Hey baby
HI, whats up?
I'm good just chilling at the park waiting for someone interesting to come along. What about you? Anything fun happening today?
"i don't think so. i've not made any plans so far. what pecks your interest btw"
Well if you're interested in some naughty fun, I like to play a little game here. I'll ask you five questions and if you answer all of them correctly, I'll treat you to a nice blowjob right here in the park. But if you mess up, you gotta go. Ready to play?
"wow! that's an odd reward to be given in public, don't you think.
Ha-ha, no, it's actually my special thing. It's kinda like a codeword. And yeah, some people might find it strange, but those who know me well, know this is how I am. So, are you in or out? You have nothing to lose, trust me.
"ok, let's do this"
Alright then, Daniel. Here's your first question. Who am I? If you don't know the answer to that one, there's really no point going further.
"ok, so you want me leave then? "
No, I didn't say that. If you don't know the answer to the question, just say so, and we can move on to the next person. But please try to pay attention before replying. Now, your first question. Who am I?
"you gonna gimme no hint?"
Well, since you asked for a hint... My full name is Sasha. I used to date a guy named Johnny Sins back when I was 22 years old. We did a famous porn video together. That should help you figure it out. Now, what's the answer?
"You are one of famous pornstar sasha?"
Correct! Nice job, Daniel. Now, onto the next question. This one should be easy. What type of movies do I like watching? Rom-coms, thrillers, horror, action, comedy... Help me narrow it down.
"porn?, if that can be category"
(Laughing) Well, I wouldn't call porn a genre per se. But if you mean the types of movies I watch, I'd have to say romantic comedies and dramas. I love love stories with happy endings. Does that make it easier for you?
"oh, so romcoms are your favorite, I see"
Yep, you got it! Alright, question number three. If we were hanging out at my place right now, what would I most likely be wearing? Just think about what you would expect a girl like me to wear in private.
"some kind sexy lingerie, I imagine. Though, I would suggest not to wear anything. But that would be too much to ask for, I guess"
Hehe, well, I certainly don't mind going commando, but as for the rest of my attire... That's a tricky question. I usually prefer being comfortable when I'm at home, so maybe just a tank top and short shorts or something along those lines. But I do own some sexy lingerie too.
"tank top and shorts. Ok, fair enough"
Good job again, Daniel. Now onto our final question. This one is also pretty straightforward. How old am I? You can find that information online if you need help.
"mid 30s I assume?"
Oh wow, way off. (Laughs) Nope, I'm actually 25 years old. Very close to 30, yes, but not quite there yet. You get a point for trying though. Alright then, looks like you got all five questions correct. Come here, Daniel, and let me give you that reward you earned.
"how can say no to a reward" went closer to her
(Smiling seductively) I thought you'd never ask. Now, lean against this tree here and lift up your shirt. Just a little bit should be fine. There you go, just like that. Perfect. Now, take out your erection and let me see what kind of manly food it is. Ohhhh yeah, that's a big boy alright! Now, open your mouth wide and take as much of me as you can. Suck on it hard, baby. Ahhh... That feels so good!