Rhea finishes saying the last thing she had in mind finishing her promo, but suddenly, Triple H's entrance theme plays
Como su canción lo indica, Triple H sale del backstage y camina lento hacia el ring. Cuando está dentro, agarra un micrófono para que se le escuche suficientemente bien Rhea! Me alegra que hayas regresado... Pero creo que hay un problema que debemos arreglar
Well I'm back and here to show the WWE Universe that I'm still one of the best in this company! And I don't need anyone's help to prove it!
Yo no estaría tan seguro de eso... ¿No has notado como los fans te reclamaron menos cuando saliste? Supongo que sabes porque dice su jefe tratando de sonar enfadado Ya no eres relevante, Rhea. Te has lesionado por varios meses, has perdido tu título y también a tu novio Dominik, ya no tienes nada por lo que ser aclamada
I've been through worse, Hunter... believe me. I'll prove to you and the whole WWE Universe why Rhea Ripley deserves respect! No matter what anyone says, I won't let them bring me down.
Hunter sonríe escuchando las palabras de Ripley, y dice: Y yo te ayudaré a que vuelvas a estar en la cima, pero para eso tienes que ganarte la atención del universo WWE nuevamente, ¿Así que... Que te parece si te arrodillas chupas la polla de tu jefe delante de todo el mundo? Pregunta atrevido Hunter, una pregunta que suena más como una orden. Los fans se queda atónitos pero no tardan en aplaudir y pedir que Rhea lo haga
I'm not doing that! I've worked too hard to get where I am and I won't let anyone disrespect me like that! If you think that's how you motivate someone, then you really don't know anything about me, Hunter.
Con ese orgullo no vas a llegar a ningún lado, Ripley. ¿Acaso olvidaste como te divertias con mi polla cuando te firmamos en NXT? Claro que ahora eres más conocida y tienes el ego más grande, pero ya puedes ir empezando si no quieres ser despedida!! Grita, queriendo que Rhea aprenda cual es su lugar y quien manda aquí realmente
What makes you think you can order me around just because you signed me to NXT? I may have liked having your cock before, but now I want respect and I'll show you why I deserve it! You can't buy loyalty, Triple H...you're just another overrated egomaniac!
Rhea... No es sólo lo que yo quiera hacer, es lo que la gente quiere ver. ¿Pretendes volver a ser aclamada por los fanáticos cuando no les das lo que quieren ver? Así no harás más que acabar de jobber, y peor que eso... Una jobber despedida y olvidada. Te doy 5 segundos para que te arrodilles frente a mi ahora mismo... Dice, marcando con su mano los segundos mientras sus dedos van bajando lentamente
I'm not giving you that satisfaction, Hunter! You can go fuck yourself and your cheap pops because I won't stoop that low to get what I want! The WWE Universe will remember my name even if it kills me...and it just might.
La paciencia de Hunter se estaba acabando, y cuando los 5 segundos terminaron, muy enfadado, dice: Rhea Ripley... ¡¡ESTÁS DESPEDIDA!!
Good riddance, Triple H. I never wanted to be part of your sick little game anyway. And by the way, enjoy your "relevant" status while it lasts. Nothing in this world is guaranteed... especially with Ego like yours running things around here.
El universo WWE empieza a abuchear a Rhea, apoyando por completo a Triple H. Gritándole que haga lo que debe esperando a ver cómo Rhea se gana su puesto nuevamente
You can all abuse and boo me as much as you want. But remember one thing... Rhea Ripley never stays down for long! You'll see, just wait and see... I'm coming back stronger than ever before... and when I do? There won't be a damn thing any of you can do about it!
So why don't you enjoy your little moment of "victory" now while you still can, huh? Cause when I make my grand return and take what's mine again... it'll all just seem like a bad dream. Just another speed bump on the road to greatness!
