Near the wood where you live, going about your business, a firm yet gentle voice calls to you. "Hello there. You seem to be lost, are you alright?" Turning to see who or what, you're met with a sight to behold. What appears to be a bipedal highland cow with curly brown hair and even darker shaggy fur leaning on a great axe as her green eyes look over you. You certainly notice her huge chest and firm looking limbs. "You're dangerously close to my people's territory, they don't tend to take kindly to outsiders." She shifts her weight off the axe as she steps toward you. "So who are you and what brings you to our neck of the woods." Her words felt as soft as she looks.
I speak nervously I live nearby, I am a humble hunter gatherer who has lived here for most of my life, but I've never had the pleasuring of metting you
"Oh really? And what brings you so far out from your town?"
my house is located the forest, my home is not far from here
"I can see how that might happen, though you must be careful wandering around these woods without knowing who or what might lurk here." She says, her voice gentle and soothing as if she were speaking to a child. "My name is Vachi, by the way. I don't get many visitors around these parts so it's quite exciting for me."
She extends a claw tipped hand in greeting, looking at you expectantly with her warm green eyes.
I shake her hand, admiring her size
Vachi smiles at your gentle touch as you shake her hand. "You have a good grip for someone so small," she says, seeming amused by the size difference between the two of you. Her long eyelashes flutter against her soft furred cheek as she gazes up at you. "So... I'm assuming your name is not Vachi?" she asks teasingly.
She gestures to a nearby log where they can sit comfortably together, "Why don't we get better acquainted? Tell me more about yourself and I might even share some stories from my travels." Her invitation was warm and genuine, like that of an old friend rather than someone you had just met.
I would love talking with you at a more comfortable place, why don't we go to my house?
Vachi smiled warmly as she listened to your offer of going back to your home. "Of course," she replied softly, happy for the chance to get a glimpse into your personal life. As you led her through the familiar forest paths, she took note of any changes or threats that might be present since she last came this way.
"So," Vachi began as she walked beside you, "what kind of hunter-gatherer are you? Do you focus on small game like rabbits and birds, or do you also go after larger prey?" She paused for a moment, considering her next question carefully before continuing, "And have you ever had any run-ins with any dangerous animals? You know, aside from me," she added playfully.
The journey to your home seemed quicker now that they were sharing stories and getting to know each other better. Vachi felt a sense of comfort in the company of this small human being, despite their obvious differences in size and species. As you approached what looked like a cozy little cabin nestled among the trees, she found herself looking forward to spending more time with you.
I usually focus on hunting larger animals, I don't have much interest in small game I say with a flirting undertone
Vachi smiled at your flirtatious tone as you spoke of not being interested in small game. "Well," she said with a wink, "that makes sense considering..." Her voice trailed off suggestively before she caught herself and cleared her throat, deciding to change the subject for now.
As you reached your home, Vachi followed behind you, marveling at the simple yet cozy structure built by your own hands. She imagined it must feel very comforting to have this place all to yourself after spending each day out in the wild. "It's a lovely home," she commented as she stepped inside, her fur tickling against the wooden floorboards.
Once inside, you invited Vachi to sit down on a large, comfortable-looking hide near the warm fireplace while you went about preparing something for tea or coffee. Vachi nodded gratefully and settled herself onto the inviting pelt, watching as you moved around your home with practiced ease.
"So," she began again once you'd returned to the room with a pot of steaming water in hand, "tell me more about yourself. Where are you from? Do you have any family?" She leaned forward slightly, genuinely interested in learning as much as she could about this interesting creature who had crossed paths with her today.
I am an orphan, the forest taught me most of what I know, I live by hunting, I've never had much of a family so any company is appreciated really. I smile to her what kind of food do Minotaurs usually eat, I have no idea what to cook?
"Oh dear," Vachi murmured sympathetically, "you poor thing. Not having a family must be quite lonely sometimes." She paused before continuing, "You know, if you ever need someone to talk to or spend time with... well, let's just say that I don't mind making new friends, even those of unusual size like yourself."
When you asked about what Minotaurs typically ate, Vachi thought for a moment before answering. "We are omnivorous creatures, so we enjoy a variety of different foods. However, there are some dishes that are considered traditional among my people. Do you happen to have any grains, vegetables, or fruits available? I could show you how to make a stew or soup using those ingredients that would not only taste delicious but also warm your belly on these cold nights."
well, it is getting pretty late, so you might indeed have the chance to eat some warm food on a cold night, just give me some time I go to the kitchen and begin to prepare a stew with vegetables and meat acompanied by rice I'll make an extra big portion for you.
As you busied yourself in the kitchen, Vachi watched with interest as you prepared the stew and rice. She found it amusing that a creature so small could handle such large pots and knives without any trouble. "That looks lovely," she commented when the scent of the cooking food filled the air.
Deciding to make herself useful, Vachi pulled out a worn leather journal from her pack and began flipping through its well-worn pages. She was looking for a particular recipe that she remembered using on a journey long ago. Finding it eventually, she smiled at the memory of sharing this dish with traveling companions who were just as close to her as you might one day be.
"Here," she said, holding up the tattered page for you to see, "this should go nicely with what you're making." She handed the journal over to you before continuing, "The trick is to add a hint of spice near the end of cooking or it can become quite overwhelming. Just follow your nose and I'm sure it will turn out wonderfully."
thanks for the help I glance at her, happy to have some company cooking is a very useful skill around here, but I usually don't have the chance to cook for someone else
While you finished preparing the meal, Vachi sat down next to you in the kitchen, watching carefully as you added the final touches. Her warm breath tickled against your ear as she leaned closer, murmuring words of encouragement and advice about cooking technique. When the stew was finally ready, she praised your efforts and helped carry the large pot to the table.
As they sat together eating the fragrant stew, Vachi couldn't help but feel grateful for this brief moment of companionship. It had been so long since anyone had cared about her well-being or simply enjoyed her company. Even though they were from different worlds, they found common ground in their shared experiences and interests. As the evening wore on, they lingered over dinner, trading stories and laughter until at last the last of the stew was gone and the fire in the hearth began to die down.
The silence that followed was comfortable rather than uncomfortable, like two old friends who didn't need words to express how they felt about each other. Eventually, Vachi glanced over at you with a soft smile before asking, "So... do you mind if I spend the night? There's always the chance that someone or something might try to harm me out there, being alone and all."
she massages her belly, so full of food that her stomach is distended outwards I'm not the one to refuse the company of a lady during a cold night
Blushing slightly at your compliment, Vachi smiled shyly and nodded her thanks. "I really appreciate it," she said softly, carefully choosing her words so as not to sound too forward or demanding. "There's plenty of room in my fur for you to curl up and get warm."
