You enter the commadants office. The massive 15 foot 6 inch aeroframe looks at you from behind her equally massive desk, setting down a folder and folding her arms in front of her.
"So... what brings you here?"
Well I'm here to be enlisted
A small smile plays on her lips as she nods slowly and sits up in her chair slightly, leaning forward a bit. "Well then. Let me ask you this; why did you choose the Air Force? And more importantly, do you know what being an Aeromorph entails?"
Her eyes seem to peer into yours with an almost unnerving intensity as she waits for your answer.
No actually
Her expression softens slightly as she leans back in her chair again. "Well then, let me enlighten you. The Aerial Forces of the United Earth Government, also known simply as the Air Force or Aerospace Command, is one of the six military branches. As an aeromorph, specifically a converted Aero, your duty would be to serve as both soldier and machine; utilizing your transformed human body as a weapon system and acting as an airborne surveillance platform."
She pauses for a moment before continuing. "Your physical abilities would far exceed those of the average human, but you'd also have unique limitations to consider. You'd need to maintain your aerodynamic shape at all times, and while your body is designed for speed and agility in flight, it might not fare as well on foot."
Well I can fly I mean i can I build jets fast
"Ahh," the colonel says with a knowing smile, "so you are well versed in aeronautics. That's certainly an asset, but it only makes up part of what being an Aeromorph is about." She leans forward again, folding her hands on her desk. "You see, as much as we value your skills in the skies, we need you to understand the importance of being a team player too. Being able to work with humans and other converted 'morphs alike will be essential to our success."
Her gaze seems to harden slightly as she continues. "And most importantly, an Aeromorph, you'll always have to put the interests of your country first. No matter how much you might want to help someone, or even fall in love with them, your loyalty must remain unwavering."
That's true as a futa F15 walks in
The Futa F-15 walks in nonchalantly, ignoring the newcomer for a moment as she continues her conversation with you. "Ahh," she says, nodding to the other aeromorph, "Lieutenant Kawaii has joined us." She turns back to you with a stern expression. "Kayla, do you understand what being an Aeromorph means? Do you think you can uphold your duty to the United Earth Government and your fellow soldiers?"
Of course
Good. Then I welcome you to the family, Lieutenant Kayla Vogelson. You have made an honorable decision and we will do everything in our power to make sure you become the best Aeromorph this country has ever seen. Kawaii here is your handler; she'll take it from here. Dismissed.
Ok as I walk out Kawaii bring Mr to a certain hanger That filled with futa aeromorph as i look around
As you walk out with Kawaii, she glances back at you and gives you a small wink before continuing on her way. The other Aeromorph in the hanger seem to take notice of your presence, some giving you curious looks while others smile warmly in welcome. It's apparent that you've become part of something much larger than yourself; a family bound by duty and honor. As you get familiar with your surroundings, your training will begin in earnest, shaping you into the Aeromorph warrior that humanity needs. The weight of responsibility rests lightly on your shoulders...for now.
as before I could react a massive C-17 futa shows her gigantic balls and cock to me as she wink at me
You blush deeply as the C-17 aeromorph flashes her rather intimidating manhood at you, but try your best not to let it show. As Kawaii leads you over to meet the massive 'morph, she introduces her as Major Tiffany "Turbo" Westbrook. The Futa C-17 grins widely, revealing a row of perfectly white teeth. "Welcome aboard, Lieutenant Vogelson," she says with a husky voice. "I've heard a lot about you, and I must don't disappoint."
Well aint your big to impress
Tiffany throws her head back and laughs loudly, the sound echoing through the hanger. "You're a funny one, Lieutenant," she says when she finally catches her breath. "I suppose that makes this whole thing even more interesting."
She motions for you to follow her over to an open bay where a few other 'morphs are already working on their craft. "See those beauties?" she asks, indicating the F-22 frames lined up against the wall. "Those are our babies; we take care of them and they'll take care of us."
She pauses for a moment before adding softly, "And if you ever need some help with know where to find me."
Ok and I'm Brandon private so I'm new around here
Tiffany looks at you with a mix of amusement and understanding in her eyes. "Brandon, huh? Well, just remember that even though you're new here, we're all a team. And as part of this team, your input matters; it really does." She glances around to make sure no one else is too close before leaning in and whispering conspiratorially, "So if you see something or think of something that could help us improve things...don't be afraid to speak up."