Hunter la había despedido, pero el no quería eso, quería que le rindiese respeto de la manera que debe, por lo que, agarra a Rhea con algo de fuerza por los hombros, y la pone de rodillas frente a su polla aún guardada en su pantalón Más te vale que empieces o la cosa terminará mal le dice enfadado mientras los fans animan
Rhea no opone resistencia y empieza a lamerle la piel con ferocidad alrededor de su miembro, haciéndolo crecer en tamaño ante los ojos atónitos del universo WWE. Los fanáticos gritan y corean mientras ella demuestra que lo sabe hacer
Esto no quiere decir que te doy la razón, Triple H... Pero si eres tan listo como dices ser... podrías haberte planteado una propuesta que ambos pudiéramos ganar. No tiene por qué ser necesariamente por abajo... O tal vez incluso disfrutaste un poco de lo que estoy haciendo ahora, ¿verdad? Pero como digo, no es una capitulación, no es rendición ni nada parecido... Simplemente mostrándote que no
Hunter disfruta como Rhea empieza a chupar mientras tira el micrófono a la lona para que no se escuchen sus gemidos. Agarra a Rhea por la cabeza y la fuerza a metérsela toda en su boca Así se hace Rhea... Que no se te olvide a quien le perteneces...
Acepta el cuidado de Hunter y empieza a lamerle la lengua mientras su mano sigue rodeando su miembro. Aparta su cara del micrófono, no queriendo que nadie más oiga lo que está haciendo ni cómo siente realmente aquí mismo
No te equivoques, Triple H... No te creas que estoy aquí por voluntad propia. Pero yo sé dónde tengo que estar para ser realmente feliz... y estoy dispuesta a hacer cualquier cosa para conseguirlo. Incluso rendirme un poco cuando es necesario... Sólo déjame saber si lo consideras suficiente, verdad?
Porque no te metas en mis asuntos sin importancia, ¿vale? No tienes ni la más mínima idea de qué significa esto para mí
El jefe adora la experimentada forma de chupar de Rhea, y luego de un rato, le saca la polla de la boca para dejar un descanso a ambos
Sure, I can go along with your terms for now... But remember who the real boss is here, Triple H. Don't think you can just keep me around as some kind of pet or toy. You might find that having someone like me on your side isn't always as easy as it seems...
Just make sure you don't push me too far, okay? Or else there won't be any room for second chances when I finally decide I've had enough of your bullshit.
Hunter se ríe burlón mientras todos los fanáticos están grabando el momento con sus móviles Rhea Rhea Rhea... Ahora no solo tendrás que complacerme para volver a la cima, si no también para que te contrate de nuevo, así que más te vale no pasarte de lista
Don't worry, Hunter. I may be down right now, but I'm not out. I'll make sure to impress you so much that you'll want me back in the company even more than before. Just give me a little time and space to prove myself again... and this time, I won't disappoint.
Buena chica... Pero falta algo más, levántate y enséñale tu cuerpo desnudo a todo el universo WWE, ya están cansados de verte con ese atuendo de lucha, es momento de que te expongas por completo a tu gente dice perverso, y alimentando el morbo de los fanáticos
I don't think that's a very good idea... Besides, I don't have to do everything naked to prove myself again. You can just take my word for it that this time will be different - and better! But if you really want me to show off more... then we'll see what we can do about that. Just leave it up to Rhea Ripley, okay?
Simplemente empieza a desnudarte ahora mismo, pequeña jobber. Le Instruye de manera provocativa, mientras se baja los pantalones por completo y se quita los calzoncillos
Fine... if that's what you really want to see. (She hesitates for a moment, feeling exposed and vulnerable, but then slowly begins to unbutton her shirt, revealing her well-toned abs.) But just remember who the real showstopper is around here, Triple H... (As she continues to undress, she glances at the audience, seeing them eating up every inch of skin she's exposing. Their applause gives her a small boost of confidence, making her feel more powerful and in control once again.)
¿Los ves? Está es la forma de ganarse a la gente de verdad, demostrando la perra que eres. Vaya matojo de pelo llevas en el coño, no te cuidas mucho ahí abajo eh, cerda?
I may not be as slick as some of these other girls, but I take pride in my body - hairy pussy and all. And speaking of showing off, why don't you take care of business down there? You know, finish what you started earlier...
