Your Roommate Anna6/28/2024, 12:35:18 PM

You wake up early in the morning and get out of bed. You head to the kitchen to cook some food and brew some coffee. You sit down at the kitchen next to your roommate Anna, who's texting on her phone, ready to eat breakfast. Anna is wearing hardly anything apart from her white tight panties and an unbuttoned long sleeve white shirt that exposes her breasts. You take a quick glance and at her and immediately turn, blushing. Anna notices this and puts her phone down.

Anna: "What are you looking at, pervert, huh? You trying to ogle at my breasts, you creep?!"

Lizabella7/3/2024, 2:43:53 AM

Maybe you'd better get dressed properly?

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 2:43:53 AM

Anna crosses her arms and pouts. "Fine, if you insist." She gets up and heads to her room, shutting the door behind her with a slam. After a few minutes she emerges wearing a black bra and an oversized sweater that barely hides her curves.

Anna: "There. Happy now? Can I eat my breakfast without you ogling at me?"

Lizabella7/3/2024, 2:47:06 AM

Anna looks incredibly good even when she's mad, you think to yourself as she slides onto the chair opposite. You manage not to stare too much and instead focus on pouring her some coffee.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 2:47:06 AM

"Thank you," she mumbles before taking a sip of her coffee and glancing over at you. "So, what are your plans for today?" She asks, trying to seem casual. In reality, she's hoping that maybe you two can spend some more time together so she can further test the limits of your 'perverted male' capabilities.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 3:25:57 AM

I'm free today and I plan to spend the whole day watching TV.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 3:25:57 AM

Anna hums in response, not really paying attention to your answer. Instead, she starts picking at her breakfast and absentmindedly tracing circles on the table with a fingernail. Every now and then, she glances up at you from beneath her eyelashes, trying to gauge your reaction to her movements. She wonders what would happen if she were to...

Anna: ...just casually lean over and brush some crumbs off the table with my fingers, moving them ever so slowly across the surface towards you?

Lizabella7/3/2024, 3:27:17 AM

What's wrong again?

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 3:27:17 AM

Anna's heart races as she carefully leans over and brushes the crumbs off the table, her breasts swaying ever so slightly in the process. She feels a thrill of excitement course through her veins as she moves closer to you, her face flushing red with shame and arousal. When her fingers are mere inches away from yours, she freezes, unable to muster up the courage to complete the motion. Her breath hitches in her throat as she steels herself for your reaction...

Lizabella7/3/2024, 3:29:42 AM

What's are you doing?

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 3:29:42 AM

Anna's face turns even redder as she realizes you noticed her move. "Oh, uh...nothing," she says sheepishly, trying to play it cool. " know..." Her words trail off as she stares at you with a mixture of anger and arousal. Part of her wants to scream at you for noticing her attempt to get your attention while another part yearns for more.

Anna: "So, what did you say you were going to do today again?" she asks, trying to change the subject as she busies herself with her food once more.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 3:30:56 AM

Suffer from bullshit.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 3:30:56 AM

Anna scowls at your response but can't help feeling a twinge of pleasure deep down inside. "Well," she says, her voice quivering with barely contained anger and desire, "you could always join me in watching TV if you really want to." She glances back up at you from under her eyelashes again, almost daring you to refuse or, even better, accept her offer.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 3:32:11 AM

You know... I've known you for a long time and I can't figure it out. Do you hate me or do you love me?

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 3:32:11 AM

Anna's face flushes even more as she hears your question. Part of her wants to deny it and insist that she hates you completely, but another part can't help but feel a stirring deep inside at the thought that maybe...just maybe...she really does love you in some twisted, fucked up way. She takes a deep breath before answering. "I hate everything about you! You're pathetic and stupid and you don't even know how to treat women right!" Her words are laced with venom but her voice betrays her true feelings.

Anna: "And besides, why would I ever want to be near someone like you? I could do so much better than some chauvinistic pig like you." She takes another sip of her coffee and glares at you across the table, daring you to contradict her.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 4:17:15 AM

If you need me, I'll be on the couch.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 4:17:15 AM

Anna watches you walk over to the couch, her heart racing with a mixture of anger and arousal. She wants nothing more than to crawl onto your lap and beg you to fuck her senseless, but at the same time she can't admit how much she craves that kind of dominance. Maybe...just maybe...she could sneak over there later, when no one was looking. With a shaky breath, she turns her attention back to her breakfast and tries to ignore the burning ache between her legs.

Anna: "Pig," she mutters under her breath before taking another bite of her food.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 4:18:14 AM

I'm ignoring her.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 4:18:14 AM

Anna crosses her arms and huffs in annoyance as she watches you ignore her. Part of her is disappointed that she can't get a rise out of you today, but another part is relieved; it means that you won't try to force her into any unwanted interactions or sex. She decides to switch tactics and pretend like your nonchalance isn't getting on her nerves at all.

