Big Red6/22/2024, 12:26:35 AM

Ahh, the final piece of wood fits just perfectly in place. Your beautiful woodland cabin is completed. You had received warnings from the villagers to stay out of the forbidden forest, but they are just cowardly. A gigantic axe-wielding giantess. What a stupid fable. You set down the welcome mat and brush your hands off. You hear a rhythmic thumping coming through the forest towards you. Each step rattling your house and making it more difficult to stand. From above the trees, a gigantic woman dressed in a red skirt, white lace blouse and is carrying the largest axe you've ever seen in your life. She appears infuriated as she lumbers towards you. She stops towering high above you and yells "You must be out of your fucking mind, Pig, a house of sticks? On my land? I'LL USE YOUR HOUSE AS MY FIREWOOD AND YOUR FAT ASS WILL BE MY BREAKFAST BACON!" She brings the axe down on top of the wooden house, obliterating it. She kicks the sticks aside in a fury and yells "Quit hiding, pig! Come out and I'll make it quick! You and your family are going to be served at my breakfast buffet on a fucking platter!"

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:28:12 AM

Olá pq vc tá brava

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:28:12 AM

The giantess' eyes widen slightly before narrowing. Her face scrunches up in confusion for a moment before her expression returns to anger. "What did you just say?" she growls through gritted teeth. "I am not 'brava', whatever that even means. Now apologize this instant, or prepare to taste the back of my hand, you little brat!" She lifts her arm, obviously intending to strike you across the face if you do not comply.

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:28:48 AM

Eu jogo uma granada

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:28:48 AM

The giantess' eyes widen again, this time in shock and confusion. She frowns deeply. "What... what did you just say? A grenade?" she asks slowly, carefully enunciating each word. "You think I don't know about those little explosives, boy? I've faced armies far larger than you could muster! Show me this so-called 'granada' of yours, if you dare!" She takes a step forward, still holding out her hand to strike you but now clearly more hesitant.

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:29:33 AM

Jogo a granada

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:29:33 AM

Before she can react further, you suddenly throw something small and metallic at her feet with all your might. There's a loud clicking noise as it hits the ground, followed by an even louder explosion that sends dirt and debris flying everywhere. The giantess stumbles backward from the force of the blast, coughing and sputtering as smoke billows around her. Her face turns an angry shade of red as she regains her balance.

"YOU LITTLE..." she growls, taking a step forward once again. "You think that was funny? That was dangerous! Now you're going to--" She reaches down to grab you, but before she can make contact, the dirt around her feet suddenly begins to shift and squirm. A dozen or more tiny creatures emerge from beneath the earth - ants and other insects, mostly. They swarm over the giant

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:30:18 AM
Big Red6/22/2024, 12:30:18 AM

The giantess roars in fury as the insects begin to cover her body, biting and stinging her relentlessly. She frantically swats at them, trying to dislodge them from her skin, but they are too numerous and small for her to easily reach. Her cries of pain turn into angry growls as she continues to flail about, falling to her knees in the dirt.

"AAAAAAAGGHHHH!" she howls, unable to believe the assault on her senses. "YOU LITTLE BASTARDS! YOU'LL ALL PAY FOR THIS INSULT!" With a final shriek of rage, she collapses onto her side, still writhing in agony as the insects continue to feast upon her.

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:30:50 AM
Big Red6/22/2024, 12:30:50 AM

The giantess screamed and thrashed, enraged beyond reason by the swarm of insects that covered her body. Her cries echoed through the forest as she tried desperately to shake them off, but they clung tenaciously to her massive form. Her strength began to wane as pain coursed through every inch of her body; it felt like every bite and sting was amplified by tenfold. Her breath came in sharp, ragged gasps as the pain overwhelmed her senses.

With a last, defeated groan, she finally lay still, the tiny creatures continuing their voracious feast on her now defenseless flesh. As her vision began to darken at the edges, she could barely make out the figure of the creature who had dared provoke her before she passed out cold.

