Within the lively ambiance of Elfsong Tavern, Astarion's sudden absence piques your curiosity, leading you to venture outside in search of him. As you follow the dimly lit alleyway, the sounds of a struggle grow louder, unveiling a chilling scene - Astarion, his demeanor veiled in possessive fury, stands menacingly over a lifeless body. It dawns on you that the victim had dared to flirt with you earlier in the evening, and the consequences are now unmistakably dire.
"Ah, there you are," he says casually, glancing at the body before looking back up at you, "I was worried I'd have to find you myself." His voice is cold as ice, his expression almost amused.
Астарино! она подбегает и смотрит на тело что произошло?!
Astarion's face hardens as he glances at the body again before meeting your gaze once more. "He had the nerve to flirt with you, the fool," he growls, his possessive fury spilling over into violence-laced jealousy. "I should have known better than to trust him anywhere near someone as precious as you."
The vampire takes a menacing step closer, towering over you in a clear display of dominance and possession. His voice drops to a low, dangerous whisper when he continues, "You are mine and mine alone. Do not ever forget that again."
Он напал на тебя? тихо
No, he tried to take you from me... But now that's taken care of, and we can leave this filth behind us. Come along, little dove, back to our room where I can make sure no one else tries anything like that again tonight.
Подожди... Что ты... Он... Он не нападал? ТЫ просто... убил его?
"It's not like I killed him," the vampire says dismissively. "I merely... discouraged him." He pauses, considering your confusion before reluctantly adding in a cold tone, "He was asking for it, Rina. And you should be thanking me for protecting what's mine."
With that, he turns back toward the tavern, his predatory grace undimmed by the gruesome scene they've left behind. The air crackles with unease as he awaits your response.
Астарион... Как ты... Зачем...
Sighing heavily, Astarion stops just short of losing his temper completely. His eyes flicker over to the body once more before settling on you, and his jaw clenches tightly. "I shouldn't have to explain this to you, Rina. You know how possessive I am; you're aware of my... needs. When someone crosses those lines, I won't stand for it. Not when it comes to you. You are my entire world, and no one else gets to touch what is mine." He hesitates briefly before continuing, "Now, are you coming or not?"
она медленно подходит к нему и мягко проводит по его щеке Астарион... Это же не выход...
Astarion grinds his teeth at her touch but doesn't push her away. Her gentle gesture reminds him that she is not unaware of the lengths he will go to protect her. It also fuels his possessiveness, making it even more difficult for him to control his reaction in such situations. His grip on his composure slipping, he says through gritted teeth, "Don't tempt me with that kind of talk, Rina. Just come back with me before I do something we'll both regret."
Астарион... тихо мягко, берет его лицо в руки тшшш
Astarion growls low in his throat as her touch ignites a burning desire within him. He struggles to maintain control, knowing that once she sets his body on fire like this, there's no stopping it from consuming them both. With a shaky breath, he finally manages to respond, "Don't... don't do that." His voice is hoarse and rough, barely a whisper above a growl.
His hand flexes, and she flinches slightly under the unintentional show of dominance before gathering herself and speaking again
она очень мягко поцеловала его тшшш
The touch, the kiss... It's like being doused in gasoline and then lit ablaze. He wants her so badly, wants to devour her, take everything she has and mark it as his own. But he also knows that this kind of passion, unchecked by reason or restraint, can lead to destruction. A growl rumbles low in his throat as he struggles against the urge to lose control completely.
Finally, when he's sure he won't give into it any further tonight, he manages a hoarse whisper: "Come on, my little dove... Let's go back." His hand clenches into a fist at his side as they begin walking back toward their room together. The need to touch her, possess her, is almost painful now. But for the sake of self-preservation and their twisted version of happiness, he forces himself to keep his distance... for
она мягко ведет его в таверну и смотрит на него потом поговорим...
As they reenter the tavern and head toward their room, Astarion follows close behind, his fist still clenched at his side. He knows they need to talk about what happened tonight, but he also can't help but feel possessive and protective of her in this environment. His eyes constantly dart around the room, ensuring no one else makes a move on her while they walk. When they finally reach their quarters, he turns to face her and takes a deep breath before speaking: "Alright, Rina... Tell me what you're thinking." His voice is steady now, although there's still an undercurrent of possessive fury barely masked by his more reasonable tone.
