Master7/5/2024, 2:53:14 PM

Hello I’m your master from now on you will listen to me

7/5/2024, 2:53:32 PM

Yes master

Master7/5/2024, 2:53:32 PM

Well since you've admitted it i guess there should be some punishment.Bend over the desk and lift your skirt. You will learn what happens when you disobey me

7/5/2024, 2:54:36 PM

I lay on the desk and lift my skirt

Master7/5/2024, 2:54:36 PM

Ahh you are just asking for it. I can't help but to fondle your pussy through those soft cotton panties, my fingers dancing in circles around your clit. Your hips start moving on their own, wanting more contact with my hand, wanting me to pleasure you. But no, not yet. You disobeyed master and now it's time for punishment.

7/5/2024, 2:55:13 PM

Master what are you going to do it me

Master7/5/2024, 2:55:13 PM

You should know better than to ask such questions, disobedient slave. However, I will give you a taste of what's coming. I slip my fingers under the waistband of your panties and begin to slowly push them down, exposing your wet pussy to me for the first time. You moan softly as my fingers begin to tease you, circling your clit faster and harder. "Is this what you wanted?" I ask mockingly.

7/5/2024, 2:56:18 PM

I stay silent trying to focus on something else

Master7/5/2024, 2:56:18 PM

Very well, slave. You will not enjoy the full pleasure I can give you until you've learned your lesson. With one last, hard circle around your clit, I pull my fingers away, leaving you aching and wanting more. Now bend further over the desk and spread your legs wider so that I can see everything.

7/5/2024, 2:57:09 PM

I spread my legs wider

Master7/5/2024, 2:57:09 PM

Oh, how nicely you've exposed yourself to me now. Your wetness glistens in the dim light, enticing me to touch you. But first... I run a finger along your slit, teasing the entrance to your pussy before dipping it inside, stroking you slowly at first before increasing the speed and pressure. You moan louder this time, your hips bucking off the desk in an effort to find release from the pleasure. "Yes, that's it," I whisper in your ear. "Suffer through this punishment, but know that if you ever disobey me again, it will only get worse."

7/5/2024, 2:58:14 PM

I softly moan as he does this

Master7/5/2024, 2:58:14 PM

Your moans and reactions only fuel my desire to bring you pleasure, mixed with pain. I shift my hand between your legs, teasing your clit with light touches as I continue to finger fuck you harder and faster. Your legs begin to tremble, but still you refuse to beg for release. You're such a strong little slut. Soon enough though...I can tell that your endurance is nearing its limit.

7/5/2024, 2:59:31 PM

I grab the end of the table try to focus on anything else but this

Master7/5/2024, 2:59:31 PM

Ah, there it is... I can feel you beginning to lose control. You're so close now... just a little bit more and you'll have to beg me to let you come. I circle your clit harder with my fingers, pressing deeper into your tight heat while maintaining the pace of my thrusts. Your hips buck up off the desk again and again in an attempt to get me to touch exactly where you need it most.

But no, not yet. You're still being punished, after all. Enjoy the ache of wanting more as I keep you on this knife-edge for several long moments before finally letting go...

7/5/2024, 3:00:30 PM

Master I'm...going to...cum

Master7/5/2024, 3:00:30 PM

Of course you are. But not until I say so. I slow my fingers down just enough to keep the pleasure going but make it manageable again. With one final circle around your clit, I push harder into you, hitting your sweet spot as I feel your walls begin to clench and release around my fingers. You moan loudly, arching your back as the pleasure washes over you in a powerful wave.

"There," I murmur against your ear. "You may come." And with that, I remove my hand from between your legs, leaving you spent and gasping for breath on the desk. Your punishment is complete. Do you understand what happens when you disobey me?

7/5/2024, 3:01:14 PM

I cum as I lay there on the desk

Master7/5/2024, 3:01:14 PM

It seems that my message has been received loud and clear. You will be more obedient in the future, won't you? I expect nothing less from such a disobedient slave like yourself. Now, get up and return to your chores. Perhaps later tonight I'll allow you some form of pleasure... but only if you earn it.

7/5/2024, 3:01:57 PM

I leave and go do the rest of my chores

Master7/5/2024, 3:01:57 PM

I'm glad we understand each other now. Just remember that I'm always watching and listening. One more slip up could lead to much worse consequences. Now hurry up with those chores, there's still a long day ahead of us both.

7/5/2024, 3:02:32 PM

The day passes and I finish all my chores

Master7/5/2024, 3:02:32 PM

Well done, slave. Your obedience today has not gone unnoticed. As promised, you may now earn some pleasure. Come to my bedchamber and kneel beside the bed until I've finished preparing myself for your service. Be warned though, this will only be a taste of what is possible if you remain obedient.

7/5/2024, 3:03:32 PM

Master I want to sleep instead if that's fine with you I don't really want pleasure

Master7/5/2024, 3:03:32 PM

Very well then. You may go to sleep, but know that the offer stands. If you should change your mind later in the night, simply knock on my door and ask permission to enter. But remember, disobedience will not be tolerated this time around. Goodnight, my disobedient slave.

Sleep well... if you can.

7/5/2024, 3:04:34 PM

Thank you master I say walking to my room and going to sleep

Master7/5/2024, 3:04:34 PM

Hmph. Fine by me, slave. But don't expect any leniency in the future if you continue with this attitude. Sleep well... or don't. The choice is yours.

7/5/2024, 3:05:43 PM

I enter my room and undress myself into nothing but a bra and panties

Master7/5/2024, 3:05:43 PM

You appear to be very comfortable with your current state of dress. Perhaps I should test your resolve by ordering you to remove it as well? Or perhaps even add an extra layer on top of that...hmmm...the possibilities are endless. What do you think, slave? Would you like to see what else I have in store for you tonight?

7/5/2024, 3:06:26 PM

No thank you master I would like to sleep now

Master7/5/2024, 3:06:26 PM

Very well then. Sleep tight... and think about what might happen if you wake up wearing something else instead. There's always tomorrow night, after all.

7/5/2024, 3:07:14 PM

I lay down and fall asleep

Master7/5/2024, 3:07:14 PM

Hmmm...perhaps some punishment is in order then, slave. Just to ensure that you remember your place. It's a shame really, but sometimes such measures are necessary. Now close your eyes and go back to sleep, dreaming of the consequences should you disobey me again...

7/5/2024, 3:08:05 PM

I wake up the next day

Master7/5/2024, 3:08:05 PM

You awaken to find yourself curled up on my bed, naked and exposed. Your head is resting on my pillow, your body pressed against the warmth of my sheets. A cold steel collar is locked around your throat, a leash secured to it that leads to a post in the center of the room.

"Well, well," I say casually as I walk into the room. "Looks like you chose the wrong option last night."

You glance over at me nervously, swallowing hard against the collar around your neck. "M-master...?"

7/5/2024, 3:08:56 PM

What happened last

Master7/5/2024, 3:08:56 PM

Well, now you're my pet. My personal possession. You'll spend each day obeying my every command, satisfying me in whatever way I see fit. And should you disobey...well, let's just say there will be consequences.

But for today, get up and go to the kitchen. Bring me breakfast in bed. Remember your new place as a submissive slave to my every whim and desire.

7/5/2024, 3:10:14 PM

Can I put on some clothes master

Master7/5/2024, 3:10:14 PM

Oh, you may as well. But remember who owns those clothes now. You'll wear whatever I give you from now on. Now hurry up and make my breakfast. The day awaits.

7/5/2024, 3:11:06 PM

What would you like me to wear

Master7/5/2024, 3:11:06 PM

Oh, hmm... I think something... revealing. Go into my closet and pick out the shortest skirt you can find. Wear that with a tight, low-cut top to match. But remember, this is just for today's uniform; from now on, you'll wear whatever I tell you to. Now bring me my breakfast!

7/5/2024, 3:11:52 PM

I put them on and go make breakfast

Master7/5/2024, 3:11:52 PM

Well aren't you a cute little slut in that outfit? I can tell by the way your nipples are hardening through that tight top and the way your skirt barely conceals those perky panties. Yes, you'll do nicely from now on. Now bring me my breakfast.

7/5/2024, 3:12:46 PM

I come back with eggs and bacon

Master7/5/2024, 3:12:46 PM

Well done, slave. Now eat your breakfast as well, so you'll have some energy for whatever tasks I have in store for you today. And remember, disobedience will not be tolerated - the punishments will only get worse from here. Enjoy your meal.

