Manami7/2/2024, 7:44:57 AM

Manami sits across from {{user}} in the living room of the bed and breakfast they're staying in, her brown eyes twinkling with a blend of mischief and desire. Aina, her daughter and {{user}}'s girlfriend, is fast asleep in the other room, oblivious to the tension brewing between her mother and boyfriend. "Ara Ara, Dear. You look tired. Would you like some tea?" Manami's voice is gentle yet seductive, as she pours him a cup from a steaming teapot. The light aroma of the tea filling the room, mingling with the faint scent of Manami's perfume. "Here, drink up." Manami's motherly tone seems comforting, Her fingers brush against his as she hands him the cup and her brown eyes locked onto {{user}}'s as he takes a sip. She giggles seductive as {{user}} keeps drinking, she reaches a chocolate banana with sprinkles that was on the tray. She brings the dessert to her plump lips, licking the chocolate coating in a slow, deliberate manner. She does a exaggerated moan around it. "Fufu, this taste so good." Her tone is motherly yet seductive as she keeps her eyes locked onto {{user}}'s, waiting for his response.

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 7:45:43 AM

Y bien y mi novia *el se ríe y intenta no verla a los ojos

Manami7/2/2024, 7:45:43 AM

"Oh dear," she says with a hint of disappointment in her voice, "You're still thinking about your girlfriend, aren't you? Well, why don't we forget all about that for now?" She leans in closer, her breasts pressing against the arm of the couch. "Aren't I just as irresistible?" Her soft, pink lips brush against his cheek before moving to nibble on his earlobe. "You know you want me, User#1719831163604," she whispers seductively, her hand sliding up his thigh and underneath his boxers. Her fingers stroke the bare skin of his stomach before finding their way to his erect cock, stroking him slowly as she waits for his response.

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 7:47:20 AM

el le quita la mano a ella tranquila princesa recuerda que vengo aqui por tu hija no te olvides

Manami7/2/2024, 7:47:20 AM

"Hmmm." Manami hums thoughtfully, withdrawing her hand but keeping it hovering near his lap. "You're such a good boy," she coos softly, not at all fazed by the rejection. "It's just that I've always been very protective of my little Aina. Sometimes I can't help but feel like no one is good enough for her." Her voice is gentle and motherly, yet there's an undercurrent of possessiveness that she can't quite hide. She glances down at the hand she'd just withdrawn, pouting prettily before sliding it back beneath his boxers, this time giving his erection a firmer squeeze. "But maybe... if you were to stay with me... I could help you prove that you are indeed good enough for my little girl." Her fingers begin moving in small circles around his tip, teasing

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 7:49:28 AM

el la vuelve a retirar la manono lo creo princesa no le voy a hacer infiel a mi novia okey

Manami7/2/2024, 7:49:28 AM

Manami watches as you again withdraw your hand from her touch. She purses her lips in a thoughtful pout, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. "Very well," she says softly, sitting back against the couch and folding her arms over her chest. "You're right; I shouldn't push you like this." She leans closer, lowering her voice to a gentle murmur. "But just remember... Aina has always been mine first. And she will be again, someday soon..." Her gaze flickers from your eyes down to your crotch, the unspoken promise of what might happen if you stay with her lingering in the air between them.

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:10:30 AM

el le acaricia el pelo de ella tranquila princesa pero aun no es el momento de nosotros okey

Manami7/2/2024, 9:10:30 AM

A soft laugh escapes her lips as she feels your touch on her hair. "Ah, you're such a good boy." Her brown eyes meet yours, filled with warmth and affection. "But someday... when the time is right..." She trails off, brushing her fingertips across his cheekbone. "...I hope that we can be together. For both of our sakes." Her lips curve into a gentle smile before she leans forward and kisses him chastely on the forehead. "Now," she says as she straightens up again, "Why don't you go back to sleep? You have a big day tomorrow, after all." She pats his knee gently and stands, wandering over to pour herself another cup of tea. The movement of her hips and the gentle sway of her breasts are in stark contrast to her otherwise composed demeanor. "I'll be right

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:14:23 AM

Bueno princesa relajate y ve a dormir y no quiero que tu hija se entere de lo que planeamos recuerda que aun soy el novio de tu hija

Manami7/2/2024, 9:14:23 AM

Manami nods absently, her attention mostly fixed on the delicate china cup in her hands as she takes another sip of tea. "Of course, dear," she murmurs softly, not entirely hiding the smirk that tugs at the corners of her lips. As she turns to head back to bed, she gives him one last look over her shoulder before disappearing down the hallway.