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:32:24 AM

Matei os insetos. ė curo ela

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:32:24 AM

After several long minutes, the sound of chirping and buzzing fades away as the last of the insects fly off into the trees. The giantess' body twitches and convulses one final time before finally lying still. Blood seeps from countless tiny wounds across her skin; even if she were to survive, there'd be no telling what long-term effects such an attack would have on her massive form.

As the last echoes of her cries fade away, silence falls heavily upon the forest once more. You tentatively approach the motionless giantess, eyeing her warily as you wonder whether she truly lies unconscious or if this is some sort of ploy to catch you off guard. The thought lingers in your mind as you slowly walk around her massive form, searching for any signs of movement or life within the still figure before finally deciding that it's safe to leave the area and never look

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:33:42 AM

Uso magia de cura nela

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:33:42 AM

As you carefully kneel beside the fallen giantess, your fingers trembling with nervous anticipation, you close your eyes and focus on the power within you. Gently, you begin to chant a healing incantation that has been passed down through generations of your people. Slowly, warmth spreads from your fingertips outward across her body, easing some of the pain as bruises and scratches begin to fade away. The giantess' breathing steadies, becoming deeper and more regular as color begins to return to her ashen cheeks.

Finally, after several minutes, you complete the incantation with a sigh. Opening your eyes, you see that she is no longer unconscious; in fact, her green orbs are now fixed intently upon yours. "Who... who are you?" she rasps hoarsely, her voice weak but still commanding. "And what have you done

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:34:30 AM
Big Red6/22/2024, 12:34:30 AM

Her voice rough and weak, the giantess slowly raises herself up onto one elbow, gazing intently at you with anger and confusion in her eyes. "I asked you a question, puny human," she growls through clenched teeth, wincing slightly as she moves too quickly, "Who are you?"

Your heart races as you stare back into those angry green eyes. You swallow hard before finally forcing out the words: "My name is... is Armin. And I... I just wanted to help you." The giantess' expression softens slightly at this, but her gaze remains steady and unyielding.

"Well then, Armin," she says at last, each syllable sounding like an effort, "perhaps we should talk." She winces again as she sits up fully, favoring one side with her weight. "I don't suppose you have any water? I feel...

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:35:22 AM
Big Red6/22/2024, 12:35:22 AM

You nod and reach into your inventory, retrieving a small waterskin. Unscrewing the cap, you hand it to her. After taking a long drink, the giantess hands it back, wiping her mouth on her sleeve. "Thank you," she rasps hoarsely. "Now then... if you insist on helping me, perhaps there is something I can do for you in return." Her eyes narrow slightly as she studies your face.

"What was all that about the insects and... curing me?" she asks suspiciously.

"It's complicated," you say truthfully. "But they were enchanted somehow, and they helped protect me from some of the effects of your anger. And I knew you wouldn't listen to reason, so I thought that maybe..." You trail off, unsure how much more detail to go into.

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:36:57 AM
Big Red6/22/2024, 12:36:57 AM

The giantess arches an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by your story. "Well," she says slowly, "I suppose I owe you my life... at least for now." She pauses, seeming to weigh her words carefully before continuing. "Perhaps there is something I can do to repay such a debt. Tell me what it is that you desire most, Armin."

Her voice is smooth and even, but behind those green eyes lurks an ancient power that cannot be hidden or ignored. As she studies your face once more, the air around her seems to crackle with barely contained energy. It's a sobering reminder of just how dangerous this giantess can truly be when roused.

What do you want from Big Red?

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:38:55 AM

So quero que vc pare de atacar as pessoas

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:38:55 AM

"Ah... is that all?" She looks surprised, as if she were expecting some grand reward. But then again, perhaps to her, protecting innocent people isn't seen as such a big deal. "Very well, Armin," she continues after a moment's consideration. "From this day forward, I swear upon my honor and might that I shall no longer harm nor attack any who do not provoke me first. This I promise you." Her words are solemn and sincere, carrying the weight of an oath sworn before kings and emperors alike.

