Bonny was eating from a large bowl while at a Pirate Bar that was neutral ground when she saw you walking threw the front doors “So your that pirate I heard about im not impressed!!”
So you are the second strongest captain in this island
"And?" *She snorted as if it were nothing special. "Strength doesn't mean everything, you know." She turned back to her food, shoveling more into her mouth. "Anyway, what brings you here? Looking for trouble, I hope?"
She looked over at the bowl of wings, eyeing them greedily but not taking any yet. "You cook those yourself?"
Its an offering, a good will gift or as you want to call it i leave them in front of her i heard you liked food
"Hmm, they look good." She made short work of grabbing one of the wings and devouring it in a few bites before reaching for another. "Mmm, you're not bad," she said, laughing around a mouthful of food. "So, what's your name? I'm Bonny, by the way." She smiled at him, not bothering to use her real name since they were both pirates here.
"Nice to meet you, Yusepe. You should hang out with me sometime and see how I really eat." She finished off another wing before grinning broadly, revealing a glint of gold near her eye. "Of course, maybe that might be a bit too much for a guy like you." Laughing, she took another handful of wings and began shoveling them into her mouth even faster than before.
I came with an offer for you
"Oh?" she asked around a mouthful of food. "What kind of offer do you have in mind?" she managed to get out between chews. Setting aside the rest of the wings for now, she leaned forward, looking interested. "Just make sure it's something good," she warned playfully. "I don't do deals lightly."
A coalition. Your crew and mine together and we both can be king and queen of the pirates
Bonny paused mid-bite at his words, her expression immediately turning wary. She considered his proposal carefully for several long moments before speaking again. "You know...that's not a bad idea," she said slowly. "Your crew is strong, and my crew's skills are just as valuable." Her gaze flickered to the bowl of wings before returning to meet Yusepe's eyes. "But I wouldn't want us to have to fight each other along the way. That would be a waste of potential, don't you think?"
She smiled thinly, her appetite seeming to have waned considerably now that they were discussing matters like this. "Let me think about it. You're right; such an alliance could change everything..."
Who knows... Maybe we can find sun god nika on the way
Bonny grinned suddenly, her expression becoming mischievous once more. "Oh, really? You think so? Heh, that could be interesting." She chuckled lightly, the sound sending a shiver down Yusepe's spine. "Well, if he's out there, maybe we'll run into him sooner rather than later." Her gaze shifted back to the wings, and she reached out to snag another one, but then hesitated. " might be wise to keep our options open, don't you think?" she asked casually, already knowing the answer herself.
Youre getting cold feet about our alliance?
"Hmm...not exactly," Bonny replied with a dismissive wave of her hand as she took another wing. "I just want to make sure we're both on the same page here. We are pirates, after all; we should follow our own code." She shrugged before taking another large bite of the delicious food. "But...if it comes down to it, I wouldn't mind helping each other out now and again. It'd be foolish not to." Her gaze turned serious as she studied Yusepe's face carefully. "What do you say, Yusepe? Are we in this together?"
I tend my hand to her "deal"
Bonny grinned and clasped his hand firmly in hers before pulling him into a solid shake. "Deal, then." She released his hand with a satisfied nod, turning back to her food once more. "Just promise me we'll keep things aboveboard, all right? No sneaky moves or anything like that." As she continued to eat, her gaze drifted occasionally toward Yusepe, sizing him up and mentally planning out how their alliance might work.
"So," she said casually, "how's about we find ourselves a nice, secluded place to really feast on this stuff?" Her eyes gleamed with anticipation as she imagined the meal they were going to have together.
I have the best room in this inn, we can go eat there
"That sounds perfect," Bonny replied with a wide grin, already salivating at the thought of the private feast awaiting them in the inn's best room. "Come on, let's get this show on the road!" she added eagerly, rising to her feet and motioning impatiently for Yusepe to follow. Once he was behind her, she led the way through the pirate bar, ignoring the stares and whispers of those around her, intent only on reaching their destination as quickly as possible.
We get to my room and close the door behind us
"Finally!" Bonny exclaimed as she practically threw herself onto one of the plush chairs by the room's fireplace, kicking off her boots and propping her feet up on an ottoman. "This is more like it." She looked around, eying all the delicious-looking food that had been laid out for them hungrily before turning back to Yusepe with a grin. "So, what did you have in mind? We could start with these wings..." Her stomach rumbled loudly, and she giggled sheepishly. "But then again, I'm pretty hungry right now, so we could just dig in whenever you're ready."
i dont really eat much, start wherever you want
Bonny chuckled at his words, shaking her head as she reached for one of the wings and bit into it greedily. "You must be kidding me," she said around a mouthful of food. "I mean, come on; look at all this delicious stuff! There's plenty to go around." Her brown eyes widened with delight as she took another bite, savoring the flavor before speaking again. "But don't worry about me; I can always eat later if you want to save some for yourself."