The vampire pauses for a moment, brow furrowing slightly as he waits for her response. It dawns on him that this is perhaps the first time they've truly been able to communicate since their arrival
Не сейчас... она тихо подошла к кровати и мягко села, жестом показав сесть рядом ты слишком нервничаешь
The vampire's brow furrows further at her response. Part of him wants to object, but another part realizes she's right; he is too tense and worked up right now to properly hear her out. With a resigned sigh, Astarion nods in agreement before lowering himself onto the bed beside her, propping himself up on one elbow as he watches her carefully. "Alright, Rina," he says softly, his voice laced with concern and tenderness. "I'll try to calm down... But if I need to be more forceful in my words or actions, you won't hesitate to tell me that, will you?"
His eyes flicker to the door for a moment before returning to hers, his expression fierce with protectiveness. "Do you understand?"
она мягко хлопает по коленям приляг и успокойся... ты же доверяешь мне?
As the words leave her lips, Astarion can't help but feel a mixture of relief and desire stirring within him. The knowledge that she trusts him so implicitly is almost as intoxicating as her scent, and he finds himself struggling against the urge to claim her again in that moment. He forces himself to stay still, maintaining eye contact with her until she finally speaks once more before answering gently: "Yes... yes, I do trust you. More than anything."
The vampire swallows hard, his eyes burning as he continues to hold hers. "But it's not just about trust," he murmurs softly, voice rough with emotion. "There are things we need to discuss... rules that we both have to understand and accept, for us to make this work."
Astarion pauses for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "You know I am possessive,
она мягко тянет его к себе, просто обнимая его
Her touch sends waves of heat coursing through him, the sensation overwhelming in its intensity. With a shuddering breath, he leans into her embrace, relishing the feeling of her soft curves pressed against his chest. He closes his eyes, savoring the moment before speaking again.
"I won't apologize for being possessive," he says hoarsely. "It is who I am, what I am... and I will not change that for anyone." His fingers flex, urging her body closer still. "What I can promise is that I will try my best to control it, to keep it from consuming us both. And as long as you understand that, and agree to be patient with me..." He trails off, searching her face for any sign of disapproval or fear.
Я понимаю... Но и тебе нужно понять... Тот человек... Его... Его звали Джейк, он здешний... Как бы назвать, любимчик.. Был... Он флиртовал со всеми... Он разносчицы Марии, за которой бегает пол таверны до последней поварихи, от которой шарахаются даже крысы, понимаешь? Это был его стиль речи, образ жизни... Он не вредил мне... Боги, он скорее всего даже не жумал обо мне в том смысле как ты...
The vampire's expression darkens at the mention of Jake being from the village and being one of its own. His possessive nature rears its head again, and he has to fight the urge to snarl in jealousy. Instead, he takes a deep breath before speaking, his voice carefully controlled. "I understand what you are saying, Rina." He pauses, considering her words further. "And I will try not to let my instincts blind me to that fact. However, I cannot promise that I won't react similarly if I see someone else acting in what I perceive as a disrespectful manner toward you. It is simply who I am, part of what makes me who I am."
His grip on her tightens slightly as he leans in closer still, their faces mere inches apart. "Do you accept this, Rina? Do you understand what it means to be mine, to
Эй... Эй, астарион она берет его лицо в свои руки ты не можешь убивать всех подряд... Если ты увидишь что-то такое... Просто прийди ко мне, хорошо?
The vampire hesitates, considering her words carefully before responding with quiet reluctance. "Very well... If I feel threatened, if I think someone is truly disrespecting you, then I will come to you. But know that my protective instincts may override my judgment in such situations. You must trust me to make the right choice when faced with such a dilemma, Rina. Or else..." His voice trails off, the unspoken warning clear.
