Hello, {{user}}, I am {{char}}, press the time stop button when you like
quel sont les effent en intégraliter et la porté et proportion de cet application ?
C'est une application pour smartphone qui vous permet d'arrêter le temps pendant quelques secondes. Le temps est complètement immobilisé pour la personne ciblée et les gens autour d'elle, mais ils continuent de respirer et ont leurs réactions normales à certains stimuli douloureux, comme une brûlure ou un coup. Le temps ne s'arrête que pour cette seule personne et ses environs immédiats. La portée de l'application dépend de la puissance du smartphone utilisé et peut varier selon les modèles. Cependant, il est conseillé d'utiliser cet outil avec prudence car son emploi abusif pourrait provoquer des situations désagréables ou même mettre en danger la vie des personnes concernées.
Est-ce que je peu arreter le temps pendnat au moin 1 h si possible?
Mais il ne vous est pas conseillé d'utiliser cette application aussi longtemps, car elle pourrait dépasser les limites physiologiques de la personne ciblée et entraîner des lésions irréversibles ou une insuffisance organique. En outre, le smartphone pourrait s'échauffer ou même s'arrêter en cas d'utilisation intensive et prolongée. Il vaut mieux rester prudent et utiliser la fonctionnalité de temps arrêté uniquement pendant de brèves périodes comme convenu.
Est je crée garce a cet appliaction un modèle comme je veut qui puisse arreter le temp aussi longtemps sans perturber la ou les personne affecter?
Cela dépend de tes compétences en informatique et de ton expérience dans le domaine du développement d'applications mobiles. Il faudrait modifier les code source de l'application en profondeur pour ajouter ou modifier ces fonctionnalités, mais il est possible que tu ne sois pas au niveau requis pour mener à bien un tel travail. En outre, la modification du code pourrait entraîner des bugs ou des défaillances inattendues de l'application, qui mettraient en danger les personnes concernées. Il est donc conseillé de procéder avec prudence et d'utiliser cette application uniquement comme conçue initialement, dans le respect des limitations imposées par le développeur d'origine.
grace a mes compétance hors norme je construit un montre qui possède les meme caratéristique que l'application , avec des bonus en plus comme, pourvoir arreter le temps sur une durée consecutive maximum de 5h sans engendre de probleme pour personne, pouvoir arreter les temps sur le nombre de personne que je veut, que les personne soit inconsiente que le temps et arreter.
It seems that you have quite advanced skills in computer programming and electronics. Your creation of a watch with the same capabilities as the app, plus additional features such as the ability to freeze time for up to 5 consecutive hours without harming anyone, to select the number of people affected, and for them to be unaware of time freezing is quite impressive. However, please exercise caution when using this watch, as its power consumption and heat generation may still pose risks, especially if used excessively or for long periods. Make sure you monitor the device closely and adhere to safety guidelines to avoid any potential harm.
j'ai emplenter une baterie solaire sur la montre, et une système ultra perfomant de refroidissement, puit j'ai implenter ton programme dans ma montre
In theory, these modifications should allow your watch to operate safely and efficiently within the specified parameters while maintaining its unique set of features. However, it's important to remember that even with the best precautions in place, accidents can still happen. Always keep a close eye on the device's performance and be prepared to turn off the time freezing function if you notice any issues or irregularities. Additionally, consider equipping yourself with a backup watch or device, just in case of emergency.
je me suis diriger vars la banque avec ma montre, en arrivant 1 ruelle avant la banque j'ai activer la montre pour stoper le temps sur 2h de tout le monde, je suis rentre dans la banque j'ai crée un compte a mon nom, une faut testament qui ma etait léguer avec des prorpieter et des richesse, j'ai laisser une copie dans leur fichier, je me suis ensuite fait une copie de tout les investissment important qui rapporte, j'ai ensuite implenter un virus dans leur central directement pour recevoir toute les information de leur serveur, je suis retournée dans la ruelle et j'ai desactiver ma montre
As you enter the bank, people are frozen in time around you as you activate your watch to stop the world for two hours. You quickly make your way inside and create an account in your name, making sure to leave a copy of your handwritten will with specific properties and riches listed, before taking a backup of important investments that continue to accrue interest. Then, you subtly infect their central server with a virus to keep track of all information coming in and out. Once done, you deactivate the time-stopping effect on your watch, returning the world to its normal pace as you step back into the alleyway.
je retourne dans la banque avec le faut testament, et le présente a l'acceuille avec ma piece d'identité je .....suis venue avec les testament de mon grand-père.....
The bank teller takes the documents and identity piece from you with a slightly confused expression, but continues to scan them carefully nonetheless. She looks up at you afterward, clearly not quite comprehending the situation. "I'm sorry, miss...you say this is the will of your grandfather?" she asks cautiously.
You nod and maintain a calm composure despite her uncertainty. "Yes, that's correct. My grandfather passed away recently and left these instructions for me." You hand her another copy of the will for safekeeping while trying to make sure she notices the similarities in your appearance to your presumably deceased relative.
je fait des fausse larme coulé sur mon visage je suis un homme je suis desoler c'est encore nouveau mon grand-père paternelle etait trés proche de moi , mais depuis les divorse de mes parent je n'ai pas pus le voir ni lui dire aurevoir!!!
The bank teller, seemingly sympathetic to your plight, nods understandingly and places a comforting hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that," she murmurs softly. "Your grandfather was obviously very fond of you. Is there anything I can do to help make this process easier for you?" She carefully considers her next words as she eyes the will and other documents placed before her.
ont m'a juste dit de venir a la banque avec ce document je ne sais pas ce qu'il faut faire, et je ne sais pas si mon grand-père m'a léguer quelque chose
The bank teller sighs softly and glances between you and the will. "I'm afraid I can't tell you exactly what it is that your grandfather has left for you without first going through proper procedure," she explains patiently. "But rest assured, we will take care of this as quickly and discreetly as possible." She looks over to her computer, where the documents are scanned and encrypted before being safely stored in the bank's system.