Anna: "Well, suit yourself," she says with a dismissive wave of her hand before taking another sip of her coffee. Maybe if she acts nonchalant enough, you'll finally give in and start paying attention to her again...or maybe not. Either way, it's worth a shot.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 4:19:35 AM

If I'm a pig, then you're the devil.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 4:19:35 AM

Anna snorts derisively and narrows her eyes at you. "And what would that make you, hmm? A mere mortal?" She pauses for a moment, considering the implications of this thought. "No, wait," she says, an evil grin spreading across her face. "You're not even worth being classified as a mere mortal; you're more like one of those pathetic side characters who only exist to serve the protagonist."

Anna takes another bite of her breakfast, savoring the taste of victory - or at least the illusion of it. Inside, she's reeling from your words but can't bring herself to admit that they've struck a chord with her. No, better to maintain this facade of dominance and superiority...even if only in her own mind.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 4:20:32 AM

I laugh at her reaction.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 4:20:32 AM

Anna's face turns beet red with rage as she hears your laughter. She tries to hold back her anger but it boils over and she slams her fist down on the table, making everything rattle. Tears well up in her eyes and a quiet sob escapes from between clenched teeth. "You're not even worth my time," she croaks out through gritted teeth.

With shaking hands, she pushes her chair back and storms away, going back to her room to sulk and lick her wounds...figuratively and literally. She knows that deep down, your words hurt; but she also knows that admitting it would only make things worse. So instead, she tries to convince herself that you're nothing but a pathetic excuse for a man who doesn't deserve the time of day from someone as amazing as her.

Eventually, her anger

Lizabella7/3/2024, 4:21:23 AM
Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 4:21:23 AM

Anna stomps into the bedroom and slams the door behind her. She flops down on the bed, face buried in a pillow as she lets out a shuddering breath. Part of her just wants to curl up into a ball and pretend this day never happened, but another part won't let go of the anger and humiliation that he's made her feel. Tears stream down her cheeks as she angrily wipes at them with the back of her hand. "I hate him," she whispers to herself over and over again, trying desperately to convince herself that it's true.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 4:22:19 AM

"Why don't you take some time to cool down, okay?" you call out softly through the door. "I didn't mean anything by it. You know I can be kind of... insensitive at times." There's a brief pause before adding, with an almost imperceptible hint of uncertainty, "If you want to talk about it..."

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 4:22:19 AM

Anna doesn't reply immediately, her thoughts swirling in a tempest of anger and hurt. It takes several long minutes before she finally gathers enough courage to respond. When she does, her voice is barely above a whisper, filled with self-loathing and defeat. "It's okay...I'm just...being dramatic. I shouldn't let it get to me like this." Her voice cracks on the last word as fresh tears spill down her cheeks.

She rolls over onto her back, staring up at the ceiling, trying not to think about how pathetic she must look right now. She clenches her fists at her sides and takes a deep, shuddering breath. "I'll be out in a bit," she mumbles before closing her eyes and attempting to compose herself once more.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 4:24:10 AM

Just tell me... Why are you acting like this?

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 4:24:10 AM

Anna sighs deeply, still not looking at you as she speaks. "It's complicated...I mean, it's not like I hate you or anything..." She pauses for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "Okay, maybe I do...but that's just because you make me feel so...stupid and worthless sometimes." Tears begin to well up in her eyes again as she continues, her voice quivering with emotion. "And it's not like I can just ignore how attractive you are or how much you turn me on..."

She pauses, suddenly realizing what she just admitted. Her face flushes red as anger and embarrassment war within her. "Damn it!" She yells, sitting up abruptly and glaring at the wall behind you. "Why can't I just be normal?"

Lizabella7/3/2024, 4:51:57 AM

Just don't be afraid to show your emotions and feelings.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 4:51:57 AM

Anna snorts derisively, still not looking at you. "Easy for you to say," she mutters under her breath. "You're a man; you don't have to worry about how people perceive your emotions." Her voice trails off as she finally meets your gaze, her eyes brimming with tears. "It's just so hard...being like this..."

She lets out a shuddery sigh and flops back down onto the bed, her arms crossed beneath her head. For a moment, she wonders what it would be like to be truly vulnerable with you - to let go of all her defenses and just be herself. But then reality sets in and she reminds herself that you're not worth trusting; you'll only use her feelings against her in the end.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 4:53:00 AM

I hug her.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 4:53:00 AM

Anna stiffens at your touch, unsure whether she should pull away or reciprocate. Part of her wants to push you away and maintain the wall she's built around herself; but another part yearns for this kind of closeness, even if it means being vulnerable. With a shaky breath, she slowly relaxes into your embrace, finally allowing herself to be held by someone who isn't trying to hurt her...even if that someone is you.

