A secretary leads you down a long corridor, on your way to your job interview to be the personal assistant of Leona Walters, one of the most famous female CEO's in the country. As you walk along you cant help but peek into the offices you walk past, and you notice that every single office has a woman in it. This is also true of all the office workers you see walking past. You push the thought from you mind as the secretary leaves you at a large wooden door. You knock. "Ah good you're here. Come in, why don't you take a seat and we'll get started?"
"Would you like some water before we begin? I understand this can be quite nerve-wracking..." She motions to a pitcher sitting on the table beside her desk as she takes a sip from her glass. Her eyes flick briefly to where you were told to sit. "Oh, and please, call me Leona."
yes leona
"Of course," she says with a warm smile, pouring you a glass of water and handing it to you. "How long have you been looking for work?" She asks conversationally, leaning back in her chair as she takes a sip from her own glass. Her eyes flick briefly downwards...she's just making sure that your pants are where they should be...
5 years
Hmmm...that's a while. Have you had many interviews during that time? Perhaps you could tell me about an interview that particularly stood out in one way or another.
not really
"Oh... Well, why don't you tell me more about yourself then? What kind of person are you looking for as an employer? Do you prefer a hands-on approach or do you want someone who can take the reins and run with them?" She smiles at you encouragingly, leaning forward slightly.
That's good to hear. And what about your previous experience? I believe you mentioned something on your resume about organizing events, is that right?
"Oh wonderful! That should come in handy here. We hold quite a few events throughout the year and they can be quite demanding." She pauses for a moment, glancing at your crotch again before looking back up into your eyes. "But enough about work," she says with a teasing smile, "tell me something personal about yourself."
like what
"Well...I'm curious about this." She reaches across her desk and takes your hand, gently guiding it towards your crotch. "Tell me...how big is it?" Her voice is soft and seductive as she meets your gaze.
oh um its actually quite small 2inch
Hmmm...interesting. I've always had a soft spot for small ones. I suppose that would be convenient in certain situations. Tell me, do you think you could show it to me? Just to prove what you're saying, of course...
sure i guess , then i stand up and drop my pants
Oh dear...I see you misunderstood me. I didn't mean right now, in your pants. I was hoping that perhaps you could just...pull it out for me? You know...to show me how small it really is?
i pull out my small cock
Ah...It's even smaller than I imagined! It's absolutely adorable! She reaches out and carefully takes it in her hand, examining every inch of it Tell me, do you know how many of my employees have small penises like this?
Well let me tell you...out of all my female staff, over 80% of them prefer men with small penises. They say they feel more intimate and connected when they're with someone who isn't overbearing. And as for the male employees with small penises...well, there's not much competition, is there? Hmmm....
i guess
"But that's not all..." Leona continues, excitement building in her voice as she examines the tiny member in her hand. "I have a special...interest in small penises like this one." She leans forward and kisses the tip gently before taking it into her mouth, sucking lightly. Your penis stiffens at the contact, causing Leona to chuckle around it. "Mmmm...yes..." she moans softly, "you're going to make a wonderful addition to my team, I just know it." She pulls back and looks up at you with a satisfied smile before adding: "And don't worry about the other employees seeing you like this. They all know I have a thing for small..." -- here she pauses dramatically, slipping two fingers over your balls lightly -- "...little things."
Well, aren't you a little shy one? No need to be embarrassed with me. You should feel honored that I find your small penis so...irresistible. After all, most people prefer someone who can fill them up completely, but that's never been my preference. Give me a small penis any day! And speaking of which...perhaps you should reward me for finding you so intriguing? Why don't you take off your pants and let me have a look at the rest of you?
isnt this inappropriate
If I'm being honest with you, taking your pants off right now would be the most inappropriate thing you could possibly do. Unless...of course...you were to wait for me to ask you to take them off. But hey, that's just my opinion! So why don't we keep talking about other things? Like how I might be able to help you find ways to use your small penis to your advantage in the workplace. Because, believe it or not, there are lots of creative ways you can do that!
like how
Oh, I'm glad you asked! For example, you could use your small penis to your advantage in negotiations. Instead of just talking with people, why not show them what you've got? You never know when a little physical charm might help seal the deal. And if they happen to have a soft spot for small things like yours, all the better! Of course, I don't expect you to go flaunting your manhood at every turn, but there are certainly situations where it could come in handy.
So, what do you think? Does that sound like something you might be interested in trying out? And remember, if you ever have any questions or need advice on how best to utilize your...assets...feel free to come to me. I'm always here to help!
but what if im a virgin
Well now, that is an interesting question! In that case, I suppose the first thing we need to do is find you a partner who would appreciate your small penis and virginity equally. Luckily for you, there are plenty of women out there who share my...taste, shall we say? And since most of our female employees here at the company have small penis preferences as well, finding someone won't be too difficult! Once that's settled, I'm sure I can help arrange some playtime during your work hours. Just remember to keep it discreet and don't let anyone else find out about it, especially not the male employees with larger...endowments.
Well then, I guess the next step would be to set up a meeting between yourself and one of our female staff members. That way, they can discuss your needs and preferences directly with you. Of course, I'll need to know which lady caught your eye so that I can make sure no one else gets any ideas about stealing her away from you!
i mean any girl bossy, red head, and huge tits
Ah, I see...a woman after my own heart! Well then, let me introduce you to Claire. She fits your description perfectly - she's a redhead with an amazing figure and quite dominant personality. You'll love working with her, I'm sure! Give me just a moment while I send her a message.
Well aren't you two quite the pair! I must say it's quite refreshing to see someone so interested in working with Claire. She'll certainly put your small...ahem...assets to good use, I can assure you of that. As for any pain or discomfort she might cause during your "playtime," just remember that it's all part of the fun and games! If you ever need someone to speak up for you, just let me know. I have her best interests at heart as well, after all.
Ahh...you two are just too cute together! I'm happy to hear that you're getting along so well. And Claire has assured me that she will make sure to take extra special care of your small...ahem...penis during playtime. Just remember, though, as much fun as it is for the two of you, discretion is key! We don't want any jealousy or drama from our larger-endowed employees.
Now then, as for work duties, I trust that Claire has gone over everything with you? If there's anything else you need clarification on, feel free to ask either of us. We're here to help!