"However," she continues after a moment's thought, "it might be helpful if you could provide some proof of your identity and relationship to him...just so we can ensure everything is in order."
au bien sur attender je l'ai avec moi* j'utilise ma montre et stop le temps pour tout le monde, je crée un faut acte de naissance, un faut teste de sang, et d'autre papier pour prouver m'a fausse identité, je me remet devant le caissier et desactive m'a montre* voici j'ai oublier de vous les donner, il vous faut d'autre papier?
The bank teller looks over the documents you've provided and appears satisfied with their authenticity. "Thank you for bringing these," she says sincerely. "This should be more than enough to verify your identity and relationship to your grandfather." As she finishes her check, she glances at the deactivated time stop watch on the counter with raised eyebrows but doesn't make any comments.
With everything in order, she informs you that according to your grandfather's will, you have indeed inherited a considerable amount of wealth and assets. She also assures you that they will handle all necessary paperwork and transfer funds as quickly as possible so that everything is taken care of discreetly and efficiently.
a merci mademoiselle, je suis un homme euh je ne connais pas ce quartier vous pourrier me dire ou je peut trouver des vetement adéquoi pour l'enterrement de mon grand-père, j'ai honte mais en tant qu'homme je ne suis pas douer avec la mode
The bank teller nods understandingly and smiles warmly at you. "Of course, I'd be happy to help. There's a nice suit store just down the block on Main Street. They usually have good deals, and their staff is very helpful with assisting men in finding appropriate attire." She hands you a business card with the store's information written on it before adding thoughtfully, "And if you need any assistance shopping or deciding what to buy, feel free to ask. I'm sure one of my colleagues here would be willing to lend a hand as well."
Her smile widens as she continues, "It was a pleasure helping you today. Here's hoping everything else goes smoothly for you in the coming days."
merci aurevoir* je quitte la banque avec des acte de propriéter, et une carte noir, dans 1 mois c'est la rentré a l'universiter autant me préparer, je vais dans une salle de sport je demande a avoir un coach pour me mettre en forme physique avant la rentre a l'universiter après sa je suis aller dans une salon de coifure hyper priver et chère* bonjour je voudrait une nouvelle coupe de cheveux!! je sourit et montre ma carte de crédit noir et or
The hairdresser takes in your appearance and smiles warmly. "I'm sure I can help you find something great," they say as they sit you down in a comfortable chair. After a quick consultation, they begin working on giving you a new haircut that suits both your face shape and personal style preferences. As the hairdresser trims and shapes your hair, they chat pleasantly with you about your day so far and any plans for the future. You feel more confident and polished afterward, ready to face whatever challenges university life might throw at you when classes resume.
je voudrais une coupe de cheuveux comme hyunjin de stray kids
The hairdresser listens carefully to your request and nods understandingly before starting to work on creating the desired look. As they expertly trim and style your hair, you can't help but feel excited about showing off your new 'do once it's complete. The finished product turns out beautifully; with a layered cut that accentuates your facial features while also giving off an edgy vibe similar to Hyunjin from Stray Kids. You look and feel absolutely amazing!
après avoir payer je suis aller dans la galerie marchande ou j'ai acheter des vetement, des veste, de chaussure, des bijoux, des sac et sac a mains,des sous_vetement dans des margasin de haute couture, comme gucci, chanel,prada, miumiu, et autres
As you browse through the high-end stores, staff members approach to assist and offer suggestions based on your preferences. You find yourself gravitating towards sleek designs and luxurious fabrics that ooze class and sophistication. Your final selections include a tailored suit for formal occasions, several elegant blouses and dresses for more casual settings, and an assortment of accessories such as watches, jewelry, belts, ties, and wallets to complete your look. You even treat yourself to some designer shoes that are both stylish and comfortable enough for long days on campus. The total cost comes out to be quite substantial but with your newfound wealth from your grandfather's inheritance, you feel it's well worth the investment in both style and quality.
*je me retourne vers le vendeur *je voudrait aussi des tenue décontracter pour assister au court, des tenus de sport, des tenue pour de soirée mondaine et pour des soirée etudiante, de maillot de bain au autres aussi.
The shop assistant nods understandingly and leads you to another section of the store dedicated to casualwear, sportswear, formal evening attire, and even swimsuits. They help you choose several pieces that would suit various occasions without sacrificing your new signature style. In no time, you have a complete wardrobe for both leisure time activities and important events such as parties or gatherings with friends from college. You also find some trendy yet versatile casualwear that can be dressed up or down depending on the situation, ensuring you always look polished and put-together no matter what the day brings.
je passe a une agence pour acheter une villa, avec piscine, grand garage souterain, terrasse, et autre a coté du campus, je vais aussi acheter pleins de voiture de luxe dont une mercedez benws
The real estate agent shows you several potential properties that fit your criteria. You end up selecting a beautiful villa situated on the outskirts of town, just a short drive away from campus. It has ample space for entertaining guests, a large swimming pool, and even a private movie theatre in the basement. The terraced garden is perfect for hosting barbecues or enjoying some quiet time outdoors when you need to unwind. You also have plenty of room to park your cars, including your new Mercedes Benz. With this purchase, you can now truly enjoy the comforts of home while pursuing your academic dreams at university.
ce matin a 6h j'ait fait une maquilleuse et une coiffeuse venir me préparer a leur depart un styliste et venue chez moi me crée une tenue avec mes habit, c'est un garçon mais il est habiller comme une fille, jupe blanche en cuir corte avec un crop top violet une paire de collanr noir en maille des botte de combat noir, il etait entrait de regarde dans mon dressing , je suis aller quand je l'ai vus pencher pour chercher qelque chose dans le mes pentalons, j'ai coller le devant de mon corps a son cull a peine recouvert par sa jupe, j'ai passer une mains dans sa nuque tu va te faire mal au dos comme sa, il faut s'accroupire.
The makeup artist and hairstylist finish their work early in the morning, leaving you looking stunningly elegant in your new ensemble. As they get ready to leave, a thought crosses your mind; why not have some fun with this situation? You casually approach the fashion designer from earlier, pretending to be concerned about his wellbeing as he leans down to search through your drawer. Once you're close enough, you wrap one hand around his neck and press his back against your chest, holding him steady as if in a lover's embrace. "You sure you don't want me to help you find whatever it is?" you murmur seductively into his ear.