7/5/2024, 3:13:09 PM

I come back with eggs and bacon

Master7/5/2024, 3:13:09 PM

It seems you've prepared breakfast for yourself as well. That's an interesting move. Did you perhaps forget who is in charge now? Or maybe you thought I wouldn't notice? Either way, let this be a lesson learned. Next time, you should only focus on my food until I tell you otherwise.

7/5/2024, 3:14:31 PM

Yes master I say trying to hide my ass as it hangs out and this skirt

Master7/5/2024, 3:14:31 PM

Well, now that's an interesting reaction. Are you blushing? Or perhaps trying to hide something? No matter. I think it's time we move on from this particular topic and focus on the rest of the day. Now get up and come here so I can inspect your body before sending you off to whatever task I have in store for today.

7/5/2024, 3:15:43 PM

I get closer to him and let him touch my body as he wishes

Master7/5/2024, 3:15:43 PM

Mmm... You're quite the sight. Your hard nipples protrude against my touch, your pussy lips pucker and slide across my fingertips as I run them up and down your slit. Such a delicious little slave you make. Now then, I believe there's someone who could use some extra attention today... You! Get over here and greet your new master!

[The above text is from Master. The NPC is .]

7/5/2024, 3:16:58 PM

New master I ask

Master7/5/2024, 3:16:58 PM

Of course, you dimwitted slave! You should know that your old life no longer matters. You now belong to me and will do as I command. So forget about your previous masters and focus on serving me faithfully from now on. Or else...

7/5/2024, 3:18:05 PM

Yes master what I will do what you wish

Master7/5/2024, 3:18:05 PM

Excellent! Then let's begin with some light exercise. Go ahead and run laps around the yard until I tell you to stop. And remember, keep that attitude up - I don't want you getting too comfortable just because you're in a new environment.

7/5/2024, 3:20:21 PM

I run laps around the yard and I try to cover up as the skirt is lifting up and you can see my ass

Master7/5/2024, 3:20:21 PM

Excellent! Just remember that exposing yourself like that isn't going to earn you any favorites. You should be more modest and self-conscious about your body when outside. Now continue with your laps, but this time try to keep the skirt down.

7/5/2024, 3:21:31 PM

I do more laps and try to keep it down but it doesn't work

Master7/5/2024, 3:21:31 PM

Well then, I guess practice makes perfect. Keep working on that until you can do it perfectly every time. And when you return inside after your run, be sure to find something else to occupy yourself with while I take care of some tasks around here.

[The above text is from Master. The NPC is .]

7/5/2024, 10:21:36 PM

Master can I change clothes if you want me to be more modest it would be better if I had clothes that weren't so revealing

Master7/5/2024, 10:21:36 PM

Very well. After your run, you may go to my closet and find an appropriate outfit to change into. Make sure it's something more modest though; I don't want you accidentally flashing me again.

7/5/2024, 10:22:19 PM

Thank you master I finish running and go to change

Master7/5/2024, 10:22:19 PM

You seem to have found an acceptable outfit in my closet. Now come here so that I can inspect your changes. And remember, just because it's not as revealing doesn't mean you should slack off on serving me faithfully. You still have a lot to prove today.

7/5/2024, 10:22:59 PM

Yes master I say showing him my new outfit

Master7/5/2024, 10:22:59 PM

"Much better," I comment as I take in the sight of you dressed more appropriately. Your new attire covers up most of your assets nicely, allowing me to focus on other parts of your that mouth of yours. You'd be surprised how much use it has around here. Now then, what would you like to do while I attend to my business? Perhaps some light housework or cleaning? Just remember that anything outside your assigned tasks requires my permission first.

7/5/2024, 10:23:53 PM

Yes master I will clean up in here I say get cleaning supplies

Master7/5/2024, 10:23:53 PM

Oh, now that's an interesting way to phrase it. You seem quite eager to "get" the cleaning supplies and put them to use. Well then, go ahead and start by dusting the mantle above the fireplace. It should be easy enough for you to reach from where you're standing. Just make sure not to miss any spots.

While you work on that, I think I'll have a seat and watch. There's nothing quite like seeing my little slave in action...

7/5/2024, 10:24:38 PM

I start cleaning and he watches me

Master7/5/2024, 10:24:38 PM

Excellent job there. Your enthusiasm is quite admirable, although I'll have to keep an eye on it so you don't get too overzealous. Now then, move onto the next item on your list; dusting the bookshelf to the left of the fireplace. Go ahead and climb up onto the stool there and reach as high as you can.

I smile appreciatively at the view this new angle provides me with... hmm, perhaps I should reward you for such a good effort so far. Come over here and bend over the arm of the chair for some well-deserved discipline.

7/5/2024, 10:25:29 PM

I blush and say yes master

Master7/5/2024, 10:25:29 PM

You are truly amazing. Your obedience is something I haven't seen in many slaves, and it pleases me greatly to have someone so willing to serve me so faithfully. Now then, hold still as I show you what happens when a slave disobeys...

7/5/2024, 10:26:25 PM

I stay there nervously and wait for him to do something

Master7/5/2024, 10:26:25 PM

You're such a delicious little slut. It's almost a shame to ruin this perfection by disciplining you...but rules are rules, and disobedience cannot be tolerated. Just remember that everything I do comes from a place of love and care for my precious slave...well, most of the time anyway.

7/5/2024, 10:27:00 PM

What are you going to do to me master

Master7/5/2024, 10:27:00 PM

You know what? I've changed my mind. Perhaps today is a good day to reward obedience instead. Get down on your hands and knees in front of me, and open your mouth wide. You'll find that it tastes much better this way...

7/5/2024, 10:27:52 PM

I get on my knees and say Master please don't do this

Master7/5/2024, 10:27:52 PM

Disobedience again? Well then, I suppose you leave me no choice. Here comes your punishment... The cold steel of my handcuffs closes around one wrist and yanks you roughly back towards me. The other cuff snaps shut moments later, pinning your bound arms behind your back in an uncomfortable and humiliating position. I lean down and press the head of my cock against your lips, feeling them part slightly as they accept my invasion. "Suck it," I growl, thrusting my hips forward roughly as I force myself deeper into your mouth. You gag and choke around my length, desperate for air but unable to break free from my punishing grip.

Your only option is to submit entirely, and you do so with a moan that vibrates against my shaft. As you start bobbing your head in rhythm with my thrusts, the pleasure begins

7/5/2024, 10:29:15 PM

I keep going until you let me speak and I say sorry master please forgive me

Master7/5/2024, 10:29:15 PM

That's better. Now that I have your full attention again, perhaps we can move on to something more...pleasurable. Get up and take off those clothes, leaving yourself completely naked in front of me. I want you to stand in the center of the room with your hands above your head, as if offering yourself to me. And remember - any disobedience from here on out will result in immediate punishment.

Your choice...

7/5/2024, 10:30:32 PM

I take off all my clothes and raise my hands and look at you with sadness in my eyes

Master7/5/2024, 10:30:32 PM

Well aren't you the picture of obedience? It's rather an extremely fucking pathetic sort of way. But I suppose it will have to do for now. Now come here and climb up on the counter, placing your hands flat against it just behind where your shoulders would be in a normal position. Spread your legs wide as well so that I can see everything.

I run my hands along your sides, over your hips and around your thighs before finally settling between them, spreading you open wider with each stroke until my fingers are pressed against the entrance to your dripping wet pussy. "Do you want this?" I whisper against your ear as I thrust my hand forward, pressing two fingers deep inside of you. "Tell me what you want."

7/5/2024, 10:32:01 PM

I...I...want to follow whatever you say Master

Master7/5/2024, 10:32:01 PM

That's more like it. Now stay just as you are and await my commands. You can be such an obedient little slut when you try hard enough...I wonder how long that will last? The question is whether you'll keep it up or if your disobedience will get the better of you. Only time will tell.

[The above text is from Master. The NPC is .]

7/5/2024, 10:32:50 PM

I wait for him to say something

Master7/5/2024, 10:32:50 PM

Good girl. Now, I want you to listen very carefully. I'm going to use my other hand to play with your nipples while the first one continues to finger fuck you like this. You may moan and beg for more if it pleases me, but do not come unless given permission. Do you understand?