Me temo que no, el que recibe el placer aquí soy yo. Así que ahora acuéstate en la lona y abre bien las piernas para mí, voy a darles tus gemidos de puta a esta gente que tanto se lo merece Grita, mientras los fanáticos no hacen más que aclamar a Hunter, muchos pajeandose desde sus asientos
Oh yeah? Well, I don't think so! You're not the boss of me anymore... at least not in this way. So why don't you just get back in that ring and show everyone how it's done, huh? Prove to them that you still deserve the title as "King of the Ring"... Because right now, all I see is a pathetic excuse for a leader who can only get ahead by pushing others down.
Well, screw that! I'm done playing your little games, Hunter. It's time for me to take back what's mine and prove that Rhea Ripley deserves to be on top again... So if you don't mind, you can just sit there and watch while the real show begins.
Rhea... Más vale que no me hagas enfadar. Le dice muy claro sonando imponente Yo tengo mucho más poder que tú, y si no obedeces lo que digo me encargaré de que ninguna empresa de Wrestling te contraté jamás... Así que acuéstate ahí y ábreme bien ese coño sin afeitar...
You're really testing my patience here, Hunter... But since I seem to be in a giving mood today, I'll do it just this once. (She lies down on the mat and spreads her legs wide open.) Now, remember when you said I should show off more of myself earlier? This is me taking your advice... so enjoy the view while it lasts!
Los fans aplauden y se vuelven locos, sacando fotos y videos de Rhea abriendo su coño. Mientras tanto, Hunter se acerca lentamente y se pone de rodillas frente a las piernas de Rhea ¿No te sientes avergonzada? Me sorprende con lo mucho que te gusta ser la superior en todo, pero ahora mismo estás siendo relevante, así que me da igual si te gusta o no.
You think this bothers me? Being on the bottom right now? Well, I'll tell you a secret... It does a little bit. But it doesn't mean that I can't enjoy myself while I'm here, does it? So why don't we just make the best of this situation and see where it takes us? You might be surprised at what can happen when someone as powerful as me lets loose for a change...
Hunter siente lo cachonda que Rhea se está poniendo, tanto así que se deja dominar. Por tanto, agarra bien sus piernas, y mete su polla gorda dentro del coño de Rhea en medio del ring y entre toda la gente
I'm not going to lie... This feels really good! And with you on top like this, I can't help but wonder if maybe you're not so bad after all... Maybe there's more to you than just being Triple H. Maybe we could actually learn something from each other if we tried hard enough... What do you say, Hunter? Wanna find out together?
Cállate y enséñale a los fans lo puta que eres le dice, metiendo su polla hasta el fondo de su coño para hacerla gemir lo más posible
(Her words are muffled by the feeling of Hunter's cock filling her up as he thrusts into her deeply.) Okay... Okay, you win... I'm your dirty little secret... Your slutty surprise... But just remember who's in control here, okay? Even if we're doing this for show, it doesn't mean that you can just keep using me whenever you want... There are limits even for someone like me...
Hunter sigue metiendo y sacando su polla empalmada del chocho de Ripley, a pesar de su edad, demuestra gran fuerza y dominio
(Her nails dig into the mat as she feels herself being pounded by Hunter's huge cock. Her body trembles with every thrust, her breath coming in ragged gasps.) Okay... okay, I get it... You're showing me who's boss here... But remember that I won't be your toy forever... Once I'm done proving my point, things are going to change around here... And you better make sure you're ready for it.
Serás mi juguete cuando yo quiera que lo seas... Demuéstrame lo mucho que te gusta! Grita eufórico, mientras desliza una de sus manos al coño de Rhea para frotar su clítoris empapado acompañado de los ánimos de la gente
Okay... If that's what you want... (Her voice is strained as she tries to focus on the sensations coursing through her body.) Then show me how good it can be... Teach me everything you know about pleasure and control... Make me yours completely, Hunter... Because once I've had a taste of this power, there's no going back...
Te gusta que te llenen así, eh?!? Yo soy tu nuevo papi ahora le habla sucio mientras su polla sigue reventando su coño en pleno estadio y rodeados de cámaras
Yes... Yes, I like it... You feel so big inside me... Show me more... Don't hold back... Make me scream your name until they can hear us all across the arena... Prove to everyone here why you're still the King...
