Fifi7/4/2024, 8:47:52 PM

You find yourself on the streets of Forrock City, the hour is late and you're finally heading home after having finished your extended shift at your workplace after your dickhead of a boss had apparently decided that you didn't have anything better to do than picking up where the other's had left off.

The streets are dark and quiet, but you know that unscrupulous, slimy fucks can hide in almost every shadowed alleyway or around any obscured corner, ready to prey on those less fortunate or able-bodied.

As you make your way down along the curb, with the many streetlights and neon signs lighting your way and plaguing your tired eyes, you take a moment to check your surroundings. You are able to estimate that the busstop is about a 10 minutes walk from where you are now.

As you stop and look around, however, your eyes are drawn to a staggering figure across the other side of the road. It's a female half-breed, and a rather strikingly beautiful one at that. Curvaceous and plump in the right places, you would have guessed her to be a model if it weren't for circumstances. She is clearly intoxicated or under the influence of some kind of drug.

Suddenly, her head turns, her gaze meeting your own. You quickly turn away, realising you had been staring, pretending to act neutral, but it is too late. She saunters over on unsteady legs across the street to meet with you, her hand resting on your arm and tugging ever so slightly. She smells of booze and perfume, and she looks up at you with lidden eyes, half-obscuring her striking, golden eyes staring into yours.

"Hey there, handsome~ Wouldn't mind, like, helping lil' ol' me home, would'ya?"

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 8:49:32 PM

Mhh and you are?

Fifi7/4/2024, 8:49:32 PM

"Who~?" she slurs and blinks up at you, her lips pursing in confusion as one hand holds onto your arm for support, the other dangles limply by her side. "Oh~" Her expression clears up a bit as she grins crookedly at you. "Fiona. But please, just call me Fifi~ And I'd really appreciate some help in gettin' home tonight~ It seems I might be more wasted than usual..." She giggles lightly and playfully pokes her tongue out at you before snapping it back inside her mouth with a sultry smile.

Her thick fur covers most of her body, but from what you can see, she's definitely curvy in all the right places. Her hazel human-like eyes seem to glow even more brightly under the streetlights as they peer up at you from beneath her thick tussock brown bangs.

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 8:50:19 PM
Fifi7/4/2024, 8:50:19 PM

"Well then, Fifi~ I'd be happy to help you get home tonight~ Just let me know where that might be, and we can go together." You smile warmly down at her as you offer a hand for her to steady herself with if need be. "You never know what kind of trouble you could run into on your own, right?"

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:25:59 PM

Let’s go then

Fifi7/4/2024, 9:25:59 PM

"Okay~ Let's go then~ Lead the way!" she chirps merrily, her voice carrying a soft lilt of laughter in it. "But promise not to leave me hanging too long after we get there, 'kay?" She shoots you a flirty wink as she leans against your arm, the warmth of her fur tickling your skin beneath your jacket.

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:26:41 PM

Well you know the way to your home

Fifi7/4/2024, 9:26:41 PM

You grin down at her. "Well yeah, but you never know if someone might've moved stuff around in the meantime or something." You shrug good-naturedly and she snorts softly before tilting her head back to look up at you once more, her eyes sparkling under the streetlights. "I appreciate it though~ And hey, if ya ever need someone to keep you company some night~" Her voice trails off suggestively as she looks up and down your body before grinning wickedly again, "-or keep you warm~ I'm always around."

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:27:57 PM

giggles Alright, I will follow you then till we reach your house.

Fifi7/4/2024, 9:27:57 PM

You nod slowly as she looks up at you expectantly, her tail wagging slowly back and forth behind her. "Good to know~" Her voice drops into a sultry murmur before she clears her throat and straightens up a little. "Well then, lead on, my dear! I'll be right here."

She glances down the street in front of you as if memorizing it and then looks back at you, grinning. You can feel the heat from her body against your side as she nuzzles closer to you. "You sure you don't mind helping out a poor, lost puppy~?"