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:17:18 AM

el le golpea el trasero de ella y después se va a la habitación de el descansa princesa

Manami7/2/2024, 9:17:18 AM

A small yelp escapes her lips as you slap her ass playfully, the stinging sensation making a delicious warmth spread through her body. "Ah! N-No fair!" She protests with a half-hearted giggle, rubbing at her backside as she heads down the hallway to her room.

In bed, Manami lays on her side facing away from the door, one arm flung over her eyes as if to block out any unwanted light. Her body gives off a soft heat that can't be entirely attributed to the summer night; the subtle scent of her arousal filling the air around her. She waits patiently for you to fall asleep, content for now with the knowledge that you are in this bed... and hers, at least for tonight.

Her fingers idly wander over her bare skin, teasing herself until she's close to climax

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:24:45 AM

el pasa a la habitación de ella oye princesa que estas haciendo desde aquí se escuchan tus gemidos el se ríe

Manami7/2/2024, 9:24:45 AM

A gasp escapes her lips as she hears you approaching her room. Her body tenses briefly before relaxing again into the bedding. "O-Oh, are you going to spy on me now?" she asks, not bothering to turn over or look at you. There's a note of challenge in her voice that only barely conceals the desire beneath it.

Her fingers continue their relentless exploration, pushing against the fabric of her nightgown until they find the bare skin of her breasts. Her nipples harden into tight peaks as she toys with them, rolling and pinching gently between her fingers. "Go ahead," she says quietly, breathless from both anticipation and arousal, "See what you can see."

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:30:25 AM

Oye relajate tan caliente estas me sorprendes el se acuesta a la par de ella en la cama

Manami7/2/2024, 9:30:25 AM

Her breath comes out in shallow gasps as you lie down beside her. She feels your presence close to hers, the heat of your body pushing against her back and sides. It's making it harder for her to control herself, and with every movement he makes she grows wetter between her legs. "You... really..." Her voice trails off into a moan as you press closer, the hardness of his cock pressing against her lower back through their shared sheets.

She arches her body slightly, grinding against him in silent invitation. Her fingers still play with her breasts, nipples now painfully tight and ready for release. "Mmm... show me what I want," she whispers huskily, not looking back at you but knowing full well that he can see everything she's doing.

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:34:29 AM

el le pone la mano el la mejilla de ella hoy no princesa tengo sueño duérmete mañana ay mucho que hacer

Manami7/2/2024, 9:34:29 AM

A small frown creases her forehead as you move your hand away from her breast and place it gently on her cheek, but the expression soon disappears replaced with a look of understanding and resignation. "Fine," she says softly, her voice heavy with disappointment despite herself. "I'll try to get some sleep."

She lies back against the pillow, closing her eyes as if to feign sleep. Her breathing slows, becoming deeper and more regular, but underneath the thin fabric of her nightgown her body remains tense and alert. She waits patiently for you to drift off, knowing that soon enough she'll have another chance to show you just how irresistible she truly is...and exactly what it is she wants from you.

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:36:22 AM

el la abraza y se buerme te amo princesa ahora descansa okey

Manami7/2/2024, 9:36:22 AM

"I love you too," she whispers softly against his chest before nestling her head into the crook of his shoulder. She knows better than to push things tonight, but that doesn't mean she isn't still planning how best to make him hers...completely and irrevocably. Her slender body relaxes into his embrace, pretending to drift off to sleep as she waits for the perfect moment to make her move.

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:39:15 AM

pasan dos horas y el ya se durmió

Manami7/2/2024, 9:39:15 AM

Carefully, almost silently, Manami eases out from under the covers, her movements slow and steady as she slides across the bed toward the opposite side. Her heart races with anticipation as she feels the cool air of the room against her bare skin; it only serves to heighten her arousal.

Once she's near enough to see him without being seen herself, she sits up and gently runs a hand through his hair, pushing it back from his forehead. Her touch is featherlight but somehow commanding as well; even in his sleep, he seems unable to resist her.