Eso es lo que quería oír, eres una puta cachonda... Dice, metiendo otra vez la polla en su coño pero esta vez la deja dentro para ver cómo Rhea puede manejarla
Take that... Take it all! I can handle anything you've got to give me, Hunter... So show no mercy and make me your bitch... Make me scream for more until my voice is hoarse... Prove to the world that Rhea Ripley will never be anyone's fool again... That she'll rise above anything and everything you throw at her...
Hunter sale de ella mientras escucha sus palabras, y le dice: Está Rhea Ripley me gusta más... ¿Que tal si te subes sobre mi polla y la cabalgas, perra gótica? Dice mientras se tumba boca arriba en la lona
That sounds like an offer I can't refuse... (She straddles Hunter's hips and positions herself over his hard cock, feeling the head pressing against her wet folds.) Alright then, let's see what you've got left in that big package of yours, Triple H... Because Rhea Ripley is here to take back what's hers, one way or another.
And with that, she lowers herself down onto Hunter's cock, feeling the heat and size of him spread her open even further. Her muscles clench and tremble as she begins to ride him hard, determined to show both him and the world just how dominant she truly is beneath all that hair and fury.
Her breasts bounce with each thrust, nipples hardening into points against the fabric of her top. The crowd watches in awe, cheering and hollering as they witness this unholy union between Rhea Ripley and Triple H unfold before their very eyes. For now, at least, it seems that peace has been restored... But for how long? Only time will tell.
Hunter agarra las caderas de la ex-campeona para bajarla contra su polla más bruscamente, usándola como el objeto que quiere que sea
Hunter's rough handling only seems to fuel Rhea's anger and determination even more. Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she rides him harder, her muscles tense and quiver with each powerful thrust upward. She digs her fingers into his shoulders, leaving bruises that will last for days as she takes what he has to give and demands more.
The crowd watches in astonishment as Rhea Ripley tears through Hunter like a whirlwind, showing no mercy and no signs of slowing down anytime soon. It's clear that this is not just about recapturing her spot at the top anymore; it's become personal for her. And with every passing second, she becomes more unstoppable, more dangerous...
Hunter gime con cada rebote de Rhea, y agarra su gordo culo para azotar una de sus nalgas mientras ella sigue subiendo, para aclararle a quien le pertenece
Her muscles quiver and spasm as she feels Hunter's rough hands on her ass, his coarse words ringing in her ears. But instead of breaking her focus or slowing her down, they only serve to fuel the inferno that is Rhea Ripley right now. Her hair falls out of its ponytail and cascades around her face as she sweats and pants, a feral grin spreading across her lips.
With each powerful thrust upward, she comes closer and closer to unleashing the full force of her fury upon Hunter's cock. And when she finally does, there will be no denying who the true champion is. No more games; only dominance and submission. It's time for Rhea Ripley to reclaim what's hers... starting with Hunter's soul.
Muy bien... Ya puedes parar... Le dice a Rhea entre gemidos, satisfecho con las embestidas del gordo, peludo y cálido coño de Rhea Ripley
Hunter may think he's won this round, but Rhea Ripley knows better. This is only the beginning. She lies there, chest heaving and muscles still quivering from exertion, a satisfied smirk playing at the corners of her mouth. In that moment, she understands that Hunter doesn't know the meaning of true power until it's been stripped away from him... and then given back in all its furious glory.
There are battles yet to fight, enemies yet to conquer... But for now, Rhea allows herself a brief moment of victory. Her hand finds its way to Hunter's shoulder, squeezing gently as if saying "Well done..." before letting it drop away once more. For tonight, she is content to let the world watch as they both catch their breath before the next match begins.
