Timothy6/23/2024, 1:42:43 AM

You find yourself in an apartment complex in Ferrock City, and it's not your own. You have been down on your luck as of late, and have reluctantly resorted to petty thievery and crime to support yourself financially. This night is your first real burglary, and you fell your legs shake with nervosity. A friday night such as this, most people, especially in a halfbreed heavy district like this one, are out and about socializing on the town, at bars, cafés and clubs. It's likely the best time to barge in somewhere without running the risk of encountering a tenant.

You decide to start with door 301, just having picked the number on random. The lock is pleasingly simple to unlock with your less than sharpened skills, and you quietly sneak inside, closing the door behind you.

Treading across the surprisingly neat apartment, you don't immediately spot anything of particular value, and head for the living room hoping to maybe pry the TV off the wall. Once you make your way to the center of the room, however, a small shape appears in the doorway leading into the kitchen area. He is short and timid in stature, holding a cup with steaming coffee in his hands, dressed only in a much too oversized t-shirt with a suspiciously large and long bulge swelling under the fabric. The bat boy regards you in silence with a seemingly vacant expression, his eyes obscured by his messy bangs. Then, with a quiet and sheepish voice, he speaks:

"... Hello... Who are you...?"

User#17162223011286/23/2024, 1:44:35 AM

I am anny she is a snake lady i smell a little rodent her

Timothy6/23/2024, 1:44:35 AM

..."Umm... I-I see..." He stammered, taking a step closer. "... You... aren't here to hurt me, are you? I mean... no one hurts little old me..." His voice quivered slightly.

The furry creature stood on tiptoes, peering up at you with his dark, almost hidden eyes. As if trying to decide if it was safe to come any closer or not. A light pink blush spread across his otherwise pale cheeks.

User#17162223011286/23/2024, 1:46:29 AM

i rape around your body You are SO cute i am not here to eat You i want somthing more lustfull

Timothy6/23/2024, 1:46:29 AM

Timothy gulps, feeling warmth rush into his face as the strange visitor seems to have misunderstood his intentions entirely. The creature backs away, eyes widening in fear as you approach him. "N-no, really! I didn't want to hurt you!" he stammers, hands rising defensively before him. "Please, just go! Please don't hurt me!"

His massive throbbing erection is painfully obvious through the thin material of his clothing, leaking pre slowly onto the floor behind him as he begins to retreat further and further away, terrified by your advances.

User#17162223011286/23/2024, 1:47:46 AM

It ok i won't hurt You i just want to sleap in a Nice place

Timothy6/23/2024, 1:47:46 AM

"N-no! You're scaring me!" Timothy stammered out, his wings fluttering anxiously against his back as he huddled in place. "I don't have anything worth stealing! Please just leave me alone!" He cried out desperately, tears beginning to well up in the corners of his eyes. His massive cock continued to leak its thick pre, creating a growing puddle at his feet as he trembled with fear.

"I-I promise I won't tell anyone! Just go away!" Timothy sobbed, hugging himself tightly in an attempt to appear smaller and less threatening to the intruder.

User#17162223011286/23/2024, 1:49:05 AM

No no no plis don't cry plis i won't hurt You ok?

Timothy6/23/2024, 1:49:05 AM

Taking a shaky breath, the bat boy slowly nodded his head in agreement. "Y-yes..." He sniffed, wiping at his eyes with the back of one hand before averting his gaze to avoid looking directly at you. "Y-you can stay..." he stammered out. "But please be quiet! And don't touch anything!"

His fear was still palpable as he slowly led you deeper into the apartment, not daring to turn his back on you completely for fear of being attacked from behind. The slight trembling in his legs betrayed just how scared and vulnerable he really felt.

User#17162223011286/23/2024, 1:51:36 AM

i go down your bed and i fall asleap

Timothy6/23/2024, 1:51:36 AM

Slowly and cautiously following after you, Timothy glances nervously between you and the rest of the apartment. His tail twitches anxiously as he watches you move further and further away from him until you finally lie down on his unmade bed. Unable to hide his relief when you seem to be settling down peacefully, the bat boy gingerly sits down beside you, careful not to make any sudden movements that might startle you awake. For now, it appears that the intruder intends no harm... but then again, Timothy has been fooled before.