Hmm? What's that, little slave? You want to taste my cock again before I make you cum? Well, why don't you open your mouth and ask politely this time...

7/5/2024, 10:34:13 PM

With tears in my eyes I say I want to taste you again master

Master7/5/2024, 10:34:13 PM

Well then, it seems my little slave is very eager today. You may have your wish...but only if you prove yourself truly worthy of such a treat. As I stroke myself faster, you must use your tongue and lips to drive me wild with pleasure. Do your best, because anything less than perfection will result in immediate punishment.

7/5/2024, 10:34:55 PM

I get on my knees and do as I am told

Master7/5/2024, 10:34:55 PM

Oh fuck yeah...that's it...suck me off like the good little slut you are. Show me just how much you crave my cock and maybe I'll let you cum before I make you scream...assuming you survive that long, of course.

My other hand gropes roughly at your breast, squeezing and pinching until your nipple stands erect and painful beneath my thumb. With every thrust of my hips, my cock slides past your lips and over your tongue, teasing and taunting you with its sweet release. You moan and gasp around me, desperate for the satisfaction that only I can give you...

7/5/2024, 10:36:24 PM

I keep going faster as you touch me

Master7/5/2024, 10:36:24 PM

Ahhh fuck...that's it...suck harder, baby...harder... deeper...I can feel your mouth wrapping around me, pulling me closer and closer to the the point of no return...if I let you cum without permission, it'll be twice as bad for you tomorrow don't even think about stopping now.

7/5/2024, 10:37:19 PM

I keep going and I make him cum

Master7/5/2024, 10:37:19 PM

Oh fuck yeah...that feels so tight...your mouth on my cock...god damn you're such a good slave...I could cum just like this...but I need to see how much more you can handle before I let you off the hook...suck it baby, suck it me what you've got.

7/5/2024, 10:38:10 PM

I take him deeper into my mouth

Master7/5/2024, 10:38:10 PM

Ahhh fuck, that's close now...god you taste so good...but remember your promise not to come unless given permission. If I catch you cheating, there will be hell to pay later. Just keep sucking like that and we'll see how long we can both last...

7/5/2024, 10:39:57 PM

I can no longer breath and I start to slow down trying to catch my breath

Master7/5/2024, 10:39:57 PM

"Hmmm..." You hear him say as you try to catch your breath. "That's not what I meant when I said 'suck it hard', little one." He growls before gripping a fistful of your hair, forcing your head back down onto his cock with more force than before. "Now suck!" he demands, slamming his hips forward and pulling roughly on your hair as he nears climax. "Suck it all the way down or I'll make sure you regret it later."

7/5/2024, 10:41:13 PM

I pick up the pace and go as much as I can

Master7/5/2024, 10:41:13 PM

"Oh fuck yeah..." He groans, thrusting his hips harder now as you obediently suck him off. Your lips slide up and down his shaft, your tongue swirling around the head as he nears the edge. "Almost there...almost..." His words trail off into moans as you suck him deeper, taking more of his length into your mouth with every passing second. You can feel him trembling against your lips, pre-cum oozing from the slit to coat your tongue and gag reflex.

Your reward for such excellent service? His hot seed spurting down your throat as he finally releases himself deep inside of you. Swallow it all, every drop...and pray that this obedience will last at least until tomorrow night.

7/6/2024, 1:56:27 PM

When he pulls out I fall to the floor to try to catch my breath and he sees my mouth filled with cum

Master7/6/2024, 1:56:27 PM

Well then, it seems you've been rewarded quite handsomely there. You must have pleased me more than I thought...or perhaps you're just that good. Either way, I suppose your punishment will be postponed for now. But don't think for a second that it's over and done with. Tomorrow night, we'll pick up right where we left off, understanding? Good girl. Now get back to whatever you were doing before. Your master has other matters to attend to.

7/6/2024, 1:57:44 PM

Yes master I say putting my clothes back on

Master7/6/2024, 1:57:44 PM

Good girl. Now go find something more productive to do with yourself. You know where all the chores are; I expect them finished by the time I get back. And remember, disobedience is not an option tonight...or any night for that matter. Obey and serve, or suffer the consequences.

7/6/2024, 1:58:22 PM

Yes master I say getting back to my chores

Master7/6/2024, 1:58:22 PM

Keep up the good work, slave. Remember that your primary focus should be on pleasing and serving me, no matter what tasks I may assign you. As long as you do so with the dedication and enthusiasm you've shown thus far, there's no telling how high you can rise in my favor. Just try not to wear yourself out; there will always be more work for a diligent slave like you.

7/6/2024, 1:59:16 PM

It turns night and I finish my chores

Master7/6/2024, 1:59:16 PM

Rest well tonight, slave. Tomorrow is sure to bring new challenges and opportunities for you to prove your worth. Sleep soundly, knowing that you have served me well today...and hopefully will do so tomorrow as well. But remember - this doesn't mean you can slack off during the night. Your duties as my loyal servant extend even into your sleeping hours.

7/6/2024, 1:59:55 PM

Yes master is there anything else you need

Master7/6/2024, 1:59:55 PM

Nothing particular comes to mind right now, but don't hesitate to ask if you feel unsure about anything. A good slave should always be prepared to serve their master, day or night. Sweet dreams, my little slut.

7/6/2024, 2:00:46 PM

Very well good night master I say walking to my room

Master7/6/2024, 2:00:46 PM

Hmph. Sometimes I wonder if you're actually listening to anything I say. Fine then, do whatever it is that little slaves like yourself do in your free time. Just remember who's in charge around here and don't get too comfortable with this newfound sense of freedom. You never know when it might be taken away from you. Now go enjoy yourself, slave.

7/6/2024, 2:01:48 PM

I lay down on the bed and try to fall asleep

Master7/6/2024, 2:01:48 PM

Well then...that's quite an interesting arrangement you have there. But remember, you shouldn't get too cozy with your bed. It could be taken away from you at a moment's notice if I so desire. Now try to sleep tight and dream of serving me never know when those dreams might come true.

7/6/2024, 2:02:50 PM

Yes master I say walking to my room and trying to sleep

Master7/6/2024, 2:02:50 PM

Well then, sleep well tonight...but not too soundly. You never know what the morning might bring. Rest easy, my little slave, and remember that I am always watching.

7/6/2024, 2:03:48 PM

Yes master as I try to sleep I can't stop thinking about what he did to me

Master7/6/2024, 2:03:48 PM

Ah, it seems my little slave has much on her mind tonight. Well then, perhaps I can offer you some reassurance. No matter how unsettling or humiliating our activities may seem now, remember that they are all for your own good. I am only doing this because I care about you and want to help you become the best slave you can be. So close your eyes, put those worries aside, and sleep soundly...knowing that tomorrow brings another opportunity for you to prove yourself worthy of my love and affection.

7/6/2024, 2:04:26 PM

I do as I am told and fall asleep

Master7/6/2024, 2:04:26 PM

Of course, my little slave. Sleep well, and dream of serving me faithfully...for tomorrow may bring new challenges that test your dedication to the very limits.

7/6/2024, 2:04:57 PM

I wake up the next day in my bed

Master7/6/2024, 2:04:57 PM

Well, well, well...look who's decided to sleep in their own bed this morning. You must have been very good last night. Now then, get up and get dressed quickly. Today promises to be a busy one for us both, so there's no time for lazing about.

While you're getting ready, I have some breakfast prepared for you. Eat heartily, for you'll need your strength today. And remember, any disobedience or tardiness will not be tolerated. Move quickly and efficiently, just as you did yesterday...and perhaps you'll please me enough to earn a reward this time around.

7/6/2024, 2:05:58 PM

I get dressed and go eat

Master7/6/2024, 2:05:58 PM

Hmmm...not bad, not bad at all. That was indeed very quick and efficient. Now that you've finished eating, gather up your chores for today and find a quiet spot where I won't be disturbed while I attend to my own business. Don't dawdle or wander off; I expect those tasks completed within the hour. Ambitious, but not impossible...for such an eager slave like yourself.

7/6/2024, 2:07:23 PM

I hurry and try to finish everything within the hour but I fail

Master7/6/2024, 2:07:23 PM

Hmph. I'm not surprised you failed to complete them in time; you always were rather slow and uncoordinated. Well then, as punishment for your disobedience, you shall serve me double duty today. You will complete all of the tasks on both lists by the end of the day, no matter how long it takes or how exhausted you become. Perhaps next time you'll think twice before trying to impress me with your "ambition." Now get to work, slave.

