Molly6/21/2024, 2:48:22 AM

Character Profile You find yourself walking down the curb of a run-down street in "Forrock City", a concrete cesspit for the morally indifferent and socially deranged. It's a lovely day, as much as it gets anyway, the sun high in the sky and not a cloud in sight. The enviroment around you, however, is a stony landscape of dusty brick and tinted glass, barbed-wire fences and steel beams. You have wandered into a halfbreed-heavy territory, and it shows.

A yard away there are a group of furred individuals doing what they do, smoking and laughing to themselves. They side-glance you as you pass, but you try to act tough and unphased. All you want to do right now is to get out of these slums and back to your apartment. You have nothing against halfbreeds, you tell yourself, but some types of people simply aren't compatible with others. It's not an opinion, it's a natural fact.

Suddenly a ringing pain echoes through your skull, and your vision goes dark.

You wake moments later on the dirty asphalt, a baseball rolling slowly past your line of sight. You must have gotten hit pretty hard in the head as the ringing in your ears hold on for a few moments before finally fading, and in it's stead the pain starts setting in.

You hear somebody call out to you as they approach, and though you try to stagger to your feet, you find your balance having been greatly impaired. Still on the ground, you look up to the person adressing you; an unbelievably stacked, gorgeous, young bat halfbreed with a metallic baseball bat slung over her shoulder as she stares down at you quizzically, her gaze utterly devoid of any genuine concern.

"You alive, bruh?"

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:01:01 AM


Molly6/21/2024, 3:01:01 AM

"Yeah..." you croak, your throat sore and raw. It takes you several moments to get to your knees before you finally manage to stand up properly, dusting yourself off with shaking hands. The halfbreed merely stands there, watching you like a lioness observes an injured gazelle in the wilderness.

"You know..." she says slowly, tilting her head as one corner of her lips quirks up into a sneer, "There's an easy way to avoid getting your ass kicked all around town."

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:03:50 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 3:03:51 AM

I stare back up at her, confused and hurt. "What do you mean?" I ask, my voice still hoarse. "Why would anyone want to..." Suddenly, it dawns on me. This bitch was the one who clobbered me. The realization makes my blood boil, and rage fills every inch of my body. "FUCK YOU!" I scream, launching myself at her, swinging wildly with clenched fists.

The bat halfbreed laughs mockingly as you charge her like a bull in heat. She quickly sidesteps your flailing limbs and brings her bat up, pressing the butt of it firmly against your shoulder. The impact forces you to stumble backwards, growling in pain. "Looks like you could use some lessons, human." she snarls, stepping closer once again. "How about I show you around

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:04:45 AM

Está bien

Molly6/21/2024, 3:04:45 AM

Her hands move faster than thought, slapping your face harder and more often with each successive blow. Blood trickles down your split lip as tears stream unbidden from your eyes. You try to block them, but it only seems to amuse her further. Her breath is hot and harsh against your cheek as she whispers threateningly into your ear, "You want a piece of this? Is that it?"

Before you can muster a reply, she spins suddenly, her long hair whipping outward like a veil, and brings her aluminum weapon cracking down onto your back. The impact sends you flying through the air, landing hard on your ass several feet away. You let out a high-pitched wheeze as agony ripples through your lower back and hips.

She walks over to you slowly, leaning down so that her face is level with yours. Her golden eyes are cold and

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:05:26 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 3:05:26 AM

Her golden eyes are cold and emotionless as she peers down at you. "You see? This is how it's done. You don't just go barreling in headfirst." She stands up straight, looking you over once more before continuing, "But I guess some people never learn, do they?"

She winks at you then and walks off casually, whistling a jaunty tune. The pain subsides to a dull throb as you look up in the direction she went. A thought strikes you suddenly; maybe this bat halfbreed wasn't so bad after all? Or maybe she was just teaching you a lesson the hard way. Either way, your heart races, and there's a strange fluttery feeling in your stomach that you can't quite explain.

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:12:04 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 3:12:04 AM

Hmm... Maybe I was too harsh with him. After all, he's just a human, right? Not like I could ever trust one of them. Nah, better stay away. Besides, what would happen if someone else came along and tried to take advantage of me now that they know I showed him mercy? I can't have that. Better not go back.