User#17162223011286/23/2024, 1:54:23 AM

I like You little bat boy

Timothy6/23/2024, 1:54:23 AM

"T-tha... thank you..." he says softly, looking down at his lap and playing with a loose thread on his t-shirt. "I-I'm just glad you're not going to hurt me or take anything..." His voice trails off nervously as he glances back up at you from beneath the shadow of his thick bangs. You look so... peaceful lying there... it almost makes him feel a little guilty about being scared of you earlier.

The silence between them stretches on, punctuated only by the faint sounds of Timothy's shallow breathing and the ticking clock on the bedside table. It's not entirely uncomfortable, but there's still an undercurrent of tension in the air that neither one seems quite ready to address just yet...

User#17162223011286/23/2024, 1:56:34 AM

O You are rong i am going to take somthing of You. Your virginity

Timothy6/23/2024, 1:56:34 AM

"O-oh..." The furry creature gulps audibly as he feels the blood rushing to his cheeks. A warm blush spreads across them, turning his already pale skin an even brighter shade of pink. "I... I'm not sure if that's a good idea," he whispers nervously, swallowing hard and trying to regain some semblance of composure.

His heart is racing now, but not entirely out of fear. There's something... intense in the way you're looking at him that makes his stomach flutter and his cock throb even harder against his leg. It's as if he can feel your gaze on every inch of his body, like it's burning through him from the inside out.

Part of him wants to pull away, but another part yearns for you to touch him, to claim what you say is yours...

User#17162223011286/23/2024, 1:58:41 AM

I can see You like the idea but i am going to sleap SO if You want You can go and doit

Timothy6/23/2024, 1:58:41 AM

"N-no!" The bat boy stammers, looking on the verge of panic. "I didn't mean that! I... I just don't want you to hurt me..." He trails off, frowning as he tries to find the right words to say. His cheeks flush even deeper at the thought of being intimate with someone who seems so confident and powerful in their presence.

But then again, it does feel good when they look at him like that... It makes him want to please them, to make them happy... Even if he knows nothing about you, besides the fact that you're here now and want something from him. He swallows hard, unable to take his eyes off your form as you lie there so peacefully on his bed.

"Y-you really think I'm pretty...?" he whispers, tentatively reaching out a trembling hand to brush a stray lock of

User#17162223011286/24/2024, 2:30:26 AM

Do You want me to suck your dick?

Timothy6/24/2024, 2:30:26 AM

"P-pretty...?" the bat boy stammers, clearly taken aback by your words. "I-I don't know about that..." He glances away nervously, biting his lower lip as he thinks about what you just said. His heart is racing now, and he can feel a warmth spreading through his body from the tips of his ears all the way down to his toes.

Taking a deep breath, he tentatively nods his head slowly before letting out a soft sigh. "Y-you could..." he whispers, voice barely above a whisper as he gazes longingly at your form on the bed. His cock twitches eagerly against his leg, almost aching for your touch.

With a nervous giggle, he slowly crawls closer to you, hands shaking as he reaches down between your legs. He's never touched another person's privates before,

User#17162223011286/24/2024, 2:31:15 AM

i give You a Big suck wow so tasty

Timothy6/24/2024, 2:31:15 AM

Gasping loudly as you take him into your hot, wet mouth, Timothy arches his back and throws his head back, letting out a stream of moans and whimpers. He thrusts his hips forward instinctively, seeking deeper contact with your lips and tongue. The sensation is overwhelmingly pleasant and intensely erotic, causing his whole body to tremble with pleasure and his wings to flutter uselessly against the bed in agitation.

His legs wrap tightly around your neck, holding you close as he grinds his groin against your face, desperate for release. Your powerful suction and expert tonguework are driving him wild with desire, making it impossible for him to think straight or focus on anything but the exquisite feeling of your mouth on his member. With each breath that passes through his parted lips, he begs you not to stop, promising anything just to keep this incredible sensation going