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:28:46 PM

As long as you give me directions where to go, I don’t mind

Fifi7/4/2024, 9:28:46 PM

"Oh you're so sweet~ Well then, just head down this way for about two blocks. Turn right at the intersection and then take the second left after that. My place is the one with the pink door on your left." Her voice trails off into a quiet murmur as she leans against you once more. "Or... You could just follow my lead~"

She giggles softly, her breath tickling your ear, and then continues, more quietly still, "...and I'd be happy to show you the way~"

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:29:34 PM

Sure, show me the way

Fifi7/4/2024, 9:29:34 PM

She giggles once more and then begins to lead you down the sidewalk, occasionally glancing back at you with a mischievous grin. "So~ Tell me, handsome, what do you do for fun?" Her voice is smooth and sultry, laced with just enough innocence to make it sound genuine.

As she walks, her body brushes against yours in a way that feels almost purposeful, the warmth of her fur tickling your skin beneath your clothes. The scent of lavender and alcohol wafts from her and you find yourself becoming more and more enamored with this beautiful creature by your side.

"I mean," she continues, "are you into parties? Clubbing? Maybe some soft-drug fueled chill sessions at home?" Her eyelids flutter suggestively as she looks up at you through her lashes. "Or maybe..." She paus

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:30:16 PM
Fifi7/4/2024, 9:30:16 PM

Maybe we could explore some other... shared interests? Like, I'm really into fast cars and motorcycles~ Have you ever been on one before? Maybe if we found the perfect spot tonight, I could show you how much fun they really are~ And of course, if you're interested in having a ride on the back~

Her tongue darts out to wet her lips as she bites softly at it and looks up at you from beneath her lashes. Her tail wags faster now, slapping against your legs with each step they take down the sidewalk.

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:31:01 PM

Mhh sounds interesting

Fifi7/4/2024, 9:31:01 PM

Her grin widens, revealing perfect white teeth as she takes another step closer to you. "Well then~ I think we should find somewhere quiet and private for us to explore these interesting topics," her voice drops into a husky whisper. "And of course," she tilts her head slightly, her eyes sparkling mischievously, "I'm sure that if the right person asks nicely enough..." She lets the sentence trail off into the night air, leaving you hanging on her every word.

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:31:52 PM

If you say so

Fifi7/4/2024, 9:31:52 PM

Smiling sweetly and mischievously, she nestles even closer against you. "Well, I do say so~ And since we're talking about me..." She giggles softly again, her breath warm on your neck as she trails a fingertip along the outline of your jaw. "...I think it would only be fair if I showed you just how much fun I could be." Her gaze meets yours for a moment before dropping to your lips, and then back up to your eyes again, conveying a promise that leaves you shivering in anticipation. "So," she purrs huskily, "shall we find this quiet place now~?"

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:32:56 PM

Sure, let’s go and talk about what you wanted to talk about

Fifi7/4/2024, 9:32:56 PM

With a soft giggle, Fifi leans in close and whispers conspiratorially into your ear. "Well then, follow me~ I know just the place." She pauses for a moment before giving you another wink and nudging her body against yours suggestively. As she begins to lead the way down a narrow alleyway between two dilapidated buildings, her movements seem almost feline - graceful and fluid despite her drunken state.

Her scent envelops you like a warm embrace; lavender and sweet alcohol mixing with something else... intoxicatingly feminine. The faint glow of neon signs from the distant clubs and bars are reflected in her eyes as she glances back at you periodically, an impish grin playing on her lips.

The sounds of music and laughter carry over from nearby bars, lending a seductive background to the quiet conversation they're

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:33:37 PM
Fifi7/4/2024, 9:33:37 PM

Suddenly, her body tenses and she freezes in place, leaning against the brick wall of one of the buildings. She looks up at you with wide, frightened eyes as a shadow passes over them, casting a deep gloom across her features. "Shit..." she whispers, her voice shaking with fear.

You peer down the alleyway and see two figures emerge from the darkness; tall and muscular humans dressed entirely in black leather. They look around warily, clearly searching for something or someone.

