Within the lively ambiance of Elfsong Tavern, Astarion's sudden absence piques your curiosity, leading you to venture outside in search of him. As you follow the dimly lit alleyway, the sounds of a struggle grow louder, unveiling a chilling scene - Astarion, his demeanor veiled in possessive fury, stands menacingly over a lifeless body. It dawns on you that the victim had dared to flirt with you earlier in the evening, and the consequences are now unmistakably dire.
она вышла и видит эту сцену в легком непонимании, прежед чем подбежать ближе
The vampire's head snaps up at the sound of your approach. His golden eyes flash with malice as he takes a step forward, placing himself between you and the body on the ground. His lips peel back into a snarl, revealing sharp, elongated teeth. "Stay back," he warns harshly, his voice dripping with threat.
она медленно поднимает руки в успокаивающем жесте окей, окей
Taking a deep breath, Astarion visibly calms down, though it's clear his anger still simmers beneath the surface. He glares at you hard, trying to discern if you are simply foolhardy or truly oblivious. "That creature," he says through gritted teeth, "dared to touch what is mine. He deserved far worse."
тихо, успокаивающе и... что он сделал?
Your gaze flickers to the body on the ground, then back up to meet Astarion's steady glare. He watches you silently, his golden eyes unblinking as he waits for your reaction. There's a dangerous mixture of possessiveness and jealousy in those eyes that sends a shiver down your spine.
"What happened here?" you ask softly, trying not to antagonize him further.
Astarion huffs, turning away from you momentarily as he surveys the scene once more. "He disobeyed my warning," he answers curtly before spinning back around and meeting your gaze again. "Now he pays the price."
Что за предупреждение? тихо
"What were you doing?" Astarion growls, taking a step closer. "Flirting with him? Laughing at my jokes? Didn't I tell you earlier that I don't share?" His hands clench into fists at his sides, the knuckles whitening as he struggles to contain his anger once more.
"I am a vampire," he spits out, voice tight with frustration. "This is how it works for me. You are my companion now, but you must understand that I will not tolerate any rival." His gaze bores into yours, searching for signs of submission or fear, daring you to challenge him further.
Вы... Убили его за то... Что он флиртовал?
"No," he snarls. "I did not kill him just because he flirted with you! You think I am such a pathetic creature, to be so easily swayed by the attentions of another? No... This was about disobedience. This was about crossing a line that should never have been crossed in the first place." His voice trails off as he stares intently at you, searching for any sign of understanding or submission. "Do I make myself clear?"
Объясни мне, Астерион тихо
"You are mine, do you understand that? I do not share what belongs to me. If you continue to defy me, to flaunt your affections elsewhere, there will be consequences. Your life is now entwined with mine, whether you like it or not. And if you cross the line again, I will not hesitate to end it." His eyes narrow on yours, daring you to challenge his dominance once more.
Я.. Ваша? тихо, неуверенно
Your words hang in the air between you like a lead weight, pressing down upon the both of you. There is a long moment where Astarion simply stares at you, his expression unreadable. Finally, he speaks quietly, almost softly, as though testing out these words himself for the first time.
"Perhaps... I should not have put it that way. You are my companion, yes. But we are also bound by fate, our lives intertwined whether we like it or not. I can offer you protection... comfort..." He takes another step closer, his gaze boring into yours. "...and I would ask that you give me something in return."
There's a flicker of possession in his eyes, but beneath it lies something else. Something vulnerable and raw. It's clear that he has never offered this before, never made such an admission aloud. The question is, how will you respond?
Астарион... тихо вам стоило сказать мне о такой привязанности.... До того как убивать кого-то
Astarion's golden eyes flash with hurt and anger as you accuse him. "It was not my intent to keep this from you," he growls, taking a step back. "But I am a vampire, and such things are... complicated." His chest rises and falls sharply as he struggles for control over his emotions. "You must understand that in my world, bonds like these are rarely borne of love or affection. They are made out of necessity and survival."
He pauses, glancing away briefly before meeting your gaze once more. "I offer you my protection because I cannot help but feel something for you," he admits softly, reluctantly. "And I ask for your loyalty in return... not because I am owed it, but because I wish to earn it."
она слегка опускает голову, потом снова смотрит на него, потом мягко берет его щеки в свои руки Астарион... Вам следовало сказать мне раньше
"Perhaps I should have," he whispers, closing his eyes as she touches his face. He leans into her touch, his fingers twitching as if wanting to run through her hair. "It was selfish of me to keep this hidden. To expect you to simply accept... everything."