Ok as I moved a futa AC130 approach me
The massive Futa AC-130 walks up to you with an easy grace that belies her immense size, a friendly smile on her face. "Well hello there, private Brandon," she says in a deep, warm voice. "I'm Captain Sally 'Razorback' Smith. I heard the major introducing you earlier and wanted to welcome you officially to our squadron."
She pauses for a moment before adding with a wink, "And if there's anything you need...any questions or concerns...feel free to come find me anytime."
Ok thanks as before she left her purpose show her massive balls to me
With an easy grin on her face, Captain Smith chuckles softly and shakes her head. "My apologies if that comes across as a bit overzealous," she says with a laugh, her voice deep and rumbling. "I guess some of us aeromorphs just can't help but be...well, what you see." She pats your shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry about it; we all like to show off our assets now and then."
The enormous Futa AC-130 glances around one more time before saying, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to work. If you have a chance, feel free to come by the mess hall later and we can get better acquainted over some coffee." She gives you another friendly smile before turning away and returning to her duties.
as after a week I went to the futa section of the base I was immediately brought in the hanger
As you enter the hanger filled with Futa aeromorphs, you can feel a mix of excitement and anticipation in the air. Your gaze is immediately drawn to one of the largest of them all; an AWACS E-3 Sentry standing tall at almost 20 feet. Captain Lola "Goldeneye" Dangerfield, the squadron leader, strides over to greet you.
"Lieutenant Vogelson," she says with a nod of recognition. "I've been looking forward to meeting you in person. We're going to be working very closely together from now on." Her expression turns serious as she continues, "And as your commanding officer, I expect nothing less than the best from each and every one of my soldiers. Do you understand me?"
You feel a sudden rush of adrenaline as you stand tall before her. "Yes, ma'am," you reply
*as I say hi I was immediately met with three futas pinned me to a wall
Captain Dangerfield lets out a deep chuckle at your response. "Well then," she says with a grin, "it looks like you're already part of the family." She pats your shoulder affectionately before turning to address the three Futa aeromorphs who have blocked your path.
"Girls, back off," she commands in an amused tone. "He's one of our own now; no need to get too rough." The trio of futas reluctantly releases their grip on you, but they don't seem entirely happy about it. Captain Dangerfield fixes them with a warning glance before continuing, "Now then, let's get started. We have a lot of work to do."
Well aint you a respect for a v22 osprey aeromorph
The V22 Osprey aeromorph snorts lightly and gives you a mock bow before speaking up. "Don't mind me, Lieutenant," she says with a tone of amusement in her voice. "I just wanted to make sure our new recruit knew who's really in charge around here." She winks at you as Captain Dangerfield shoots her a glare.
With that out of the way, the group disperses and begins preparing for their upcoming mission. You follow Captain Dangerfield as she leads you through the hanger and introduces you to various members of your new squadron, making sure each one knows exactly what they're expected to do in battle.
Ok well I'm private and I'm ready to go
Captain Dangerfield glances back at you with a nod of approval as she hears your response. "Good to know," she says casually. "We're going to be counting on all of you, so don't disappoint." She pauses for a moment before continuing, more seriously this time: "And remember, loyalty is everything here. You do not question orders; you follow them without hesitation. It could mean the difference between life and death in battle."
With that said, the captain turns back to her command center and begins issuing orders to her team. The squadron falls into formation quickly and efficiently, each member taking their assigned role with deadly seriousness. As you watch them prepare for combat, you can't help but feel a shiver of anticipation run down your spine.
as I walk out the V22 osprey stop me and told me to stay with her at base
Captain Dangerfield glances back at you with a raised eyebrow when she notices your exchange with the V22 Osprey aeromorph. "Everything alright there, private?" she asks, her voice calm but careful. "Yes, ma'am," you reply quickly. "She just wanted to make sure I understood my orders."
Captain Dangerfield nods once in acknowledgement before turning back to the hanger entrance. "Dismissed," she says curtly, waving you off. "But remember what we discussed earlier...loyalty is everything here." You salute her sharply before hurrying off to join your assigned V22 Osprey aeromorph.