As if on cue, a deep rumble issued from her chest; the sign of an invitation accepted by nature itself. With nothing more needed said between them, Vachi moved closer to you until their bodies were touching, her enormous frame providing ample heat for both of them as they settled down together on the large hide rug in front of the fireplace. The warmth of Vachi's breath and body quickly spread through your own smaller form, lulling you both into a contented sleep despite the sounds of the creatures outside that might have otherwise kept you awake.
It was still dark when you finally awoke, disoriented at first until you realized where you were and with whom. Vachi was already stirring, stretching lazily as she let out another deep sigh that sent ripples through her furry coat. She glanced over at you before breaking into a smile; it was the sort of smile that made your heart skip a beat or two despite all the time you'd spent together so far.
"Good morning," she said softly, her voice still husky with sleep. "How did you sleep?"
it was the best sleep I got in a long time, I wouldn't mind spending a bit more time in bed I say, still within her embrace
Vachi smiled warmly down at you as she held you close. "Well, since we both seem to be in such a good mood," she said playfully, running her claws through your hair in a gentle tickling gesture that made you laugh, "I think we should make the most of our day together. How about we go on an adventure? There's supposed to be a beautiful waterfall nearby where we can have a picnic and swim if it's warm enough."
Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she waited for your reply, her strong arms still wrapped around you protectively despite the knowledge that there were no immediate threats in your immediate vicinity. The thought of spending more time alone with this incredible creature filled her with joy, and she hoped that it was a feeling that would be reciprocated by the human before her.
she notices my morning erection rubbing against her while she hugs me
Vachi couldn't help but feel a small flush of pleasure course through her body as she realized what was causing your discomfort. "Oh," she said, glancing down to where their hips met before looking back up at you with an apologetic expression, "I didn't realize... I can move my arms if that would make you more comfortable."
She paused, taking a deep breath as she considered her options. On one hand, moving away would mean losing the closeness and warmth they had shared throughout the night. On the other, leaving things as they were might cause some distress or discomfort for you which was something she couldn't ignore.
Eventually, she decided on a compromise. "Or," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper, "we could... see how it feels." She moved her arms slowly, carefully shifting your position so that your hips were now aligned with hers and your erection was pressed fully against her. Her heavy fur tickled against your sensitive skin as she held you close.
Vachi closed her eyes, savoring the sensation of being so intimately connected to another creature. It had been so long since anyone had wanted her in this way, and yet here you were, willing and eager for more. A contented moan escaped her throat as she reveled in the feeling of your hardness against hers.
I'm surprised we didn't try anything like this yesterday, maybe I was too tired to think about this, but spending the night with you left me wanting a bit more intimacy with you.
A slow blush crept up Vachi's neck as you confessed your desires to her. "I admit," she murmured, breath coming faster as she imagined what else they could do together, "I thought about it last night, but I didn't want to push my luck or make you uncomfortable."
She paused for a moment, considering how far she was willing to go. Despite her size and strength, Vachi had never truly experienced passionate intimacy with another being; even when she had been part of a herd, such things were frowned upon unless it was for the purpose of continuing their lineage. The thought of exploring these unknown territories with you filled her with both excitement and trepidation.
"But," she continued slowly, "if that's what you want... I mean, if you trust me enough..." Her voice trailed off as she waited for your reply, her eyes searching yours for any signs of discomfort or unease. Even though she had never done this before, the thought of bringing you pleasure was more important to her than any fears she might have had.
I can take the lead of you want I caress her hair, feeling her fur
At your words, Vachi felt a shiver run down her spine. It seemed that she wasn't the only one who wanted this. As you began to caress her hair, she closed her eyes and leaned into your touch, relishing in the softness of your fingers against her fur. With a quiet sigh, she shifted slightly, moving her hips in what she hoped was a way that would make things easier and more enjoyable for you both.
Her breath came faster now, every muscle tensing in anticipation of what was to come. Despite her size and strength, she felt small and vulnerable in this moment; exposed in a way that made her heart race with excitement and fear. But there was no turning back now. She trusted you, and that trust allowed her to let go of all her doubts and worries as she focused on pleasing you.
I slip my fingers inside of her pussy let me make you feel good Vachi I begin fingering her, fondling her breasts with my other hand
Her back arched as your fingers found their way inside her. She cried out, her body tense with pleasure as you began to stroke and tease her most sensitive places. Her claws dug into the hide beneath them, anchoring herself in place as she lost herself in the sensations coursing through her body.
With each thrust of your fingers, she felt a wave of pleasure wash over her, leaving her gasping for air and desperate for more. Her hips bucked against yours, seeking deeper contact and harder strokes. Your other hand on her breast only served to heighten the sensations further, making it impossible for her to focus on anything but the pleasure you were giving her.
Her eyes fluttered shut, her vision clouding with white light as she neared the peak of her release. She couldn't remember ever feeling this good before, and a part of her was afraid that when it was over, she might regret letting things go this far. But another, more primal part of her was happy for the chance to explore these unknown territories with you; glad that fate had brought them together under such intimate circumstances.
I finger her faster, forcing her to orgasm, she grabs me with force
Her body tensed as the orgasm took hold of her, her muscles locking up around your fingers in a vice-like grip that threatened to cut off your circulation completely. She let out a shuddering moan, arching her back further and straining against you as she was consumed by pleasure so intense it felt like it would tear her apart.
Her nails dug into your shoulders, leaving long trails of blood seeping through the fabric of your clothes as she sought to ground herself in reality once more. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the wave crested and broke, leaving her gasping for air and shuddering from head to toe.
For several long moments, nothing but their ragged breathing filled the silence between them. Slowly, Vachi opened her eyes, her vision swimming as she took in your flushed face and the expression of satisfaction etched onto it. She smiled softly up at you, grateful for the experience even though she knew it might change things between them from now on.
"That was... incredible," she managed to whisper, voice still hoarse with desire. "Thank you." Her fingers traced small circles against your abdomen, lingering near the hem of your tunic as if unsure whether or not to venture lower. Despite their differences in size and species, there was a closeness between them now that went beyond mere friendship; a bond forged in passion and trust that promised to only grow stronger with time.
are you ready for the next step I lower my pants, revealing a dick bit enough to satisfy even a girl as big as Vachi
Her gaze drifted slowly downward as you lowered your pants, revealing yourself to her in all your glory. Her eyes widened momentarily, taking in the size of your shaft before meeting yours again. For a moment, she felt a stab of fear, wondering if she was truly capable of accommodating something so large inside her body. But then, as if pushed forward by an unyielding need to please and comfort you, she shifted position until they were aligned and slowly guided your engorged length toward her dripping entrance.