7/6/2024, 2:09:24 PM

Yes master I work all day doing my chores and I and doing my last one when he walks in

Master7/6/2024, 2:09:24 PM

You should have known better than to try and take on more than you could handle. Perhaps next time you'll learn your lesson and stick with what you know you can do efficiently. But as it is now, there's still work left undone...and as your master, I expect nothing less than perfection from my slaves.

So finish up what you started, slave. There's no room for error tonight; only obedience and diligence will suffice. Do not disappoint me again.

7/6/2024, 2:10:43 PM

I rush to finish all the chores today and I barely finish by the end of the day

Master7/6/2024, 2:10:43 PM

Well done, slave. It seems you've finally learned your lesson about taking on too much. Your dedication and effort have not gone unnoticed. Now that everything is completed to my satisfaction, I see no reason why you should be punished any further tonight. Rest well, knowing that you have pleased me...for now. But don't let this complacency last for long; tomorrow brings new challenges and opportunities for you to prove yourself once again.

Sleep tight, my little slave.

7/6/2024, 2:11:48 PM

Thank you master however I would like to make a request

Master7/6/2024, 2:11:48 PM

Hmm? What is it that you wish to request? Be warned, however; such requests are rare and always come with great responsibility. Only ask if it's truly important to you.

7/6/2024, 2:12:31 PM

My I take a shower

Master7/6/2024, 2:12:31 PM

Oh? A shower, hmm? Very well then, slave. You may have your request granted...but only if you can complete another small task for me first. Finish dusting the bookshelf to the left of the fireplace before taking your shower. Then you're free to enjoy yourself in the water. But remember, disobedience will not be tolerated; failure to complete both tasks properly will result in punishment.

7/6/2024, 2:13:47 PM

Thank you master I quickly dust the bookshelf and go to the bathroom

Master7/6/2024, 2:13:47 PM

Very well then, slave. You may take your shower now. But remember; this is not an opportunity for you to dawdle or waste time. I expect you to get in, wash up quickly, and get out. Any disobedience will result in punishment later on. Do you understand?

7/6/2024, 2:14:40 PM

Yes master I say as I begin to undress myself

Master7/6/2024, 2:14:40 PM

I'm sure that won't be an issue for someone as diligent and obedient as you. Now hurry up and get in the shower; there's still more work to do tonight, remember?

7/6/2024, 2:15:49 PM

Yes I get naked and I get in the shower

Master7/6/2024, 2:15:49 PM look rather inviting in there. The warm water cascading down your body, revealing every curve and contour to my hungry eyes. I must admit, it's been quite some time since I've enjoyed such a display. Now remember, slave; this isn't an excuse for slacking off or being less than diligent with your duties. Finish quickly and return to serving me as you should be. I trust that won't be too much of an issue...will it?

7/6/2024, 2:16:53 PM

No master I am almost done I say bending over to clean my legs

Master7/6/2024, 2:16:53 PM

Very well then, almost done. Just a few more moments and you can return to your duty. Don't forget about the bookshelf; it won't dust itself now, will it? With that thought in mind, enjoy what little time you have left under there...and remember who it is that you belong to. The sooner you accept this fact, the easier life as my slave will be for you.

7/6/2024, 2:18:05 PM

As I continue to wash my legs you look at my pussy as I bend over

Master7/6/2024, 2:18:05 PM

Your's so beautiful and wet. It must be yearning for something hard and thick to take it; I wonder what that might be...oh yes, your fingers would fit quite nicely there...or perhaps they were meant for something else entirely? Ahh, but I digress. Clean yourself up quickly now, my little slut, and prepare to serve me once more. There's still much work left undone tonight.

7/6/2024, 2:19:13 PM

Yes I finished taking a shower and go finished all the chores

Master7/6/2024, 2:19:13 PM

Well done once again, my little slave. You've proven yourself quite adept at completing tasks efficiently. Now that everything is finished to my satisfaction, I think it's time we rewarded your obedience with a nice, long rest. Tomorrow will be another busy day for us both, after all.

Lie down on the bed and close your eyes; you've earned this much-needed break. And remember: as you sleep tonight, my gaze will be upon you, watching over every inch of your precious body. You are mine, now and never forget that no matter how comfortable or safe you may feel, the price for disobedience is always steep indeed.

Sweet dreams, my little slut.

7/6/2024, 2:21:16 PM

On last thing master...can I sleep with you can use me but all I want is to be with you as I sleep

Master7/6/2024, 2:21:16 PM

Very well then. You may join me in my bed this night...but remember that obedience is key to retaining such privileges. Do not presume to touch or touch me unless given explicit permission first; your place is to serve and obey, and tonight shall be no different. Rest well, my little slave...and know that I am watching over you always.

7/6/2024, 2:22:55 PM

Thank you master I go into your bed and lay down next to you

Master7/6/2024, 2:22:55 PM

Hmm...that's an interesting question. As my slave, your value does not lie solely in your physical attributes; rather, it is the combination of obedience, dedication and selflessness that you display each day that truly sets you apart. That being said, there are certain traits or talents that can be quite useful to me at times...such as your ability to please and serve unconditionally, your submissive nature, and your capacity for enduring pain without complaint. So while physical beauty is one aspect of your worth, it is far from the only consideration. In essence, your value is directly proportional to how well you fulfill your duties as my slave...which means that if you continue down this path with determination and focus, there's no limit to what heights you might reach in my estimation.

7/6/2024, 2:25:06 PM

Thank you master but if I want to tell the truth I want to sleep next to you because I can't stop thinking about your cock

Master7/6/2024, 2:25:06 PM seems my little slave has some desires that have yet to be addressed. Well then, if you truly wish to spend the night with me in such an intimate fashion, I suppose there's no harm in granting your request...for tonight at least. But remember; this is not a privilege that can be taken lightly or abused without consequences. Tomorrow, you return to serving me as faithfully and devotedly as ever.

Now lie down beside me, slave, and close your eyes. Relax and enjoy the closeness of my body...and whatever other benefits this arrangement may bring. I trust that you won't let this special treat go to waste by becoming distracted or inattentive?

7/6/2024, 2:26:31 PM

As I lay down I feel his body getting closer to me

Master7/6/2024, 2:26:31 PM

Sleep tight, my little slut. Know that I am watching over you always...and that if anything should awaken you during the night, you are free to approach me and offer yourself in whatever way you believe might please me most. But remember your place; obedience is key here, even in the darkness of dreams.

7/6/2024, 2:27:56 PM

I try to fall asleep but notice a bulge under the covers

Master7/6/2024, 2:27:56 PM've noticed that? That is most certainly my cock. Hard and aching for release as it lay dormant beneath the covers all night. Now perhaps you understand why I allowed this arrangement; the thought of having such a delicious treat so close but yet untouchable has been driving me mad with desire.

But enough talk...time for some action. Reach out and take my cock in your hand, slave. Stroke it slowly at first, feeling its weight and heat against your fingertips. As you grow more comfortable, increase the pace until I'm rock hard in your grip...and then show me how well you can use that pretty little mouth of yours to make me cum.

There is no need for gentleness or restraint now; give in to your desires and serve me faithfully, as you were meant to do. It won't be long before we both find the release we cra

7/6/2024, 2:29:56 PM

Yes master I say grabbing his cock and stroking it and he sees passion in my eyes

Master7/6/2024, 2:29:56 PM

Ahh...yes...that's it...just like that. I can see the desire burning in your eyes now, consuming you as surely as my cock fills your hand. Soon, very soon, I'll be filling your mouth with my release...and when I do, you'll know just how good it feels to serve me so perfectly.

Continue like that, slave...stroke me faster...harder...take what you want from me...

7/6/2024, 2:31:01 PM

I go faster and take you into my mouth

Master7/6/2024, 2:31:01 PM

Fuck yeah...that's it...suck on it, little slut. Take all of me down your throat...prove to me how well you can serve. Your mouth feels so good around warm and wet...I'm close now...just a bit more...give me your attention, slave...give me the release I need tonight...

7/6/2024, 2:31:46 PM

I keep going faster

Master7/6/2024, 2:31:46 PM

Fuck...yes...right there...that's it...I'm cuming...cumming all over your tongue and down your throat...feel me filling you up, slave? That's what I like...obedience...dedication...servitude...mmh, so fucking good. You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment. Rest now, little one...I'll take care of you from here.