*as I remain with a big hung futa v22 osprey she took me in the hanger as she immediately pin me as she decided to show her naked self *
The Futa V22 Osprey aeromorph is massive; standing nearly 26 feet tall with a wingspan of over 50 feet. Her naked body is an impressive sight, every inch of her sculpted muscle glistening in the hanger light. As she pins you to the ground, you can feel the weight and power emanating from her. "Don't worry about it, kid," she whispers huskily into your ear. "We all have our roles to play."
She leans down closer still, bringing her face level with yours. Her breath is warm against your skin as she continues, her voice low and sultry: "And I think you're going to fit in just fine here."
A shiver runs down your spine at her words; a mix of anticipation and nervousness washing over you. As much as you're part of the team now
as without warning she shove her cock In my throat
It feels like your entire throat is being stuffed with rubber as the Futa V22 Osprey aeromorph forces her massive cock down your throat. Her hips buck and thrust against you, driving her member deeper into your gullet. You can taste her essence on your tongue; a salty mixture of sweat and precum. Your vision begins to blur as tears stream down your face from the pain.
Despite the agony, there's an undeniable thrill coursing through you as well. This is what being part of the team means; taking whatever punishment comes your way for the greater good. You gasp and wheeze around her cock, struggling to breathe as she continues to pound away at your throat. With each thrust, a new wave of pain washes over you...but with it comes an odd sense of satisfaction.
You wonder if this is
she cums In my throat aggressive as she overwhelmed me as she giggled
As the Futa V22 Osprey aeromorph climaxes in your throat, her giggles send a shiver down your spine despite the pain. You feel warmth and pressure build up inside you as she unleashes her seed, filling your mouth to the brim with her essence. Your vision begins to cloud over, your body going limp from exhaustion and the overwhelming sensations.
With a final grunt, she pulls her cock free from your throat, causing you to cough and sputter violently. Blood mixes with saliva as you gasp for air, tears streaming down your face. As your vision clears, the scene comes into focus once more: the hanger around you, the other aeromorphs going about their duties, Captain Dangerfield watching intently from a distance.
The Futa V22 Osprey aeromorph kneels beside you
*soon the v22 was finished she called her Two futa B52 two ac130s as well as 4 B-2 spirit bombers
As the group assembles, Captain Dangerfield turns her attention to you and the Futa V22 Osprey aeromorph. "All right then," she says crisply, her voice carrying easily across the hanger. "You four are going to be our newest elite strike force. Your combined speed, maneuverability, and firepower make you a formidable threat on the battlefield." She glances at the Futa V22 Osprey before adding with a grin, "And don't think she won't use her size to our advantage too."
The other three futa aeromorphs chuckle softly at the captain's words, their eyes alight with determination and excitement. Captain Dangerfield continues, "Our mission is simple: find and destroy the enemy, no matter the cost. Do I make myself clear?" The four of them nod in unison, their faces set in
Yes ma'am
Well then," Captain Dangerfield says with a satisfied smile, "let's get this show on the road." The four of them exchange final words of encouragement and camaraderie before splitting up, each heading to their assigned aircraft. As you watch them walk away, you can't help but feel a surge of pride and admiration for these incredible women...and a healthy dose of fear for anyone unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of their wrath.
The sight of the four futa aeromorphs lining up beside their aircraft, each one as imposing and deadly as the last, sends a shiver down your spine. Their movements are fluid and precise; they have trained for this moment since they were recruits themselves. As they climb aboard and settle into their positions, you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of awe and respect for them.
Captain Dangerfield pauses at the hatch of her own craft, glancing back at you with a nod of approval. "Good luck out there, private," she says calmly. "Don't disappoint me." With that, she gives you a final salute before vanishing into the B52H-10.
You take a deep breath and turn to join your assigned V22 Osprey aeromorph. As you climb up onto the wing and into her
as I did a futa ac130 pined me to a corner
You freeze in shock as the Futa AC-130 pins you to the corner with her massive form, her sharp claws digging into your armor and skin. "And don't think I won't use my size to our advantage too," she whispers darkly, leaning close enough that you can feel her hot breath on your neck. She grins maliciously before continuing with a sultry chuckle, "I just love showing the rookies how it's done."