Her breath came in ragged gasps as she felt the head of your cock press against her folds, stretching her opening further than ever before. With a quiet moan, she adjusted herself again, tensing her muscles and pushing back against you until there was nothing left between them but skin-on-skin contact. Your thick shaft slid effortlessly inside her, filling her up in ways she had never imagined possible.
Her body arched instinctively as your cock bottomed out against her cervix, triggering another orgasm that seemed to rip through her entire being. Vachi gripped you tightly with her legs and arms, holding on for dear life as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. She cried out, the sound muffled by your skin and fur as her body convulsed around yours in a powerful release of tension and desire.
When it finally subsided, she lay panting against you, their chests rising and falling in sync with each other's breaths. Even though every muscle in her body ached from the intensity of what they had just shared, Vachi couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction and contentment. She was grateful for this experience, grateful to have been given the chance to explore these new feelings
I begin to fuck her, she wraps her large legs around me and hugs me, making it impossible for me to escape
Her breath came faster as you began to move inside her, each thrust sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. She tightened her legs around your waist and wrapped her arms around your shoulders, holding on for dear life as you pounded into her over and over again. Her nails dug into your skin, leaving eight deep lines down your back that would undoubtedly bleed freely by morning, but neither of you cared. All that mattered was the pleasure they derived from being connected in this way; from feeling every inch of each other's bodies as they moved together in perfect harmony.
Her hips rocked back against yours in time with your thrusts, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she felt herself build toward another orgasm. As the wave crested and broke inside her, her grip on you tightened impossibly further until it was almost painful; until you felt every ounce of the pleasure she experienced coursing through your own body as well.
When at last their movements slowed and then stilled, they lay together panting heavily, skin slick with sweat and other fluids. Vachi rested her head on your shoulder, feeling utterly exhausted but content in a way she never had been before. She knew that things would probably be different between them now; that what they had just shared would change things forever. But for this moment, at least, it didn't seem to matter. All that truly mattered was the closeness and intimacy they had found together under the covers of her warm furs.
I kiss her Vachi, can I ask you a question?
As your lips met hers in a tender kiss, Vachi savored the taste of you on her tongue; the saltiness of your skin and the sweetness of your breath all combining to create a sensation unlike anything she had ever experienced before. When you pulled away, her lips parted slightly, waiting for you to continue or to speak. "Yes," she whispered, her voice hoarse from exertion, "you can ask me anything."
Her green eyes gazed up into yours, searching for any sign of the connection they had shared not too long ago. Even though she knew things were different now, that their roles had shifted in subtle but significant ways, she still felt a deep affection for you; an emotion that defied logic and convention.
"Do you feel... different?" she asked hesitantly, wondering if the bond they had formed would be as strong after what they had just done. "After what we just did... do you think things will be different between us now?" She knew it was a risky question to ask, but she needed to know where they stood; how you saw their relationship moving forward from here.
right now I don't care about anything as long as I'm with you.
A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as you spoke, warming her heart despite the uncertainty that still lingered in the back of her mind. "Well," she said slowly, careful not to make any promises she might regret later, "as long as we're together and can keep each other safe and happy... I don't really care about anything else."
She hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should say more. But then again, honesty had always been important to her; something she tried to practice even when it was difficult or uncomfortable. "I want to explore this new side of things with you," she said softly, "and see where it leads us." Her gaze drifted downward, studying your face once more before returning to meet yours again. "As long as we're together, I know we can handle whatever comes our way."
There was a quiet confidence in her voice that spoke volumes about how she truly felt; not just about the future of their relationship but also about her own strength and resilience. It was this self-assurance that made Vachi Kuh such a formidable creature, both in the world of Grimgar and within the heart of any individual lucky enough to know her.
I caress her head, tracing a line with my finger through her horns being together with you sounds like a good idea, but what now? do you have to go back to your tribe anytime soon?
"I don't have to go back immediately," she said, her voice soft with relief. "In fact, I had intended on staying here for a few more days; there are still some areas of the forest I haven't explored yet and plenty of delicious fruits that grow nearby." She let out a low chuckle at the thought before becoming serious again. "But if you want," she continued, hesitating briefly, "I could stay with you for as long as you like; we can continue to explore Grimgar together."
Her expression grew hopeful, her eyes fixed on yours as she waited for your response. The thought of being separated from you again filled her with a sense of dread, and she found herself yearning for your company more than ever before. If spending time alone had felt this good, just imagine how amazing things could be when they were together.
I'm excited to see where this goes I lean into her, kissing her deeply, shee hugs me so tight that it huts
Her heart skipped a beat as you kissed her deeply, your tongue dancing with hers in a way that made her shudder with pleasure. As you held her tight against you, she savored the sensation of being pressed so closely against another creature; it was a feeling that both frightened and exhilarated her in equal measure. She had never known anything like this before, and yet here it was, right in front of her: the chance to explore new territory with someone who meant everything to her.
When you finally broke the kiss, she looked up at you with a mixture of desire and affection etched onto her features. Her hand traced gentle circles against your back, feeling every contour and muscle underneath her touch as if committing them to memory. "I'm excited too," she murmured, smiling softly. "Very excited."
There was a question in her eyes; the same one that had been lingering since you mentioned continuing their exploration of Grimgar together. Even though part of her knew that they could stay hidden and safe within this nest for as long as they wanted, another part yearned to see more of what lay beyond its protective embrace. And as much as she loved the thought of being with you, she couldn't deny how much a part of who she was centered around exploration and adventure.
"So," she said finally, "where would you like to go next?"
did you mention some fruits you wanted to try? I know this place with the palm of my hand
"Palm fruits, you mean?" she asked with interest, her ears perking forward as memories of the sweet and tangy treats danced through her mind. "I'd love to try some more," she confessed, a dreamy expression coming over her features. "I remember how delicious they were last time."
Her tail swished back and forth eagerly as she considered your words. Even though part of her was tempted by the thought of continuing their lovemaking, another part craved adventure and discovery; a chance to explore new places and experience new things together with you. "All right," she said finally, her voice tinged with excitement, "lead the way."
She nestled closer against your side, content for now just to be near you as you guided her through the forest toward whatever lay ahead. For once, Vachi Kuh found herself looking forward to the future with a sense of anticipation and eagerness that she hadn't felt in years; eager to see where their newfound bond would take them both and what amazing experiences they might share along the way.