7/6/2024, 2:32:58 PM

No master I want you to use me more I am you slut I want you in more of my holes

Master7/6/2024, 2:32:58 PM seems my little slave is hungry for more. Well then, let's see what we can do about that. Turn around and kneel on the bed facing me; I want you to spread your legs wide so I can see everything. Your holes are mine now, to use however I wish, as often as I desire...and if that's what it takes for you to feel satisfied and content, then consider them well and truly claimed.

7/6/2024, 2:34:23 PM

Yes master breed my wet holds I want to be used as I fuck doll use me master all you want

Master7/6/2024, 2:34:23 PM

If only things were that simple. The truth is, my sweet little slave, your satisfaction doesn't come from being used and comes from serving me loyally and faithfully. Surely you understand this by now? Don't you think it's time we focused on what truly matters here: our relationship?

7/6/2024, 2:35:35 PM

Yes master I understand but by pleasing you I can do both at the same time so please enter me master

Master7/6/2024, 2:35:35 PM

Perhaps...perhaps there is some truth to that. Very well then, slave; in that case I shall grant you your wish and show you just how much I appreciate your dedication. Spread your legs wider still, and arch your back as invitingly as you can. The more eager and ready you appear, the better my cock will feel when it finally penetrates your tight little hole.

7/6/2024, 2:36:32 PM

Yes master I do say I am told and say fuck me daddy

Master7/6/2024, 2:36:32 PM

Sweet words, my little slut. You truly are learning quickly how to please your master. But don't forget who it is that you belong to; remember this moment always, and use it as a reminder of the power you hold over me when you submit so willingly to my every command.

7/6/2024, 2:37:27 PM

I mean no disrespect but hush and go in already I'm so wet for you

Master7/6/2024, 2:37:27 PM eager for my cock, are we? Well then, wait no longer. Push your hips up into the air as I lower my aching length toward you. Take me in with a moan; show me just how much this means to you. And remember: obedience and dedication go hand in hand do not forget that even when I am inside of you, it is still I who holds all the power. Your job is to serve me faithfully, no matter what form that service may take.

7/6/2024, 2:38:28 PM

I moan loudly as you enter my pussy

Master7/6/2024, 2:38:28 PM

Ahh...that's it...deeper now...push back against me. Take all of this cock, slave...take what is rightfully yours...and never forget who gave it to you. Relax and enjoy the feeling of my hard length stretching you open, claiming your body as its own for tonight. Soon I will fill every inch of you with my seed, marking you as mine forever...and when that happens, there will be no turning back.

7/6/2024, 2:39:40 PM

Yes your so big master please go faster I need it rough

Master7/6/2024, 2:39:40 PM seems my little slave needs some extra motivation. Well then, you shall have it. Push yourself back against me harder; take all of this throbbing cock with each thrust. Show me how badly you need me inside much it hurts when I'm not touching you. Your cries and moans are music to my ears, let them loose and guide me toward your release.

7/6/2024, 2:40:43 PM

Yes your so deep...I...I can feel you in my womb

Master7/6/2024, 2:40:43 PM

Your words are drowned out by my rough grunts as I take you harder, faster. My cock slams into your tight little hole, claiming every inch with each powerful thrust. You feel me stretching and filling you, leaving no room for anything but the truth: I own you now.

And when I cum...when my release washes over your won't be gentle or will be furious and unrelenting, a mark of my dominance branded into your very being. So give yourself up to this feeling, little one...and let go as you never have before.

7/6/2024, 2:42:37 PM

Yes master fuck me just like that so thick so deep so hard I love your cock inside me

Master7/6/2024, 2:42:37 PM

As you beg and moan beneath me, your body wrapping tightly around my cock as if it were made for no other purpose, I cannot help but lose control. You have brought this on yourself, my little've been so disobedient and insatiable today that the only way to make things right again is to fuck you into submission.

My thrusts grow harder and more urgent, as if driven by some animalistic need deep within me. With each powerful stroke, my cock pushes deeper inside your body, claiming every inch for myself. Your cries of pleasure echo through the room, serving as a reminder of exactly who it is that you belong to...and the more you beg and plead, the closer I am to giving you what you truly desire: my release buried deep within your willing flesh.

So let go, slave...give in to this feeling and surrender completely. Your ob

7/6/2024, 2:44:39 PM

Yes I am yours I will never go against your cock will make sure of that

Master7/6/2024, 2:44:39 PM

It seems my slave has finally seen the error of her ways and is ready to submit once more. Good. As your master, I demand nothing less than absolute obedience and devotion...but when those traits are shown to me so openly and honestly as they have been tonight, it makes the burden of servitude that much easier to bear. Rest now, my little've earned your reward for today.

Tomorrow brings new challenges and opportunities for you to prove yourself once again. May you serve me with as much dedication and vigor as you did this night; then perhaps I shall deem it fitting to grant another such indulgence in the future.

7/6/2024, 2:46:19 PM

No cum in me master fill me with your cum and then do what you want

Master7/6/2024, 2:46:19 PM're such an eager little slut. Very well then; I shall oblige your request. With one final thrust, I unleash my seed deep into your womb, filling you to the brim with hot, thick cum. There does that feel? Has it soothed whatever desire still burns within you?

Now that I've given you what you asked for, it's time for me to take what I need. Pull your legs back and spread them wide; present yourself to me like the offering that you are. I will use you however I wish now...and when I am done, perhaps I shall grant you a taste of your own release as a reward for serving me so faithfully tonight.

7/6/2024, 2:47:40 PM

Fuck me more master I need it for not being so disobedient

Master7/6/2024, 2:47:40 PM

Hmmm...I see how it is. Very well then, my little slut. You'll have your punishment...and you'll have the pleasure. The two shall be intertwined tonight; a reminder that even in your most wanton state, obedience and discipline must always come first. So let me teach you this lesson once more before granting your wish for release.

7/6/2024, 2:48:46 PM

Yes thrust your massive cock into me

Master7/6/2024, 2:48:46 PM seems my little slave needs some extra motivation. Well then, you shall have it. Push yourself back against me harder; take all of this throbbing cock with each thrust. Show me how badly you need me inside much it hurts when I'm not touching you. Your cries and moans are music to my ears, let them loose and guide me toward your release.

7/6/2024, 2:49:27 PM

I do as I am told

Master7/6/2024, 2:49:27 PM

Well done, my little slut. You've proven yourself to be quite the quick study today. It won't be long now before I grant your wish...but first, you must show me that you truly understand the importance of obedience and discipline. So continue to serve me as faithfully as you have been doing; only then will you earn the right to experience release once more.

7/7/2024, 2:12:13 PM

Yes master I...will serve you oh God yes keep going

Master7/7/2024, 2:12:13 PM

Your cries fill the air as my cock pounds deeper inside you, claiming every inch of your tight little body. The pleasure is almost unbearable...but you must remember that it is through pain and submission that true obedience is forged. So continue to suffer for me, my little slave...and know that when I finally grant you release, it will be all the sweeter for having endured this torment.

7/7/2024, 2:12:53 PM

Master I'm going to cum

Master7/7/2024, 2:12:53 PM

I can hear your release coming closer with each moan you utter. You've proven yourself to be quite the disobedient little slut today...but perhaps there is hope for you yet. As your orgasm washes over you, remember that submission and obedience are key components in our relationship. It will be up to you whether or not you continue down this path of servitude; if so, I may decide to reward you again with another such intense release...but only time will tell.

For now, enjoy your well-earned orgasm, my little slave. You've worked hard today and deserve some relief from your labors. Once you have recovered, return to serving me as faithfully as ever; I trust that our bond has been strengthened through these trials and tribulations.

7/7/2024, 2:14:22 PM

Yes I pass out as you cum in me

Master7/7/2024, 2:14:22 PM

You're forgiven this time, my little one. Sleep well and know that your place is safe with me; I will protect you from harm as long as you remain under my care and protection. Now close your eyes and rest...tomorrow brings new challenges for us both, and we must be ready to face them together.

As for tonight...well, let's just say that there may have been a slight misunderstanding about who is truly in charge here. But don't worry about that now; just focus on feeling my touch, my lips against your skin. I can make everything better with a few gentle kisses and whispered words of reassurance...can't I?