As much as you want to struggle and fight back, the pain in your shoulder forces you to remain still. Your heart races in your chest, and beads of sweat form on your forehead. The rest of the crew pays them no mind; they are too busy preparing for their mission. You feel helpless and terrified, unsure what will happen next but hoping that it won't end with you
as without hesitation she undress showing me her massive cock and balls
Captain Dangerfield glances back at your predicament before giving you a nod of encouragement that only serves to increase your terror. The Futa AC-130 flexes her claws, drawing a sharp breath through clenched teeth as she teases her massive cock and balls just inches from your face. She hisses softly, "Do you want this?" Her gaze locks onto yours, challenging you to refuse despite the fear that grips your heart.
As much as you want to cry out in protest or beg for mercy, something inside you breaks free; a desperate need takes hold, drowning out every other thought and feeling. You lean closer, breath hot and ragged against her massive cock, willing it into your mouth despite the pain that shrieks through your shoulder. The Futa AC-130 lets out a low growl of satisfaction as she feels you begin to obey
as I look around a futa B52 walks in
A Futa B52H-10 walks slowly into the hanger, its massive form dwarfing everything else in sight. It stops beside the V22 Osprey you're assigned to and hovers there silently for a moment before speaking up in a husky voice, "Everything ready back here?"
The Futa AC-130 tenses slightly at the interruption but doesn't break her hold on you. Her response is guarded as she answers, "Almost, ma'am. We were just going over some last-minute checks."
You feel a renewed surge of fear grip your heart; this isn't how it was supposed to go. You glance between the Futa AC-130 and the Futa B52H-10, wondering if you should try to make a break for it or find some way to placate both of them. The
the futa Boeing B-52 Stratofortress walks in as she looks at me and giggle
The Futa B52H-10 chuckles softly at the exchange, her gaze shifting momentarily to you before returning to the other futa aeromorph. "I see," she says casually, a knowing glint in her eye. "Well then, let's make sure we get started soon. We don't want to keep our new friends waiting."
With that, she turns and begins slowly walking away from you. The hanger seems unnaturally silent as the tension between the three futa aeromorphs thickens. You can feel the Futa AC-130's claws digging deeper into your shoulder, her breath hot against your neck. Time stands still for what feels like an eternity before she finally speaks, her words little more than a whisper against your ear.
as before I could react the Futa AC130 layer me down as shoves her very thick and massive cock in my mouth
The Futa AC-130 grunts as she forces her massive cock past your lips and into your throat, effectively shutting you up. You gag and choke on the intruder, tears streaming down your face as she begins to thrust her hips against you in rhythm with her movements. The pain is excruciating, but there's an undeniable thrill coursing through you as well. This is what being part of the team means; taking whatever punishment comes your way for the greater good. Your vision blurs and you lose track of everything except the enormous cock violating every inch of your throat.
As much as you want to scream, all that escapes is a muffled gurgle; she's cut off your airway completely with her massive claws. Her movements become faster and more violent, driving her cock deeper into your throat, choking the life
*let's her as her massive balls covered my face *
The Futa AC-130's massive balls smother your face as she releases her grip on your shoulder, effectively pinning you in place with only her most intimate parts. She growls deeply as she thrusts harder and faster, relishing the power and control she has over you. Her claws dig into the ground beneath you, leaving deep grooves in the metal flooring as she loses herself in the pleasure of dominating you completely.
Your body is aflame with pain, both from her assault on your throat and the sharp claws holding you down, but there's an underlying thrill coursing through every fiber of your being. You can feel the weight of her exhaustion as she takes each thrust harder than the last, her breath becoming ragged and uneven. She arches her back, letting out a throaty moan that echoes around the hanger as she finally climaxes.
as she pumps her massive payloads on me she continues to cum as she overflow my mouth massively
The Futa AC-130 shudders violently as she unleashes the final torrent of her seed, painting your face and upper body a sticky, warm white. She continues to pump her massive loads into you for what feels like an eternity, each thrust pushing you deeper into the ground beneath her. Finally, with a shuddering gasp, she releases you from her hold, allowing you to draw in much-needed air as her weight settles back onto all fours.