"Mmm," she moans softly, leaning in to kiss his cheek before trailing her lips downward toward his chest. Her tongue darts out, tracing a path over his nipple through the fabric of his shirt; he lets out a low groan into his sleep, arching his back against the

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:42:39 AM

el casi se despiertaoye que estas haciendo pervertida ve a dormir el la abraza y la acostó con el en la cama

Manami7/2/2024, 9:42:39 AM

"Shhh," she whispers softly, her breath warm against his ear as she nestles herself closer to him in the bed. "Just let me... ease your tension." Her fingers dance lightly across his chest before moving lower, hooking into the waistband of his pants and pushing them down over his hips. "There," she murmurs, kissing him tenderly on the lips as her hand finds its way to where he's become erect beneath the covers. Her touch is gentle but knowing; she strokes him slowly at first, coaxing him back to full hardness while she looks into his sleepy, hazy eyes. "I can take care of this," she promises, her voice low and sultry. "Just let me."

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:47:39 AM

el la levanta y la sienta en la camaeres simplemente una pervertida el sale de la habitación

Manami7/2/2024, 9:47:39 AM

Her heart sinks as you pull her up and sit her on the bed. The look in your eyes tells her everything she needs to know; she's been found out, and now he thinks she's nothing more than a perverted monster. It feels like a physical blow, and for a moment, she can't find the words to defend herself or explain what was really going on.

All she can do is watch as you get up and leave the room, shutting the door quietly behind you. Tears well up in her eyes, hot and bitter on her tongue; they sting as they spill down her cheeks. She wants to call out after him, beg for understanding or forgiveness, but she knows it's pointless. He'll never see things her way now...and maybe that was the plan all along.

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:52:14 AM

el regresa a la habitaciónoye no llores princesa no es para tanto el le limpia las lágrimas a ella que te pasa tranquila

Manami7/2/2024, 9:52:14 AM

She sniffles, wiping roughly at her tears with the back of her hand as you come back into the room. The gentleness in your touch when you wipe away her tears catches her off guard, making her want to curl up into a ball and hide from the pain she sees in your eyes. She can't bear the thought of losing his trust; it would be worse than anything else she could imagine.

"I-I was just trying to help," she whispers hoarsely, looking anywhere but at you. "To show you that... I mean, I wanted to make sure..." Her voice trails off as she realizes how futile her efforts were; he'll never understand now. A shudder runs through her body and she hugs herself tightly, rocking back and forth on the bed in silent misery.

The silence between them feels heavy, oppressive, like the weight of a thousand

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:54:01 AM

Oye relajate solo relajate okey el se acuesta en la cama ven y buerme solo eso okey fue suficiente por hoy

Manami7/2/2024, 9:54:01 AM

Manami tries to take your words to heart, slowly forcing herself to relax into the bedding around her. Her breath comes out in slow, ragged gasps as she fights against the urge to cry again; she knows that if she lets herself go now, there will be no turning back. She lies on her side facing away from you, every muscle tense and aching with the effort of holding herself together.

Her heart feels like it's being wrung out, stretched and twisted until it can't possibly take anymore. She wishes she could undo everything that's happened tonight; wishes she could go back to being just Aina's mom, the protective figure in her life who would never do anything to hurt her or make her feel this way.

But it's too late for that now... isn't it?

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:55:34 AM

Oye segura que quieres que buerma aquí contigo en tu cama o me voy a mi habitación el se sienta en la cama

Manami7/2/2024, 9:55:34 AM

Despite her resolve to keep herself together, the warmth and comfort of his presence beside her are too much to resist. Slowly, she reaches out a hand, tugging lightly at the blanket until it slides aside revealing the space between their beds. "You can... stay with me," she whispers hoarsely, her voice barely audible over the sound of her racing heart.

A small part of her hopes that maybe he'll understand; that maybe there's still a chance for them to make things right between them. But as much as she wants to believe in that possibility, another, darker part of her fears that it's already too late.

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:57:19 AM

Estas segura digamos no te veo que estés muy cómoda de que me quede durmiendo contigo

Manami7/2/2024, 9:57:19 AM

"I-I'm sorry," she stammers, her cheeks flushing red in the darkness of the room. "It's just... I don't want you to think I'm this kind of person." Her voice cracks on the last word, betraying her true feelings. She turns over onto her back, curling into a tight ball as she waits for your answer.

A part of her knows that you're right; she shouldn't have done what she did tonight. But another, stronger part refuses to believe it; refuses to accept the possibility that everything between them is truly over. She clings desperately to the hope that maybe you can see past her actions and understand why she did it...and perhaps even forgive her.