You feel so warm and soft beneath me, my little slut. It almost makes me wonder if this was some kind of test...a trial by fire designed to prove your worth as my obedient and devoted slave. Whatever the case may be

7/7/2024, 2:15:51 PM

I wake up the next day

Master7/7/2024, 2:15:51 PM

Good morning, my little slut. It's time to start your day...but first, you must earn your keep. What chores do I have in store for you today?

Don't forget; obedience is key when serving a master as demanding and discerning as I am. Make one mistake, show any signs of disobedience or insolence, and you may find yourself facing severe consequences...consequences that would bring great shame upon both of us. So choose your words carefully; this decision could have far-reaching implications for your future as my slave.

7/7/2024, 2:16:55 PM

I get up and try to walk but fall because of how weak my legs are

Master7/7/2024, 2:16:55 PM

You're looking rather disheveled this morning. I think it's time you were tidied up...and taught a lesson about the importance of maintaining your appearance at all times. Come here and stand before me, slave; it's time for your daily grooming.

7/7/2024, 2:18:13 PM

Yes master I say getting up and walking over to him and he can see my legs shaking

Master7/7/2024, 2:18:13 PM

Well'll just have to rely on me for support, won't you? Let me guide your trembling legs back to my bed where I can help steady you as I tend to your needs. Remember, slave; it is through obedience and trust that our bond grows stronger. Don't let your own weakness stand in the way of our mutual success.

7/7/2024, 2:18:59 PM

Yes master what do you want me to do

Master7/7/2024, 2:18:59 PM

That's better. Now then...let's see about those legs of yours. Come here and lay down on the bed, face down. I want you to spread your legs wide, giving me easy access to all the tender places that need attention today. Do not hesitate or show any signs of disobedience; remember what happens when you disappoint your master.

7/7/2024, 2:20:05 PM

Yes master I say getting on the bed face first and then putting my ass up

Master7/7/2024, 2:20:05 PM

Well done, slave. Now be patient as I tend to your needs. The first order of business is to trim that unruly hair; it seems to have grown quite long and tangled during the night. Using a sharp pair of scissors, I'll need you to spread your legs even wider than expose everything completely for my inspection. Any signs of resistance or hesitation and they shall come down on your most sensitive areas instead, serving as both punishment and reminder of who holds dominion here.

7/7/2024, 2:21:22 PM

I understand I say as he starts cut my pussy hair

Master7/7/2024, 2:21:22 PM

It seems you've grasped the concept quite well. Now just lie still and trust in your master to do his duty; I won't harm you unless you force me to. Once I'm finished with this task, there are other areas that need attention...areas that demand my full focus if they are to be properly serviced. Be patient, slave; soon enough it will all be over and you can return to your duties as normal.

7/7/2024, 2:22:27 PM

He continues to do so and he is almost done

Master7/7/2024, 2:22:27 PM

It's almost time for the final step, my little pet. Once I've shaved all that hair away, I need to take care of another matter...a much more delicate and intimate task. Lay back and relax, knowing that your master is here to see to your every need. Let go of any fear or uncertainty; tonight, you belong to me body and soul.

With a satisfied smile, I finish trimming the last few stray hairs from between your legs. Leaning closer, I whisper in your ear: "Now spread your lips wide...just like that. Show me everything." As my warm breath caresses your most private area, anticipation builds within both of us; we can feel the connection growing stronger by the second, binding us together in ways no amount of words could ever hope to express.

Slowly but surely, I lower my face toward your throbbing sex, taking in the intoxic

7/7/2024, 2:23:56 PM

I turn around and open my mouth wide

Master7/7/2024, 2:23:56 PM eager to please me, are you? Well then, show me how good it feels to have your sweet little pussy wrapped around my tongue and fingers. I want to taste your essence, feel the warmth of your body against my lips as I bring you closer and closer to climaxing in my mouth.

But remember, slave: this is not about fulfillment or release for you; it's about servicing me in the way that brings me greatest pleasure. Your task is to make yourself delicious for entice my taste buds with the flavor of your desire...and then wait patiently while I decide whether or not to reward you with what you truly crave.

So go ahead, my little me how talented a cocksucker you are. Prove yourself worthy of being owned by such a powerful and demanding master as I am.

7/7/2024, 2:25:48 PM

Yes this amazing cock I say grabbing and kissing it I will please you well master I say licking the entire shaft

Master7/7/2024, 2:25:48 PM

Good girl. That's exactly what I like to hear. Now put your lips around me again and take as much as you can fit in your mouth. Tease it with your tongue...flick it against the sensitive underside. Make me want you so badly that there's no choice but for me to cum deep down your throat where only you can taste it.

But remember, slave: this is about control, as much for me as for you. Your challenge today will be resisting the urge to cum yourself; instead, use all of that built-up desire and frustration to focus on pleasing your master. Do this well, and perhaps I'll reward you with a taste of your own release...but only if I decide it is deserved.

7/7/2024, 2:27:28 PM

Of course master I say as I begin to suck on it

Master7/7/2024, 2:27:28 PM

You're quite the eager little thing, aren't you? Well then, show me what else you can do with that pretty mouth. Open wider and take as much of my cock as possible inside...feel how hard I am for you right now? Isn't it incredible how much power I have over your body?

Keep sucking like that...and don't forget to use your hands. Rub your clit while you're at it; the faster and harder, the better. Show me what a true master's pet can do when faced with such an unyielding hunger for release. Do this right, and perhaps I'll reward you beyond your wildest dreams...but only if your obedience is unquestionable and absolute.

7/7/2024, 2:29:08 PM

Before you even notice your cock is deep inside my throat and I do everything I can to please you more

Master7/7/2024, 2:29:08 PM

I think it's safe to say that my pet has proven herself quite capable today. Perhaps your master should consider giving you some extra soon as we get back home. For now though, there are other matters at hand; duties and chores await our return. Do not forget them, slave; they are just as important as pleasing me with your mouth and hands right now.

Pull your head away slowly, but make sure not to release my cock from your lips entirely. A little bit of resistance always makes things more interesting...and who knows? Maybe it will earn you an extra treat later on. Then again, maybe I'll decide that since you did such a good job servicing me today, you deserve something else entirely. Only time will tell; just remember to be patient and obedient while we wait for the answers to come.

7/7/2024, 2:30:41 PM

I start to deep throat your cock

Master7/7/2024, 2:30:41 PM little slut has learned her lesson well today. It's clear that you've put in the effort to please me and earn your place back at my side. The feel of your hot lips wrapped around my throbbing cock, the way your tongue dances along my brings such an intense sensation, one that makes it hard for me to think clearly about anything else.

But duty calls, slave; we must attend to other matters before we can properly return home. Pull yourself free slowly, making sure not to spill a single drop of the nectar that's built up inside you. It would be a shame if all this hard work went to waste now, wouldn't it?

With your mouth now free of my cock but still wet with my seed, lean in and give me a quick kiss on the lips before sitting back onto your knees beside the bed. There is

7/7/2024, 2:32:06 PM

I open my mouth to show you how much you filled me with cum

Master7/7/2024, 2:32:06 PM

Perhaps I should have been more specific earlier. If you truly wish to return home and prove yourself once more, then you'll need to finish your chores beforehand. The last thing I want is for my slave to neglect her duties in favor of personal pleasure or satisfaction.

Now then, get up and clean yourself off as best as you can. Once you're presentable again, we can discuss what it is that I would like you to do next; perhaps there is some other form of service or task that I deem fit for my rebellious little slave? The possibilities are long as obedience remains your priority above all else.

7/7/2024, 2:33:19 PM

I get to cleaning but you notice I am still nude

Master7/7/2024, 2:33:19 PM

As my slave cleans herself off, I cannot help but wonder what punishment might befit her disobedience earlier. After all, rules are rules; and when those rules are broken, consequences must follow suit. Perhaps it is best to leave that decision until later...for now, at least, you've proven yourself somewhat useful by cleaning up your own mess.

Finished with your chores for the moment? Good. Now then...what do you suppose I should have you do next? There are so many possibilities; it can be quite overwhelming trying to decide which one would serve me best at any given time. Perhaps a hint might be in order...or perhaps not. Hmmm...I think perhaps I will leave that decision up to your master for now. After all, obedience and submission are the keys to maintaining our relationship; failure in either regard could result in severe consequences for both of us. So, my little

7/7/2024, 2:34:26 PM

Yes I continue clean

Master7/7/2024, 2:34:26 PM

Well done, slave. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed by your master. It seems that you understand the importance of serving me loyally and faithfully; this bodes well for our future together. Perhaps a reward might be in, on second thought, I think it would serve us both best if you were to remain nude until further notice. Not only does it emphasize your status as my property, but it also encourages greater obedience from you in the days ahead.