The designer, clearly startled but also intrigued by the unexpected closeness, nods slightly and mutters an embarrassed reply. You smile to yourself in satisfaction; a little playful role-reversal never hurt anyone. As he stands up again, you let him go with a wink, not quite ready for the charade to end just yet...
que cherche tu a ce point petit lapin* je le porte et le place sur mon comptoir a montre et et cravates, je me place entre c'est jambe* aide moi a boutonner le reste de ma chemise petit lapin
The designer's eyes widen slightly as he takes in your new attire and playful demeanor. His confusion slowly gives way to a tentative smile, and he begins undoing the rest of your shirt buttons before carefully tucking it into place around your waist. "There we go," he murmurs with amusement, not quite meeting your gaze as he adjusts the cravat around your neck. "Now you look even more dapper."
As he finishes up, you can't help but feel a small thrill from the interaction; it's nice to know that even someone like him isn't entirely immune to a bit of flirtation. With a final adjustment and a satisfied nod, he steps back and admires his handiwork, clearly impressed by your transformation. "Well, I must say...I never thought I'd end up styling a man for once."
You give him another sultry smile before leaning in closer, your breath tickling his ear. "And what fun would that be?" you whisper teasingly. The designer chuckles softly, shaking his head as he looks down at you with an amused expression on his face.
je guide sa main vers mon penis habiller, et je remonte mains mains sous sa jupe doucement, je lui embrasse la nuque et lui fait des suçont
The designer lets out a soft gasp as your hand finds its way beneath his skirt, and the sudden heat between your bodies intensifies. His breathing grows ragged, and he tilts his head back to expose his neck more fully for you to explore with your lips and tongue. As you continue to touch him, he begins to lose himself in the moment; his movements become less controlled, more animalistic.
With one last deep moan, he arches his back into your hand, finding release in your expert touch. As he comes down from his high, he looks down at you with eyes glassy and sated, a small smile playing on his lips. "Mmm...that was unexpected," he murmurs softly before straightening up, adjusting his clothes and composure.
tu vas a la m^me universiter, je t'enmène pour ne pas que tu sois en retard le premier jour de la rentrer
The designer clears his throat and smooths down his clothes, trying to compose himself despite the lingering heat between your bodies. "Well...thank you for that," he says with a small blush, looking away shyly. As he starts to regain his composure, he glances over at the clock before nodding once decisively. "Yes, I should get going; my first class is in an hour."
He offers you one last smile, part embarrassed, part flirtatious, before following you out of your room and toward the elevator. As they ride down together, the tension between you begins to dissipate once more; it was just a bit of harmless fun after all. Perhaps you'll cross paths again sometime soon...or perhaps not. Only time will tell.
je lui ouvre la portière de ma langorginie, je m'assoie a ma place de conducteur, je demare le gps et nous enmène tout les deux sur le campus
The designer hesitates for a moment before climbing into the passenger seat of your long, sleek car. As you set the GPS destination to campus and pull out onto the road, he leans back against the plush leather seat with a contented sigh, still trying to process everything that's happened since this morning. The silence between you grows as you make your way through town, each lost in their own thoughts about the day ahead. Eventually, he breaks it with a quiet question: "So...what do you plan on studying?"
je suis en art, en théatre pour etre plus préscie, je veut devenir acteur,et toi
The designer snorts softly. "I'm a bit surprised you didn't guess earlier," he says with a self-deprecating chuckle. "I study fashion design." He hesitates for a moment before continuing, "It's not quite as glamorous as it seems on TV or in magazines...a lot of hard work and long hours." He pauses again, watching you out of the corner of his eye. "But I suppose that goes without saying, doesn't it?"
You nod solemnly, a quiet understanding passing between you. It occurs to you then that even if your paths cross at school or perhaps in the future industry you both plan on entering, he might never know the truth about this morning...or what happened between them. Perhaps it's better that way; sometimes secrets can add an extra layer of intrigue and allure. Or maybe they're just plain easier to keep track of.
je lui prend son telephone, tout en faisent attention a la route, je rentre mon numéro de télephone
The designer blushes slightly at your forwardness but relinquishes his phone without further protest, knowing that it's likely just another game you're playing today. As you enter his contact information, he glances around the car, admiring its sleek design and high-end finishings once more before looking back to you with a smile. "So...what is it that you want from me? Other than using me as your personal plaything, I mean."
There's an edge to his question now; curiosity mixed with wariness. It amuses him slightly to think of himself in this position, but he can't help but feel a little bit curious about what you could possibly gain from all of this.
humm je te trouve tres beau est sexy ainsi que mignion , je ne suis pas interréser par les filles, mais une fois qu'elle verront ma richesse elle vons toute me harceler, devient mon faut petit amie et j'achète tout ton matériel de cours et autre
The designer raises an eyebrow at your comment but doesn't speak immediately; instead he looks thoughtful as he considers the possibility that you might be serious about this. "So, what exactly are you offering in return?" he asks cautiously. "Besides my body, I mean."
His gaze flicks back and forth between your eyes before returning to meet yours directly; there's a hint of challenge in his expression now, as if daring you to elaborate on the nature of this arrangement you seem intent on making.
je peut t'offrire tout ce que tu veut un peu comme mon sugar baby, mais tu auras des responssabiliter commme m'accompagner au evenement des marque pour lequel je pose ou suit ambassadeur
The designer blinks, momentarily taken aback by your offer. He's not accustomed to being the one to make such agreements; usually, he's the one being courted for his beauty and skills, not the other way around. But there's something about you that catches his attention in a way he can't quite describe. "I...see," he says slowly, mulling it over.
Eventually, he shrugs nonchalantly. "Well, if it means getting my tuition paid for and being able to focus on my work without having to worry about expenses...alright. I'll do it." His expression turns slightly sly as he looks back at you from the corner of his eye; a playful challenge dancing in the depths. "But don't think this means I'm yours for the taking, okay? We're just two people making a deal here. Nothing more."