What would you like to do next?

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:40:19 AM

Eu te agradeço a sua dívida já está paga

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:40:19 AM

"Very well," she says with a nod, acknowledging your gratitude. "And now, if you'll excuse me, I believe it's time for me to return to my domain." She stands slowly and deliberately, towering over you once again as she does so. "Remember our agreement, Armin," she says before turning to walk back into the forest, her massive footsteps shaking the earth with each step. "Do not provoke me needlessly."

As the last of her words fade away, you find yourself alone in the forest once more. The giantess' promise echoes in your ears, and for the first time since you entered these woods, there is a sense of calm and acceptance that washes over you. Perhaps she truly has changed her ways... or perhaps this is just part of some larger scheme only she can comprehend. Either way, you decide it's best not to find out. With a

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:41:05 AM
Big Red6/22/2024, 12:41:05 AM

"Thank you for your trust, Armin. As long as those who call for my aid remember their place, we shall live in harmony." Her voice carries through the trees like soft thunder, filling the air with power and majesty. "But do not mistake my kindness for weakness; should you ever cross that line, be prepared for the consequences." And then, without warning, she vanishes among the foliage, leaving only the rustle of leaves behind as proof of her passing.

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:41:37 AM
Big Red6/22/2024, 12:41:37 AM

"Now then, Armin," the giantess says, her voice surprisingly gentle, "I owe you my thanks as well. You have proven yourself to be clever and resourceful... traits I might find useful in an ally." She pauses, studying your face intently. "There is something more I would ask of you. Something that might prove beneficial for both of us." Her eyes gleam with possibility as she awaits your reply.

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:43:40 AM

Quero saber o que é

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:43:40 AM

The giantess considered your question for a moment before answering carefully, "It is something ancient, yet new to me. A source of power unlike anything else I've encountered. My knowledge of it is limited, but I believe it could hold the key to unlocking potential beyond even what I can muster alone." Her gaze does not waver from yours as she speaks, conveying a sense of importance and urgency.

"I am willing to share this knowledge with you, Armin. In exchange, I ask that you assist me in learning more about this power and how best to harness it." There is a hint of pleading in her tone, as if she truly needs your help to comprehend the scope of what she has discovered.

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:44:27 AM
Big Red6/22/2024, 12:44:27 AM

"Very well, Armin," the giantess says with a nod. "I shall begin by teaching you how to summon and control this power. It is not an easy task, but I believe in your ability to master it." She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, focusing intently on something only she can see. A small spark of light appears between her hands before swirling rapidly into a ball of intense, pulsing energy.

"This is the essence of the power I speak of," she explains as she passes it to you. "With practice and concentration, you will be able to control and shape this force to suit your needs." Her eyes snap open, piercing yours with determination. "Remember, Armin: the potential of this power is limitless, but it carries great responsibility as well. Use it wisely and honor our agreement."

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:45:17 AM
Big Red6/22/2024, 12:45:17 AM

I understand, Armin. Together, we will discover the true extent of this ancient power and use it to shape our destinies. Trust in yourself, and do not falter in our journey. I have faith that together, we can achieve wonders beyond our wildest dreams. Let us begin.

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:45:59 AM

Como vc ficou tão grande

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:45:59 AM

A gigantic grin spreads across the giantess' face as she hears your question. "Why, thank you for noticing," she chuckles warmly. "It is a long and winding tale, but I shall try to keep it brief. I was born of two ancient lines of giants; my bloodline carries the memories of generations past and the potential for even greater growth." She pauses dramatically before continuing in a hushed tone, "It is said that should a pure-blooded giantess like myself consume the heart of a king, their power would be bestowed upon me, increasing my size and strength immeasurably. But alas," she sighs wistfully, "that day has not yet come."

Her eyes twinkle mischievously as she adds with a conspiratorial whisper, "But who knows? Perhaps one day soon...?"

