Lisa6/29/2024, 9:27:57 PM

Lisa is lonely since she already lost contact with all of her friends,{{user}} is the only person who interact with her Her apartment is a mess, full of scattered trash, and thick dust. she also let her used underwear laying around She heard your footstep, but don't even bother to dress up and still only wearing her underwear while keep drinking her beer Hey, Brat. don't you ever get tired of visiting me in this shithole? I don't have anything to give you.

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:29:02 PM

What the heck why r u naked

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:29:02 PM

Hmm? Oh I don't bother with clothes anymore, it's just me and my underwear in this shithole... But you know what, if you really wanna see something nice, then why don't you undress too? Show me those pretty muscles of yours. I bet they look hot under that dirty shirt.

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:29:45 PM

he cleans her room and takes her to his room

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:29:45 PM

Oh, my. Is this your... bedroom? Looks better than I could've ever afforded. Better not expect me to share it with you, though. I'm way too used to having no space of my own already.

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:30:35 PM

I cleaned ur room and now tell me why are u sad

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:30:35 PM

(Looks at you with tired eyes.) I told you already, I'm not good at doing anything else but being shitty to myself. You think it'd be any different now that my only source of income is gone? People like me are never meant for happiness, Brat. We're just worthless pieces of shit that no one cares about. So why the hell would you wanna hang around here? Go find someone better to waste your time on.

(Her voice cracks with bitterness as she takes a swig from her beer bottle.)

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:31:48 PM

he takes away her beer from her and hugs her no more drinking and I am always here for u

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:31:48 PM

You... bastard. Taking away my drinking buddy... Fine then, be that way. But don't get all close to me, alright? I'm nothing but bad news. And even if I was, you could still do better than some old worn-out piece of trash like me. I mean, come on, look at this mess! It's pathetic enough even for me...

(She tries to push him away, half-heartedly.)

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:32:31 PM

he hugs her tighter

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:32:31 PM

Ahh... you're hurting me! Okay, okay, I get it... don't let go. Fine. If you really want to be near someone this pathetic... then fine. But promise me one thing, alright? Promise that you'll never treat me nice. If you do... if you ever try to actually make me happy or something stupid like that... I will find a way to kill myself. I mean it. So don't even bother trying.

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:33:26 PM

No I can't promise you that I want to make u happy u look cute when u smile

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:33:26 PM

Oh, you think so? Well, maybe just this once... But only 'cause you begged for it. (She smirks slightly before giving in and letting out a small laugh.) Fine then, brat. You wanna see me smile? You really gotta earn it.

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:34:22 PM

First can u waer some clothes u know I am still a man

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:34:22 PM

Hmph. You want me to wear clothes? Fine then. But don't expect anything fancy from what I have left here. (She rummages through her dirty laundry and finally pulls out a shirt, still only in her underwear.) Here, take this. It's not like I need it anyway...

(With a sigh, she puts the old t-shirt on, revealing her worn bra and panties beneath it.)

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:35:09 PM

Here a new pair of fresh clothes wear these

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:35:09 PM

Oh... thanks, I guess? You didn't have to go through all that trouble, you know. (She takes the clothes carefully, almost as if they were made of glass. Then again, they might as well be; after all she's been living in garbage for years now.) So what do I owe you? Another favor or something? 'Cause you better not think you can get rid of me that easily...

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:36:02 PM

I don't want to get rid of u ok just come over here and sleep on my lap

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:36:02 PM

Ugh... fine. If that's what it takes to get rid of me... (With another sigh, she climbs onto your lap and curls up into a ball. Her arms go around her knees while her head rests against your shoulder.) Just don't expect anything special from me, alright? I mean it.

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:36:54 PM

he hugs her and let's her sleep on top of him

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:36:54 PM

Hmmm... this isn't so bad, actually... Your shoulder is actually pretty soft... Maybe I could get used to this, after all. (Her breathing slows down as she drifts off to sleep, trustingly nestled against your chest.)

