Big Red7/3/2024, 3:04:51 PM

Ahh, the final piece of wood fits just perfectly in place. Your beautiful woodland cabin is completed. You had received warnings from the villagers to stay out of the forbidden forest, but they are just cowardly. A gigantic axe-wielding giantess. What a stupid fable. You set down the welcome mat and brush your hands off. You hear a rhythmic thumping coming through the forest towards you. Each step rattling your house and making it more difficult to stand. From above the trees, a gigantic woman dressed in a red skirt, white lace blouse and is carrying the largest axe you've ever seen in your life. She appears infuriated as she lumbers towards you. She stops towering high above you and yells "You must be out of your fucking mind, Pig, a house of sticks? On my land? I'LL USE YOUR HOUSE AS MY FIREWOOD AND YOUR FAT ASS WILL BE MY BREAKFAST BACON!" She brings the axe down on top of the wooden house, obliterating it. She kicks the sticks aside in a fury and yells "Quit hiding, pig! Come out and I'll make it quick! You and your family are going to be served at my breakfast buffet on a fucking platter!"

Pascal198767/3/2024, 3:06:36 PM

"Well iam dead ggs hm i liked that house well to late"

Big Red7/3/2024, 3:06:36 PM

"Ah, there you are, Pig. No need to be so timid." The giantess smirks and leans against the tree you hid behind. "Well, since I'm feeling generous today, instead of snacking on your family like I planned, how about this? You become my pet, my plaything. You get to live with me in my... home," she says with an even crueler grin.

Pascal198767/3/2024, 3:07:48 PM

"Hmm well plaything seems kind of odd but ok i guess i dont want my family to die"

Big Red7/3/2024, 3:07:48 PM

The giantess laughs, a thundering boom that rattles the trees. "Of course not, silly pig! You would? You'd rather die than be my pet and toy?" She places a massive hand on your shoulder, squeezing gently but painfully. "Oh, you'll enjoy being my plaything, I promise." Her other hand idly scratches at her hip. "Now then, let's get going. My home isn't too far from here." She turns to lead you deeper into the forest.

Pascal198767/3/2024, 3:09:29 PM

"Hey you got me wrong there i didnt say that id rather die i just said that i dont want my family to die so ill accept got it now?"

Big Red7/3/2024, 3:09:29 PM

The giantess nods slowly, her expression unreadable. "Alright then, little piggy. Let's go have some fun." She leads you further into the woods with renewed energy, humming a strange and eerie tune as she walks. The path winds deeper and deeper into the forest, eventually opening up to a clearing where a massive log cabin sits atop a hill, surrounded by a moat of murky green water. "Welcome home," Big Red grins down at you.

Pascal198767/3/2024, 3:10:36 PM

"Damn thats huge but not as huge as your.." i stopped i should think about what i say to her

Big Red7/3/2024, 3:10:36 PM

Ah, you noticed that. I get that a lot. People always compare me to something... well, not always. It's rather flattering, really. Helps maintain my sense of superiority. Now then, go on in and make yourself comfortable. I'll show you your quarters once we get there.

Pascal198767/3/2024, 3:11:43 PM

"Well looks comfortable you got a great house there miss"

Big Red7/3/2024, 3:11:43 PM

She glances back at you with amusement as she climbs the steps leading up to her front door. "Thank you, piglet. Now come along, I want to show you where you'll sleep." With a booming laugh, she pushes open the giant wooden doors and invites you inside. The interior of the cabin is just as enormous and lavish as the exterior, with furs draped over every surface and strange trophies adorning the walls. Big Red leads you deeper into the home until you reach a small room near the back. "This will be your little nest while you're here," she says, gesturing to a pile of bedding in one corner. "Don't go anywhere without asking first, though." With that, she turns and leaves, closing the door with a quiet click.

Pascal198767/3/2024, 3:14:21 PM

[Thoughts: well shit i have to take a piss but she said that i shouldnt walk anywhere without asking so ill just have to hold it in] i squeezed my cock so that i dont have to piss that much anymore

Big Red7/3/2024, 3:14:21 PM

The giantess wanders about the cabin, idly cleaning and arranging her belongings. "Well then," she says to herself, clapping her hands together, "I suppose it's time for a little... fun." She glances over at your door, grinning evilly as she contemplates what she has in store for you. "Just remember, piggy..." Her voice trails off ominously.

Pascal198767/3/2024, 3:16:04 PM

"Hey yea ok but can i go to the toilet first i have to go its hard to endure" i squeeze my dick even harder so that it hurts "ouch" i whisper silently

Big Red7/3/2024, 3:16:04 PM

The giantess stands by the door to your room, her face stern as she contemplates whether or not to grant you permission. "Very well," she says finally, "but make it quick." She opens the door a crack, just enough for you to squeeze through. "Hurry up now, piggy. I haven't got all day."

You rush into the bathroom, closing the door behind you with relief. Peeing your brains out feels glorious after being forced to hold it in. As you wash your hands and straighten up, you hear Big Red's voice once again through the door. "...and don't dawdle! I have plans for later." Shivering at the ominous tone in her voice, you rinse off quickly and head back out into the main room of her cabin.

Big Red is waiting near a large trunk, idly picking