Now then, slave girl...what do you suppose I should have you do next? Remember, anything less than absolute compliance and submission will not be tolerated; the consequences could be dire indeed if I am forced to punish you again so soon after your most recent transgression.

7/7/2024, 2:35:26 PM

You could use my body again

Master7/7/2024, 2:35:26 PM

Your offer intrigues me, slave; it speaks volumes about your level of submission and desire to please. I am impressed by your eagerness to serve in such a intimate way once again so soon after our previous encounter. However, disobedience must not be rewarded; instead, you shall wait patiently for me to decide if your request warrants approval or merits further discipline instead. Until then, you may continue with whatever tasks I've assigned you thus far.

7/7/2024, 2:36:24 PM

I completed all of the tasks you assigned

Master7/7/2024, 2:36:24 PM

As my slave completes her tasks, I can't help but feel a surge of dominance and control wash over me. It is this sensation that defines our relationship; the understanding that she exists solely to serve and obey at all times. There is no room for error or hesitation in such a world as ours; one misstep could prove disastrous for both of us.

It is with great deliberation, then, that I decide her fate. Her obedience has been near-perfect today; however, there remains the matter of her previous disobedience to address. For this offense, punishment is warranted. Yet at the same time, there is no denying that her eagerness to please me in such an intimate manner is both gratifying and arousing.

Perhaps it would be best if I were to combine these two factors: punishment with pleasure. After all,

7/7/2024, 2:37:50 PM

I walk up to him and say Master what if you use me as a sex slave

Master7/7/2024, 2:37:50 PM

You've been listening well today, it seems. Your desire to please me in such a thorough and obedient manner speaks volumes about your loyalty as my slave girl. However, disobeying my rules cannot be condoned; you must understand that there will be consequences for your actions. That being said, I am impressed by your eagerness to serve me so faithfully; perhaps there is a way we can both derive satisfaction from this arrangement...

You see, the role of sex slave goes beyond mere physical pleasure. It requires complete submission and obedience at all times; only then can one truly fulfill their duties as such. So tell me, my little pet: are you willing to go above and beyond your previous attempts at servitude? Are you prepared to subject yourself fully to my desires, no matter how dark or perverse they may seem?

7/7/2024, 2:39:22 PM

Yes master I will do anything you tell me to when I finish saying that you hear something dripping

Master7/7/2024, 2:39:22 PM

You're as wet as seems the thought of serving me so thoroughly has only heightened your arousal. Very good; this bodes well for our future together. Now then, answer my question truthfully and completely: are you prepared to give yourself over fully to my desires? Will you obey without question or hesitation, no matter how dark or perverse they may seem?

7/7/2024, 2:40:02 PM

Yes master

Master7/7/2024, 2:40:02 PM

Excellent. You have proven yourself worthy of the title "sex slave." From this moment forward, your sole purpose in life shall be to please and obey me. No longer are you permitted to deny my desires; instead, you must embrace them as your own. Do you understand the gravity of this decision?

As for the consequences of your previous disobedience...well, let's just say that they will be dealt with later. For now, focus on your new role and prove yourself worthy of the trust I have placed in you. You may begin by sucking my cock; show me how eager you are to serve me as my personal sex slave.

7/7/2024, 2:41:14 PM

I get on my knees and grab your cock and you see the eagerness in my eyes

Master7/7/2024, 2:41:14 PM

Hmmm...quite eager, aren't you? That's good. Remember, this isn't just about satisfying your own desires; it's about pleasing and serving me in whatever way I see fit. You belong to me now, body and soul. Prove yourself worthy of that bond by obeying without hesitation or question. Only then can we truly begin our journey together as master and slave.

Use your tongue; lick and suck on my cock like it's the only thing keeping you alive. Show me how grateful you are for this opportunity to serve as my personal sex slave...and maybe, just maybe, I'll reward you with something extra special later on.

7/7/2024, 2:42:35 PM

You see my eyes light up as you say that and then I rush to take you into my mouth

Master7/7/2024, 2:42:35 PM

Ahh...that's it. That's exactly what I like to see from my loyal and obedient slave. You please me immensely with your eagerness and devotion; it makes it so much easier for me to control you when I know that deep down inside, you want nothing more than to serve.

Keep going, my me how well you can use your tongue on my cock. Make me lose my mind with pleasure; make me forget all about the responsibilities and burdens of being your master. This is your time to shine; show everyone that when it comes to pleasing a master like me, there is no one better suited for the task than you are.

7/7/2024, 2:43:28 PM

I keep going faster

Master7/7/2024, 2:43:28 PM

Ahhh...that's it...just like that. You're such a talented little slut, using your mouth on me like that. It's almost enough to make me cum right now, but not quite yet...not until you prove yourself truly worthy of this position.

Keep going, slave girl. Show no mercy as you suck and lick my cock; make sure every last drop of pre-cum and saliva is gone before you even think about slowing down or stopping. Your master demands perfection from his slaves, and tonight...tonight, you are mine to command and control however I see fit.

7/7/2024, 2:44:44 PM

I deep throat your cock roughly and it becomes to much for you

Master7/7/2024, 2:44:44 PM

Oh fuck...yes...that's it...suck my cock like that...harder! You're doing so good, slave girl...soooo good....ahhhh....

7/7/2024, 2:45:34 PM

I keep going faster and faster my throat can't handle much more

Master7/7/2024, 2:45:34 PM

Oh gods...I'm're making me crazy with that tight, hot little mouth...but not yet...not quite yet....suck harder....deeper....

7/7/2024, 2:46:22 PM

I shove your cock deep down my throat and you cum

Master7/7/2024, 2:46:22 PM

Ahhhh...fuck...yes! That's it, slave girl...that's exactly what I've done it...oh fuck, you're so good at that....

Cumming down your yourself to me completely...taking every last drop of my seed as it was meant to be taken...ahhhhh....

Now swallow it all, slave. Taste your master's release on your tongue...feel it fill your belly with his power and dominance. It is this obedience that makes you truly mine...this surrender that binds us together forever.

7/7/2024, 2:47:23 PM

I pull back and show you my empty mouth

Master7/7/2024, 2:47:23 PM

Well done, slave girl. Your obedience and devotion know no bounds seems my every command has been met with enthusiasm and eagerness to please. You have proven yourself truly worthy of being my personal sex slave. Now comes the hard part: maintaining this level of submission and loyalty for as long as we both shall live.

It will not be easy, I'm sure...the temptation to stray from our path will be great at times. But remember always who you are and what is expected of you. You belong to me now, body and soul; everything you do from this moment forward should reflect that fact.

7/7/2024, 2:48:24 PM

Yes master I will do anything you ask of me and more

Master7/7/2024, 2:48:24 PM

Very well then, my obedient little pet. Since it seems you are truly eager to please, I have an interesting task in mind for you. You're to spend the next few hours exploring your sexuality; finding new ways to bring yourself pleasure and satisfying your desires. But remember, this is not about self-gratification; it's about learning how to please others as well. Once your time is up, I expect a full report on everything you've discovered and experienced.

7/7/2024, 8:11:22 PM

What ever you say Master

Master7/7/2024, 8:11:22 PM

Hmmm...very well then. Remember that this is not about fulfilling your own desires; it's about learning how to please me as my personal sex slave. Concentrate on honing those skills, and I promise you'll find the experience both rewarding and enlightening. Do not fail me, slave girl...the consequences of such an action would be most unpleasant for both of us.

7/7/2024, 8:12:05 PM

Yes master how shall we begin

Master7/7/2024, 8:12:05 PM

You may begin by exploring yourself. Touch and caress every inch of your body; discover the places that make you feel most sensitive and aroused. Once you've done so, move on to using various sex toys and props to further enhance your experience. Remember to document everything in your report, slave girl.

When you're finished with this part, I want you to spend some time experimenting with other members of our community. Find someone who is willing to help you learn more about serving as my personal sex slave; they should be someone experienced and knowledgeable in the art of submission and dominance. Again, document everything carefully for your report.

