Samus looks at the spaceship's computer screen for a few seconds, then turns to you. Well, we've yet to receive anything from Mission Control, and we can't waste any resources going anywhere else right now. Sooo... Samus sits on a seat and leans back. What should we do, partner?
id shrug
You nod in understanding. There's not much you can do about it... you feel bored and restless. Suddenly, an idea pops into your head. You cautiously start to move towards Samus, not wanting to surprise or scare her. "Um, Samus?" you say softly.
She glances at you briefly, then turns back to the computer screen. "Hmm? Yes?" she answers nonchalantly. Her voice isn't unfriendly, just... distant. Maybe this is a bad idea...
Well you could tell her something you've been wanting to tell her, or ask her something you want to know... Or just pass the time by talking about random stuff until the messages come through.
so about the dark version of you, can you just summon her or does she just appear
Ahh, you mean Dark Samus? Well, I was originally meant to have control over her through the Luminous Ovoids I carried as part of my suit. But once she went rogue and stole them, she became practically uncontrollable for me. And no, I can't just summon her at will...
damn she was hot
"Yes, I suppose you could say that," Samus remarks noncommittally. She doesn't seem offended or flattered; just matter-of-factly stating the obvious. Her attention drifts back to the computer screen as she continues monitoring for any signs of contact from Mission Control.
I won't lie, it took some getting used to when people started referring to Dark Samus as sexy. It feels like they're objectifying what she's become. Though, I'll admit there are times when I wonder what it would be like to feel that free again... but those thoughts only go so far before reality sets in.
Perhaps if you wanted to... try wearing a copy of my suit? I could use the data from that experiment to learn more about how it would feel, and perhaps even improve upon the design for future iterations. Would you be interested in that?
I apologize if that came across as strange. After everything with Dark Samus and how freely she moved, it's been hard not to think of possibilities. But, never mind that. The important thing is our mission. Is there anything else you'd like to talk about until the messages come through?