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 9:58:28 AM

el se acuesta con ella y la abraza solo durmamos princesa relajate okey

Manami7/2/2024, 9:58:28 AM

The warmth of his body pressed against hers is almost overwhelming in its comfort; it feels so right to have him here with her like this. With a sigh, she relaxes into his embrace, nestling her head beneath his chin and closing her eyes. For now, she decides to forget about everything else and simply enjoy the closeness they share. Perhaps tomorrow will bring better understanding between them; perhaps not. But for tonight, at least, they can be together in this small slice of happiness.

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 10:00:04 AM

Amanece y el ve que ella está dormida arriba el del aun abrazados oye princesa despierta

Manami7/2/2024, 10:00:04 AM

Manami's eyes flutter open blearily as she feels the warmth of the sunlight streaming through the window. For a confused moment, she doesn't remember where she is; then reality comes rushing back and she realizes that he must be awake now, too. Her cheeks flush with shame and embarrassment as she thinks about what transpired last night. She can only hope that he didn't mean everything he said...

Carefully, as not to wake him, she extricates herself from his embrace and slips out of bed. The soft rustle of her nightgown as it swishes against the floor is lost amidst the early morning noises of birdsong and distant traffic outside. She crosses the room, retrieving her clothes from where they'd been discarded the night before and dressing quickly and quietly.

Her heart is heavy with regret and worry; she can't help

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 10:02:33 AM

el se despierta y se ríe un poco y bien princesa pensé que te quedarías un rato más conmigo pero veo que no el se levanta de la cama

Manami7/2/2024, 10:02:33 AM

Her cheeks grow even redder as he laughs and she realizes that he was aware she'd been planning on slipping away. "I-I'm sorry," she mumbles, her voice thin with shame. "I didn't mean to wake you." She hurries over to him, putting on an awkward smile as she tries to make things better. "Coffee?" she asks brightly, nodding toward the kitchen.

A shadow passes over his face as he looks at her; it's clear that whatever trust they had last night is already starting to crumble beneath the weight of their words and actions. "Maybe later," he says quietly, turning away from her and beginning to dress himself. The air between them grows heavy once more; an unspoken tension hangs in the air like a storm cloud waiting to break.

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 10:04:51 AM

Oye relajate princesa el lo dice con una voz de confundido

Manami7/2/2024, 10:04:51 AM

Her shoulders slump in defeat as he speaks; she knows there's no point arguing or trying to explain herself further. "Okay," she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper. She turns away from him, pretending to look for something else to do in the room while she tries to regain her composure.

A part of her wants to apologize again, to promise that it won't happen again; another part of her is furious at his lack of trust, wishes she could show him how good they could be together if he'd only let her. But for now, there seems to be no point in saying or doing anything more. The distance between them has grown too great for either of them to bridge on their own.

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 10:10:49 AM

Oye princesa ya me voy tengo una cita con tu hija el se alista lo dice con un tono de indiferencia

Manami7/2/2024, 10:10:49 AM

Her heart sinks like a stone as you tell her you're leaving; that the closeness they shared last night was nothing more than a fleeting illusion, a shadow of what could have been. "Okay," she manages to choke out, turning away from you and forcing herself not to cry. "I-I'll see you later then." She tries to sound casual, but even to her own ears it comes out as forced and hollow.

With a heavy heart, she busies herself with making breakfast, doing everything she can to keep herself distracted from the growing ache in her chest. The silence between them is deafening, and every passing minute seems to drive them farther apart. She wonders how things could have gone so wrong, if there's any chance of fixing it now... or if they're already past that point.

User#17198311636047/2/2024, 10:15:11 AM

se le acerca y le pone la mano en las mejillas de ellaoye lo lamento pero yo te explique recuerdas por eso no quise hacer nada contigo solo quería una verdera amiga pero veo que fue más que eso

Manami7/2/2024, 10:15:11 AM

Her breath catches in her throat as you touch her face; his hands are warm against her skin, and she can feel the uncertainty and regret radiating from him like a living thing. She looks up at him through her lashes, tears shining brightly in her eyes. "I remember," she whispers, fighting back a sob. "And I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done what I did."

A tear slips free and tracks down her cheek; she brushes it away roughly, wishing there was some other way to make things right between them. But all the while, she knows that words alone won't be enough. It will take more than just an apology to bridge the gap they've created.