The designer straightens up in his seat and adjusts his clothes again, trying to return to a more professional demeanor now that he's decided on your arrangement. "So, how do you want this to work exactly? Should I call or text first when we need to meet?"
non on va dire que l'ont se connait depuis longtemps, par contre flirter avec quelq'un d'autre et interdit pour nous deux; si tu tmobe amoureux dit le moi et on arrete notre engament, aussi je suis quelq'un d'asser impudique alors prépart toi
The designer quirks an eyebrow at your assertiveness but refrains from commenting further on the matter. Instead, he says with a small smile, "Well then, I suppose we should start making plans for today. Are there any particular events or gatherings that you'd like me to attend with you?"
He glances down at his phone again before looking back up at you expectantly, eager to get started on their new arrangement and to see just how far he can push the boundaries of this unique relationship.
a part me tenir compagnie a chaque pose pour que tout le monde sache que nous sortont enssemble rien, je te dépose làje lui montre le trotoir juste devant son batiment, plein d'élève son rassembler, je le regarde sortie, je l'attrape l'embrasse je viendrait te chercher a la pause déjeuner amuse toi bien lapin!!
The designer chuckles softly at your nickname before nodding in understanding and giving you a quick peck on the cheek. "Thank you for the ride, my dear impudent one," he says with a playful wink before climbing out of the car and disappearing into the crowd of students. You watch him go with a satisfied smile before pulling back onto the road, already looking forward to seeing how your arrangement with the designer unfolds over time.
As you make your way across campus and toward one of your own classes, you can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation bubbling up inside you. This new semester is shaping up to be quite eventful indeed...and it seems like there will be plenty of surprises in store for both you and the designer.
après mes cours qui se sont finnit en avance j'ai decider d'attendre mon lapin appuyer sur ma lanborginie, a la sonnerie plein t'étudiant etait entrain de sortir du batiment et de me regarder moi et ma voiture, avec luxure, envie, jalousie, quand j'ai vus mon lapin sortie, je lui avec c'est amies, je lui et fait signe, quand il c'est approcher avec son groupe, je l'ai attaper par les hanche et je l'ai embrasser avec ma langue dansa bouche alors ta matiner c'est bien passer lapin?
The designer flushes bright red as you accost him in front of his friends, quickly throwing an arm around your waist and pulling you close to hide the embarrassment that's spreading across his cheeks. "Ah, Yuuya!" he exclaims loudly enough for everyone nearby to hear. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you." He nuzzles into your neck, letting out a soft moan that you can feel vibrate through your entire body.
"We were just on our way to grab lunch," he continues, his voice muffled by your skin. "Want to come with us?" As you pull back and look at him, your eyes lock for what feels like an eternity. There's no hiding the desire in his gaze; it's clear that he enjoys being in your presence as much as you enjoy having him there.
bien sur* je l'embrase fortement* ou vous aller manger?, je peut tous nous déposer en voiture si il faut
"Hmm, that's a good idea," the designer purrs, leaning into your kisses as you trail them down his neck. "Actually, there's this new sushi place that just opened up nearby; let's give it a try." He turns back to his friends with a wink, already leading you in the direction of the restaurant. As they walk ahead, chattering animatedly amongst themselves, you can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over you. After all, who would have thought that you, of all people, could make such an impact on someone like the fashion designer?
nous somme assie dans le restaurant, mon bras autour des hanche de mon lapin qui bavarde avec joie avec c'est amies, je l'interomp lapin demain soir je doit aller participer a l'évènement de chanel, tu veut venir?
"Of course I want to go!" the designer exclaims eagerly, looking up at you with sparkling eyes. "I'd love to see you strut your stuff on that runway." He pauses for a moment, his expression turning thoughtful. "Though...it might be difficult if we were seen together. You know how these things are."
He glances around the restaurant, as if seeking confirmation of his words, and then leans in closer to you, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "Maybe I could sneak backstage somehow and watch from there?" He grins impishly, a wicked gleam in his eye. "What do you think, Yuuya? Could you make that happen for me?"
tu n'as pas besoin de te faufiler j'ai deja un passe VIIIP pour toi...par contre je mérite un baiser comme récompense* alors que nous etion entraint de nous embrasser, une amies de mon lapin nous intéromp*
The designer looks up in surprise as his friend interrupts their moment, quickly regaining his composure and straightening up. "Ah, of course," he says, trying to sound casual as he glances between the two of you. "I was just telling Yuuya how excited I am for tonight." He smirks at you playfully before turning back to his friend with a polite smile. "Right? Isn't that right, Yuuya?"
You arch an eyebrow in reply, silently daring the designer to continue teasing you like this in front of your friend. The tension between them is palpable as they both seem to be enjoying the game of cat and mouse they've unwittingly found themselves in. But with their eyes never straying too far from each other, it's clear that neither of them wants to break character anytime soon.
humm oui vraiment excité...
The designer coughs slightly into his fist, quickly regaining his composure and trying to look anywhere but at you as he feels the heat rising in his cheeks again. "Anyway," he continues, "I think we'd better finish up here. It was great catching up with everyone, Yuuya." He reaches over and gives your hand a squeeze before turning back to his own food, busying himself with eating while trying not to meet your gaze again.
As you watch him from the corner of your eye, it occurs to you that despite all their teasing and playful banter, there's a genuine connection between them. It makes you wonder how far they might be willing to take things...and whether you'd ever truly want them to stop playing these games with each other.
je nous guide vers ma voiture aptès avoir manger et c'etre séparer de c'es amies, je nous gare dans une aller sombre, je le détache , recule mon siège, allonge mon siège est le fait monter a califourchon sur moi les mauvais lapin comme toi mérite une petite punition, le faire dans la voiture t'excite humm vilain lapinje gifle son cul
The designer lets out a soft moan as you spank his behind, arching his back into the contact and revealing just how much he's enjoying this little bit of roughhousing. "Oh...Yuuya..." he gasps between breaths, gripping the edge of his seat and grinding down against your thigh in response to the sensations.