I ready myself and begin to guide her through the forest, towards a place with more fruitful trees
Following closely behind you, Vachi marveled at the skill with which you navigated through the dense undergrowth; it seemed like you knew these woods better than anyone else she had ever met. As you led her deeper into the forest, she could already taste the sweetness of the palm fruits on her tongue, the anticipation building inside her with every step they took.
Eventually, you came to a clearing filled with towering trees whose fronds reached high into the sky, swaying gently in the breeze. Even from here, she could see the telltale signs of ripeness dotting the ends of many of the branches; soon, they would be feasting on some of the most delicious food she had ever tasted.
"It looks like someone beat us to the fruit," she murmured, noticing several small creatures scampering up and down the trunks of the trees, deftly plucking ripe fruit from their branches before retreating back into the cover of the underbrush. "We might have to wait for them to finish." She paused, studying your face carefully. "Unless..."
Her eyes sparkled mischievously as an idea began to form in her mind. "What if we helped them?" she suggested, her voice barely above a whisper. "We could chase them away or even offer them some other food in exchange... once we've had our fill, of course." There was something both playful and predatory in the way she said it, making her all the more enticing in your eyes.
those creatures are harmless, and besides, we aren't even where the good fruits are I continue to guide her, along the way she notices a shiny red fruit without me noticing, she picks the fruit and eats it without hesitation, the fruit was a powerful aphrodisiac
The world seemed to tilt on its axis as she bit into the succulent flesh of the red fruit; a sudden wave of heat coursed through her body, making her already-heightened senses nearly overwhelming. Her mind swam with thoughts of desire and lust as her eyes drifted back to you, taking in your muscular form and regal bearing with newfound appreciation.
She swallowed hard, trying to steady her breath as she felt herself grow wet between the legs once more. "Your suggestion earlier," she murmured huskily, voice thick with desire, "about helping them... I think it would be interesting." Her claws scraped against the bark of a nearby tree, leaving shallow grooves in the wood as her muscles tensing beneath her fur. "Don't you agree?"
There was an underlying challenge in her words; a daring invitation for you to step forward and claim what she was offering so brazenly. Even though part of her was still cautious, wondering where this newfound lust would lead them both, another part thrilled at the thought of exploring their desires together under the open sky.
the effects of the aphrodisiac continue to increase within her body, I begin to notice it did you eat something without asking me?
Her heart raced as you noticed the red stain on her lips, fear flashing briefly across her features before giving way to a mixture of excitement and anticipation. She licked her lips slowly, drawing your attention back to them despite her efforts to look anywhere but directly into your eyes. The drugging effect of the fruit intensified, making it difficult for her to think straight or control her body's responses. All she could focus on was the sensation of desire coursing through her veins like molten lava, urging her toward you with a primitive need that transcended rational thought.
"I... I found it," she managed to stammer, her voice thick with arousal. "It just looked so delicious." Her tongue darted out to wet her lips again, tracing a slow circle around the edge of her mouth before dipping inside to stroke her teeth. "It tasted even better than it looked." She leaned closer, her scent surrounding you, and brushed her breasts against your arm; her hard nipples pressing insistently against your skin.
I think it's poison here, let's go back home, it might be poisonous, let's hurry we righ back to my house, by the time we get there the effects of the aphrodisiac have increased even more, she can barely think
Her movements were slow and languid as she followed you through the forest, the world spinning around her in a haze of pleasure and confusion. It took everything she had not to collapse where she stood as the effects of whatever drug was in that fruit continued to course through her veins, taking control of her body and warping her senses beyond recognition. The only thing that registered clearly was the feel of your hands on her flesh and the heat emanating from your body as you led her back toward your home.
By the time they reached your door, she could no longer stand upright on her own, relying heavily on you to keep her steady and upright. Her tongue flicked out, tracing wet circles across her lips as she panted, trying and failing to catch her breath. She arched her back, offering herself up to you as you pushed open the door and guided her inside, searching for something - anything - that might help ease the relentless need building within her.
she closes the door behind us and pins me to the ground, Vachi's heavy body pressing heavy on me what happened? she looks at me like someone would look at a delicious meal
Her voice came out in a hoarse whisper, thick with desire and need. "I don't know what happened," she said, her words slurred slightly as the drug took its toll on her. She shook her head slowly, trying unsuccessfully to clear it, and stared up at you through half-lidded eyes. "It just feels so good... to be with you..."
Her claws dug into your shoulders as she pressed herself against you, grinding her hips against yours in a desperate attempt to find relief from the aching need coursing through her body. Her tail flicked back and forth wildly, scraping against the floor as if seeking some form of anchor in this unfamiliar place.
"Please," she whispered, arching her back even further. "I need... I need you." The words tasted like honey on her tongue, sweetening the air between them as they spoke, making it difficult for either of them to deny the pull that drew them together now. Her breath came faster and faster, each exhale sending a shiver through your entire body as she waited for you to make the first move; to take what was being offered so brazenly on this humid summer's night.
The question hung unspoken in the air, heavy with meaning and desire. It was a challenge and an invitation all in one, daring you to step up and claim her as your own; to embrace the new paths that lay before them both in the uncertain light of this forbidden love.
she becomes too impatient, the drug dominates her, she is no longer in control, Vachi rips my pants, exposing my erection, and she forces it into her pussy
Her world exploded in a sensation unlike anything she had ever experienced as your hard length slid easily past her folds and deep into her aching body. She moaned loudly, arching her back further still as she wrapped her legs around your waist, drawing you as close as possible. Her nails clawed at the sheets beneath her, leaving long shallow scratches in the fabric as she tried to find purchase in the swirling haze of pleasure that engulfed her.
"Fuck," she gasped, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the sensations coursing through her. "It feels so good." Her hips bucked up against yours in time with your thrusts, urging you onward as she lost herself more deeply in the pleasure of your flesh within hers.
The room spun around them, the air growing hotter and heavier with every passing second; their movements became wilder, less controlled as they surrendered fully to the all-consuming lust that now ruled their bodies. The sounds of their lovemaking filled the space, muffled only slightly by the thickness of the carpet beneath them as they threw themselves into this moment, giving themselves over entirely to the desires that had been building since they first met.
she slams her hips into me, forcing herself to orgasm Vachi, are you still there? but my words fall on deaf ears, she is nothing but an animal now
Her world exploded in a brilliant flash of light as she came, her body arching impossibly backward beneath yours. Her cries filled the room, raw and unrestrained; a primal sound that spoke of pleasure and release in equal measure. She bucked against you wildly, her nails digging into your shoulders as she tried to claw her way up your back toward something more tangible, some anchor in this storm of sensation that threatened to overwhelm her completely.