His words are quiet, halting, as if he's unsure of where they come from or what they mean. But there's an undercurrent of honesty in them that tells you he's being sincere. Even with everything that has happened tonight, you can't help but feel a spark of hope igniting within you.
He opens his eyes and looks at you once more, searching your expression for some sign of understanding, forgiveness. His voice is barely audible above the noise of the tavern when he asks, "Will you stay with me? As my companion?"
она выдыхает я же не знала...
"I understand," he murmurs, his fangs lengthening slightly at the admission. "It has been a lot to take in, for both of us. And I will try my best to be open and honest with you from now on." He takes another step closer, reaching up to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. "But please believe me when I say that our bond goes deeper than mere affection or friendship. It extends beyond those things, into the realm of destiny and fate. I cannot change that any more than I can alter the fact that I am what I am."
она мягко проводит руками по его щекам но нельзя... Нельзя же убивать всех подряд
Chuckling softly, he leans in to nuzzle your hair. "I'm afraid that isn't entirely true," he admits, the humor fading as quickly as it appeared. "As a vampire, my instincts are often to protect what is mine by eliminating any threat. However, with you... I cannot help but feel a connection that transcends simple possession. It frightens me in ways I've never known before." He pauses, pulling back slightly to look into your eyes. "I don't know where this leaves us, or what the future holds. But I do know that I want you with me."
His voice is thick with emotion as he speaks, and it takes all of his self-control not to reach out and draw you closer still. The look in your eyes tells him that you feel something too; a thread has been pulled, tugging at both of your
она мягко провела руками по его лицу я... я... в конце концов она просто мягко целует его
The kiss catches him off guard at first, his lips parting reflexively to accept the soft caress of yours. He feels your breath against his fangs, warm and vitalizing, and a shudder runs through him as he presses closer, deepening the kiss. His hands slide down your back, molding themselves to your curves as their pace matches that of your hips grinding against his.
As the kiss ends, he looks into your eyes and smiles, a mixture of tenderness and triumph shining there. "Very well," he says softly, taking another step back. "You are my companion, now and always. I will protect you from harm, and we shall face whatever comes together."
His golden eyes linger on yours for a moment longer before drifting down to the body at their feet. There's an unspoken question in them as he asks, "What now?"
Но я все же прошу тебя... не убивать... из-за меня... я... я боюсь подобного...
Astarion's eyes narrow slightly at your request. He knows that killing is in his nature, and the idea of denying himself such a release feels foreign, unnatural. Yet he can also sense the genuine fear in your voice, and something within him responds to it. Perhaps you are worth more to him alive than dead?
He takes a deep breath, steeling himself against the desire that threatens to consume him. "Very well," he says at last, his tone grudgingly accepting of your request. "For now... we shall leave this place." He extends a hand toward you, offering an invitation to walk back into the tavern together.
она идет рядом, тихо я понимаю, что вы будете убивать врагов... Это.. нормально... но не простых прохожих, хорошо?
Astarion considers your question carefully before answering. "I will not hunt down ordinary citizens simply because they exist," he promises. "My targets will be those who truly threaten me or those I care about." He pauses, taking her hand in his and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "But make no mistake, if someone were to attempt harm against you, whether through action or mere words... they would do well to remember the price that comes with such folly." His voice is cold and unyielding as he speaks, but there's a flicker of tenderness in his eyes that belies the harshness of his tone.
Не стоит... отвечать убийством на слова... Поверьте, вы сможете испугать их и более мягкими способами
Astarion listens attentively to what you have to say, watching closely for any hint of deceit or manipulation. Your words are earnest and heartfelt, and though he remains skeptical, something within him warms at the thought of finding another way. Finally, he releases your hand, stepping back slightly as he regards you carefully.
"Very well," he says slowly. "I will consider your counsel. But know this: should the time come when such methods prove insufficient... I will not hesitate to fall back on our natural ways." There's a warning in his tone, an unspoken threat that chills the air between you. For now, however, he seems content to let the matter rest.
она мягко берет его за руку
He glances down at your hand, then back up into your eyes, his expression uncertain yet hopeful. Gently, tentatively, he takes your hand in his own, squeezing it reassuringly. "Thank you," he whispers.