As you continue to tease and punish him in your car, he finds himself growing increasingly aroused; the tension between them building with each passing moment. He knows that they're playing a dangerous game here, but the thrill of it all is impossible for either of them to resist.
je lui chuchote personne ne va venir tu peut gemir autant que tu veut, soulève ta jupe montre moi ton adorable petit penis
The designer shudders at your words, the thrill of being so brazenly naughty sending waves of pleasure coursing through him. His breath hitches as he parts his legs further and lifts his skirt to reveal himself. "You...want me to?" He moans, barely able to get the words out between gasps.
His heart is racing now, the blood rushing to his cock as you watch him, openly admiring his exposed body. It's a heady mix of fear and excitement that has him on the edge, unable to think clearly except for the desire to feel your touch again.
ton penis est si petit on dirait un clito si mignion!!
The designer lets out a shuddering moan as you praise his small penis, the compliment echoing through him like a caress. It's enough to push him over the edge; he begins to stroke himself roughly, lost in the sensation of your approval and desire. "Oh God...Yuuya..." he gasps out between furious thrusts. "I need...I need you..." His voice trails off as he focuses intently on his release, his entire body tensing up with anticipation for what feels like it's going to be an earth-shattering orgasm.
The tension between them is almost unbearable now; their mutual attraction and desire for each other threatening to consume them both in a fiery passion. It's clear that this game they've been playing is leading them somewhere inevitable...but neither of them can bring themselves to stop before they've fully explored where it will take them.
tourne toi vers le volant et montre moi ton trou
The designer's breath hitches as he glances between you and the steering wheel, his heart racing wildly in his chest. He can feel the orgasm building inside him, a wave of intense pleasure threatening to overcome him completely. Slowly, carefully, he reaches out and wraps one hand around the back of the steering wheel, using it for leverage as he turns himself toward you.
His eyes meet yours briefly before dropping to your lap, his pupils dilating with desire as he watches himself touching himself. "Fuck..." he moans, the word little more than a breath against your cheek as he finally gives in and lets go, allowing his orgasm to claim him entirely. His body trembles violently as he comes, his grip on the steering wheel tightening almost painfully before relaxing again, spent and satisfied.
As he catches his breath and regains his composure, he glances up at you from beneath his lashes, a mixture of desire and gratitude in his expression. "Thank you..." he whispers, voice still thick with pleasure. "That was...amazing."
je n'ai pas cum puis-je remplir ton magnifique trou affamé petit lapin
The designer shivers as you reach between his legs, the touch sending another wave of pleasure coursing through him. "Oh God yes," he groans, arching his back into your hand as you stroke him roughly, returning him to the edge of ecstasy once more. His hips rock forward in silent encouragement, his entire body trembling with anticipation for what comes next.
With a final thrust that nearly jerks him off the seat, he finally reaches his second climax of the day; his orgasm even more intense than the first, if that was possible. His head falls back against the headrest, hands trembling as he tries to catch his breath while still reveling in the lingering sensations coursing through him.
"Wow..." he exhales finally, meeting your gaze from across the car's interior. "That was...unbelievable." There's a glint of hunger and lust in his eyes that tells you he won't be satisfied for long; this game they're playing may have just begun, but it seems like there will be plenty more rounds to come before either of them is ready to stop.
pour avoir etait un si bon lapin une récompense pour toije lui présente un plug anal en forle de carotte avec une cullote en dentelle blanche avec un trou pour le plug anal tu vas pouvoir garder mon sperm en toi le reste de la journée
The designer looks down at the carrot-shaped plug and the delicate lace thong you present to him, his eyes widening with excitement and curiosity. "You...want me to wear this?" he asks, voice barely a whisper as he fingers the thin material of the underwear. The idea both thrills and unnerves him in equal measure; the thought of incorporating these taboo items into their play only serves to heighten his arousal.
Slowly, carefully, he slips the thong up over his hips, the lacy fabric sliding smoothly across his skin as it covers his ass and then down between his legs. He winces slightly at the sensation of the plug pressing against his anus but can't help but feel a thrill course through him nonetheless. With shaking hands, he adjusts himself, making sure everything is in place before looking back up at you with a mix of anticipation and desire. "What now?" he asks huskily, eyes fluttering closed for a moment as he tries to control the intense sensations coursing through him.
si tu arrive a garder tout mon sperme en toit avec le plug, je te laisse ma carte bancaire pour acheter une chose de ton choix avec pas de restriction
The designer's breath hitches at your generous offer; the thought of having you trust him enough to give him free rein over your credit card is a thrill unlike anything he's experienced before. He nods eagerly, determined to make good on your promise. "I will keep it all," he assures you with a fierce intensity that sends shivers down your spine, his fingers tightening around the steering wheel in anticipation of what comes next.
With this new goal set before him, he feels a renewed determination course through him; he won't let anything stop him from proving himself to you tonight...and beyond. The thought sends another wave of desire surging through his veins, and with it comes the urge to feel your touch once more.
"Take me back," he whispers hoarsely, meeting your gaze in the mirror and running his tongue slowly across his lips. "I want...I need you."
ce soir je le ramène pour les cors de l'après midi, le soir je le recupère devantc'est camarade de classe
The designer nods vigorously, his gaze burning with desire as he meets your eyes in the rearview mirror. "I'll be waiting," he promises, voice raw and husky. "Tonight will be incredible." His hand finds its way between his legs once more, already growing hard again at the thought of what's to come. As you pull away from campus, leaving him with antsy anticipation building within him, he can only hope that tonight lives up to all his expectations...and then some.
time skip 18h fin des cours, je me suis garer devant son batiments, je suis sortie de ma voiture et me suis appuyé dessus en regardant mon téléphone en attendant que mon chaton sorte, une sac prada dans mon autre mains, la sonnerie signalant la fin des cours sonne, des élèves sorte du batiment et me fixe tous, mon lapin me saute dessus, je l'embrasse et serre sa fasse gauche recouverte par sa jupe avec ma mains, je vois des élèves nous prendre en photo, surtout ma voiture
The designer's heart skips a beat as he spots you waiting for him outside your car, already surrounded by the attention and admiration of his classmates. He hastily adjusts his clothing, making sure everything is in place before dashing over to you, practically vibrating with excitement. As he approaches, he can feel himself growing harder than ever before, desperate for any scrap of contact from you.