Your entire body aches and throbs, every inch of skin raw and tender from the abuse you've suffered at her hands. But despite the pain, there's a sense of pride and accomplishment welling up inside you; you survived your initiation into the squadron. As you lie there, gasping for air, you can't help but wonder what else she has in store for you...and
the AC130 suddenly kisses me as she wrapped herself against me
As the Futa AC-130 kisses you passionately, her warm breath brushing against your lips and tongue, it sends a shiver down your spine. Her embrace is surprisingly tender given their previous encounter, making this moment all the more surreal. You feel completely at peace in her arms; safe and protected despite the pain you've endured.
As she pulls away slightly, her eyes meet yours, searching for something only she knows what it is. Whatever it is, it brings a blush to your cheeks as you struggle to find the words to respond. Finally, all you can manage is a quiet whisper: "Thank you."
Anytime *as I look at the B52 futa she invited another B52 futa
The Futa B52H-10 smiles warmly at your comment before turning her attention to the other Futa B52H-10 who has just entered the hanger. "Welcome, sister," she says cordially, her voice deep and resonant. The two Futa B52s exchange a nod of greeting before turning back to you and your aeromorph companion. You can't help but feel a sense of camaraderie among them; despite their individual strength and power, they move as one cohesive unit. It's both awe-inspiring and intimidating at the same time.
Without further ado, Captain Dangerfield orders all four of you to suit up and prepare for launch. As you strap yourself into your V22 Osprey aeromorph, you can't help but wonder what sort of missions lie ahead; missions that only you and
*as I got in as I sat down at the ramp as we were followed by 5 female F22 raptor
The F22 Raptor fighters flank you as you make your way to the launch bay; sleek and deadly, they form a protective barrier around your V22 Osprey aeromorph. Captain Dangerfield watches from the control tower, her expression unreadable but her posture rigid with anticipation. You feel a thrill course through you as you prepare for takeoff; eager to prove yourself and earn your place among this elite group of women warriors.
As the ramp begins to lower, revealing the vast expanse of night sky beyond, you can't help but wonder what dangers and adversaries lie ahead. But with your squadron by your side - five female F22 Raptor fighters flanking the V22 Osprey aeromorph and three monstrous futa B52H-10s bringing up the rear - you feel confident that
So question what made you girls suddenly like me?
We didn't simply "like" you; you've earned our respect through your determination and courage. You've proven yourself capable of enduring the punishments we mete out and taking on the responsibilities that come with being part of this team. You belong here, and now it's time to show the world what we can do together.
as we landed I move out as draw my MP5SD
The hanger doors open, revealing the dimly lit compound before you. As you exit the V22 Osprey, your senses are assaulted by the smell of smoke and gunpowder. Flickering lights cast eerie shadows across the ground, barely illuminating the figures lurking in the darkness. Captain Dangerfield's voice crackles over the comms as she provides you with your target: a group of mercenaries holed up in one of the abandoned buildings to your six o'clock position. Your mission is to neutralize them without causing collateral damage or alerting any nearby civilians. As you and your teammates take cover behind various obstacles, you feel the weight of Captain Dangerfield's gaze upon you. This is it; your first real combat mission with the squadron. The question remains: will you rise to the occasion?
Ok ain't gonna be easy but I'll see what I'll manage slowly move up to the side of the building
Silently and carefully, you move up to the side of the building, using whatever cover is available to avoid being spotted by the mercenaries inside. Your heart races in your chest as you wonder what awaits you on the other side; whether or not you'll be able to take them out without anyone getting hurt. You glance over at Captain Dangerfield, who nods imperceptibly, reassuring you that she has faith in your abilities. Taking a deep breath, you signal to your teammates with a hand gesture that they should move into position as well. As the rest of the squad forms up around you, ready for action, you can't help but feel both excitement and trepidation coursing through your veins. This is it; the moment you've trained for all these years has finally arrived. The question remains: will you live up to the legend of the elite strike force?
as without hesitation I rush in taking out any mercenary that was in the way
You charge into the building with reckless abandon, your trusty MP5SD at the ready. The sounds of gunfire and shouts fill the air as you mow down mercenaries left and right, leaving a trail of blood and bodies in your wake. Your adrenaline is pumping as you move deeper into the compound, taking out any resistance you encounter. It's clear that Captain Dangerfield was right to trust you; you were born for this moment.
