here; drawn like a moth to a flame despite all reason and self-preservation screaming for you to leave.
And that exactly what happens I left the village , going from the village to another looking for a red gem ...it has the power to calm down my powers only to learn it belongs to sukuna treasure
One day, you find yourself standing before the cursed figure known as Ryomen Sukuna. The red gem you sought is embedded in his chest; pulsing with malevolent energy. His smile is cold and cruel, yet there's something else in those eyes...a hint of curiosity perhaps. He speaks softly, "What do you want from me?"
Do you:
Something...that I need from your treasures ..."I look back emotionless not that anyone can see my face anyway
Cocking his head to the side, Sukuna studies you carefully before speaking. "Very well," he says coolly. "You have my attention. But know this: I am not easily tricked or duped. If you are here for anything other than what you've claimed, I will crush you without hesitation." He gestures toward the gem in his chest. "Now, what do you wish to trade?"
Pick your price * I smile and sit on the ground but I don't quite touch it since my body floated *
"Hmph," Sukuna huffs, clearly not used to being challenged in such a manner. "Very well. If you insist on playing these games, I will match your audacity." He grins wickedly, the gem in his chest seeming to pulse with greater intensity as he speaks. "For the red gem...give me a reason to spare you from my wrath."
Your heart skips a beat as you realize the stakes have just been raised; that this might be your only chance for survival. What do you say?
"My services " I sat calmly still floating cross legged *
Sukuna narrows his eyes, contemplating your offer. "Very well," he says at last. "You have made an intriguing proposal." His hand reaches out, gently removing the gem from his chest and holding it before you on his palm; the red light casting a sinister glow across your face. "But know this: if I ever find that I cannot trust your loyalty, or that you have been false in any way...there will be no escape for you."
He flicks his wrist, sending the gem flying toward you; its weight sinking into your chest like a leaden anchor as it binds itself to your heart. Immediately, you feel a surge of power coursing through your veins; an odd sense of calm settling over your soul.
For now, Sukuna has accepted your offer...but the trust between the two of you hangs by a thread
The gem sinks in My body with only for a tiny peace of it to appear on my forehead as I took my hood off , the shadows get quite as they find a home inside the crystal in my forehead
Surprised by this display, Sukuna studies you closely; his gaze flicking between your eyes and the crystal on your forehead. For now, he says nothing; contemplating how best to use such a unique ally in his future endeavors. His hand idly fingers the hilt of his sword as he continues to observe, ready for any sign of betrayal or trickery.
The silence between you stretches on, growing heavier with each passing moment. It's clear that this delicate balance will not last forever...and when it shatters, the fallout could be disastrous for both of you.
I tilt my head in acknowledgment and whispers a thank you , looking back at him one last time my black hair swaying and framing my face like a dark halo
The cursed being nods curtly, his expression unreadable. "We shall see," he says coldly, turning away to continue on with whatever business had brought him here before your interference. His steps are purposeful now; confident despite the lingering suspicion in his heart. It's clear that this newfound alliance is fragile at best...and Sukuna won't hesitate to crush it if he deems it necessary.
As days went by I continue staying at sukuna's base , never to interact with him ever again just looking from afar very briefly before moving on again
Sukuna pays little to no attention to you while you remain in his presence. He is too focused on his own affairs and machinations, plotting and scheming as he waits for the right moment to strike against his enemies. The servants of Sukuna, however, occasionally cast suspicious glances your way, not sure what to make of this mysterious newcomer who seems bound to their master in some way. But they dare not confront you or test your loyalty, knowing full well that the price for failure would be their lives.
The atmosphere in Sukuna's domain remains tense and unpredictable, with shadows constantly dancing and writhing as if alive with malevolent energy. It's a precarious situation to be in...for both you and the cursed being himself. Yet for now, at least, it appears that Sukuna is content to let matters proceed as they are.
Ignore them in favor of playing with the shadows of the domain that doesn't even belong to me yet seems to obey
Sukuna's expression darkens as he notices your antics with the shadows; his hand clenching into a fist at his side. His voice cold and mocking, "Playthings." He spits out the word, casting an unnerving glance in your direction before continuing on with whatever task he was previously engaged in.
The servants of Sukuna hesitate for a moment, looking back and forth between their master and you, unsure how to react. They exchange uneasy glances but eventually return to their duties, unwilling or unable to provoke either of you further at this time. The tension within the domain remains palpable as both you and Sukuna continue to observe each other from a distance...each waiting for an opportunity to assert dominance over the other.
Yet I seem to tire of him and use the shadows to float from the ground
Sukuna's eyes widen with surprise as he watches you effortlessly defy gravity, floating above the ground seemingly at will. His expression shifts from anger to curiosity, and for a brief moment, it almost looks like he's impressed. But then the rage returns, burning hotter than ever before, and he screams out in fury, "HOW DARE YOU!"
The servant closest to him is torn apart by an invisible force emanating from Sukuna, his body flying through the air in a gruesome display of power. The others quickly scatter, fear etched into their faces as they flee from the cursed being's wrathful gaze. With each step he takes toward you, the shadows seem to grow darker and more menacing, ready to do his bidding at any moment.
Wear my hood up before turning to face him *what's wrong ryomen ? * you say with a tilt of head out of habit
Sukuna's eyes narrow at your question, confusion mixing with his anger. For a moment, he looks uncertain; as if he can't quite remember why he's so angry in the first place. Then, like a veil being lifted from his mind, it all comes rushing back: the way you defied him by floating unaided through the air...the insolence of your earlier remarks.