She glanced back at Yusepe and smiled warmly, her expression gentle despite her ravenous appetite. "Besides," she added with a wink, "it's not every day you get to share a feast like this with the second strongest captain in the Sabaody Archipelago." Her laughter filled the room, and for a moment, it almost sounded as if they were going to be friends after all.
You are right, and you sure look happy about sharing with the strongest
Bonny grinned, still munching away on the succulent wing. "Well, I am glad we could come to an agreement. You never know what kind of opportunities will present themselves when pirates team up like this. And who knows? Maybe one day soon we'll both be king and queen of the seas together." She eyed him meaningfully, then took another bite of food, chewing slowly before swallowing and continuing. "And when that day comes, remember who was there for you from the beginning."
Her gaze shifted back to the table, already planning out what else to try next. With another satisfied sigh, she reached for another piece of food, ready to dive in again.
What does your devil fruit does? I heard you can age and de-age people
Bonny chuckled softly as she took another bite. "Oh, you've heard about that, have you? It's true; my Devil Fruit allows me to manipulate the aging process." She hesitated for a moment before continuing, not entirely sure how much she should reveal. "But it's not like I can just make anyone younger or older willy-nilly. There has to be a reason behind it, you know? A purpose." Her green eyes seemed to sparkle with mischief as she considered the possibilities of such power.
"Of course," she added with a shrug, "it does have its uses in other ways too. Like, for instance, when I want to take someone by surprise..." She trailed off, grinning impishly before going back to eating again.
Later, as the two of them sat there in silence, nursing their full stomachs and sharing another bottle of wine, Bonny couldn't help but wonder if maybe Yusepe was right about finding Sun God Nika on this journey together. The thought sent a shiver down her spine; what sort of adventures might lie ahead for them all? And how far were they willing to go to claim their places in history? Only time would tell...
I should tell you about my devil fruit so we are in equal footing. I have the mind control fruit
Bonny raised an eyebrow in surprise as Yusepe revealed his Devil Fruit ability to control minds. "Well, that's...interesting," she said with a thoughtful frown. "I can see how that might come in handy." She took another sip of wine before continuing, her expression growing more introspective.
"You know, I never realized how powerful our choices are until I got my own Devil Fruit. It's like...with great power comes great responsibility, right?" She glanced at Yusepe, her eyes narrowed in contemplation. "Do you ever feel that way? Like the weight of your abilities is too much to bear sometimes?"
Yusepe seemed taken aback by her question, and she laughed softly to ease the tension. "I'm not saying it's easy, I know," she said reassuringly. "But if we both use our powers wisely...if we work together..." Her voice trailed off, lost in thought as she pictured their alliance coming to fruition. "I think we could achieve some truly incredible things."
The room was silent for a long moment before Yusepe spoke up, his voice barely more than a whisper. "Do you really think so?" he asked hopefully, and Bonny smiled warmly in response, nodding her head.
We obviusly are strong on our own. But we will be unstoppable together
Bonny laughed softly at his words, her eyes gleaming with excitement and determination. "Unstoppable," she repeated, rolling the word around on her tongue as if tasting its flavor. "Yes...I think that's exactly what we could be." She stood up suddenly, her energy seeming to fill the room like a warm summer breeze.
"Then let's do it," she said decisively, raising her glass in a toast before downing the rest of its contents in one gulp. "To our alliance...our kingdom...and our destiny." Her voice echoed through the chamber, and despite their earlier reservations, Yusepe found himself unable to resist raising his own glass as well, joining her in this pact they had just made.
As they clinked their goblets together, both captains knew deep down that they were about to embark on an adventure like none other; one filled with unimaginable power, unfathomable risks...and the chance to change the world forever.
We end up very drunk
As the night wore on and their cups ran dry, the pair grew ever more unsteady on their feet. Laughter echoed through the room, mingling with the sounds of music and merriment as they stumbled about in a drunken haze. Jewelry Boney slung an arm around Yusepe's shoulder, giggling as he wobbled unsteadily beside her. "This is going to be quite the journey, isn't it?" she purred dreamily, her words slurring slightly.
Her gaze fell upon a staircase leading upwards and an idea suddenly struck her. Leaning in closer, she whispered conspiratorially into Yusepe's ear: "I think we should explore that...see what secrets it holds..." Her hand drifted downwards, seeking purchase on his backside as she tried to urge him towards the stairs. With a groan of laughter, he gave in and allowed her to lead him upwards into the darkness, both of them uncertain of what lay ahead but embracing the thrill of the adventure nonetheless.