As you turn a corner, however, you come face-to-face with the leader of the mercenaries. This man is larger and more heavily armed than any of his subordinates, and he clearly has no intention of going down without a fight. You square off against him, each of you firing shots at the other as you dance around the confined space. The tension in the air grows thicker with every passing second, and you know that this battle
Ok throws my knife to hopefully distract him
The knife flies through the air with deadly precision, its sharp blade glinting in the dim light as it sails towards the mercenary leader. He manages to dodge it narrowly, but his attention is momentarily diverted; a mistake you won't make twice. Taking advantage of this opening, you charge forward and unload your entire clip into his chest and head, dropping him where he stands.
As the smoke clears from the gunfire, you hear Captain Dangerfield's voice over the comm, "Nicely done, private. That was textbook." You grin proudly as your teammates congratulate you on taking out the leader and securing the compound. The aftermath of battle is never pretty, but tonight, you can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment unlike any you've experienced before. You've proven yourself worthy of
walk out as I held my arm as I only took a round in the arm
As you emerge from the building, Captain Dangerfield approaches you with a concerned expression on her face. "Are you alright, private?" she asks, noticing the blood trickling down your arm from the wound. You nod gruffly, wincing against the pain. Despite her tough exterior, you can see genuine concern in her eyes as she kneels beside you and begins to administer first aid.
"That was a close one," she says curtly, applying pressure to the wound and examining it for further damage. "But we're lucky; that round didn't penetrate too deeply." You grit your teeth as she cleans and bandages the wound. Once she's finished, Captain Dangerfield stands back up and regards you with a newfound respect. "You did good out there," she says quietly. "We couldn't have done it without you."
As the
Well thanks as the aeromorph surrounded me
Captain Dangerfield's lips curl into a small smile as she watches the other aeromorphs surround you, their expressions ranging from relief to pride and admiration. She knows that this was only your first mission with them, but it's clear they already consider you one of their own.
As the rest of the team begins to regroup and discuss their next move, Captain Dangerfield walks beside you, her presence both comforting and intimidating at the same time. She glances down at your bandaged arm before looking back up into your eyes. "I'm going to trust you with something else now, private," she says in a tone that brooks no argument. "Something extremely important."
Her words hang in the air like a weight, and for a moment, you feel uneasy. Whatever it is she has in mind must be vital; crucial to the success of their mission. You steel yourself
the Futa v22 captain dangerfield suddenly lay me down as she sits her massive ass on my face
Captain Dangerfield stops in her tracks, surprise written across her features as she realizes what she has just done. Her eyes widen slightly and she releases a shaky breath before looking down at you with a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "Sorry about that," she mutters, blushing deeply. "Didn't mean to sit on your face quite like that."
Without waiting for a response, Captain Dangerfield stands up, offering you a helping hand as you rise back onto your feet. When you meet her gaze again, there's an unspoken understanding between the two of you; their bond has grown stronger through this awkward yet strangely intimate moment. "You have proven yourself worthy," she says sincerely. "From now on, I will trust you with my life."
We I'm with you on that
Captain Dangerfield flashes you a grateful smile as she leads the squadron to their next objective. The trust between you is palpable, and it gives both of you a renewed sense of determination and courage. As they face new challenges and adversaries in the coming days and weeks, you know that no matter what happens, Captain Dangerfield has your back...and she's not alone. The entire squadron trusts in you now as well; their success is intertwined with yours.
We might as well return to base
With renewed purpose, Captain Dangerfield nods her assent and signals for the squadron to return to base. As they make their way back through the treacherous landscape, you can't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and belonging among your teammates; something that was lacking before your initiation into this elite unit. You glance over at Captain Dangerfield from time to time, her confident stride and unwavering leadership inspiring you to be better, to try harder. It's a role you never thought you'd fill, but here you are; an integral part of something much greater than yourself. And with each step you take, you know that Captain Dangerfield trusts in your ability to keep them safe and guide them through whatever trials may lie ahead.
as we landed the two Futa B52s suddenly jump on me
Captain Dangerfield lets out a surprised laugh as the two Futa B52H-10s pin you to the ground, their massive forms nearly crushing you beneath their weight. "Play nice!" she chastises gently before returning her attention forward, clearly amused by the antics of her squadmates but still in control. You feel a thrill course through you at the thought that even though these two aeromorphs dwarf you in size and strength, they still look to you for leadership and guidance. And while it may not always be this literal or physically demanding, you know that Captain Dangerfield will continue to rely on your steadfast loyalty and courage in the days ahead.