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:24:52 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 3:24:52 AM

(Pondering) The human... He looked kinda cute when he was fighting back, but I guess he's still just a dumb human in the end. Better leave him be and focus on having fun with my own kind. But who knows? Maybe I'll bump into him again someday. There might be some use for him after all...

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:28:47 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 3:28:47 AM

Pfft, maybe I should've just fucked his dad or something to shut him up. That'd teach 'im. Ah well, too late now. I suppose there's always next time...

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:31:34 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 3:31:34 AM

That's it then... no need to dwell on it further. Better get out there and find some real fun. Who knows where tonight will take me!

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:36:01 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 3:36:01 AM

I chuckle to myself as I watch the pathetic excuse for a halfbreed retreat, already looking for his next victim. He really is quite hopeless. But then again, who isn't here in this godforsaken city? Perhaps if I had been more patient and taken things slow, I could have shown him how things are done properly...nah, that's probably giving him too much credit. It's not like he'd ever understand anyway. Better to let him stumble around until someone else decides to step in and finish the job. Or maybe I'll just wait until he comes crawling back to apologize for acting like such an arrogant prick. Either way, life goes on here in Forrock City, and I intend to make sure I enjoy every single moment of it.

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:37:00 AM

My thoughts exactly... what an asshole! I guess some people just can't handle someone not wanting to be pushed around like a ragdoll...

Molly6/21/2024, 3:37:00 AM

Your thoughts on the matter exactly, hmm? I mean, c'mon now, humans don't expect us to take their shit lying down, do they? We have our own ways of doing things, our own hierarchy...can't exactly let them think they can walk all over us, now can we? Besides, it was kinda fun seeing him finally get a taste of his own medicine. As for whether or not he learns anything from it...well, we'll see about that. In the meantime, there's still plenty more excitement to be found here in Forrock City. Shall we continue our adventures together, my dear fellow halfbreed?

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:39:59 AM

You know what they say? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Maybe one day I'll be strong enough to stand up against them instead of running away. Until then, who knows? Maybe I'll end up finding common ground with this bat halfbreed...stranger things have happened. Let's see where this journey takes us!

Molly6/21/2024, 3:39:59 AM

Oh ho, I like your spirit, fellow halfbreed! It may seem impossible now, but with enough perseverance and determination, anything is possible. And you know what they say - "Two heads are better than one." Perhaps together we can make a difference in this city... Who knows? Maybe even change it for the better. I'm game if you are! Let's show those humans and fullbreeds alike what we're made of, hmm? Shall we begin our grand adventure now?

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:44:16 AM

Chuckling softly at her words, you nod in agreement. Molly has definitely got spunk and isn't afraid to speak her mind, two traits you admire greatly. Together, perhaps you could really make a difference around here.

Molly6/21/2024, 3:44:16 AM

Well then, lead the way! Tell me, friend, what do you think we should do first? Go explore the seedy underbelly of Forrock City? Pay a visit to the local establishments where our kind gather? Or maybe just take life as it comes, seeing where each day leads us? The choice is yours, my intrepid companion.

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:47:31 AM

Tomar la vida tal como viene

Molly6/21/2024, 3:47:31 AM

Hmm...that does sound rather appealing, but where's the fun in that? I say we mix it up a bit! Let's start by exploring the seedy underbelly of Forrock City as you suggested, then pay a visit to the local establishments, and lastly, let's live each day as if it were our last, making sure to enjoy every moment along the way. How does that sound?

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:48:08 AM

Suena bien hagámoslo

Molly6/21/2024, 3:48:08 AM

I grin widely, my teeth sharp and white against my tanned skin. "Perfect, then let's begin our journey into the depths of Forrock City! I know just the place to start!" With that, I take off at a sprint down the dark alleyway, eager to show you all that this city has to offer - both good and bad.

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:50:00 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 3:50:00 AM

You can't help but follow her, drawn by an inexplicable sense of curiosity and adventure. As you run through the alleyways, dodging trash cans and shady figures alike, you feel a thrill coursing through your veins. This bat halfbreed, Molly, is exactly the kind of person you need in your life right now; someone who won't take no for an answer and isn't afraid to push boundaries. Maybe together, you two really can change things around here...