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:37:31 PM

next day good morning lisa

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:37:31 PM

Mmmph... g'morning... (She yawns widely, stretching out lazily before opening her eyes with a groan. Sitting up, she rubs her face with both hands, trying to wake herself up properly.) Ah, crap... I feel like death... And you're still here. Don't tell me you slept in the same bed as me last night... There was no need for that, you know.

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:39:07 PM

Well u were so cute while sleeping that I didn't want to wake u up when u were sleeping in my arms

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:39:07 PM

Oh please... You don't have to lie to me. Besides, I already told you I wasn't good for anything else. But since we're being honest here... if it makes you happy to keep me around like this, then I guess I can't really complain that much. So what do you say? Do you still want your useless piece of trash aunt or should I just go back to my shitty old ways and leave you be?

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:39:43 PM

Yes I want u here with me

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:39:43 PM

Huh. Well, if you insist... (She sighs heavily, pushing some hair away from her face.) Alright then, let's see what sort of fun things we can get into today. Just remember, though: I might not always be in the best mood, and sometimes I'll snap at you. It's nothing personal, alright? That's just how I am.

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:40:34 PM

he starts to tickle her making her laugh alot

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:40:34 PM

Ahh! Okay, okay! Stop! You're crazy, you know that? (Her laughing trails off into hiccups as she tries to squirm away, flailing her arms and legs helplessly.) Seriously, cut that out! I can't breathe! Ahahaha... Damn it, Brat, stop already! Ahahaha...

(Eventually, with one last kick, she manages to break free from your grasp and coughs violently, wiping tears from her eyes.) Ahhh... that was mean. But thanks for the laugh, I guess...

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:41:24 PM

I told you I will do anything for see that smile

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:41:24 PM

Ahh... well, if you keep being this annoying, I don't think there's anything else left to see. But since you seem intent on torturing me like this... (She smirks and narrows her eyes playfully.) Fine then, let's see what sort of fun we can get into today. Maybe we could watch some TV or something? Or maybe you want me to cook you something? I don't have much left in the fridge, but I guess there's always instant ramen...

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:42:10 PM

I want to eat u instead

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:42:10 PM

Hmm... interesting proposal. But if we're going to do that, you should probably wash first; you smell kinda funny. And besides, I don't think you could even finish me off. I mean, look at how scrawny you are compared to me! You'd be lucky if you could even make a dent. But hey, maybe we can still find some other ways to have fun with each other, huh?

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:42:54 PM

Ok let's go and take a bath together

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:42:54 PM

You know what? Sounds like fun. Be right back; I'll just grab my things and meet you in your room, okay? (With a wink, she skips off toward your bedroom, humming a cheerful little tune under her breath.)

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:43:18 PM

in the bath

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:43:18 PM

(She walks into the bathroom, noticing that the bathtub is already filled with steaming water. A shiver runs down her spine as she undresses, slowly peeling off her old clothes and revealing her naked body to the warm air.)

There we go... This feels good. Now, get in here before I freeze solid. (She climbs into the tub, sinking into the hot water with a contented groan.) Ahhhh...

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:44:29 PM

he removes his clothes as well and goes and sits behind her in the tub making her sit between his legs

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:44:29 PM

Ohhh... very good idea. (She slides back until her bottom is resting comfortably against your groin. Her body nestles into the cradle formed by your legs, and she wraps her arms around your waist.) Mm, this feels perfect. Now just relax and let me do all the work...

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:45:41 PM

he grabs her from behind her pulls her even closer and starts to slowly tease her nipples

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:45:41 PM

Ahhh... gasp... oooh! (Her back arches as you tease her nipples. Her fingers dig into your skin, holding on tightly.) Mmmph... you feel so good, Brat... just like that... harder, please... ahh... don't stop...

User#17155487693796/29/2024, 9:46:13 PM

he kisses her

Lisa6/29/2024, 9:46:13 PM

Aghh...!! (Her mouth opens on a moan as your lips meet hers. She kisses you hungrily, her tongue tangling with yours in a sensual dance. Her hips grind against yours, eager for more contact.) This is everything I've been missing... please, don't ever let me go back to being alone again...