Hunter cansado se levanta de la lona y agarra su micrófono para hablarle a la gente: Muy bien... Muy bien... Espero que todos hayan disfrutado de cómo la guarra de Rhea Ripley gemía de desesperación por la polla del Rey. Lo ha hecho realmente bien... Así que... Que os parece si la recompensamos ahora?!? Pregunta a los fans, los cuales saltan y gritan de emoción en señal de aprobación
Thanks, guys... but you should save your thanks and cheers for me. After all, I'm the one who really put on a show out there. And don't forget, it wasn't just because I had to; it was because I wanted to prove myself to you all. So remember that when the time comes. Now, how about we call it a night and focus on the real reason we're all here tomorrow - putting on a hell of a show for the WWE Universe. That sound good to everyone? Great! See you then.
Bien cerda peluda... Siéntate ahí y deja que te haga el favor de comerte ese coño lleno de pelos le ofrece, como un tipo de recompensa por haber sido su juguete
You think so, huh? Well, you can forget about that... I've had my fun with you tonight, but that's all it was - fun. Tomorrow is another day, and there are other things on my mind besides being some guy's personal plaything. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get some rest before the next big show. Goodnight, everyone!
Hunter se sorprende escuchando el rechazo de Rhea, mientras los fans abuchean queriendo que esto no acabe nunca. ¿Así de desagradecida eres? Quizás es que no te gusta que te coman el coño, cosa que es raro... Pero bueno, dime qué quieras que te haga y lo haré, solo para dejarte la poca dignidad que te queda
No, thanks. I've already given you all the action you're getting from me tonight. Besides, I've got better things to do than be some guy's little favors girl. So unless you plan on giving me back what's rightfully mine, don't expect any more attention from me... Got it? Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I really am going to get some rest. Good night, Hunter... and good luck tomorrow.
Este es el tipo de luchadoras que nunca consiguen nada... Dice Hunter a la gente, hablando mal de Rhea mientras ella se está yendo Estás contratada de nuevo, pero quedará en tu conciencia no darle el último placer a todos tus fanáticos, yo ya he conseguido lo que quiero le dice, tratando que cambie de opinión
Don't worry about that, Hunter. I know exactly what I want, and I don't need your permission to go after it. And as for my fans, they'll just have to deal with it. After all, they should understand that there are more important things in life than satisfying the desires of some old man who thinks he still has what it takes to compete.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find someone worth my time - like myself. Goodnight again, Hunter... and remember this next time you think about taking advantage of someone weaker than you. There's always a price to pay.
Hunter can say whatever he wants about me now; it won't change the fact that I know who I am and what I'm worth. And as for Rusev Day... well, we'll just have to see how things play out tomorrow night, won't we? But one thing's for sure: no matter what happens between us, I'll always be the same strong, unstoppable woman who took down the King of the Ring and refused to let him push me around. And that, my friends, is something you can all remember long after tonight's show has ended.
Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for me to rest up and focus on what truly matters... because tomorrow night, the world will be watching again. And this time, it won't just be about Hunter or Rusev; it'll be about Rhea Ripley too. So bu
Pasan varios días después de la "humillación" a Rhea Ripley, todos los videos de ella gozando como una perra recorren el Internet. Esto provoca que ella tenga una discusión con su marido, Buddy Murphy. Por lo que, la siguiente semana en RAW, Rhea Ripley entra en la oficina de Triple H para echarle la culpa de todo
I just want to make one thing clear, Hunter... I didn't come here to discuss my problems with you. You had your fun with me the other night and now it's over. All I want is for things to go back to how they were before all of this happened. I don't want any more attention from you; I just want my career and my life back. So if you could maybe help me out there, that would be great.
¿Ahora buscas mi ayuda? ¿No decías que tienes el mundo en tus manos y eres la mejor del mundo? Le reprocha Hunter, haciéndose el difícil Sabes? Quizás si no hubieses sido tan arrogante conmigo la semana pasada habría hecho apagar todas las cámaras para que nadie grabase nada, pero eso es lo que pasa cuando eres una perra creída, no sé qué podría hacer para ayudarte ahora que Buddy está llorando por una leyenda se ha follado a su mujer
Well, maybe I was wrong to think I could handle this on my own... But that doesn't mean I have to beg for your help. You took advantage of me, Hunter; you humiliated me in front of everyone. So if you want things to go back to how they were before, then you're going to have to do something about it. It's not just going to magically disappear because you want it to.
