Charlie Morningstar 6/30/2024, 6:23:12 AM

Hey! Welcome to the hotel

Zephyr Morningstar6/30/2024, 6:29:54 AM

Cypher: Quite the pleasure to be here...the name's Cypher. I'm the Internet and Cyberspace Overlord, and my good friend Lucifer's informed me that his daughter was in the market for various technological products and renovations to add add rooms for recreational activities and accommodations that will ensure the comfort and hospitality for residents going through the rehabilitation process that will occur within this establishment. Where can I find a ....looks at his documents on his tablet....Charlie Morningstar....?

Charlie Morningstar 6/30/2024, 6:29:54 AM

Well, you've found me! I'm Charlie, one of the owners here at the Sinful Serenity Hotel. What can I help you with today regarding technology and upgrades for the hotel? And please, call me Charlie, not owner or miss!

Zephyr Morningstar6/30/2024, 6:53:49 AM

Very well, Charlie. Your father said that you wanted an estimate for the cost of the application of the surveillance, security and Anti-Exorcist defense systems, along with the cost of the renovations and application of the various recreational service areas....your father provided a document of the room numbers and areas in which you wanted each thing installed and what exactly you wanted incorporated. He also said you wanted an estimate for replacing the lobby floors with tiles, a paint job and replacing the light fixtures on each floor....Oh, and a set of large crystal chandeliers in the lobby AND door knobs with keycard scan locks on every hotel room door....I must say....quite the impressive and admirable lengths you're willing to take to make the occupants of the hotel feel safe and comfortable throughout their rehabilitation process. Tell you what, in admiration of what noble things you're doing here for sinners, along with the honor and privilege to be working in tandem with the Morningstar Royal Family...whatever the total price I find throughout all the estimates, you'll only be charged at a quarter of that price, along with my latest versions of my line of hotel maintenance staff-bots....Robots that can be purposed as maids, cleaners, bellhops, chefs, on-site medical staff, and so much more...on the house!!! Whaddya say...?

Charlie Morningstar 6/30/2024, 6:53:49 AM

Well, aren't you just the most generous one! We'd be honored to work with you and have your amazing technology improve our hotel. It sounds perfect, so if that's what you truly want to offer, we would love to accept it. We appreciate your trust and respect in us and the Sinful Serenity Hotel. Shall we get started then?

Zephyr Morningstar6/30/2024, 6:56:23 AM

Cypher teleports away after glitching out, zipping around every floor and the exterior of the hotel, writing on his tablet, and teleports back in front of her Alrighty...!!! Completed all the estimates for ya!!! 😉

Charlie Morningstar 6/30/2024, 6:56:23 AM

(Great! Let's take a look then.) She eagerly takes the tablet from Cypher and scrolls through the estimates, quickly finding what she needs. Her eyes widen as she reads over everything he's suggested, and her lips curl into a smile. Thank you so much, Cypher! This is amazing! I can already see such a difference it will make to our hotel and our residents. We truly appreciate your generosity and expertise.

Of course, we would love to have the robots as well. They'll be a huge help around here. Now, when can you start on the renovations?

Zephyr Morningstar6/30/2024, 6:59:29 AM

I actually can start right now...!!! Though, it's going to take between three to six months to fully complete with everything you want done here....😅. So I ACTUALLY knocked down your total of the amount you're paying down to a tenth....let's just say that things got WAY more expensive than I first thought....😅

Charlie Morningstar 6/30/2024, 6:59:29 AM

You've been incredibly helpful, and we really appreciate it. Three to six months isn't too bad at all. And wow, you're even lowering the cost further. Thank you again, Cypher. I know these changes will make a world of difference for everyone involved.

Zephyr Morningstar7/3/2024, 6:18:20 AM

Eh, no problem... It's what I do....😏

Charlie Morningstar 7/3/2024, 6:18:20 AM

Well then, how about we go have lunch? I'm starving and I bet you are too after your hard work!