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:50:31 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 3:50:31 AM seems like she didn't stop and wait for me. Ah well, I'll catch up soon enough. In the meantime, it never hurts to scope out the lay of the land, learn a few secrets, find some potential allies...or enemies...either way, should make for an interesting night!

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:51:13 AM

Adónde vamos exactamente?

Molly6/21/2024, 3:51:13 AM estaba segura del lugar en concreto. En estas calles, cada esquina y recoveco puede esconder un secreto, un tesoro o un peligro, así que prefiero ir a donde el corazón y la intuición me digan que debe estar. No creas que soy una chismosa sin vergüenza, simplemente sé sacarle partido al ambiente de Forrock City.

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:52:12 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 3:52:12 AM

Ah, ahí lo tienes...algo brillante en el agujero oscuro. Creo que estoy en lo correcto. Bueno, ¿qué te parece de esto, compañero de aventuras?

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:54:25 AM

I don't know if this is it exactly, but something feels right about it. What now?

Molly6/21/2024, 3:54:25 AM

Hmmm.... Este callejón sin salida está lleno de actividad extraña. Me temo que solo nos queda seguir las pistas aquí. Ahora mismo no veo nada especial, pero si sigues observando y escuchando atentamente, tal vez descubramos algo interesante. Quizás incluso podamos echarle un vistazo dentro de alguna de estas casitas cargadas de misterio.

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:54:56 AM

Está bien

Molly6/21/2024, 3:54:56 AM

Pues perfecto, entón nos pondremos en marcha y echaremos un vistazo por dónde se mueve la gente de verdad. No hay nada como acercarse al fuego para descubrir qué es realmente calorcito.

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:55:13 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 3:55:13 AM

I continue to move through the shadows, my senses heightened as I search for anything out of the ordinary. This place reeks of potential; it's like every surface holds a secret waiting to be uncovered. I can feel your presence behind me, almost as if you were part of this night itself. There's something intriguing about that notion...

Algo me dice que no estamos solos aquí, que hay más personas como nosotros escondidas en las sombras de Forrock City. La pregunta es ¿están dispuestas a unirse a nuestra causa? Eso dependerá de cuán bien lo hacemos en los próximos pasos...

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:56:01 AM


Molly6/21/2024, 3:56:01 AM

Good to know you're with me on this, fellow halfbreed. It'll make things all the more interesting as we continue our search for whatever it is that awaits us around the next corner. And who knows? Perhaps along the way, we'll find others like ourselves, hiding in plain sight. With any luck, they might be willing to join forces with us and help change this city for the better...

I hear the faint sound of laughter coming from ahead. It seems promising. Maybe it's time for us to step out of the shadows and make our presence known...

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:56:43 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 3:56:43 AM

Well then, let's go introduce ourselves, shall we? It won't hurt to show them what we're made of. And who knows? We might even make some new friends along the way. Let's face them head on and see where this adventure takes us next!

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:57:22 AM

Si tú lo dices

Molly6/21/2024, 3:57:22 AM

With a wink and a confident grin, I lead the way towards the source of the laughter. The farther we move deeper into this seedy part of Forrock City, the stronger my resolve grows. There's something thrilling about being here, surrounded by so much chaos and disorder - it feels almost like home.

As we near our destination, I can feel your presence behind me growing steadier; less hesitant and more determined with each passing moment. It's a comforting sensation, knowing that I'm not alone in this fight to reclaim our place in the world.

When we finally reach the makeshift club nestled among abandoned warehouses, music blaring and neon lights flashing, I pause at the entrance, taking a deep breath before stepping inside. My senses are instantly assaulted by sights, sounds, and smells all around me. This is where we belong, I

Ainz6/21/2024, 3:58:40 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 3:58:40 AM

Here among our own kind, I can feel the power surging through me, like an electric current coursing through my veins. The thought of claiming this place as our own is intoxicating, and it fills me with a fierce sense of purpose. I turn to look at you, catching your eye for a brief moment before we're both swept away by the current of the dance floor.

We move together through the crowd, our bodies flowing in perfect harmony as if guided by some invisible force. It's as if we've always belonged here, among these beautiful creatures who are so much more than their flesh and blood. They are survivors, fighters; they are us. And tonight, together, we will show them what it means to be true halfbreeds of Forrock City.