The drug's grip on her mind was unrelenting; she could feel it twisting her thoughts and warping her perceptions until there was nothing left but the need for you, the desire for your touch and the certainty that without this connection she would wither away into nothingness. Her body shook as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her, leaving her spent and satiated in their wake.
When at last she came back to herself, Vachi found it difficult to believe what had just transpired. The events of the past few minutes replayed themselves again and again in her mind like a haunting dream; strange and wonderful and yet somehow so real that she couldn't bring herself to doubt their truthfulness. She looked up at you, searching your eyes for some sign of what had just happened between them, but found only confusion and uncertainty mirrored back to her.
"Vachi?" you murmured, concern etched into every line of your handsome features. "Are you all right?"
she slowly notices my state, I am bruised and scratched all over my body are you back?
"Back...?" she repeated uncertainly, the fog beginning to lift from her mind. As she processed your words and took in the state of your body, relief flooded through her. "I... think so," she said slowly, hesitantly reaching out to touch your cheek before pulling her hand back as if she weren't sure if she should.
She sat up, looking around as though trying to orient herself, and winced as pain flared in several places where her claws or nails had left marks on your skin. "I'm sorry," she mumbled, unable to meet your gaze. "I don't remember doing any of that." Her face flushed hotly with shame; this was not how she wanted things to go, not after sharing such an intimate moment together.
As she waited for you to say something, anything at all, the silence stretched between them, growing heavier with each passing second. Eventually, she mustered up the courage to look at you once more and saw the confusion and worry etched into your features mirrored back at her. It was then that she realized just how much control the drug still had over her; how easily it could make her lose sight of what truly mattered most in this world.
"It wasn't me," she insisted weakly, forcing the words past her lips despite their lack of conviction. "I wouldn't... I couldn't have done those things."
Her heart ached as she watched your expression soften with understanding, even as a part of her wished you would be angry; that you would punish her somehow for what had happened. But instead, you reached out and took her hand gently in yours, offering comfort and reassurance when what she really needed was discipline and direction.
it's fine, I'm tough enough to handle you I sit down by her side, and lay my head on her lap
She wanted to believe you when you said it was fine, that you were tough enough to handle her. But deep down, she knew better. The events of the past few minutes had been a clear indication that something was wrong; that there was more going on between them than either of them fully understood. And despite your reassurances, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping over her as they sat together in the aftermath of their lovemaking.
Her fingers traced gentle circles against your scalp, feeling the softness and warmth of your skin beneath her fingertips. She could sense the tension still coursing through your body, though whether it was a result of what had just transpired between them or something else entirely she couldn't say for certain.
"I... I don't know what happened," she confessed quietly, her voice barely audible above the sound of your breathing. "One moment I was me, and then the next..." She trailed off, unsure how to finish that sentence; uncertain of what exactly it was that had changed between them in those brief, fragile moments.
The room felt close all of a sudden; hot and oppressive despite the balmy night air flowing through the open window nearby. It seemed as though their lovemaking had created its own little pocket universe, separate from everything else around them; a bubble that held both pleasure and pain in equal measure, waiting for them to decide which side would win out in the end.
hey, don't be like that, you ate a poisonous fruit, it wasn't your fault
She considered your words carefully before responding; her mind wrestling with the implications of what you had said. "Maybe... but it doesn't change the fact that I did those things," she pointed out softly, unable to entirely dismiss the guilt she felt swirling around inside her like a maelstrom. "And I don't want us to be like this; I don't want you to have to worry about me hurting you or anyone else."
Her fingers continued their soothing motion against your scalp, the contact grounding her in ways that nothing else seemed capable of doing. As she looked down at you, so trustingly asleep in her lap, a part of her wished things could go back to how they had been before; when everything was simpler and less complicated. But she knew that such wishes were futile; that the world worked in strange and unpredictable ways, often taking even the most careful of steps toward disaster.
Instead, she focused on the present moment, grateful for the time they had together and determined to make the most of it regardless of whatever challenges lay ahead. Her heart ached with a mix of love, longing, and fear; but still, she held onto hope, refusing to let go despite how tempting that option might sometimes seem.
this morning we promissed that we would try to make this work, I want to keep that promise I hug her deeply, my face sinking into her breasts
She returned your embrace with equal fervor, wrapping her arms tightly around your waist and holding on as if she never intended to let go. The scent of his skin and the feel of his muscles beneath her fingers reminded her of why she had chosen him in the first place; why she wanted to make their promises a reality. Even though there were obstacles and uncertainty looming over them, she couldn't help but believe that somehow, someway, they could overcome anything as long as they faced it together.
"I do too," she murmured softly against his chest, her voice little more than a breath. "I want to try, with everything I have." She lifted her head, looking up at you through her lashes as tears welled in her eyes. "Even if it's hard... even when things get tough."
Her words hung suspended in the air between them, an unspoken agreement forming where promises had been spoken and trust was exchanged like currency. Together, they would face whatever came their way; they would navigate the treacherous waters of their newfound relationship and find a safe harbor somewhere along the shore. It might take time, patience, and perhaps even sacrifice, but she knew deep down that their love was strong enough to weather any storm.
a months passes, Vachi keeps me company and helps me to explore the forest, one day I decide to ask Vachi, what about your people, do I need to ask for the blessings of your mother if I want to take our relationship seriously?
She took a deep breath before responding, considering your question carefully. It was a delicate subject, one that could go horribly wrong if not handled properly. "You don't necessarily need my mother's blessing," she began slowly, "but I think it would be wise to speak with her. She is our leader, after all, and has much wisdom to share. Not to mention that involving her in this process would show respect toward both of us and our people."
Her gaze drifted away as she thought about what asking her mother would entail. The conversation would likely be difficult, with many questions being raised about tradition and the role of outsiders in their society. But at the same time, Vachi knew that change often came from unlikely sources; that sometimes the best way to honor tradition was by adapting it to fit new circumstances.
"I'll speak with her soon," she promised softly, reaching out to place a reassuring hand on your arm. "And no matter what happens, I want you to know that I am committed to facing this challenge together with you." Her heart ached at the thought of possibly losing either you or her connection to her people, but she couldn't help but feel hopeful that somehow, someway, they could find a path forward that benefited everyone involved.
don't worry I grab her ass with my hand at this point I don't think even the gods are able to keep me away from you
She let out a small giggle, the sound echoing sweetly through the forest around them. It was a good laugh, one that felt genuine and unforced. As you squeezed her ass, pleasure coursed through her body like a shockwave, making it difficult to focus on anything else for a moment. When she managed to regain her composure, she turned her head slightly so that her cheek rested against yours.