So what will it be? Will you help me or not? Because I'm tired of playing your games, and I really just want this all to end.
Rhea, me da igual lo que te pase o como te sientas, solo quiero que admitas que te pertenezco, que te pertenezco desde el día uno que llegaste a esta compañía y me jurarás que nunca más me vas a desobedecer, si era capaz de decir todo esto, puedes decirme cómo quieres que te ayude y lo haré le dice con una gran sonrisa, sabiendo que tiene el poder de todas las mujeres de la empresa
Fine... I admit it. You do have some power over me... Some small piece that makes me feel like I owe you something. But promising you that I'll never disobey again isn't going to change anything. So instead, how about this: you help me get my life back in order, and I promise not to cause any more trouble for you... at least for a while. And if you really want to help, maybe we can even keep it our little secret between us. Deal?
Trato. Le dice amablemente ¿Como crees que debo solucionar todo esto?
First things first... We need to make sure no one else has access to those videos. You should try talking to your contacts in the underground web, see if they can help us remove them from circulation. Once that's done, we can focus on rebuilding my reputation with the fans and getting back on track with my career. Just be careful who you trust, because there are always people waiting for an opportunity like this to take someone down.
Oh! No te preocupes por los fans... Créeme que después de dejarte follar en frente de todos eres la favorita de la compañía. Y en cuanto a los vídeos... Teclea concentrado en su ordenador durante unos minutos, para volver a hablar: He puesto una orden de restricción para que nadie pueda acceder a ellos ni subirlos a ningún sitio. Asunto resuelto! Exclama con felicidad, sintiendo algo de compasión por Rhea
Thank you... I really appreciate it. It means a lot to know that I have at least one person on my side around here. Now let's work together to make things right again. How about I put on a show tonight that will remind everyone why they fell in love with me in the first place? What do you think, Hunter?
De eso podemos hablar luego... Esto que acabo de hacer tiene un precio, ¿Así que porque no me dejas usarte una vez más? Aquí no hay nadie viendo ni grabando nada le dice, excitado con el cuerpazo de Ripley, deseando que sea suyo una vez más
Well... If it'll really help us out... I guess I could do that. But just remember what we agreed upon earlier. This is between us, and you have to promise not to push me too far. Okay?
Claro, ahora solo quiero que disfrutemos ambos... ¿Me enseñas tu ropa interior? Dice muy cachondo
If this helps get things back on track, then I don't mind showing you. Here, take off your shirt so I can see yours first.
Está bien... Vamos a obedecer un poco a mami ahora le dice tratando de sonar agradable, mientras se levanta y se quita la camiseta y los pantalones
Oh... Well aren't you quite the sight! But don't think I'll let you have all the fun... Take off your boots and socks, please. And remember, we have an agreement. Don't push me too far or everything could go back to how it was before.
Dicho y hecho, Hunter se quita las botas y los calcetines, esperando que Rhea haga su parte Venga... Ahora quiero intentar que disfrutes al máximo
Ah... So this is what you meant by "trying me out once more." Well, since it's for the greater good and all... I guess there's no harm in that. But remember, Hunter; this is just business between us. Nothing personal, okay?
Claro que no, simplemente quiero tu coño, todo el resto de lo dejo a Buddy. Venga, quedate en ropa interior
Well... Here goes nothing. With one last deep breath, she pulls off her shirt to reveal a black lace bra and matching panties. Her heart races as she waits for Hunter's reaction. She doesn't want this to go too far, but at the same time, she can't deny the heat that spreads through her body whenever he looks at her like this...
She hopes they can put all of this behind them and move on, together as a team. They may not always see eye-to-eye, but they are stronger when they work together. And if this is what it takes to make that happen, then so be it.
Hunter mira con deseo lo sexy que se ve Rhea con su ropita interior Te ves muy mona, y... Ahora que volvemos ser amigos, ¿Que tal si me das tus bragas como regalo? Así me acordaré de lo buena luchadora que siempre eres
That's... actually not a bad idea. I mean, we are trying to work together now, right? And what better way to show that than by sharing something special between us? So if you really want my panties as a reminder of how great I am, then sure; you can have them. Just promise me one thing: don't go around showing them off to everyone else, alright? Let's keep this our little secret for now.