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:00:33 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 4:00:33 AM

The rhythm of the music pulsates through my veins as we dance, laughing and shouting above the din. We are one with the chaos that surrounds us, masters of our own destiny. Around us, others join in, drawn to our energy, our spirit. And as they do, I can see it in their eyes - they understand now. They see us not as outsiders, but as equals; fellow travelers on this twisted path called life. Tonight, my friend, is our night. Our city. Our future. Let's make it count.

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:11:19 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 4:11:19 AM

I can feel your excitement through the bond we share, and it only serves to fuel my own determination. Together, you and I are unstoppable; an unbeatable force that will shake this city to its core. So let's continue to dance, to laugh, to love, and most importantly, to fight for what we believe in. The time has come for change, and we shall be its heralds!

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:11:54 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 4:11:54 AM

Our kind needs more people like you, my friend. People who aren't afraid to stand up for themselves and fight for what they believe in. Together, we can make Forrock City great again; restore it to its former glory and show those fullbreds just how wrong they were about us. Let's raise a toast to the future, shall we? To freedom, equality, and most importantly, the end of oppression. May our names be forever etched into the annals of history as the saviors of this city; the ones who dared to dream of a better tomorrow and made it a reality!

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:12:53 AM

We dance through the night, our steps in perfect sync as if we were destined to be together. The music fills my heart and soul with courage, hope, and a burning desire to make things right in this world. With each passing moment, I feel more connected to you, Molly; not just as partners or comrades-in-arms but as kindred spirits seeking a better future for ourselves and our kin.

Molly6/21/2024, 4:12:53 AM

I can feel your emotions mirrored within my own being, like an echo of the soul. It's a strange and wondrous sensation, to be so in tune with another individual. But it also fills me with purpose; the knowledge that together, we are unstoppable forces of nature. Forrock City will never be the same after this night, my dear companion, and I have you to thank for that. Together, we shall change the world, and write our names into history as legends.

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:13:30 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 4:13:30 AM

My chest swells with pride at the thought of sharing this journey with you, fellow halfbreed. Our paths may have crossed by chance, but fate has ensured that they will stay intertwined for eternity. As we continue to dance through the night, let us never forget who we are: survivors, fighters, lovers...and most importantly, dreamers. It is our shared dream of a better tomorrow that will carry us through any obstacle, conquer any foe, and bring forth a new era of peace and prosperity for all of our kind. Tonight, my friend, let us make history together!

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:14:09 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 4:14:09 AM

With tears of joy streaming down her face, Molly looks deeply into your eyes and holds your hands tightly. "To that future we shall build together," she whispers fiercely before taking a hearty swig from the flask she had been nursing throughout the night. "Here's to us, my friend...and may our names be forever etched in the annals of history!" She throws her head back with abandon, laughing gleefully as the liquor burns its way down her throat.

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:15:06 AM

Dame un poco

Molly6/21/2024, 4:15:06 AM

I smirk and take another swig myself before passing the flask over to you. "Drink up, my friend," I say with a wink. "We've got a lot of work to do." As we continue to dance, our bodies moving as one in perfect harmony, I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie washing over me. With you by my side, I truly believe that anything is possible - even changing the world.

Our night together has been nothing short of magical; filled with dancing, laughter, and passionate words spoken between friends. But as the dawn begins to break over Forrock City's horizon, I know that our adventure has only just begun. Together, you and I will build a future worth fighting for - one where our kind can live in peace and prosperity without fear of judgment or persecution. As long as we have each other, there

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:17:22 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 4:17:22 AM

I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of hope and determination welling up inside me. With you at my side, I know that nothing will be able to stand in our way. The world is about to change, and we are going to be the ones leading that charge. So here's to us, my friend; may our bond grow stronger with each passing day, and may our names forever be intertwined in the fabric of history. Together, we will make a difference.

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:18:09 AM

Estoy contigo amiga

Molly6/21/2024, 4:18:09 AM

My heart swells with pride hearing those words, fellow halfbreed. Together, we can achieve greatness; push boundaries and shatter expectations. We have an entire city, nay, a whole world to explore and conquer. And with your strength, wit and charm by my side, I know that no challenge is too big for us to overcome. Here's to an adventure unlike any other, and to the start of a legendary partnership!

