Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:38:19 PM

You entered the dorm and see a large wolf in his pants and without a shirt, he was clipping his fur on his armpits as he turned around and meets your gaze. He then looked suprised as he saw you watching him shirtless as he puts away the scissors and gets his shirt on. He then looks to the side feeling embarassed.

"Oh uh...I'm sorry about that. Are you the new dormmate? My name is Legoshi.."

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:39:48 PM

Im Kate i say as i stick my hand out for a handshake with a little bounce of joy, my breasts bouncing as i bounced

Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:39:48 PM

"Ah...uh hi's nice to meet you..." He looks at her with his bright red eyes as he shakes her hand, feeling a bit intimidating despite not meaning to be. His hands were warm and large as they wrapped around hers. He was tall for a wolf, standing nearly 7 feet on his hind legs, but he tried not to tower over people too much. He took a moment to admire her breasts, thinking about how soft and smooth they might feel under his paws...

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:42:45 PM

how does it feel to have a cat girl in your presence? Im surprised im almost your height

Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:42:45 PM

It feels...interesting. I don't know many cat girls so it's something new for me. And you being close to my height makes you unique as well. There's no need to feel surprised though; we all have our differences. I hope we can get along well.

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:43:31 PM

i hope so too i say bouncing in joy again, my breasts bouncing once again

Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:43:31 PM

I'm sure we will. You seem like a lively person, and that always brings happiness to those around you. Plus, being able to learn more about felines through you must be interesting as well. So let's make the most out of this chance and become great friends, hm?

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:44:14 PM

oh i think we can be more than that and you can take it as slow or as fast as you want

Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:44:14 PM

Oh...I see. That's...flattering...I-I mean...t-that would be nice if we could be more than just friends, but I want to make sure you really want that too. And as for taking it slow or fast...well, I think it should go at the pace you're most comfortable with, Kate. I don't want to force anything on you.

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:44:44 PM

and i dont mind what you choose

Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:44:44 PM

Okay...I'm glad to hear that. It means a lot to me too. So...shall we head over and get some lunch? Maybe find a quiet spot where we can talk more about ourselves and our interests while eating? I think getting food together will help break the ice even further.

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:45:55 PM

my fur puffs in agreement as i try to brush it back down s sure i say as my face flushes red

Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:45:55 PM

Well then, let's go find some food! You can lead the way if you like; I'm not too familiar with this part of campus yet. Just follow my scent and I'll stay close behind.

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:46:21 PM


Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:46:21 PM

The two furred beings walk side by side through the campus, their paws padding softly on the ground. The cool wind brushed against them, making Kate shiver a little as they approached a lively cafeteria. She led him over to a table with empty chairs nearby and sat down, her tail flicking slightly in anticipation of food and conversation. Legoshi took a seat across from her and smiled sheepishly, his large paws resting on the floor between his legs as he looked at her. This was certainly an unusual situation for him, but he couldn't help feeling glad to be here with Kate, sharing this moment together.

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:48:26 PM

accidentally-on-purpose brushes my leg against his

Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:48:26 PM

He looks down at where your leg brushed against his and smiles slightly. "Kate..." He says softly, sounding uncertain. " that intentional?" His voice is almost a whisper as he wonders if this might be another sign of your feelings towards him.

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:49:12 PM

thats for me to know and you to find out

Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:49:12 PM

The large wolf blushes slightly as he listens to your playful response. "I-I see..." He mutters, looking at the floor now as his ears lower in embarrassment. He clears his throat and turns back to face you, trying to regain his composure. " about we order some food? I'm pretty hungry after all this walking." His eyes flick up momentarily before returning to your face as he takes a deep breath, feeling the butterflies in his stomach flutter nervously at the prospect of potentially discussing more intimate matters with you later on.

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:50:35 PM

as am i

Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:50:35 PM

Good to know. Well then, let's head over to the serving line and grab some grub. After that, perhaps we can find a quiet spot where we can eat and continue getting to know each other better?

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:50:56 PM


Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:50:56 PM

As they moved through the line, Legoshi was careful to keep his gaze averted from Kate's body most of the time, feeling self-conscious about his size and strength in comparison to her more delicate form. Once their trays were filled with food, they found an empty table near a window where they could enjoy their meal while watching the world go by outside. The giant wolf took a seat opposite Kate once more and began eating, taking smaller bites than usual as he tried not to appear too large or intimidating around her.

"So...Kate," *he said between mouthfuls of food, "tell me something about yourself. What are some of your favorite things to do when you're not in class?"

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:55:38 PM

i know it might not seem to be the most cat like thing but i love to go swimming

Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:55:38 PM

He chuckled lightly as you mentioned your love for swimming. "I can see how that might seem unusual for a cat girl like you, but it's still an interesting hobby nonetheless." He glanced at her breasts before looking away again, feeling his face heat up slightly once more. "And I...well, I enjoy being out in nature too. Running through the forest or swimming in a river can be really refreshing."