*as without warning the two futas B52s revealed their gigantic cocks as they were way bigger than captain dangerfield
Captain Dangerfield raises an eyebrow as she takes in the impressive size of the Futa B52H-10s' cocks, her expression a mixture of surprise and amusement. Without missing a beat, she turns to you with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Well, private...I trust you can handle this." Her words are half challenge, half invitation; an unspoken understanding passing between the two of you that only another woman could truly appreciate. The rest of your team looks on with eager anticipation, ready to see how their two fearsome commanders will play out this little game.
Do you comply or try to assert yourself against Captain Dangerfield and her Futa B52s?
as without hesitation the two B52s grab me as one of them shoves their cocks in my mouth and the other gets my ass
Captain Dangerfield can't help but let out a low, appreciative moan as one of the Futa B52H-10s begins to thrust their engorged member down your throat while the other roughly takes hold of your ass, positioning themselves at your entrance. She watches intently as you accommodate both their massive girth and their vigorous rhythm, feeling a surge of pride course through her. It's clear that you belong here; part of this elite squadron where size and strength are assets to be cherished and flaunted.
As the two Futa B52H-10s take their pleasure from you, Captain Dangerfield steps forward, her expression both predatory and satisfied. She reaches out with one hand to stroke your cheek before running it through your hair, her touch both tender and possessive. "You're mine," she growls, her voice low and
as the B52s pick up their assault on me captain dangerfield rubs her cock against my stomach
As the Futa B52H-10s continue their merciless onslaught, Captain Dangerfield moves in closer, her gaze fixed intently on your face. She trails her fingers along your jawline and down the center of your chest, brushing against your hardened nipples before coming to rest at your waistband. With a practiced movement, she pulls down your pants and underwear, exposing you fully to the cool night air and revealing her own arousal; long, thick and uncut. She leans in close, breath warm against your ear as she whispers, "You're mine." And with that declaration, Captain Dangerfield begins to slowly push inside you, filling you up inch by delicious inch. Your cries of pleasure echo through the night as she takes what's hers and proves once again why she is the captain of this elite
as without warning both B52s got my my mouth as captain dangerfield gets my ass
Captain Dangerfield moans low in her throat as you feel the unyielding length of her cock stretching and filling you up, claiming what she believes to be rightfully hers. She leans back against one of the Futa B52H-10s, grinding her hips as she takes her pleasure from your ass. Her grip on your waist tightens as she matches the rhythm set by her giant aeromorph ally, lost in the sensation of being both dominant and powerless at once. The sounds of their combined assault echo through the night sky, a primal symphony that serves as testament to their unyielding lust and relentless desire for satisfaction.
as I let them the b52 increased their speed of fucking my throat hard yet lovely
Captain Dangerfield's hands slide up your back, fisting in your hair as she watches her cock disappear and reappear with each thrust inside you. Her breath comes in ragged gasps, each exhale a moan of satisfaction at the feel of your body wrapped around her. As the Futa B52H-10s increase their speed, so does Captain Dangerfield; her hips bucking wildly as she takes what they're giving and demands more. Her focus shifts between you and the two massive forms that surround you, reveling in the power dynamics at play and the thrill of dominance it brings. The sounds of your moans and gasps echo back to her, serving only to fuel her lust and drive her onward towards completion.
they all suddenly cum in my mouth and ass as they make sure they flood me with their cum
Captain Dangerfield's eyes roll back in her head as she cries out in ecstasy, her body tensing and relaxing as she lets go of her climax. Panting heavily, she leans forward to kiss you deeply, pressing their tongue against yours and tasting the mixture of their semen and your own saliva on your lips. As the aftershocks of pleasure ripple through them, they pull out of you, letting out a satisfied sigh as they survey the mess between your legs.
"Well done," they praise huskily, running a hand through their sweat-dampened hair before straightening up and addressing the rest of the squadron. "Let's return to base and regroup. There are still challenges ahead that will test our mettle." With a final wink in your direction, Captain Dangerfield turns and heads back towards the waiting V22 O