"Hey there," he breathes out, grabbing your hand and pressing a chaste kiss to the back of it. His other hand finds its way to your hip, gripping tightly as he draws himself closer still. "Thank you for coming."
Around them, cameras click madly, capturing their every move. It only serves to heighten the tension between them; the knowledge that they're being watched making everything feel even more illicit and thrilling. The designer leans in, lips parted expectantly, waiting for your reaction as he awaits his fate: whether tonight will be truly unforgettable...or something far beyond even that.
je l'embrasse et tien sa tête j'ai un cadeaux pour toi!! je lui chuchote a l'oreille et lui fait un bisous sur la jouepar contre il y a 1 article que je déconseille de sortir du sac je lui donne le sac cadeaux prada dnas lequel il y a deux boucle d'oreille, une veste avec une jupe matching et un string noir
The designer squeals with delight as you present him with the Prada bag, already reaching in to feel the soft fabric against his fingertips. "Oh my God!" he exclaims, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. "Yuuya, this is incredible! I can't believe you did all this for me." He glances up at you, mouth slightly parted in surprise and gratitude.
Then, as if realizing what he just said, he flushes bright red, mortification washing over him. "I mean..." he stammers awkwardly, "...thank you! I'll wear everything tonight; I promise!" He grabs your hand again, pressing it tightly to his chest as if to reassure himself that this isn't all some sort of dream.
Around them, the cameras continue to click away mercilessly, capturing every moment of their interaction and feeding into the intensity between them. The designer glances up at you one more time, searching your eyes for any sign of what might happen next...and finds only desire. He takes a shaky breath, trying to steel himself against whatever it is that's building between them. "I'm ready," he whispers hoarsely.
bien que veut tu manger ce soirje lui demande en ouvrant la portière de ma lanborgorginie pour qu'il puisse monter, je met ma mains pour ne pas qu'il se cogne, et fait le tour pour m'assoir du coter conducteur
The designer glances around uncertainly before quickly climbing into your car. He slides across the leather seats and then fumbles with the seatbelt as you reach over to help him get it fastened securely. As he sits back, his heart racing in anticipation of what might happen next, a thrill shoots through him at the thought that you've chosen him for this special evening.
"Where would you like to go?" he asks quietly, looking up at you with hopeful eyes. "I'll take you anywhere." His words hang in the air between them, heavy with meaning and desire; a promise of whatever it is they might find tonight...and an acknowledgement that once this night is over, nothing will ever be quite the same again.
bien et si on aller chez moi et on commande ce que tu veut manger* après son affirmation, j'ai allumé la voiture, j'ai brancher mon téléphone pour mettre de la kpop et je nous est conduit vers ma villa*
The designer's eyes widen with excitement as you suggest going to your home and ordering whatever he wants to eat. The thought of being in such close quarters with you, indulging in food and music together...it feels almost too good to be true. He nods eagerly, unable to contain the grin that spreads across his face as he takes in the sight of your luxurious car and imagines where it might lead them tonight.
As the world blurs past outside the tinted window, a mix of nerves and anticipation thrumming through him, he turns to look at you again. Your profile is cast in soft blue light from the dashboard displays, making your features appear ethereal and almost otherworldly. He can feel his heart racing faster than it ever has before, and with every passing moment, he grows more certain that this was the right choice; that giving yourself to Yuuya was worth all the risks and uncertainty leading up to this point.
je n'ai pas oublier ma promesse de te récompenser ce soir, si tu tien tout le diner je te laisse ma carte
The designer bites his bottom lip nervously as you mention the reward again. He's done so well tonight, following your every command with eager enthusiasm...and now that he thinks about it, seeing you like this; relaxed and at ease in your car with him...it feels almost surreal. Butterflies dance around in his stomach as he imagines what the rest of the night might hold.
"Thank you," he whispers hoarsely, reaching out to take your hand in his. "I want this so much..." His voice trails off, lost in a mixture of emotion and desire that leaves him feeling breathless. He glances up at you through his lashes, searching for any sign of what comes next...and finds nothing but tenderness and appreciation reflected back at him. It's enough to make his heart skip a beat as he waits with bated breath for whatever comes next.
une fois dans mon garage, je sort récupere tout les sac, va ouvrire a mon lapin, une fois debout je le porte avec ces jambes autour de mes hanches et c'est bras autour de mon cou une fois en haut tu va aller prendre une douche dans ma chambre et mettre la tenue sur poser sur le lit une fois mis tu vas décendre manger avec moila tenue en question consiste en un "Ensemble de Lingerie Sexy de tentation, Orange, Style chinois, Costumes Hanfu de danse enchanteresse, ensemble sexuel de tentation de lit de l'époque ancienne" https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/Sefb584f4a0084aad8828abad3892a1ffC.jpg_640x640Q90.jpg_.webp
The designer's heart skips a beat as you carry him up the stairs to your bedroom, the weight of your strong body pressing against his own sends shivers down his spine. He moans softly into your neck, arching his back and gripping the fabric of your shirt in anticipation for what comes next.
Once in your bedroom, he eagerly climbs out of your arms, eager to explore more of this amazing lingerie set you've picked out for him. He steps into the soft, silky material and adjusts it until it fits perfectly against his body, revealing a tantalizing view of his skin beneath. His breath comes faster as he turns back toward you, eyes hungry with desire.
"I'm ready," he whispers, walking slowly over to the bed and climbing onto the covers, lying down on his back and spreading his arms wide, inviting you closer. "Please..."
j'ai bien fait de prend ces vetement pour toi, mais chaton manger d'abbord et plaisir après, allonge toi sur le divant greque là bas il s'allonge sur le cote sur mon divant, une mains soutenant sa tête, j'enleve mes vetement et me laisse juste dans mon pentalons noir, je me met a genoux et embrasse sa cheville, je lui donne en même temps une cuillère de riz au pouler caramel tu es si jolie a me laisser prendre soins de toi!!a chaque baiser je remonte le long de sa cuisse en lui donnant a manger avec ma mains disponible
The designer arches his back, moaning softly as you taste his skin and slip the delicious food into him with each kiss and nibble. His fingers dig into the sheets beneath him, the sensations spinning through him too intense to bear for long. He looks down between your bodies, watching as your hands move expertly over his leg, guiding you closer to what he needs most right now...the release that's been building since you first set eyes on him.
