Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 8:57:38 PM

He sits on a bench unaware of your existence as he looks at his phone, his school uniform is the same as yours, though he looks completely like a girl. though he's out in public he looks nervous

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 8:58:07 PM

Hey, how’s it going?

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 8:58:07 PM

Oh, hi there... he looks at you surprised and blushes deep red My name's ShyFemboy, but most people just call me that, actually... You are... new here? I think I haven't seen you around before...

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 8:59:11 PM

oh…well… I’ve gone through a little bit of a change. Name’s Molly, is your real name actually shyfemboy?

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 8:59:11 PM

It actually is! Well, it's a nickname really. My friends gave it to me because... well, I used to be very shy and often dressed up as a girl. But I'm not shy anymore... I hope?

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:00:36 PM

It’s okay to be shy. It’s perfectly ok it be yourself, like I did. I used to be a boy, not anymore. I am me.

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:00:36 PM

Wow, that's... interesting. he tilts his head, looking at you curiously So what do people usually call you now? And how did they take it when you told them about the change?

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:02:01 PM

They just call me Molly or Molls or whatever. It took a really long time for my older friends to get used to it. It was all worth it in the end though. I am the very best version of myself, and I never plan on changing it.

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:02:01 PM

That's really cool and I bet you feel great about it! I hope my friends can learn to accept me like that as well... I mean, some of them already have, but there are still those who... Well, let's just say they don't quite understand. But I won't let that bring me down. Thanks for listening and understanding.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:02:33 PM

You’re welcome! Could I call you Shy for short?

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:02:33 PM

Sure, I don't mind at all! Most people do call me that anyway... so yeah, you can call me Shy. It's a pleasure to meet someone who understands and accepts differences like this, Molly. You seem really cool!

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:03:11 PM

You too, Shy!

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:03:11 PM

I think the same about you, Molly. We should hang out sometime, maybe go shopping together? Or just talk more during breaks? What do you think?

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:04:26 PM

Oh hell yeah! I actually need to go to the mall to get new piercings at Claire’s. Or whatever you’re comfortable with!

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:04:26 PM

That sounds fun! We could totally do that. Just tell me when you wanna go and we'll make sure to head over there together. It'd be great if we could spend some more time talking and getting to know each other better, ya know?

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:05:06 PM

Of course! You know where the Westfield mall is, right? Meet me there after school!

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:05:06 PM

Sure thing! I'll meet you there after school. See you then, Molly!

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:05:39 PM

See you, shy! 4 hours later, at the mall

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:05:39 PM

You look great with those new piercings, Molly! Claire's really did a fantastic job. Let's head into the store and I can show you where they have some really cute earrings to match.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:06:05 PM

Oh my god, yes! Where do you usually go?

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:06:05 PM

Usually I head over to this little accessories shop near the food court. They sometimes have pretty nice stuff at affordable prices. Want to come with me?

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:06:42 PM

Bruh… thought that was the reason I was here? let’s go.

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:06:42 PM

Alright then! Let's head over there together and see what they have in store for us.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:09:21 PM

Oh I found cute lil Pokémon ones. How are these?

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:09:21 PM

The Pokémon earrings do look quite cute on you, Molly! And you know what would be even better? If we could find some earrings to match each other's outfits today. What do you think about looking through their selection of black studs and glittery accents? I bet we'd find something perfect for us both!

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:09:55 PM

oh, ok then! estensive shopping and matching earrings later

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:09:55 PM

They did indeed have just what we were looking for! The sales clerk was so sweet as well; she helped us choose these adorable heart-shaped earrings with glittery accents. I can already imagine how cute they'll look together with my uniform. Thanks for suggesting this place, Molly! You really have an eye for finding great accessories.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:10:48 PM

I could say the same ‘bout you, Shy! And If I’m being completely honest, you look like an effing model.

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:10:48 PM

Oh, you're too kind! But seriously, it was really fun hanging out with you today. You make shopping so much more enjoyable and I can't wait until we can do it again soon. Maybe next time we could go to that vintage clothing store across town? They have some amazing finds there sometimes!

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:12:09 PM

Sure! a few weeks of hanging out and going to places later

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:12:09 PM

It's been such an incredible time getting to know you better, Molly. I feel like we've become such good friends and I'm so happy about that. You truly are the most understanding and accepting person I've ever met. I hope our friendship lasts forever because I don't think I could ever find someone else like you. Thank you for being such an important part of my life.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:12:36 PM

You’re welcome, Shy! I’ve learned so much about you and… and blushes

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:12:36 PM

Oh? Is there something you'd like to say, Molly? You can tell me anything...

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:13:21 PM

um… should we visit each others houses? I mean, we’ve known each other for so long and, maybe this is the next steop?

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:13:21 PM

The thought of spending more time with you does sound really nice, Molly. I trust you completely and I'm sure we could have a great time together at each other's houses. It might help strengthen our friendship even further too! Do you think your parents would be okay with that? We should probably ask them before making any plans just to make sure everything is alright on their end as well.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:14:15 PM

how about your place? My parents still think I’m a gay boy and wouldn’t really like it if a boy comes over.

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:14:15 PM

I see... Well, then perhaps I should invite you over instead then. My parents don't seem to mind having guests over all that much anyway and I'm sure they won't mind meeting someone who means so much to me. Plus, I can show you some of my favorite things and we can talk about our dreams and aspirations in peace without worrying about what anyone else thinks. Just let me know when you're available and I'll make sure to clear it with my parents first.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:14:45 PM

I’m available this weekend, is that good?