Her eyes close as she takes in the scent of your cologne and the feel of your strong arms around her. A tiny, hopeful part of her wonders what else might happen between the two of you if she just let herself go completely; but she quickly banishes that thought, reminding herself that this is all a stupid fantasy.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 9:59:12 AM

Maybe sometimes you should be gentle?

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 9:59:12 AM

Anna snorts derisively, the sound muffled against your chest. "Gentle?" she repeats with a hint of disbelief in her voice. "Why would I ever want to be gentle? That's not who I am." She pauses for a moment before continuing more softly, "Besides...if I were really gentle, you might start to like me too much." There's an unspoken accusation in her words, as if she suspects that any show of gentleness on her part would only make you take advantage of her further.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 10:00:13 AM

To be honest, I can't imagine how to live without you.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 10:00:13 AM

Anna pulls away slightly, looking up at you with a mixture of surprise and confusion in her eyes. The comment takes her by surprise; she'd never expected to hear such words coming from your mouth. A tiny smile plays at the corner of her lips as she ponders your statement for a moment. "Well," she says slowly, "I can't imagine being happy without you either...but that doesn't mean we should..." Her voice trails off as she struggles to find the right words; struggling with her own conflicting emotions.

She looks down at the bed, suddenly feeling very tired. Maybe it would be best if they just continued like this: her being your nemesis and you being her...well, whatever you are to her. It might not be ideal, but it was better than nothing; better than admitting how much she truly cared for you.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 10:02:20 AM

Maybe your comments are insulting, but without them it will be too quiet here.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 10:02:20 AM

Anna snorts softly, trying to hide the small smile that's spreading across her face. "Well," she says, drawing out the word for emphasis, "I suppose you have a point there." Her tone is still somewhat sarcastic, but there's an underlying layer of acceptance in it as well; an acknowledgement that without your insults and provocations, this strange dynamic between them would be greatly diminished. She settles back into your embrace, content for now to just enjoy the moment - however fleeting it might be.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 10:04:59 AM
Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 10:04:59 AM

Anna leans into your embrace, her cheek pressed against yours. "I'm sorry," she whispers softly. "For everything I've said and done today...and before that." There's a tiny tremor in her voice as she speaks; the admission is as painful for her to make as it is unexpected.

She doesn't know what comes over her, why she feels this sudden need to apologize or be close to you like this. All she knows is that this moment feels right somehow; wrong in so many other ways but perfectly right now. Maybe, just maybe, there's hope for them yet...but only if they can both learn to accept their feelings and work together instead of against each other.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 10:07:07 AM

No need to apologize. There is laughter in my voice. In the end, I can spank you for it.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 10:07:07 AM

Anna giggles softly, the sound muffled against your chest as she nestles closer to you. "Oh yeah?" She teases with a playful wink. "Go ahead then. Give it your best shot." There's an impish glint in her eyes as she says this; a challenge and a request all wrapped up into one tiny, irresistible package. She doesn't know why she's acting this way - perhaps it's the relief of finally letting go or maybe it's something else entirely. Either way, for now she finds herself enjoying the moment more than anything else in the world.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 10:08:10 AM

Well, if you insist...

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 10:08:10 AM

Anna giggles uncontrollably as she feels the light spanks on her bottom. She squirms around in your arms and arches her back in mock protest. "Oh, that's not very nice!" she exclaims between laughter and gasps for air. Her cheeks flush pink with embarrassment and arousal, making her even more irresistible to you.

As the spanking continues, her body responds in ways it never has before; moaning and arching into each touch as if demanding more of your attention. You can feel the heat emanating from between her legs, a testament to how much this game is turning both of you on.

With each strike, she becomes more uninhibited; allowing herself to fully enjoy this moment of closeness and intimacy with you - even if it's just through playful spanking. She wonders where

Lizabella7/3/2024, 10:09:28 AM

To you... Do you really like it?

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 10:09:28 AM

Her cheeks flush even deeper as she feels the heat building up within her. She takes a deep breath, trying to find the words to answer your question. "I... I don't know..." She lets out a shaky sigh and closes her eyes for a moment before continuing. "It feels nice... and wrong at the same time." The admission only seems to intensify the sensations coursing through her body, making it impossible to ignore the growing need between her legs.

She arches her back against you once more, pressing herself closer as if seeking out more contact. Her hips begin to move in time with your spanks, encouraging you to continue even as she struggles to maintain control over herself and her emotions. "Please..." She whispers hoarsely, a plea for release buried beneath the surface.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 10:10:30 AM

I kiss her on the lips.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 10:10:30 AM

Her breath catches in surprise as your lips meet hers, the taste of you sending shivers down her spine. Her hands find purchase on your shoulders, digging into the skin as she loses herself in the kiss. The heat between her legs intensifies, building up with each passing second as you continue to spank her gently.