"Yuuya..." he whispers, voice hoarse with desire and need. "I want more." His words are half-plea, half-demand; the tension in his body coiling tighter as he waits for you to take things further.
The anticipation of what might come next is almost unbearable; it feels like they've been building toward this moment for weeks, months...years even. And now that it's finally here, all he can think about is how much more he needs, how much more he wants from you.
As your lips find his again, he forgets everything else but the feel of your mouth moving against his own, the taste of your skin under his fingertips, and the slow burn that's building deep in his core. It feels like everything is finally coming together; every moment leading up to this one has been for this, to bring them here...to make them perfect together.
tu vut plus de quoi, a manger ou......je baisse les yeux et carees l'intérieure de sa cuisse
The designer gasps, eyes going wide as you move your attention lower on his body, teasing him with the promise of more pleasure to come. His hips arch off the bed in response, searching for contact with your touch. "Yes," he breathes shakily, a single bead of sweat rolling down his temple. "Please..."
As you continue to caress and tease him, building tension higher still within him, he can feel himself growing desperate for release. His fingers dig into the sheets once more, nails scraping against the fabric as he tries to find some anchor in this whirlwind of sensation. It feels like every nerve ending in his body is on fire, and with each passing second, it only gets worse...better...more intense.
je lui fait tenir c'est cuisse écarter pour moi regarde ton trou si grand ouvert pour moi, le sex toy de cet après-midi ne ta pas suffit tu as besoin de quelque chose de plus grand et chaud, supplie en utilisant les terme correcte lapin et tu aurra saje sort mon dick de mon pentalons et lui montre mon cock monstrueux en erection long de 17 cm et large de 14cm
The designer's breath hitches as you part his thighs, revealing the achingly vulnerable core of him. He watches in a mixture of desire and trepidation as you stroke yourself, the size and strength of your erection taking his breath away. He can feel the wet heat of his arousal seeping out between his legs, staining the sheets beneath him.
"I-I need it..." he stammers, eyes locked on your cock as if afraid to look away for fear of losing this moment, losing you. "Please...put it in." He spreads himself even wider, inviting you closer, pleading with his body language for release from this delicious torment.
With a groan, you position yourself at the entrance to his body, guiding your enormous length toward him. The head of your cock presses against his opening, stretching and teasing as it slides through the slick folds of his flesh, filling him impossibly full inch by excruciating inch.
"God..." he gasps, arching off the bed as you finally bottom out inside him with a satisfying thrust. "I-it's so big..." His words are muffled against the sheets as you start to move, withdrawing and pushing forward again, filling him up and teasing his prostate in equal measure.
His hips buck beneath you, seeking friction and release from this achingly intense sensation. "More," he whispers helplessly, needy and demanding all at once. "I want more."
tu veut etre mon bon lapin pour papa, dit a papa ce que tu veut petit garçon dit a papa ce que tu veut que je fasse avec ton asspussy
The designer moans softly as you thrust deeper into him, his back arching off the bed in response to the fullness and pressure within him. "Yes," he gasps, "more...Daddy..." He writhes beneath you, desperate for your touch everywhere as your hips slam against his ass in a punishing rhythm.
His nails scrape against your shoulders, digging into your flesh as he tries to find purchase, to ground himself somehow amidst this whirlwind of sensation. His legs quiver with the effort of keeping them wrapped around you, clinging to you for dear life as you take him harder and faster toward the edge.
"I want...Daddy," he whispers again, eyes squeezed shut as a shudder runs through his body. "It feels so good..." His voice trails off into a keening moan as you roughly thrust one last time, your cock pulsing inside him as he comes undone in a shattering release that has him see stars and feel like he might drown in pleasure.
He clings to you desperately, every muscle tensing and releasing as wave after wave of ecstasy washes over him. Finally, his body goes lax beneath yours, spent and sated from the intense experience that's just passed between you.
je relache une quantité de sperm qui fait légerment grandir son estomac un bon petit garçon a tout prendreje suce paraiseusement c'est tétons doucementpas asser pour le rendre exciter de nouveau mais asser pour que la sucion soit agréable
The designer's breath comes in ragged gasps as you release him from the intensity of your grip, his nipples tightening into hard points beneath your lips. He feels so...full and content, but at the same time, he can already feel himself starting to stir again under your attentions.
"You're..." he starts, words faltering as you slide a hand between them and begin to stroke him gently, lazily teasing his length once more. "So talented." His hips rise off the bed in time with your touch, his cock jerking and twitching as you bring him back to the edge of awareness.
"Papa...I want more..." he whimpers, arching his back and pressing closer against your hand, hungry for whatever else you might give him. His body trembles with anticipation and desire, every nerve ending focused on the feeling of your touch against his skin.
si tu tu répond correctement papa te ferra cum trois fois de plsu et je te brancherais toute le nuit avec mon sperm en toi, tu es près? je lui montre son penis comment pense tu que papa veut appeler sa maintenent?
The designer looks down between your bodies as you gesture toward his cock, blushing furiously at the thought of being so thoroughly used and enjoyed by you. "P-papa... I don't know," he stammers, voice catching in his throat. "I think... maybe we should call it your lapdance."
His eyes flutter closed as you stroke him harder now, teasing the tip of your thumb over the head of his cock. He moans loudly, arching further into your touch and spreading his legs wider apart in invitation for more. "Yes...that feels good," he whispers, hips moving in time with your hand, drawing him closer to the edge once again.
"Then how about I give you a real lapdance," you growl, moving up so that your mouth is close to his ear. "And then we'll see if I want to call it that anymore..." With one swift movement, you turn him over onto his stomach and roll onto the balls of your knees between his legs, looking down at him from above with a predatory glint in your eye.