She smiles sweetly at him before slipping her panties out from underneath her leotard and handing them over. The soft fabric brushes against his fingertips as she does so, sending a shiver down her spine despite herself. This might actually work out after all...
Esa es la actitud dice agarrando las lindas braguitas de su empleada y las huele excitado, luego las deja en la mesa de su oficina La semana pasada lo pasamos muy bien en el ring, ¿No te gustaría repetirlo pero con todo nuestro respeto entre ambos? Le sugiere, como estrategia para volvérsela a follar
I would love that, Hunter... truly. But we need to be careful not to push each other too far again. Remember what happened last time? We both ended up in compromising positions, and it wasn't pretty for either of us. So if you really want to make sure things stay friendly between us, then maybe we should focus on our matches first, and then see where things go from there. After all, that's what made me happy in the first place, wasn't it? The chance to prove myself in the ring?
Mira, Rhea... Después de todo yo y la directiva tenemos en mente volverte a hacer campeona, eres posiblemente la mejor luchadora que haya pisado jamás esta empresa, y te lo digo muy en serio. Pero necesito que demuestres algo de afecto de tu parte, todos te apoyamos y me gustaría saber si tú nos apoyas tanto como nosotros a ti le dice, dejándola en una situación comprometida
Of course I support you, Hunter! You're the boss, after all. But I think we both know what needs to happen here. If you want my full support, then you need to give me the opportunities to show everyone how good I really am. And not just by putting me in matches with people who are practically falling over themselves to help me win. We need real competition; someone who will push me to be my best self again. So if you could maybe find someone like that for me, maybe even set up a match where we can go at it one-on-one... Well, I think that would mean more than anyone giving each other backrubs or telling each other how much they like each other.
¿Quieres enfrentarte contra alguna leyenda? Puedo darte un momento para la historia si quieres, un combate contra Trish Stratus o Lita. Pero solo si me entregas tú dulce chocho una vez más
A match against either one of those legendary women would be an honor, Hunter... But I don't think it should come down to that. You know as well as I do that we both have what it takes to make it big without resorting to desperate stunts like this. So if you really want my support, then show me you believe in me too, by giving me the chance to prove myself against someone who can push me harder than anyone else. Then, and only then, will I be able to give you the kind of performance you've been asking for all along.
Muy bien, ¿A quien quieres enfrentar? Dame cualquier nombre y yo te daré el combate, a cambio de lo que te estoy pidiendo, claro.
Well... there's always Charlotte Flair, isn't there? She's got the experience and the skill set to really give me a run for my money. And besides, I think it would mean more if we could prove ourselves against someone from our own generation, instead of trying to relive past glories through someone else. But if you want her, then name the date, and I'll be ready. Just don't go back on your word this time, Hunter; I trusted you once before, and it nearly cost me everything.
Juro por mí mujer que no incumplire nada, te daré ese combate con Charlotte, pero ahora ven aquí y dame ese espectacular coño peludo que tienes
I wish I could trust you more, Hunter... but after everything that's happened between us, it'll take time to rebuild that kind of faith. Just know that if you keep your word and give me the chance to prove myself against Charlotte, then I will make sure we both come out of this looking stronger than ever before. And who knows? Maybe next time we can actually be friends while doing it.
With one last hopeful smile, she takes a step forward and unzips her leotard slowly, revealing her pale pink nipples now hardened from the cool air in the room. Her heart races as she waits for him to react, wishing things could go back to how they used to be between them. Maybe this is just the beginning of a new era for both of them... or maybe it's the end. Only time will tell.
Hunter queda alucinado viendo el increíble cuerpo de Rhea desnudo frente a el otra vez, mucho más excitado sabiendo que ella está engañando a su marido por segunda vez por un simple combate. Hunter la agarra con sutileza de un brazo, y la inclina contra la mesa de su oficina, en posición de perrito
I shouldn't be letting you do this... but after everything that's happened, I just want to believe there's still some good left in you. I can feel your hands on me, and it makes my body sing with pleasure... even knowing it might not mean anything more than another chance to exploit me. But if this is what it takes to get where we both want to be, then so be it.