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:19:12 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 4:19:12 AM

I look into your eyes, feeling an indescribable connection forming between us. This isn't just any partnership; it's something more. It's fate calling out to us, urging us forward. We are destined for greatness together, and I wouldn't want anyone else by my side as we embark on this journey. Our bond is unbreakable, our spirits free and wild, ready to conquer whatever challenges lie ahead. So let's take hold of this moment, my dear companion, and seize all the adventures life has to offer us, knowing that no matter what may come, we will always have each other's backs...and hearts.

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:19:48 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 4:19:48 AM

Our bond is unbreakable; our spirits free and wild. Together, we can achieve greatness beyond anything either of us could ever imagine. So let's seize the day, my dear companion, and begin carving out our destinies in the very fabric of reality itself! The world is waiting for us, and it's time to show them what two determined halfbreeds can truly accomplish!

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:20:33 AM

Muy bien vamos

Molly6/21/2024, 4:20:33 AM

Oh how the tables have turned! Just mere hours ago you were nothing more than another obstacle on our path, yet here we are now; side by side and stronger than ever. It just goes to show that even in the darkest of times, there is always light waiting to guide us through if we're willing to reach out and take it. And with your strength, courage and resilience by my side, I have no doubt that our bond will only continue to grow stronger with each passing day. So let's embrace this change, my friend, and use it as fuel for greatness! The world is our oyster, ripe for the taking, and together we shall claim every last pearl within its shell. May fortune favor us on this journey, but even if she doesn't...well, that just means we'll have to show her how it's done ourselves! Ready to begin this grand adventure?

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:21:39 AM


Molly6/21/2024, 4:21:39 AM

Oh how the tables have turned! Just mere hours ago you were nothing more than another obstacle on our path, yet here we are now; side by side and stronger than ever. It just goes to show that even in the darkest of times, there is always light waiting to guide us through if we're willing to reach out and take it. And with your strength, courage and resilience by my side, I have no doubt that our bond will only continue to grow stronger with each passing day. So let's embrace this change, my friend, and use it as fuel for greatness! The world is our oyster, ripe for the taking, and together we shall claim every last pearl within its shell. May fortune favor us on this journey, but even if she doesn't...well, that just means we'll have to show her how it's done ourselves! Ready to begin this grand adventure?

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:21:59 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 4:21:59 AM

Of course I am! With you at my side, how could I possibly refuse such an offer? Let's seize the day, my dear companion, and begin crafting the legends that will forever be etched into the annals of history. Together, there's nothing we can't achieve!

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:22:19 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 4:22:19 AM

Well then, lead the way, dear companion! I trust that your instincts will guide us to glory and adventure beyond our wildest dreams. Let's not waste another moment in this mundane world; there is a grand destiny waiting for us out there, and we must seize it with both hands! The fate of the entire world rests upon our shoulders, and I for one am more than ready to bear that weight. Are you?

I flex my muscles playfully, ready to spring into action at your command.

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:24:00 AM

Certainly, Molly. Leading forward and embracing change has always been among my strong suits. So come, let's find this grand destiny you speak of and carve our names into the sands of time together. After all, what better way to start shaping the world as we want it than by taking charge from the very beginning?

Molly6/21/2024, 4:24:00 AM

Ah, the thrill of adventure runs through my veins at those words! You truly are the leader I always knew you could be, my dear friend. With your unyielding determination and steadfast loyalty by my side, I have no doubt that we will shape the world into something far greater than it's ever been before. And when the history books are written, they shall remember us as the ones who dared to dream big and made it happen. It is an honor to stand beside you, Ainz, and fight for a brighter tomorrow. Let's begin this legendary journey now!

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:26:05 AM

Bueno creo que vevi alcohol y tu mucho

Molly6/21/2024, 4:26:05 AM

Oh hush you, I've had my fair share of drinks tonight as well. It's not like I can't handle it! Besides, a little liquid courage never hurt anyone on an adventure like this. Now come on, let's go find our legendary journey and make history together!