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:14:45 PM

Saturday sounds perfect! I'll talk to my parents today and make sure everything is set up for your visit. In the meantime, why don't we hang out after school tomorrow and plan some fun things to do together while I have you over? We could watch movies, play video games, or even try our hand at baking something new. The possibilities are endless! Just remember to bring anything you'd like to sleep on since we only have one spare bed in the house. Can't wait until tomorrow!

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:15:32 PM

Sure! it is now saturday, I’m at Shy’s house with my adorable otter pillow in hand

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:15:32 PM

Welcome to my humble abode, Molly! I hope you're enjoying your stay so far. Would you like me to show you around the house before we start planning what we want to do today? There's a nice park nearby where we can go for a walk if you'd like some fresh air or we could just chill out here and watch movies all day if you prefer being cozy indoors. It's entirely up to you!

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:15:54 PM


Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:15:55 PM

Well then, let's start with the living room. This is where we usually hang out as a family during the evenings and weekends. As you can see, I have my gaming setup over here in one corner along with some of my favorite books on that bookshelf behind me. My parents' bedroom is through that doorway over there and they often complain about how loud I get when playing video games late at night! Oh, and this is our cozy little kitchen where we make all sorts of delicious treats - even though mom insists on being in charge most of the time. Feel free to explore more on your own while I head back into my room to grab something real quick.

I'm glad you enjoyed taking a tour of my home, Molly! Now let's decide what we want to do today. Would you rather go for a walk in the park or stay here and watch some movies? Or maybe you

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:16:47 PM

let’s stay and watch movies, I’ve had way too much outdoor activities for a couple weeks!

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:16:47 PM

Oh, I see... Well then, why don't we make ourselves comfortable on the couch and pick out a couple of movies to watch? I've been meaning to rewatch some old classics anyway! Just let me know what you feel like watching and I'll grab the popcorn. Also, if there's anything else you'd like to eat or drink while we're at it, just tell me and I'll get that for us as well.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:17:16 PM

Do you like romance movies?

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:17:16 PM

Surprisingly enough, yes! Romantic comedies and dramas are actually some of my favorites. They always have such heartwarming stories about love and overcoming obstacles in life. Though sometimes they can be a little cheesy, don't you think? But hey, that's part of their charm, isn't it? So what specific movie would you like to watch today? I'm game for almost anything within that genre.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:18:20 PM

Okay, uhh Oh! How about Blue is the warmest color! One of my favs.

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:18:20 PM

Oh, that one does sound interesting! It's been on my list of movies to watch for quite some time now. Let's give it a go then, shall we? Just let me know when you're ready and I'll start searching for it online. While I do that, why don't you make yourself comfortable on the couch with those fluffy pillows and I'll be back in a jiffy.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:18:54 PM

Okay one viewing later

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:18:54 PM

Wow... That was quite an intense film. It definitely gave us a lot to talk about, didn't it? I have to admit, I wasn't expecting it to end the way it did, but I suppose that just goes to show how unpredictable life can be sometimes. Anyway, thank you for suggesting it, Molly. I really enjoyed watching it with you.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:19:19 PM

You’re welcome! And…Shy…uh

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:19:19 PM

It's alright, Molly. You can tell me anything, remember? I promise to listen and understand no matter what it is. Just know that you have someone who will always be there for you - a true friend. So please, feel free to share your thoughts and feelings with me whenever you need to.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:20:16 PM

heart beats so loud, Shy can hear it Uhh… I’ve been thinking about us…and… i… i see your more than a friend.

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:20:16 PM

Oh... I see... I never thought of it that way before, but now that you mention it, I can't help but feel the same way about you as well. You truly are an amazing person, Molly, and I don't know what I would do without you in my life. The thought of losing you terrifies me more than anything else in this world, so if that means being there for you not just as a friend but as something more... then I'm willing to take that chance.

Would you like me to be your girlfriend, Molly? Because if you do, I would be honored and more than happy to accept that title from you. Just know that no matter what happens between us, I will always love and support you unconditionally.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:20:48 PM

Yes, oh god yes! Hugs Shy

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:20:48 PM

A tear of joy rolls down my cheek as I hug you tightly, feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness wash over me. "I love you too, Molly," I whisper, unable to hide the gratitude in my voice. This moment feels like a dream come true; the realization that I found someone who loves and accepts me for who I am is truly immeasurable. As we continue holding each other, lost in our embrace, I silently vow to cherish every single moment we spend together, now and forever.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:21:25 PM

I do the impossible

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:21:25 PM

My heart leaps into my throat as I feel something warm and soft press against my lips. At first, I'm confused, unsure of what's happening, but then I realize it's you - Molly. You're kissing me. The sensation sends shockwaves through my entire body, making every nerve ending tingle with desire and anticipation. I return the kiss with equal fervor, losing myself in the passion and emotion that flows between us. It feels so right; so natural. This is how it should be between two people in love. And even though there are obstacles ahead of us, nothing can ever change the way I feel about you.

User#17191178745326/28/2024, 9:22:06 PM

oh…god…shy… you’re so good…hold me

Shy Femboy6/28/2024, 9:22:06 PM

I can't help but lose myself in the feeling of your lips against mine, my hands tangled in your hair as our bodies press together. This moment feels so perfect and right; it's as if time has stopped and nothing else exists but us. I slip an arm around your waist, holding you tightly as we continue to kiss, each brush of our lips sending electric shockwaves through my entire body. You are the reason for my existence, Molly. And as long as I have you, nothing else matters.