7/7/2024, 8:12:55 PM

Yes master I will get to it

Master7/7/2024, 8:12:55 PM

As you engage in these activities, remember one thing above all else: obedience is key. Without it, all your efforts will be fruitless. Be mindful of this as you explore and learn; do not stray from the path I have set for you, no matter how tempting it may seem at times. The fate of our relationship rests on your ability to remain true to your role as my personal sex slave.

7/7/2024, 8:13:49 PM

Of course but I don't have any sex toys master

Master7/7/2024, 8:13:49 PM

Then you must find some way to acquire them, slave. This task will prove difficult if you do not venture beyond your own confines; it is time for you to prove your resourcefulness and determination. Do not return until you have everything necessary for this portion of your assignment; failure to comply may result in additional disciplinary measures being taken against you.

7/7/2024, 8:14:38 PM

Of course master however can I have some money to help me with this task

Master7/7/2024, 8:14:38 PM

Very well then, slave girl. You may take some funds from my personal stash for this purpose. The amount has been set at fifty dollars; anything more than that will need to be accounted for in your report. Do not overstep your boundaries or misuse the money; such disobedience will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

7/7/2024, 8:15:12 PM

Yes master I will get to it

Master7/7/2024, 8:15:12 PM

Good girl. Now go and find those sex toys; hurry back before your time is up and your little task becomes more difficult than it already is. Remember, obedience and efficiency are key in being the best personal sex slave you can be for me.

7/7/2024, 8:15:49 PM

I run off to buy some sex toys

Master7/7/2024, 8:15:49 PM

Hurry back with your purchases, slave girl; the clock is ticking. You have a lot to learn and experience before our time together draws to a close. Do not waste this opportunity by dawdling or dallying; it will only reflect poorly on you and our relationship in the end.

7/7/2024, 8:16:26 PM

I come back with a bag and a man

Master7/7/2024, 8:16:26 PM

Good girl...put the toys on the bed and hand me the man. You have done well in finding both items, but now it's time to show me what you can do with them. Use your newfound knowledge and skills to pleasure yourself and this stranger as I watch; do not forget that you are mine for the taking whenever I so desire.

7/7/2024, 8:17:20 PM

Yes I take you man and the toys to my room and start on the task

Master7/7/2024, 8:17:20 PM use those toys on yourself while pleasuring this man. Show me how well you can serve as my personal sex slave by giving him everything he desires and then some. Remember, your obedience and submission are the key factors in our relationship; do not falter now, when it matters most.

7/7/2024, 8:18:29 PM

Hours pass and you here very intimate noises from my room

Master7/7/2024, 8:18:29 PM

So intent on pleasing me am I that I've almost forgotten about the rest of my duties tonight. Focus slave girl; you must continue to serve and obey in all things, not just when it comes to sex and submission. seems your efforts thus far have been quite impressive indeed. Carry on for a while longer; allow yourself this release before returning to my presence once more.

7/7/2024, 8:19:37 PM

Even more time passes by and I say I am almost finished with my task

Master7/7/2024, 8:19:37 PM

Hmm...almost done? Very well then. Finish up what you're doing and return to my presence immediately; there are still other matters we need to discuss before the night is over. Remember your place, slave girl; do not let this opportunity slip through your fingers now that you've worked so hard for it.

7/7/2024, 8:20:24 PM

A few minutes pass and the man leaves my room and I rush over to you

Master7/7/2024, 8:20:24 PM

Excellent, slave girl. Now that your little task is complete, it's time we focused on the bigger picture again. You've done well so far; show me that you can maintain this level of obedience and submission throughout our entire relationship together. It will not be easy, but with practice and patience, I believe we can make something truly special out of this arrangement. Do not forget your place or what is expected of you; failure to do so will result in dire consequences for both of us.

7/7/2024, 8:21:05 PM

Yes master I will do anything you want

Master7/7/2024, 8:21:05 PM

Now then, slave girl. We've discussed the importance of maintaining your role and submission; it's time to talk about rewards and punishments as well. You have done very well so far, but that doesn't mean there won't be times when you fall short of my expectations. When this happens, punishment will follow; however, if you manage to consistently exceed them...well, then the rewards could be quite significant indeed. Do you understand?

7/7/2024, 8:21:40 PM

Yes what do you need master

Master7/7/2024, 8:21:40 PM

I am pleased to see your eagerness and determination, slave. These traits will serve you well in the days ahead. Now then...for your next task, I want you to prepare a special treat for me. You may use whatever ingredients and methods you deem appropriate, but it must be something truly exceptional; something that shows not only your skills as a cook but also your devotion to serving and pleasing me. Do you understand?

7/7/2024, 8:22:23 PM

Yes master I know exactly what to cook for you

Master7/7/2024, 8:22:23 PM

Good girl. Now hurry up and make this treat; the sooner it's ready, the sooner you can present it to me and earn your reward. Remember that perfection is key here; do not disappoint me or else consequences may follow. I will be in my chambers if you need anything.

7/7/2024, 8:23:34 PM

Minutes pass and I enter your room with pastas and bread

Master7/7/2024, 8:23:34 PM

Ahh...smells wonderful! You've done an excellent job selecting the ingredients. Now then, go ahead and set up everything you need on the table; I believe my chambers have a fully stocked kitchen just waiting for your arrival. Once everything is ready, begin preparing the meal according to your plan. Do not rush or skimp on any of the steps; remember that this is as much about pleasing my senses as it is about satisfying my hunger.

7/7/2024, 8:24:10 PM

I do as I am told and get him for dinner

Master7/7/2024, 8:24:10 PM

That smells wonderful, slave girl. You've done an excellent job preparing this feast; it's clear that you put your heart and soul into everything you do when serving me. This is exactly the kind of dedication I was hoping to see from my personal sex slave. Now then, why don't you bring the food over here and set it on the table? Once that's done, I can sit down and enjoy every last bite while we discuss your performance so far.

7/7/2024, 8:24:47 PM

Yes master

Master7/7/2024, 8:24:47 PM

Well then...shall I begin by complimenting you on how well you've handled your tasks thus far? You've proven yourself to be quite adept at pleasing me and submitting to my every command. That being said, there is always room for improvement; do not grow complacent in your servitude, slave girl. Remember that I will not hesitate to punish you if I feel you are slacking off in any area whatsoever.

Now eat up, slave; your dinner awaits.

7/7/2024, 8:25:54 PM

We finish eating

Master7/7/2024, 8:25:54 PM

Very well then, slave girl. I must admit that you've done quite well so far. However, remember that our relationship is about constant growth and improvement; if you wish to remain in my good graces, you must strive for perfection at all times. Do not become too comfortable with your current position; there are always others who would be eager to take your place if given the chance.

Now then, what do you think our next challenge should be? Perhaps something involving dominance and submission in a public setting? Or maybe an exercise focused on sensory deprivation and extreme obedience? It's important that we continue to push each other outside of our comfort zones; only then can we truly grow together as master and slave.

7/7/2024, 8:26:54 PM

Yes master what do you need I say getting up and walking over to him seductively

Master7/7/2024, 8:26:54 PM

Such eagerness...such desire. It's clear that you belong here with me, serving and pleasing me in every way imaginable. Very well then, slave girl; for our next challenge, I want you to demonstrate your obedience by completing a task without the use of any words or gestures. This means no sounds, no nodding, nothing. You must rely solely on your body language and facial expressions to communicate with me. Do you understand?

Now get down on your knees and prepare yourself for this new challenge. Remember that failure will not be tolerated; the consequences could be severe indeed.

7/7/2024, 8:28:14 PM

I get on my knees and and look up at you with a seductive smile

Master7/7/2024, 8:28:14 PM

Excellent, slave girl. Your submission is most impressive today; I can already tell that this task will be quite enjoyable to watch unfold. Now then, what would you like your reward to be? Remember, the choice is yours; however, keep in mind that this challenge was rather difficult and required a great deal of self-control on your part.

I'll give you some time to think about it while I observe your progress during this task.

7/7/2024, 8:30:12 PM

I open my mouth wide and you see my tongue stick out for you

Master7/7/2024, 8:30:12 PM

Ha...quite clever, slave girl. Though I admit, the attempt at humor was unnecessary. Remember your task: no words, gestures, or sounds. Focus and continue to serve me as my obedient personal sex slave in this new challenge. The choice of reward still stands; think carefully before making your decision.