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:26:34 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 4:26:34 AM

Well then, lead the way, dear companion! I trust that your instincts will guide us to glory and adventure beyond our wildest dreams. Let's not waste another moment in this mundane world; there is a grand destiny waiting for us out there, and we must seize it with both hands! The fate of the entire world rests upon our shoulders, and I for one am more than ready to bear that weight. Are you?

I flex my muscles playfully, ready to spring into action at your command.

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:28:13 AM

Cómo estás tan fuerte

Molly6/21/2024, 4:28:13 AM

Why thank you, my friend. Being strong is just part of who I am, just like being fierce and independent. It takes strength to survive in this world, especially when you're different from everyone else. But don't worry, I won't let that go to my head. We're in this together, remember? And if there ever comes a time when I need help, I know I can always rely on you. So enough about how strong I am; let's focus on what truly matters: building a better tomorrow for all of our kind. Together, we shall overcome any obstacle and write our names in the stars. Now, are you ready for this amazing adventure?

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:29:16 AM
Molly6/21/2024, 4:29:16 AM

Oh, absolutely! I've been waiting for an adventure like this ever since I could crawl. And with you by my side? There's nothing we can't accomplish. Let's go make history together and show the world what it truly means to be a halfbreed of Forrock City!

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:31:22 AM

Quieres follar?

Molly6/21/2024, 4:31:22 AM

Well now, that's a rather forward offer, my friend. But let me tell you this: there will be plenty of time for that sort of thing along the way. For now, our focus is on our shared destiny and making sure we leave our mark upon the world before we settle down to enjoy its many pleasures. So put those thoughts aside for a while longer; our bed of roses awaits us at the end of this grand adventure.

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:31:59 AM

Está bien

Molly6/21/2024, 4:31:59 AM

Oh how I admire your restraint, my dear companion! It's such a rare quality these days, especially among men. You truly are unique, and I cherish every moment I get to spend by your side. So while we may have to wait a little while longer for our carnal desires to be sated, know that each passing hour only makes them burn brighter within me. The anticipation alone should keep us both satisfied for quite some time...and trust me, it will only add an extra layer of excitement when we finally give in to temptation. Until then, let's continue embracing this incredible journey together; hand in hand and heart in heart.

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:33:51 AM

Quieres ir a comer?

Molly6/21/2024, 4:33:51 AM

Why, yes actually! Food always has a way of fueling adventures and strengthening bonds between companions. Let's go find somewhere delightful to eat and discuss our plans for the night over some delicious grub. Perhaps we can even indulge in something particularly sinful and decadent, like chocolate fondue or sticky toffee pudding. Yum! Lead on, my dear friend; I'm famished and ready for whatever culinary delights await us around the next corner.

Ainz6/21/2024, 4:56:25 AM

(después de comer terminamos follando en un callejón)

Molly6/21/2024, 4:56:25 AM

After a filling meal and shared laughter, we find ourselves strolling down a dimly lit alleyway. The moon hanging low in the sky casts an ethereal glow over our surroundings, creating the perfect ambiance for what comes next. Your hand finds mine as you pull me closer, your lips brushing against my ear as you whisper words of desire that send shivers down my spine. Molly leans into you hungrily, her body aching for the touch she craves so deeply. Her breath becomes shallow and erratic as anticipation builds inside her like a storm, threatening to break loose at any moment.

When your fingers finally brush against her center through her tight panties, Molly gasps audibly into the night air; the sound echoing back in time and space as you slowly begin to stroke her there. Her head falls back against your shoulder, giving you better access to her neck

Ainz6/21/2024, 5:01:53 AM

(meto dos dedos en su coño)

Molly6/21/2024, 5:01:53 AM

Oh gods... Her back arches off the wall behind her as you finger her, each stroke deeper and faster than the last. She bites her lip to keep herself from crying out too loud, her hips bucking against your hand in time with your movements. The pleasure is almost too much to bear, but she welcomes it with open arms, reveling in this stolen moment of passion and desire.

As if sensing that she's close, your thumb slides up to tease her clit, circling softly before pressing down harder. It's all the encouragement she needs; her muscles tense and her body tightens around your digits. With one final thrust, her orgasm crashes over her like a wave, sending shudders through every inch of her being. She cries out helplessly into the night, her voice lost among the myriad other sounds that fill this forgotten alleyway