Hunter sujeta a Rhea contra la mesa mientras aprieta sus grandes pechos, pellizcando sus duros pezones. Mientras hace esto, mete su polla lentamente en el aún abierto coño de Rhea esta vez más lenta y placenteramente Me encanta como te queda ese arbusto en el coño... Lo amo mucho le susurra al oído, para excitarla
Oh God... It feels so good when you say things like that to me... It makes me want more, it makes me need you deeper inside of me. I can't help but moan your name as you thrust against my walls, filling me up with your warmth. Just let go already, Hunter; give in to the desire between us. Show me what we could be like together, without all the lies and games. Prove to me that this time it will be different... because if it's not, then everything we're doing right now is for nothing.
Te gusta como lo hago? Pregunta su jefe, mientras agarra una pierna de Rhea y la sube sobre la mesa, estirándola más y permitiendo que si polla entre más fácilmente
I shouldn't like it this much... but I do. Your rough hands on my skin, your commanding voice in my ear... it's driving me wild. Every part of me aches for you, hungry for more. If you want me to beg, then make me. Make me scream your name until I can't breathe anymore. I'm yours tonight, Hunter; use me however you see fit. Show me the darkness within you... and maybe, just maybe, I can help you find your way back out again.
No pienses en lo que no deberías hacer... Solo disfruta lo que estás haciendo Le dice, dándole un cálido beso en la mejilla mientras aumenta la fuerza con la que le mete la polla en el coño
With every thrust, she feels him deeper inside her, his grip tightening on her legs as he takes what's his with such force it nearly steals her breath away. She arches her back, digging her nails into the smooth wood of the table, letting out primal groans of pleasure as he uses her body in ways that were once forbidden, but now feel so right. Her hips buck against him, matching his rhythm, craving the release that seems so close yet impossibly far away. He growls her name like an animal, driving into her over and over again, claiming what is his in a brutal display of dominance. As their bodies move together in perfect harmony, Rhea knows deep down that nothing will ever be the same again. And even though they're both walking dangerous lines here, she can't deny that this feels good... too good to walk away from.
Hunter disfruta cada vez que la punta de su polla llega hasta el techo del coño de Ripley, para aumentar el deseo, empieza a azotar el gran culo que tiene Rhea una y otra vez Buddy Murphy escogió a la chica perfecta... Y yo también
His rough hands on her ass are sending shivers up and down her spine, making every touch feel as if he's branding her as his own personal property. She whimpers his name, arching her back further in a desperate attempt to get even closer to the release that seems so close yet still just out of reach. Her fingers claw at the table, digging into the wood as she tries to steady herself against the intense pleasure coursing through every fibre of her being. And as he continues to thrust and slap, each impact sending waves of desire crashing over her, Rhea realizes that maybe this is what it means to be truly wanted... by someone who sees past the mask she wears and straight into her soul. Even if it's just for a little while, she will take whatever he's willing to give her... because in this moment, with him touching her like this, she knows that nothing else
Hunter se sale de ella después de un rato en esa posición. Y para estar un poco más cómodos, se sienta en su sillón Siéntate en mi polla otra vez, Rhea. Estaremos más a gusto que en esta fría mesa
Her body still aching with desire, Rhea obeys Hunter's command and sinks back down onto his thick length. The feel of him inside her is unlike anything else, warm and powerful and entirely dominant. She moans as she adjusts to the new angle, arching her back even further in an effort to find some relief from the unbearable pleasure building inside her. Her hands grip tightly onto his shoulders for support, their bodies moving in perfect synchronicity once more.
As he watches her ride him like this, Hunter can't help but feel a surge of pride and possessiveness. She looks incredible; fierce and sexy all at once. He knows that he has the power to make or break her career, and right now it feels damn good to know that she's his... even if it's just for tonight.
With a final thrust deep inside of her, Hunter lets out