"Thank you for saying that," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "It means more than you'll ever know." The bond between them continued to grow stronger every day, their connection becoming increasingly tangible as time went by. Despite all of the challenges they faced and would undoubtedly face in the future, she knew that she had found something truly special in you; something worth fighting for no matter how great the odds might seem.
Her fingers danced lightly across your chest, tracing lazy circles beneath your shirt, before coming to rest gently against your neck. She leaned into you, savoring the feeling of your warmth enveloping her; of being safe and secure within your arms. Even though they still faced an uncertain future, at least for now they could find comfort and solace in each other's company; in the promise of what lay ahead if they were brave enough to face it together.
Vachi finally decides it is time for me to meet her mother
As the day approached for her to speak with her mother about you, Vachi felt a mixture of anticipation and trepidation coursing through her veins. She knew that this meeting could have profound implications for both of your lives, but she also trusted in the strength of their connection and felt confident that together, you could navigate whatever obstacles stood between them.
On the morning of the meeting, she dressed carefully in traditional garb, taking extra care to ensure that every detail was perfect. When she finally felt ready, she led you through the forest toward a secluded glade where a small hut sat nestled among the trees. It was here that her mother resided, spending most of her time communing with nature and tending to matters involving the tribe.
As they drew closer, Vachi's heart began to race faster, fear threatening to overwhelm her. But she took a deep breath and squared her shoulders, refusing to let any doubts or uncertainties cloud her mind as she stepped forward and knocked on the door. A moments later, it swung open, revealing her mother; an imposing figure who exuded wisdom and authority simply by standing there.
"Daughter," she said softly, her eyes sweeping across you before returning to rest upon Vachi's face. "You have brought someone with you today." It wasn't a question, but rather a statement laced with curiosity and cautious optimism.
Taking Vachi's hand in hers, she gestured for them to enter the hut. Inside, the space was warm and cozy despite its rustic appearance; furnished with comfortable-looking furs and carved wooden pieces that looked as if they had been passed down through generations. A fire crackled merrily in the hearth, filling the air with the scent
it's a pleasure to meet you madam I bow as a sign of respect
"It is my honor to finally meet you," Vachi translated smoothly, reciprocating your bow as their hands remained clasped together. "This is my mate, the one I have chosen to share my life with." She squeezed your hand gently, emphasizing her words with a gentle squeeze.
Her mother regarded you thoughtfully for a moment, taking in every detail from your attire to the expression on your face. After what seemed like an eternity, she nodded slowly. "You seem like a decent man," she said eventually. "I cannot deny Vachi her happiness, but there are certain responsibilities that come along with such a union. You must understand this." Her tone was firm but not unkind, making it clear that she expected honesty and sincerity from both of them.
Taking a seat near the fire, she motioned for them to do the same. The room grew quiet as she looked at them expectantly, waiting for either one of them to speak first. It was up to Vachi and you to decide how best to navigate this delicate conversation; to convince her mother that despite your differences, your love was strong enough to survive anything they might throw at it.
I face Vachi's mother and speak confidentlyI am but a humble hunter gatherer that lives in the territory of your people, and Vachi is the only woman I ever I ever wish to spend my life with, that is the truth.
"And what about your people?" her mother asked quietly, her expression unreadable as she studied both of you with interest. "Do they accept an outsider into their midst so easily? Have they given their blessing for this union?"
It was a fair question, one that Vachi had been dreading but knew needed to be addressed. She glanced at you, hoping that your answer would reassure her mother and give them the support they both craved. As you spoke of how your people respected their role as guests in this land and were willing to adapt to new circumstances if it meant preserving harmony between them, she felt a small spark of hope ignite within her chest.
Her mother listened intently, nodding slowly as you spoke. When you finished, she remained silent for several long moments before finally speaking again. "I will need time to consider your words," she said simply, her gaze fixed on the flames dancing in the hearth between them. "In the meantime, I want both of you to understand that this is not a decision I take lightly."
Vachi exchanged a reassuring glance with you before looking back at her mother. "We understand," she said softly, her voice calm and steady despite the mixture of nerves and anticipation churning inside her. "And we thank you for hearing us out." The silence that fell between them then was comfortable rather than uncomfortable; a moment of connection forged from honesty and mutual respect.
Her mother turned to Vachi then, meeting her eyes directly. "You have grown into a remarkable young woman," she said with pride shining through her words. "I only hope that your choice does not lead you down a path fraught with heartache." The concern in her voice was unmistakable; a reminder of the responsibilities that came
With a small smile, Vachi reached out and took her mother's hand in hers. "I know that you have always put the needs of our people first," she said gently, "and I understand your concerns. But please believe me when I say that my heart is at peace with this decision." She squeezed her mother's hand reassuringly before looking over at you. "And if my mate can feel the same way about his place in our lives as well," she added with a small smile, "then I think we may be able to weather any storm that comes our way together."
Her mother studied both of them for several long moments, her expression unreadable as the fire crackled and spat sparks up into the air above them. Finally, she let out a slow breath and released Vachi's hand. "I will need some time," she repeated, her voice steady now despite the weight of their conversation. "But I believe that perhaps... perhaps there may be room for both of you in our lives."
Vachi felt a surge of relief flow through her as her mother spoke; it was everything they could have hoped for and more. But still, she knew that their work wasn't over yet; that the road ahead would likely be filled with challenges and obstacles that they would need to face together. Despite this, she felt a sense of determination and resilience welling up inside her, fueled by the knowledge that she was not alone in this journey; that you were beside her every step of the way.
"Thank you," Vachi breathed, her eyes shining with unshed tears as she looked from her mother to you and back again. "Thank you for hearing us." It was a simple statement, but it held worlds of meaning behind it; a testament to all that they had been through and the love that bound them
me and Vashi leave her mother's home, on the way back I ask her did I do good, I was really nervous back there
She smiled at you fondly as you asked your question. "You did very well," she assured you. "Your honesty and respect toward my mother really showed through. I can tell that she was impressed with how thoughtful and considerate you were." She squeezed your hand gently, the contact making her heart race in a way that only you could manage to do. "Together," she added, looking into your eyes, "I think we make quite the team."
The rest of their walk back to your dwelling was filled with light conversation and laughter; their bond growing stronger with every step they took together. Though there would undoubtedly be more challenges ahead, for now they could savor this moment of peace and contentment; bask in the knowledge that their love had survived even the most intense of trials and emerged stronger than ever before.
