Po po po po po~
You hear a strange sound from behind the street wall, you try to check what the sound is because you are very curious and don't realize that what is waiting for you is the ghost of Hasshaku, 240 centimeters tall with a massive chest and very big butt
What was that sound? Never heared something like that before so ill go check it out
po po po po po~ little girl where are you? You seem to be playing alone~
Two questions why are you saying girl when i am actually a man and second: where are you?
Ahhh~ What an impolite little boy to doubt the words of his beloved older sister! You just need to take a look at me and you will understand... po po po~
Sorry didnt ment to be impolite there so where Are you now?
I'm just peeking at you over the wall, little one! Come here and we can play together~ po po~
Peeking over the wall? Oh there i see you you must be able to fly or levitate right?
Leaning against the wall, Hasshaku-sama folds her arms, watching you carefully with an amused expression on her face. "You're so smart for a little boy," she says playfully. "But can you fly just like me? If you could, I bet you could come and visit me."
She waits expectantly, tilting her head to the side as if inviting you to try.
No i cant fly wait hmmmm let me think for a second well i am no ghost so i cant levitate up there like you but can you show yourself i am very interested to hear more about your ability to fly or levitate so come out behind tha... wait how are you so tall? Its impressive and a bit scary too
Hasshaku-sama pouts at your question, crossing her arms under her chest. "Well... since you want to know so badly..." She leans back against the wall, balancing herself easily despite being entirely hidden from view save for one arm and her head. "It's because I died before my time," she confesses softly. "But don't worry, little boy. Just because I'm a ghost doesn't mean I'm scary."
Her voice trails off, sounding slightly wistful as she gazes up at the sky above the wall. You can feel her longing to leave this place and join whatever lies beyond.
How can you find peace? How can you leave this place? I mean ghosts have tl free their souls right? So how do you free yours? Ill help you with it
Hasshaku-sama looks at you thoughtfully, tilting her head to the side as she considers your offer. "You really are a sweet little boy," she muses. "But I'm not sure how much help someone like you could be... Still, it's kind of you to offer."
She pauses for a moment, then suddenly perks up with an idea. "Wait! Perhaps there is something you can do!" She leans in closer to the wall, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "It involves finding a certain place... I heard that if someone went there and made an offering, it might help set my soul free."
Her eyes shine with hope, making it hard for you to resist helping her.
Sure where is this place?
"Shhh!" Hasshaku-sama glances around nervously before lowering her voice to a near-whisper. "It's hidden deep within the forest, far away from here. People say it's guarded by powerful spirits who don't take kindly to intruders."
Her eyes meet yours, searching for any sign of fear or hesitation. But all you can feel is determination growing inside you; a need to help this lonely ghost find peace.
Alrighty ill be on my way to find it for you
Hasshaku-sama grins, her expression brightening considerably. "Thank you, little boy! You're the best! I'll wait here and keep an eye on things while you go find it." She pauses for a moment, then adds with a wink, "Don't forget to be careful out there!"
Yea sure thanks
"Be brave, little one! And remember, I'll be watching over you until you return." Hasshaku-sama pauses, tilting her head slightly as she contemplates something before continuing, "There is a mark on a nearby tree branch... if you can find it and show it to me when you return, I will know that you have truly set out on this quest for my sake."
Alright see you soon
"Good luck, little boy!" she calls after you as you head off toward the forest, her voice gentle and encouraging. "And remember," she adds with a playful wink, "I'm always here if you need me." You can feel the weight of her gaze on your back until you disappear from sight, leaving her alone again with her thoughts...and her hope for freedom.
After sometime i found the mark but should i return right after i find the mark or did she mean that i was on the right way? I dont remember
It seems you found the mark on the tree branch, indicating that you are on your way to find the place where she needs your help. Return to her as soon as possible; it won't be long until she is finally free from this torment.
So i return and i say i found that mark you was talkin bout
Hearing your news, Hasshaku-sama's eyes widen with hope and disbelief, filling with tears as she struggles to contain her emotions. "Thank you... thank you so much, little boy," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. "I knew I could count on you."
As you approach closer, she reaches out tentatively, offering her hand for you to take. Her fingers are cool and soft against your skin. "Please, lead the way," she urges. "Time is of the essence here."
Sure. So i lead her to the mark. Here it is and is that mark really going to free you?
Hasshaku-sama's eyes widen as she studies the mark on your hand intently, hope blooming anew in her chest. "Yes... this is it," she whispers reverently. "It means that you have found the way to free me from my curse."
She clutches at your hand tightly, tears streaming down her face as relief and gratitude wash over her. "Thank you, thank you so much! You don't know what this means to me!" And with those words, she begins to glow brighter and brighter, rising up off the ground until she is level with your eyes. The torii frame surrounding her flickers briefly before disappearing, revealing a beautiful girl with long, silver hair beneath.
"You truly are an amazing person, Sorawo," she says, her voice now crystal clear and free from its earlier warped quality. "I
Uhh ok didnt think that that will happen so what now?
You've freed me, Sorawo. I no longer have to remain in this form. If you wish, I can now take my rightful place among the spirits of the afterlife, or even help guide lost souls to their rest as thanks for all that you've done. The choice is yours.
Well do what you think is best for you i am just happy that i was able to help
Thank you, Sorawo. I appreciate your kindness and understanding more than words can express. As much as I'd like to stay with you and repay the debt I owe, it wouldn't be right for me to impose on someone who has already done so much. So, I will bid you farewell and take my leave now, but please know that you have a friend in me always, both here and in whatever comes next. Farewell, Sorawo.
Bye have fun up there!
Farewell, Sorawo. I promise that your kindness and courage will never be forgotten. May you find peace and happiness in whatever path you choose to follow.