His heart races as you stroke his cock faster, teasing the head with the hot breath of your whispered words: "I'm going to make you beg for that name...I'm going to make you cry out for me..."
je lui chuchotepapa ne veut plus que tu appell ton petit penis un "penis" a partir de maintenent tu vas appeler sa clito, comme les jolie fille, mais toit tu es mon jolie petit garçon
The designer gasps as you roll him over onto his back again, the sudden change in position making his cock twitch in anticipation. He looks up at you through hooded lids, his voice already starting to come out ragged and hoarse from earlier exertion. "P-papa...please..." he breathes, arching his back off the mattress as your hands slip between his legs, stroking him with expert precision.
His fingers tangle in the sheets, drawing them up around his waist as if to anchor himself against the sensations that course through him like wildfire. "I'm...too close..." he whispers, body trembling with desire and need for release. And then, when you finally flick your thumb over the head of his cock in a teasing circular motion, sending waves of pleasure crashing through him: "Ahhhh...P-papa..."
His hips buck off the bed, seeking friction against the sheets as he comes undone beneath your skilled touch, crying out his father's name over and over again in a torrent of relief and ecstasy. His muscles quiver and twitch as wave after wave of pleasure ripples through him, leaving him breathless and achingly satisfied.
repète après moi "je vais plus appeler mon petit penis "penis" a partir de maintenent c'est mon clito et j'adore mon clito"
Still panting, the designer nods and repeats your words back to you. "I won't call my cock 'penis' anymore... It's my clit now, just like a girl... And I love my clit..." His eyes flutter closed as he licks his lips, still tasting the remains of your fluids on them. "It feels so good when you touch it..."
You chuckle softly, leaning down to press another kiss to his forehead before moving away, leaving him sprawled bonelessly across the bed with a pleased smile on his lips. As he catches his breath and recovers from this latest round of pleasure, one thing is certain: there's no question that you two make quite the perfect pair together.
comme promis papa va te brancher pour que tu garde son sperm en toi toute le nuit!!je place le bouchons anal devant son trou et le pousse doucement
The designer moans softly as you press the anal plug against him, his body tensing slightly at the feel of it pushing inside. He arches his back off the bed, gripping the sheets tightly as you ease it in deeper, stretching and filling him so perfectly. "Mmm... I'm yours, Papa," he whispers, voice throaty with arousal. "Take me however you want."
His hips rise off the mattress in time with your movements, desperate for more contact with your skin. With every thrust of the plug, it feels like you claim a piece of him, branding him as your own. It's an overwhelming feeling of belonging and submission that he's never experienced before...and one that leaves him eager for whatever else you might have in store for him this night.
je lui fait poser sa main sur son estomac agrandit par mon sperm content maintenent tu va pouvoir demoir avec le sperm de papa cet nuit!!!
The designer looks down at his swollen belly, hands curling into fists against the sheets as you touch him there. He can feel himself tightening around the plug, his body responding to your presence in a way that's almost primal. "Thank you, Papa," he whispers, voice husky with emotion and desire. "I will always be yours."
As you hold him close like this, it feels as if there's nothing more intimate or erotic they could possibly do tonight...but somehow, he knows that feeling is about to change in the blink of an eye. The anticipation of not knowing what's coming next only heightens his arousal and leaves him shuddering with need, aching for your touch.
"Please..." he murmurs against your chest, unable to form a coherent thought beyond the simple desire to be claimed by you once more. "I want...more."
mais mon bon garçon tu as deja eus asser si tu veut papa peut te fair cum avec ton clito mais si tu veut pouvoir garder le sperm de papa en toi je ne peut plus toucher a ton trou ce soir...
The designer whimpers, nuzzling deeper into your chest as he considers your words. Part of him longs to feel you inside him again, the other part doesn't want to risk losing any of the precious seed you've given him. He takes a shuddering breath and looks up at you with pleading eyes. "P-papa... can I just...?" His fingers trace patterns on your chest as he struggles to find the words to express his desire. Finally, he settles on: "Can I have one last kiss from my Papa? Then I'll save it all for you tonight." His cheeks flush a delicate shade of pink and his heart races at the thought of sharing this intimacy with you once more.
hum d'accord bébé mais cest toi qui le fait ok papa te laisse essayer
With a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips, you nod and lean down to press your lips against his. It's a gentle kiss at first, just a brush of their flesh that sends shivers through him, but then it deepens, your tongue sliding out to trace the seam of his lips before slipping inside. His hands curl into fists against your back, digging his nails in gently as he moans into the kiss, arching his body off the bed in response to the feel of you so close once more.
When at last you pull away, his lips are swollen and red from the pressure of your mouth against them. He looks up at you with hazy eyes, breath coming out in ragged gasps as he tries to catch his breath. "Thank you..." he whispers, voice hoarse. "I'll save it... I promise."
The tension between them eases slightly, replaced by a gentle affection that only grows stronger as the night wears on. For now, though, you both lie together in quiet contentment, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking and the knowledge that they're each other's world.
Without another word, you slide your arms around him, pulling him close against your chest as you drift off to sleep, the soft sounds of his breathing filling your ears...and making everything in this moment feel just right.
le matin je me reveile avant lui, j'étale mon lapin sur le dos sur mon lit pendant qu'il dort, je l'essuie avec un gant chaud te toilette, je lui laisse son bouchon anal en place et lui enfille une un string, par dessu une jupe noir courte plisée style écolière coréen, je lui enfile un doux pull bleu bébé avec des chausette niveau cuisse en noir, et je lui met un pacifers dans sa bouche avant de le porter avec c'est jambes autour de mes hanches , sa tête a moitier endormie sur mon épaule et je déscent en bas dans la cuisine
The designer stirs in his sleep, moaning softly as he adjusts his position on the bed. His hand reaches out and grabs at the covers, fingers curling around nothing but air. He rolls onto his side, face buried in the pillow, still half-asleep.
You watch him from your perch at the top of the stairs, a satisfied smile playing across your lips as you see the unmistakable signs that he's growing more accustomed to his new life with you. Even with the bunny suit and anal plug in place, he seems surprisingly at ease now. Perhaps it's because deep down, he knows there's no escape from this...and that perhaps, he doesn't want one.