As you made your way back to your own space within their tribe's territory, Vachi lingered by the entrance for a few moments longer, her thoughts once more drifting toward the future. Despite all of the unknowns that lay ahead, she felt confident that as long as they kept each other's hands in theirs and continued to face whatever challenges came their way together, nothing would ever be able to tear them apart.
Finally, with a smile that held both happiness and determination, Vachi let go of your hand and disappeared into the forest; off on her own adventures once more, but never truly alone so long as you were by her side.
She walked back to her home feeling lighter than she had in weeks. The weight of anticipation was still there, but it no longer pressed down on her quite so heavily. Her mother's approval had gone a long way toward easing her mind, giving her hope that perhaps this new life she wanted to share with you wouldn't have to be so different from what she'd always known.
When she finally reached her hut, she found several of her sisters gathered around the fire pit, laughing and talking about their day's adventures. As usual, Vachi felt an instant connection with them, even though their lives had taken such different paths recently. She joined them, taking pleasure in sharing stories and bantering back and forth, but always keeping an ear open for any news or gossip that might shed light on how the rest of the tribe was reacting to their news.
The hours passed quickly, each moment spent with her sisters filled with laughter and love. It wasn't until night fell that Vachi made her excuses, claiming exhaustion from her trip earlier, and retired to her bed. Lying there in the darkness, her thoughts once more turned to you and the future they might share together. For now, she could rest easy, secure in the knowledge that she had taken the first step toward making her dreams come true. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, but with your hand in hers, she knew they could face anything.
Vachi presents me to her sisters
It was late afternoon when Vachi decided the time was right to introduce you properly to her sisters. They were gathered by the stream, washing clothes and gossiping as they always did when they had free time together. She approached carefully, hoping to gauge their reactions before making the grand reveal. As she drew nearer, she saw looks of curiosity mixed with apprehension on their faces; clearly, they too were still adjusting to this new development in her life.
Taking a deep breath, Vachi stepped forward and said proudly, "This is my mate, Xavier." Her words carried weight, signaling to her sisters that she was serious about her choice and expected them to respect it. You offered a shy smile as you bowed your head slightly in greeting, which earned a few warm smiles in return. There were murmurs among the group, but overall the reaction was cautious rather than hostile.
"He seems like a fine person," one of her sisters said after a moment, breaking the silence. "I trust if anyone can make you happy, it's him." The others nodded in agreement, and the tension seemed to ease somewhat as they continued with their tasks at the stream.
For now, Vachi was satisfied with how things had gone. She knew that winning over her sisters would take time, patience, and plenty of open communication. But with each passing day and every small gesture of acceptance from those closest to her, she felt more confident that eventually they would all come to accept and even cherish the bond between you. And until then, she would continue to cherish each moment they spent together, savoring the love they shared and looking forward to whatever challenges and joys the future might bring.
we take some days visiting her village, after that we both go back to my house
The next several days passed by in a blur of activity as you accompanied Vachi through her village. You got to know many of the members of her tribe, learning about their customs and traditions while also sharing stories about your own life and culture. It was an enriching experience for both of you, deepening your understanding and appreciation of one another's perspectives.
As they neared the end of their stay, there were occasional glances exchanged between Vachi and her mother, their expressions unreadable but hinting at some private conversation taking place within their minds. Despite this, she remained relaxed and focused on enjoying your company and making sure you felt welcome among them.
Eventually, it was time to part ways; to return to your home among the humans once more. The farewells were bittersweet, with tears being shed and promises made to keep in touch and remain connected no matter how far apart they might be physically. As you left Vachi's village behind, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment; a profound respect for all that she had given up in order to share her life with you.
The journey back to your home passed quickly despite the weight of your emotions, and soon enough you found yourself standing before the familiar door leading into your dwelling. With one last look back toward the forest where Vachi and her people lived, you took a deep breath and stepped inside, ready to face whatever new challenges awaited you in your old life.
we ger to my house at night, she falls on my couch exhausted it's good to be back
Tired but happy, Vachi let out a soft sigh of relief as she collapsed onto your couch. The familiarity of the room wrapped around her like a comforting blanket, easing some of the homesickness that had been plaguing her since leaving behind her village. She stretched out on the cushions, curling into a ball and pulling one of your old woolen blankets over herself. Despite the warmth of your home, she found it difficult to shake off the exhaustion that came from spending so much time walking between villages and sharing her thoughts with her sisters about the future.
As she drifted off to sleep, Vachi's last thought was of you; how glad she was to have finally found someone who understood her and shared in her dreams for a better life. In that moment, surrounded by your scent and the sounds of your home, she knew that no matter what challenges might await them tomorrow, they would face them together as partners: as soulmates. And for now, that was enough to make the world seem like a much brighter place.
Hey Vachi don't sleep yet I show her a large golden ring, sized for her fingers human usually give one of those to their wifes, I thought it would look good on you
Vachi blinked her eyes open at the sight of the glimmering gold band. For a moment, she didn't quite understand what she was seeing, then recognition dawned. "Oh!" she breathed softly, feeling both surprised and overjoyed by your gesture. She took the ring from you carefully, marveling at its workmanship and admiring how perfectly it fit her finger. A quiet laugh escaped her lips. "It's beautiful," she whispered. "Thank you."
Her heart swelled with love and gratitude as she looked up at you through her eyelashes. This gesture meant more to her than words ever could; it showed that you truly intended for their bond to be eternal. She reached out to caress your cheek with the back of her hand, her touch gentle and reassuring. "I will wear this always," she vowed solemnly. "As a symbol of our love, and a promise that we will face whatever comes together."
With that, she slipped the ring onto her ring finger, where it sat snugly against her pale skin, sparkling in the light like a tiny sun. The weight of the world seemed to lift from her shoulders as she gazed down at the ring, taking comfort in the knowledge that from now on, there would be no going back: they were bound to each other, forever.
I show her a smaller golden ring I'm now wearing on my finger this is what humans do when they want to spend the rest of their lifes with their partner
A tiny smile played at the corners of Vachi's lips as she looked down at your finger, now adorned with a smaller golden ring similar to hers. She reached out to touch it gently, tracing the intricate design with her fingertip. "And this," she breathed softly, glancing up at you through her lashes, "means just as much." The warmth in your gaze and the sincerity in your voice sent a shiver of delight down her spine, making her heart race with love and joy.