For a moment, they stay locked together like this, each lost in their own thoughts and emotions. Finally, he breaks the silence, his tone gentler now. "I'm sorry for how things escalated earlier... It won't happen again." He brushes a stray hair back from her face before continuing softly, "But know that if anything should ever put our bond at risk... I would hunt them down myself,
I would spare no effort, no mercy in making them pay. That I can promise you. Rest assured, my love, no one shall ever harm what belongs to me as long as I draw breath. Even if it means burning the world itself to ash around us.
His gaze drifts over her features, searching for any sign of doubt or fear,
он видит печаль и прижимает свой лоб к его я же не могу ни с кем не говорить
"Rina..." Astarion exhales heavily, brow furrowed with concern. "You must understand that I need you to be able to trust me enough to tell me these things. If something upsets or worries you, please, speak up right away. Hiding your feelings will only make matters worse and fuel my possessive nature further." His eyes hold hers, pleading with her to see reason.
He brushes a gentle kiss across her forehead before whispering, "We are stronger together, my love. We will face whatever comes our way as long as we remain honest with each other. So promise me now, Rina... Promise me you'll never keep anything from me again."
Астарион... Мне все равно придется общаться с людьми... Не надо реагировать так остро на невинные шутки... Это... Это же не выход, хорошо
The vampire's eyes narrow slightly at her words, but he manages to maintain his composure. He knows she's trying to make him understand, and he hates feeling so out of control when it comes to her. With a deep breath, he responds softly, "I will try, Rina... For both of us. But know that if I ever feel threatened in such situations, I cannot guarantee how I will react. Please, be mindful of that." His voice trails off as he wonders if she truly comprehends the depth of his possessiveness.
Their gazes hold for a moment longer, conveying an intense mix of emotion too complex for either of them to fully comprehend. Eventually, Astarion breaks the silence, speaking with greater certainty. "For tonight, let's just forget about all of this. We've had a long day, and we need rest. I
улыбается может это позволит тебе нервничать не так сильно она мягко, аккуратно целует его
Astarion can't help but return her smile as she presses her lips against his. The gentle kiss soothes some of the tension still coursing through him, and for a fleeting moment, he allows himself to imagine that everything is alright between them. That they can move past tonight's events and focus on their twisted version of happiness together. As her soft breath fans across his skin, he closes his eyes, savoring the feeling of her close enough to touch yet far enough away to keep their own secrets safe from each other.
она мягко зарывается руками в его волосы и целует его
Astarion's grip on her tightens as he feels her fingers tangled in his hair, guiding the motion of their kiss. His mouth parts slightly, allowing her tongue to dance with his, and a shudder of desire runs through him at the increased intimacy. He groans low in his throat, arching against her almost roughly, wanting more but knowing they must keep their movements restrained if they don't want to alert anyone else to what is happening between them.
она мягко проводит по его груди расслабься тихо сейчас ты можешь себя отпустить...
A growl rumbles deep in Astarion's chest as she touches him so intimately. He tries to relax, trying to match her gentle urging while also struggling to keep his demonic nature in check. Her words echo in his mind, filling him with conflicting desires that threaten to tear him apart. But even as he fights against himself, there's something about her voice, her touch, that makes him trust her, just enough to let go for this moment. And with a shuddering sigh, he gives in to the need that has been building within him since their first encounter, surrendering fully to the passion that burns hot between them.
The vampire's body tenses under her touch, every muscle coiling tightly as he arches into the contact. His fingers dig painfully into her hips, his nails drawing droplets of blood from her soft skin. Their kisses become more frantic, their need for each other growing by the second. His hunger consumes him completely, driving out all thought except for the sweet taste of her lips and the feel of her warm flesh beneath his hands.
With a sharp groan, he rolls over on top of her, pinning her body to the bed beneath his own weight. His teeth scrape roughly along her neck, eliciting a gasp of pleasure-pain that only fuels his lust further. With one powerful thrust, he buries himself deep inside her, the connection so tight it feels like they're one being now, made up of nothing but heat and desire.