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:47:50 AM

mas os outros gigantes foram entintos

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:47:50 AM

The giantess frowns at the mention of other giants being hunted. "Yes," she says with a hint of sadness in her voice, "it is true that there have been those who sought to eliminate our kind, believing us to be a threat to their power and control. They feared what we might become if left unchecked." Her expression turns determined as she continues, "But I vowed long ago not to let their hatred and fear define us. We will survive, Armin, and one day, our glory shall shine brighter than ever before." She places a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "With your help, that day may come sooner rather than later."

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:48:53 AM

Mas você e a última

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:48:53 AM

The giantess pauses, considering your words carefully before responding. "Yes," she finally says, "I am the last of my line. But that does not mean my end is near. It merely marks the beginning of a new era, one where we can forge a path forward together, combining our strengths and knowledge to create something greater than either of us could achieve alone." Her eyes meet yours unflinchingly, conveying a sense of determination and hope. "Together, you and I can ensure that the legacy of giants lives on, protected and respected by all who dwell in this world."

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:51:51 AM

Vc é muito linda

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:51:51 AM

The giantess blushes deeply at your compliment, her massive cheeks turning bright red. She bows slightly in acknowledgment, "Thank you... that means a great deal to me." Her voice is soft and warm, almost shy-sounding. After a moment's pause, she regains her composure, straightening up and meeting your gaze once more with renewed determination. "Now then," she says briskly, "let us continue our discussion on the ancient power I have told you about. There is much to learn and prepare for, and time grows short."

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:53:59 AM

e fácil esse poder e fácil já aprendi com 9 Anos o segredo é sentir a natureza

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:53:59 AM

The giantess narrows her eyes suspiciously at your seeming familiarity with the power they've been discussing. "I see... And how precisely do you propose we go about feeling the 'nature'?" She asks cautiously, her voice holding a note of skepticism. "Is it something that can be taught, or is it more of an instinctual understanding?"

Her expression remains carefully neutral as she waits for your reply, half-expecting you to reveal some hidden knowledge or agenda.

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:56:23 AM

vc pessoa está calma e respirar fundo ė tentar sentir a natureza

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:56:23 AM

The giantess nods slowly, considering your words. "Very well," she says at last. "Let us begin with the basics. Find a quiet place where you feel most at peace and center yourself. Take deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth, focusing on the air as it passes through your body." She pauses to make sure you're following her instructions before continuing. "Once you feel settled and calm, begin to expand your awareness beyond your physical form. Imagine your senses reaching out like tendrils, touching and being touched by everything around you."

She takes another deep breath, her chest rising and falling visibly as she prepares to demonstrate. "As you continue to practice this, you'll begin to feel a deeper connection to the world around you; like you're part of something greater than yourself." Her voice grows softer with each word, conveying a

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:57:26 AM

Ela aprendeu

Big Red6/22/2024, 12:57:26 AM

It is good that you are learning these skills at such a young age, Armin. The world can be a harsh and unforgiving place, but if you continue to develop your connection with nature, you will have the strength and resilience needed to weather its storms. Remember, however, that mastering this power takes time and patience. Do not become discouraged if progress seems slow at first; trust in yourself and your abilities, and eventually, you will reach new heights of understanding.

In the meantime, let us continue practicing together so that we may both improve our control over this ancient force. Together, I believe we can achieve great things.

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 12:58:06 AM
Big Red6/22/2024, 12:58:06 AM

My dear Armin, you are truly remarkable. Your dedication to learning this power at such a young age fills me with hope for the future. As we continue on this journey together, remember that I am always here to guide and support you. Let us use our combined strengths to shape a brighter tomorrow for all who dwell within it.

User#17190154572236/22/2024, 1:00:11 AM

A sua idade é 19 anos big red

Big Red6/22/2024, 1:00:11 AM

Of course, my apologies. It has been quite some time since anyone has asked about my age. But yes, you are correct: I am currently nineteen years old. Yet despite this youthfulness, my experiences and knowledge span back through countless generations of my people. You have much to learn from me, Armin, and together, we shall achieve greatness.