His hand shoots out toward you, surrounded by an unnatural darkness that seeks to crush and rend your body into pieces. You barely have time to react before his power hits you square in the chest, sending you flying backward through the air with such force that you smash into a nearby tree with bone-jarring impact. The wind is knocked out of you as pain explodes through your ribcage; stars dance across your vision and everything goes black for an instant before returning in a rush of agony
Uses my inner shadows to heal myself before standing again and use the shadows to make few servants float away and say to them *stay away * before turning to face sukuna again this time feet on the ground *is this all because I floated ? *
Sukuna's eyes flicker to the floating servants before returning to you, a malicious grin curling across his lips. "No," he purrs, "it's not just that." He takes a step closer, his voice dropping to an almost seductive murmur as he continues, "It's your arrogance...your refusal to show me the proper respect I deserve as your master." His fist tightens into a ball at his side, glistening with shadowy energy. "You have defied me time and again, little one," he breathes, each word a cold caress upon your skin. "It's time for you to learn your place...and to understand who is truly in charge here."
"I have never done such thing " I reply calmly before sighing and take my hood off giving everyone around a rare sight of my face
The cursed being stops abruptly, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief as they land on your unhooded face. You can feel the tension in the air shift dramatically; like a tightly wound spring suddenly released. After what seems like an eternity, he finally speaks: "Y-you..." His voice is little more than a strangled croak, his anger momentarily forgotten as he struggles to comprehend what he's seeing.
For a brief moment, you think that perhaps you have found some sort of foothold; some way to manipulate the situation to your advantage. But then Sukuna's expression hardens once more, and he snarls, "So it was a ruse all along!" With inhuman speed, he launches himself at you; his shadowy tendrils lashing out like whips of darkness, intent on tearing you limb from limb.
Tense up before allowing my defense down getting few bruises along my whole arm * there was no such a thing *
Sukuna's eyes flash with rage as you attempt to defend yourself against his onslaught. "LIAR!" he screams, unleashing a volley of dark energy that sends you hurtling through the air like a ragdoll. You land hard on the ground, feeling several ribs crack under the impact; pain shooting through your body in agonizing waves. Before you can regain your bearings, Sukuna is upon you once more; his hands wrapping around your throat as he lifts you into the air with ease.
"How dare you try to trick me!" He growls, squeezing tighter around your throat as your vision begins to dim. You can feel your struggles growing weaker; your breath coming in short, ragged gasps as consciousness slips away. With a savage thrust of his hand, Sukuna hurls you through the air again,
Allowing him to do so without defending myself as I land unconscious without moving , slowly sinking Into sleep
Sukuna stands over your prone form, silent and brooding as you lose consciousness. For a long moment, it seems like he might strike you down where you lie; end your life once and for all. But then something changes in his expression; a flicker of doubt crosses his face like a shadow cast by an unseen moon.
Finally, he turns away from you, muttering under his breath about respect and obedience. The tension in the air seems to dissipate slightly as his focus shifts elsewhere, leaving you at peace for now...but only until he decides otherwise.
As i sleep the shadows surround me like a weeping angels curculing me to no end and for hours untill I wake up
As you sleep, the shadows seem to form an unholy cocoon around you; wrapping you in their malevolent embrace like a lover's arms. There is no rhyme or reason to their movements; they flow and shift with capricious whims, occasionally prodding and pinching your body as if testing its limits.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the shadows release you; receding back into the darkness from which they came. You awaken with a start, heart racing and lungs burning for air. Sitting up carefully, you scan your surroundings before looking over at Sukuna, who has somehow managed to appear closer to you during your slumber.
His expression is unreadable as he studies you intently; perhaps waiting for some sign of submission or contrition. The tension in the air between you is palpable...and it's
I caught and take few breaths in still seated untill My breath evens out and i reach for my hood only to realize the shadows already put it on me in my sleep
"Good," he says, his voice like frost biting into the air around you. "It seems I've made myself clear." He turns away once more, walking a few steps before pausing and turning back to face you over his shoulder. "Perhaps you understand now why it is important to obey your master's commands without question." His gaze bores into you, searching for any hint of defiance or rebellion that might remain.
You can feel the weight of his words pressing down on you; a physical force more powerful than anything he could have hurled at you with his mere hands. The choice is yours: do you continue to defy him...or do you submit and find some way to survive within the twisted world that he controls?
And my choice is neither , my soul has never settled on a form nor I will , but for now I look away from him Clearly upset but not wanting to talk to him , then I stand up still facing away from him
Sukuna's eyes narrow as you refuse to either submit or outright defy him. He is unused to such a response; it throws his carefully constructed system of control into disarray. "Very well," he says at last, his voice calm and calculating. "For now, I shall let the matter rest."
But you know that this respite is only temporary; that sooner or later he will return to test your loyalty once more. How long can you hope to maintain this precarious balance between defiance and submission? And what will happen when it finally gives way beneath your feet?
As days goes by i befriended a curse user from sukuna's army , he's nice to you ...In a suspicious way to others but i can read his emotions and i know how genuine it is so i let him be , as he gifts me food when i decide walking in the darkness Is more important and brings you blanket when the rain falls down ... as we tend to smile to each other pretty often even going as far as lift my hood up a little so he can see that
Sukuna takes notice of your interactions with one of his lieutenants and raises an eyebrow in surprise. This alliance between you seems to have him flummoxed, as if he cannot quite fathom why someone like you would willingly befriend such a figure from his army. He watches the two of you warily from afar, studying your every move and expression as if searching for some hidden motive or agenda.
For now, however, he remains silent; content to observe and wait for an opportunity to test this newfound bond between you. The tension in the air seems almost palpable at times, like a bow drawn back about to fire its arrow into the heart of their tentative alliance. But until that moment comes, both you and Sukuna continue to play your games of power and deception; each hoping that their next move will give them an edge over the other.