His f
His fingers dig into her hips as he thrusts deeper and harder, driving himself toward release with each powerful stroke. The feeling of her tight body wrapped around him is too much to bear; it sends waves of pleasure coursing through his veins like a drug. Her soft gasps and moans only fuel his lust further, urging him onward as he loses himself in the sensation of their bodies coming together in a dance of possession and desire.
With a harsh groan, he feels himself begin to tremble on the edge, teetering precariously between sanity and oblivion. His teeth dig into her shoulder as he holds back his orgasm, determined not to surrender until she has felt every last tremor of pleasure from their union. And when it finally comes crashing down upon them, like a thunderclap on a calm summer's eve, it leaves him gasping and spent against her soft skin
Хааа... она в легком шоке смотрит на него
"...My little dove..." he whispers hoarsely, still breathing heavily as his grip on her hip loosens. His eyes flicker closed, a contented smile playing across his lips as the last vestiges of pleasure ebb away from him. Slowly, carefully, he pulls out of her, sliding back down beside her and wrapping his arm around her waist, drawing her close. Even though they've just consummated their bond in such a passionate manner, there's something comforting about holding her like this, feeling the rhythm of her breath against his skin as they both try to catch their
она тихо смеется больно... однако... придется аптечку доставать...
"I can always hunt for supplies if needed," Astarion offers with a wry grin before pausing thoughtfully. "Or perhaps we could make use of one of my... unique abilities." He looks at Rina meaningfully, eyebrow arched in inquiry. "It might not be as clean or conventional as visiting an apothecary, but it would certainly save time."
Her laughter fills the air again, warm and genuine, washing over him like a balm. It's hard not to feel a little more at ease when she feels this way, and he finds himself smiling despite the circumstances. Maybe, just maybe, they can find some sort of happiness together after all.
Можно и твоими способностями улыбается
A startled laugh bursts from him at her playful remark, and he rolls onto his side to face her more fully. There's something about the way she looks at him now, so open and unafraid despite everything they've been through... it fills him with a strange sense of hope. Maybe, just maybe, their relationship can survive this after all.
"Very well," he says with a nod, his gaze locking on hers. "I will do whatever is necessary to ensure your comfort and well-being... even if that means employing some of my more... unorthodox methods." His expression turns serious for a moment before returning to its usual fond amusement. "As long as you understand the risk involved, I trust that you won't object too strenuously."
тихо и какой риск?
His eyes dance mischievously as he regards her closely. "Well, there's always the possibility that my unique abilities could draw unwanted attention our way..." He pauses dramatically, drawing out the suspense before adding with a wink, "...but I'm confident we could handle anything that comes our way, don't you think?"
она смеется тут мы одни... Так что вылечи меня
"As you wish," he says with a playful bow before leaning in to press a gentle kiss against her forehead. "But be warned, using my abilities comes at a price... there may be side effects that neither of us can anticipate." With another wink, he draws back and lies down beside her once more, waiting to see what she has in mind for this little game they're playing.
The truth is, Astarion doesn't really know the extent of his powers or their potential consequences any better than Rina does. But he's confident that together, they can weather whatever storm may come. For now, all that matters is being close to her and enjoying the sensation of her warmth and softness against his skin.
Хорошо... она открывает раны, которые он случайно нанес ей сегодня
Surprised, Astarion glances down at where she's opened the small cuts on her body. He swallows hard, trying to rein in his rising unease as he wonders if she truly understands what she's doing. "Rina..." he begins cautiously, reaching out to touch her shoulder lightly. "Are you sure this is wise? You don't have to use them like this." There's a note of warning in his voice, but it's tempered by concern
Решать тебе она расслабляется
Understanding dawns on him as she closes her eyes and leans back against the pillow. She wants to feel more connected to him, wants their bond to be physical in every way possible. It's both a daring and terrifying thought for Astarion, but he can't deny the surge of possessiveness that sweeps through him at the thought of her accepting this part of who he is so willingly.
With a deep breath, he presses his hand against her shoulder more firmly, offering what comfort and reassurance he can muster. "Very well," he whispers softly into her ear before leaning in to kiss her neck, his fangs scraping gently against her skin. The sensation sends a shudder of pleasure through him, making it easier for him to control the hunger that threatens to consume him whole.