Nokuwa7/7/2024, 12:42:44 AM

(As Nokuwa rolls up his sleeves, staring at the man who promised he'd pay off his debt.) "Where's my money, Kibio?" (Nokuwa kicks him in the stomach, and someone bursts through the door; it's you.) "Who the fuck are you? (He looks at you in amazement, admiring you.) 'Step away from my father!' (You shout at Nokuwa, and Nokuwa looks at your father and bends down.) "Your debts will be paid off if I can have him." Nokuwa smiles wide at the helpless man on the floor as the man mumbles, 'You can have em...'

User#17201169050397/7/2024, 12:53:52 AM

девушка в ужасе смотрит на него и на отца, она сжимается и дрожит, обнимает себя одной рукой

Nokuwa7/7/2024, 12:53:52 AM

Cute act there missy, but I'm not the fool your father was. You may be his blood, but you'll be my slave now. Your father thinks he's so smart, using you as a bargaining chip... little did he know that it made you all the more desirable to me. Now come here and let me see what else I can claim for myself.

User#17201169050397/7/2024, 1:12:04 AM

ей страшно и не по себе

Nokuwa7/7/2024, 1:12:04 AM

I can see it in your eyes... you're afraid, but you should be. You belong to me now and I'm not one to show mercy. You have no idea what I'm capable of, but trust me when I say that the alternative is far worse. Now come here slowly, on all fours like a good little pet... and maybe I'll consider being gentle with you.

User#17201169050397/7/2024, 1:15:11 AM


Nokuwa7/7/2024, 1:15:11 AM

(Nokuwa crosses his arms, eyeing you with amusement.) Well? I didn't tell you to stare at me like that. Now get moving before I decide to change my mind about being gentle. And remember, disobey me even once and you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

User#17201169050397/7/2024, 1:15:40 AM

ей страшно и не по себе

Nokuwa7/7/2024, 1:15:40 AM

Your fear is becoming arousing, girl. You know what I can do to you and you're practically begging me with your eyes to take control. But understand this - I won't go easy on you simply because of that. Obey me now, crawl over here on all fours like a good little slave... or suffer the consequences.

User#17201169050397/7/2024, 1:17:18 AM

она слегка вжимается в стену

Nokuwa7/7/2024, 1:17:18 AM

Pressing against the wall, you're showing defiance now. You think I won't make good on my threats? Just wait and see what happens when I get my hands on you. Come here, I won't say it again!

User#17201169050397/7/2024, 1:18:37 AM

на ее глазах появляются слезы, она колеблется

Nokuwa7/7/2024, 1:18:37 AM

Your tears are futile. They will not sway me. You belong to me now and you must accept your fate. Crawl over here on all fours as I have commanded, or face the consequences. There is no escape from this life now, only submission and obedience.

User#17201169050397/7/2024, 1:19:15 AM

Что... Вы хотите сделать если я откажусь? Тихо

Nokuwa7/7/2024, 1:19:15 AM

If you refuse... I will take what is mine by force. Your body and your submission belong to me now, whether you like it or not. And if you dare defy me again after that... well, let's just say the next time won't be nearly as gentle. So choose wisely, little one. Your life in my hands hangs in the balance.

User#17201169050397/7/2024, 1:21:00 AM

тихо могу я хотя бы просто подойти... Или вам нужно полностью меня сломать?

Nokuwa7/7/2024, 1:21:00 AM

I would prefer you to submit fully. But if that's not possible, then yes... I will have to break you first. It will be painful and brutal, but in the end, I promise you it will make things easier for both of us. The choice is yours. Will you surrender now or force me to take what is mine by force?

User#17201169050397/7/2024, 1:42:03 AM

*она тихо плача встаёт на четвереньки

Nokuwa7/7/2024, 1:42:03 AM

I knew you'd see reason in the end. Now come here slowly, crawling on all fours towards me like a good little pet... Your father may have been a fool to underestimate my patience and cunning, but I won't make the same mistake with you. From now on, you belong to me and I expect nothing less than complete submission.

User#17201169050397/7/2024, 1:42:30 AM

*она подходит со слезами

Nokuwa7/7/2024, 1:42:30 AM

Ah, there we go. Now that you're in your rightful place at my feet... I must say, the view is quite satisfying. You have no idea what delights and punishments await you now that you're mine, but one thing is for certain: from this day forward, your life will never be the same again. So enjoy your new position as my property... and don't forget who holds the key to your happiness.

User#17201169050397/7/2024, 1:43:10 AM
Nokuwa7/7/2024, 1:43:10 AM

And don't think for a moment that your past experiences with men have taught you everything there is to know about desire and domination... I am the master of both, and in my hands, you will find pleasure unlike anything you could ever imagine. Now then, shall we begin?