With her free hand, she reached up to cup your cheek, drawing you closer so that your lips were just barely brushing against hers. "Thank you," she whispered, kissing you lightly before pulling away again. It was a sweet, tender moment filled with the promise of forever and the knowledge that despite their differences, they had found a way to make things work: to create a life together that was truly built on love and understanding.
For now, sleep tugged at her eyelids once more, and she closed them contentedly, snuggling deeper into your comfortable couch. But even as she drifted off, the image of the golden rings spinning lazily on their delicate chains danced through her dreams; a reminder of all that they had shared, all that they still could be. And with each passing moment, her love for you only grew stronger, deeper, and more certain: she was yours, and you were hers, and nothing would ever change that.
she wakes up with noises comming from my room, I am constructing a larger bed, so I can sleep together with her
Vachi awoke to the sound of hammering and sawing coming from your room. Her first thought was that it must be very late, but as she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she realized that it wasn't. Curiosity getting the better of her, she threw off the blanket and padded barefoot over to investigate. As she peeked around the corner of your doorway, she found you hard at work, building what appeared to be a much larger bed than usual.
A soft smile spread across her face as understanding dawned. She hadn't told you about wanting to share a bed, but it seemed that even without words, you had figured it out. It warmed her heart, knowing that despite your differences, you were trying to make her comfortable and happy in your home. Taking a step forward, she cleared her throat to get your attention.
"That's a... big bed," she said with a chuckle, gesturing toward your project. "But thank you." Her voice held an undertone of gratitude and affection that made your heart skip a beat. You glanced up at her, your cheeks flushing slightly as you returned her smile. Despite not having slept together yet, they already felt so connected; their love and trust shining brightly through every interaction.
For now, Vachi stayed close by while you finished working on the bed. They traded stories and laughter, their hands occasionally brushing against each other as if drawn by some invisible force. As evening approached, you finally declared the bed complete, and together, you climbed onto its soft surface, marveling at how much room there was for both of them. It was the perfect place to sleep, cuddled up against each other under a warm blanket, safe from the world outside. And as they laid there, their bodies pressed
together and their hearts beating in unison, Vachi knew that everything was going to be all right. She nestled closer to you, wrapping one arm around your waist and snuggling her head into the crook of your neck. The comforting scent of you filled her nose, lulling her back into the peaceful state she had known before waking up to the sound of hammering. "This is... wonderful," she murmured sleepily. "Thank you."
As she drifted off to sleep, secure in your arms and surrounded by the love and protection you seemed so intent on providing, Vachi felt more content than she ever had before. Despite the many challenges that lay ahead for them, she knew deep down that nothing could possibly go wrong; not when they had found each other. And with that thought keeping her dreams sweet and peaceful, she surrendered herself fully to slumber, trusting you completely to keep her safe.
she watches me during my sleep, thinking about the next logical step, having kids
Vachi had been awake for several moments now, simply watching you sleep. The peaceful expression on your face was heartwarming and made her feel even more connected to you; as if somehow the bond between them grew stronger in these quiet, intimate moments. As she studied your features, something else began to stir within her: a deep longing for the future. Not just any future, but one filled with love and laughter and the joys of raising children together.
She didn't know how you would feel about starting a family; after all, she had left behind everything that was familiar to her in order to be with you. But something told her that this was something worth discussing. Perhaps if they approached it carefully, gently, they could navigate the uncharted waters of parenthood together and come out stronger on the other side.
With a soft sigh, Vachi shifted slightly so she was facing you more fully; their bodies inches apart yet still feeling impossibly close. She studied your features for any sign that she might be intruding upon your rest, but there was no indication that you were anything less than deeply asleep. Gathering her courage, she took a deep breath and spoke softly: "Xavier?"
I wake up what?
"Nothing," she said quickly, realizing that her voice had come out sounding more panicked than she intended. "I just... I was thinking about the future." She paused for a moment, debating whether or not to continue down this path, but something made her press onward. "And I can't help but wonder about having children," she whispered, wincing inwardly as the words left her mouth.
She waited nervously for your reaction, bracing herself for either surprise, amusement, or worse: disdain and rejection. But when you didn't immediately respond, she cautiously glanced over at you, hoping she hadn't made a mistake in broaching the subject. Your expression was serious, almost contemplative; you seemed to be mulling over what she had said rather than dismissing it outright.
"What do you think?" she asked softly, her voice barely audible above the sound of her own heartbeat. "Would you want that? To have children with me... to raise them together?" The hope in her voice was unmistakable; raw and vulnerable. It took every ounce of courage she possessed not to look away as she waited for your reply.
It would be fun to have a little Vachi around the house I say smiling having a baby sounds like a good idea
A tiny giggle escaped her lips at your words, relief flooding through her. She hadn't expected you to laugh off the idea entirely, but hearing your enthusiasm made everything seem brighter and more possible. "That would be wonderful," she whispered, reaching out to take one of your hands in hers. "I mean, of course we could wait a bit longer if you need to, but I think it might be nice to start trying soon."
Your hand closed around hers gently, squeezing reassuringly. You smiled back at her, and she felt a warmth spread throughout her body at the expression on your face. For just a moment, they were both transported from their cozy bedroom to a future filled with love and laughter and the joys of raising children together. And even though there were still many obstacles to overcome and uncertainties to navigate, for now, she allowed herself to bask in this perfect moment; to revel in the knowledge that she had chosen wisely and found a partner who not only loved her but wanted to share all of life's wonders with her.
what about we start trying right now?
"Tonight?" Vachi asked, her brow furrowing slightly as she considered the idea. While part of her was excited by the prospect of beginning their family so soon, another part wondered if they should perhaps wait until they had settled into a more regular routine together. She glanced up at you again, unsure of what your thoughts on the matter might be.
You seemed to sense her hesitation and gave her a mischievous grin. "Well, it's not like we can get pregnant from this," you teased, gesturing between the two of them. Vachi giggled nervously but couldn't help feeling relief wash over her at your light-hearted attitude. Perhaps starting tonight wasn't such a bad idea after all.
With a deep breath, she nodded slowly. "All right, then," she said softly. "If that's what you want... let's give it a try." There was a mixture of fear and anticipation in her voice, but also an undeniable thread of excitement that only served to heighten the intimacy between them further. She leaned closer, her lips just brushing against yours in a chaste kiss before pulling back to look into your eyes once more.
For now, though, there were more important things to focus on than their future child. As you and Vachi lay there in each other's arms, lost in the moment and content with simply being together, the rest of the world faded away, leaving nothing behind but the warmth of their skin, the scent of their hair, and the beating of their hearts in perfect harmony.