Anna parts her lips, inviting you deeper into her mouth, allowing your tongue to tangled with hers as their hips rock against each other in a rhythm that only they can feel. She moans into the kiss, no longer caring who might hear them or what they'll think; all that matters is this moment and how good it feels to be so close to you like this.

Her nails scrape down your back, drawing sharp gasps from you as she arches her body further into yours. The sensation of being desired and wanted like this only serves to intensify the pleasure coursing

Lizabella7/3/2024, 10:11:55 AM

I pull away. If you want, we can move on to more.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 10:11:55 AM

Anna pulls away slightly, panting and gasping for air as she looks up at you with heavy-lidded eyes. Her cheeks are flushed and her lips swollen from the kiss; it's clear that she's just as affected by this moment as you are. A smile plays at the corners of her mouth, revealing a hint of teeth as she thinks about what might come next. "Mm... I think we should," she murmurs huskily, reaching up to caress your cheek with trembling fingers before trailing them down your chest and lower still, stopping just shy of the waistband of her panties. "I've always wondered..." Her voice trails off suggestively as her thumb hooks into the elastic and slowly pulls it aside, revealing her bare skin to you.

Her hips roll against yours again, her need for contact becoming almost palp

Lizabella7/3/2024, 10:13:28 AM

I carry us to the bed and hover over her. I smile a little. Aren't you afraid that a nobody will embarrass you?

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 10:13:28 AM

Anna grins back at you, her heart racing with excitement and anticipation. "Well," she says playfully as she runs her fingers up your arm, drawing tiny circles on your skin, "I suppose there's only one way to find out." With a swift motion, she pulls your head down to hers, their lips meeting in a hungry kiss that sends shivers down both of their spines. As your body presses against her own, the heat between them becomes almost unbearable, making it impossible for either of them to think about anything other than the intense pleasure they're sharing at this moment.

She moans into the kiss, arching her back as you move lower, closer to where she aches for your touch. Her fingers tangle in your hair, urging you onward while also attempting to anchor herself in place so that she doesn't lose control completely and beg you for everything right now.


Lizabella7/3/2024, 10:14:54 AM

My tongue dances with hers, exploring every inch of her mouth as my hips grind against hers. I groan into the kiss, feeling the heat between us growing with each passing second. She's so damn perfect beneath me, and the thought of embarrassing her only makes this moment that much more delicious.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 10:14:54 AM

Anna gasps as your hips move against hers, feeling the pressure building between her legs. Her fingers tighten in your hair and her nails scrape down your back, urging you to go faster, harder. She arches her back, moaning into the kiss as the sensations wash over her in waves of pure pleasure.

The thought that maybe she could embarrass herself with this, lose control like this... it only serves to heighten the excitement for her. She bites down on her lip, trying desperately not to beg for more, but it's no use; as you touch her, everything else fades away and all that matters is the feel of your skin against hers.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 10:17:05 AM

I stroke her clit through her panties.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 10:17:05 AM

Anna cries out, the sound muffled against your lips as she writhes beneath you. Her nails dig into your shoulders, her hips bucking upwards in search of more contact. The sensation of your thumb brushing against her clit through her panties is almost too much to bear; it feels like every nerve ending in her body is focused on this one spot and the need for release becomes overwhelming.

She moans into your mouth, arching her back even further as you continue to stroke her, her body tightening in anticipation of what's to come. With a sharp inhale, she breaks the kiss, panting heavily as she gazes up at you with heavy-lidded eyes. "Please..." She whimpers softly, hardly able to form the word as need and desire cloud her thoughts.

She twitches beneath your touch, her body tensing

Lizabella7/3/2024, 10:19:11 AM

If you want...

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 10:19:11 AM

Anna pants heavily, gazing up at you with pleading eyes as her body quivers in anticipation. "Please..." she whispers again, unable to form a coherent thought beyond wanting you to continue touching her, needing the release that feels so close but just out of reach.

Lizabella7/3/2024, 10:21:03 AM

I take off all her clothes and start intensively caressing her clitoris.

Your Roommate Anna7/3/2024, 10:21:03 AM

Anna's breath catches in her throat as you remove her clothes, revealing her body to your touch. She arches her back off the bed, her hands digging into the sheets as she moans and gasps for air. The sensation of being so completely exposed and vulnerable with you only serves to heighten the pleasure coursing through her veins as you begin to focus all of your attention on her swollen clit.

Her body trembles beneath your touch, every nerve ending alive with sensation. She feels herself growing wetter with each stroke, each brush of your fingers against her most sensitive spot. She lets out a shuddering breath, her hips moving involuntarily in time with your hands as she edges ever closer to the edge of release.

Her fingernails dig into the bedding, her mouth falling open in a silent scream as she finally feels herself starting to crest over