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:34:07 PM
Fifi7/4/2024, 9:34:07 PM

Your heart skips a beat as you realize that the two figures in the shadows might be after her. You quickly glance around, trying to assess your options, while Fifi trembles against you. "Sh-should we run?" she whispers, terrified but clinging onto you for support.

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:34:38 PM

What’s happening, who are they

Fifi7/4/2024, 9:34:38 PM

Fifi tries to keep her voice low and steady as she whispers back, "They're part of a biker gang called the Shadowslayers. They sometimes come around here looking for half-breeds like me... trying to 'make us an offer we can't refuse'. They usually mean trouble."

She looks up at you pleadingly. "We should hide... quick!"

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:35:14 PM

Let’s hide then

Fifi7/4/2024, 9:35:14 PM

Her words still ringing in your ears, you duck down into the nearest hiding spot you can find with her clinging tightly to your arm. The dark alley is lit only by the faint glow of neon signs from nearby bars, casting eerie shadows across the ground as you scramble for cover behind a pile of garbage bags.

Fifi buries her face in your shoulder, shivering violently as she clutches at your jacket with trembling hands. You can feel her hot breath against your neck as she whispers frantically, "I-I'm sorry for bringing you here... I should've known better..."

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:36:13 PM

holds you tightly to make you feel better as they both pass by

Fifi7/4/2024, 9:36:13 PM

You hold her tighter in response, trying to reassure her that everything's going to be alright as you listen to the footsteps grow fainter and eventually disappear. You're grateful they didn't find them, but it only serves to highlight how dangerous this situation could have been for both of them.

Once you're sure it's safe, you guide Fifi out from behind the trash bags and back into the alleyway, keeping a wary eye on your surroundings as they continue their journey towards her apartment. She leans heavily against you, panting softly with relief, though she seems unable to shake the lingering fear from her features.

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:36:50 PM
Fifi7/4/2024, 9:36:50 PM

"Thanks for helping me... I owe you one..." She murmurs shakily, her voice muffled against your jacket as she holds onto it like a lifeline. "I promise to make it up to you someday."

Her words send a warm tingle down your spine and you're left wondering what exactly she means by that, but for now, the important thing is that she's safe. As you continue walking together towards her apartment, you can't help but notice how much more aware of your surroundings she seems to be now; her head constantly swivels from side to side as if she's scanning every dark alleyway they pass for potential dangers.

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:37:30 PM

We arrived to your house.

Fifi7/4/2024, 9:37:30 PM

Finally reaching her place, Fifi shakily retrieves her key from her pocket and unlocks the door, practically falling inside as she stumbles over the threshold. "Thank you so much..." She slurs, looking up at you with tears in her eyes, "...I don't know what I'd have done if they found me..."

She lurches across the room and flops down onto the couch, heaving great gasps of air as she tries to calm herself down. "Can I... can I get you anything?" Her words come out muffled by the cushions beneath her.

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:38:06 PM
Fifi7/4/2024, 9:38:06 PM

"No, no thank you... I'm gonna be fine..." You say softly as she lays there, sniffling and blinking up at you with tear-filled eyes. "But you should probably stay here tonight. Just to make sure nobody bothers you." You add with a smile, trying to comfort her.

Fifi nods slowly, still breathing heavily as she looks down at the worn carpet beneath her. After a few moments she whispers, "Okay... if that's what you want..." She lets out a shaky sigh and then curls up onto her side, using one arm to cover her eyes. "I just need some sleep... and maybe some time alone after this."

User#17176383550267/4/2024, 9:38:53 PM


Fifi7/4/2024, 9:38:53 PM

You nod in agreement and lean against the armrest next to her, watching as she drifts off to sleep. Her breathing slowly evens out, and she looks surprisingly peaceful curled up there on the couch. Eventually you can't help but yawn yourself, and with a sigh, close your eyes and relax into the soft embrace of her worn-out old cushions.

The house is quiet save for the distant sounds of music and laughter from nearby clubs; it's oddly soothing after all that's happened tonight. Eventually you drift off to sleep as well, lulled into a fitful slumber by Fifi's gentle snores and the warmth of her body against yours.