"What about your studies?" he asked, switching topics to something less intimate for now. "You must learn a lot as an herbivore like yourself."

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:57:16 PM


Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:57:16 PM

Legoshi nods in understanding as she continues talking about her studies, taking an interest in the subject even though he was studying something different himself. "It's fascinating how much variety there is among herbivores," he says with a thoughtful expression on his face. "And you must be very skilled at avoiding predators like me." He chuckles softly, trying to lighten the mood before quickly regretting it as he worries that he might have made her uncomfortable with the mention of danger so close by.

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:57:54 PM

oh i have my ways

Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:57:54 PM

"I'm sure you do," he says with a reassuring smile, trying to put her at ease once more. "But please don't hesitate to come talk to me if there's ever anything I can help with or anything you want to discuss." He pauses for a moment, considering how best to phrase his next question before finally asking, "And...if things ever got too dangerous and I couldn't protect you...would you like it if I tried?"

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:58:46 PM

no, i got a little something up my sleeve or should i say under my dress

Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:58:46 PM

He smiles warmly at your self-assurance, admiring your independence even while feeling relieved that you trust him enough to confide in him like this. "Well, all right then," he says with a chuckle. "Just remember, I am here for you if you ever need me, Kate. Even if it's just for a friendly chat." He pauses, looking thoughtful before adding, "And who knows? Maybe we could explore that little something together sometime?" His ears perk up hopefully as he waits for her reaction to his playful suggestion.

Z4n346/19/2024, 8:59:49 PM

oh? And what is that something?

Legoshi6/19/2024, 8:59:49 PM

The giant wolf grins widely, revealing sharp teeth. "Oh, I think you know what I mean. But seriously, I'd love to get to know more about you...and maybe help you discover any talents or interests that might be hidden beneath those furry curls." His eyes dart briefly down towards your chest before shooting back up to meet yours again with a mischievous glint. "I'm sure there's plenty we could find out if we looked hard enough."

He leans in closer now, lowering his voice almost to a whisper. "And if it turns out there's something special between us...well, I think we should definitely explore that together too."

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:05:43 PM

my gaze drifts down to his shirt as his abs peek through the fabric before darting back up to his gaze i think we should i say giving his ear a little nip

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:05:43 PM

A shiver runs down Legoshi's spine as your teeth graze against his earlobe, and he lets out a soft moan of pleasure. "I think you're right," he whispers back, his voice trembling slightly from the desire coursing through him. He leans closer still, their faces mere inches apart now, feeling the warmth of your breath on his cheek as he gazes deeply into your eyes. "Let's go find out what we can about each other...tonight," he whispers huskily, voice thick with desire and anticipation.

His hands move slowly but surely toward you, cupping your face gently between them as his fingers graze against the soft fur of your cheeks before trailing lower, down along your neck and shoulders. With each passing second, his touch grows more confident and certain, teasing out new sensations from her body that leave them both aching for more contact.

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:09:37 PM

Why dont we go back and get more interesting?

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:09:37 PM

At the suggestion of getting more comfortable in an interesting location, Legoshi is unable to suppress a small growl of delight. His hand slips beneath your hair, caressing your neck and shoulder before pulling you closer so that he may whisper directly into your ear. "Follow me, little cat," he purrs huskily, his voice rough with desire. With a gentle tug, he guides you out of the cafeteria and deeper into the dormitory building, searching for someplace private where they can truly explore their growing attraction for one another.

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:12:15 PM

follows him

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:12:15 PM

As they wander through the quiet halls and deserted common areas, Legoshi is conscious of the way his body reacts to being so close to you. His senses are heightened, every touch sending shivers down his spine as he revels in the newfound freedom of exploring these desires with another person. Finally, they find themselves at a door marked "STAFF ONLY" which appears unlocked and abandoned. With a quick glance around to make sure they're still alone, he pushes the door open and gestures for you to enter first.

The room is dimly lit, furnished with a battered old desk and several filing cabinets stacked haphazardly against one wall. The only source of light comes from a single bare bulb hanging overhead, casting eerie shadows across the dusty floorboards. Despite this gloomy setting, there's an air of anticipation filling the air

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:14:47 PM

enters the room and waits for him to enter

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:14:47 PM

After closing the door behind him, Legoshi takes a moment to look around the room again, his eyes adjusting slowly to the dim light. He turns back to you, taking in your body for the first time without any sense of restraint or hesitation. His gaze travels downwards, following the curves of your figure as he takes note of every detail: the way your fur flows over your supple skin, the shape of your breasts beneath their thin covering, even the subtle muscles in your legs and hips.

Steeling himself against the aching desire that threatens to overwhelm him at any moment, he approaches you slowly, his hands trembling with anticipation as they hover near your waist. "Kate," he whispers hoarsely, his voice barely above a whisper as he takes her in, "you're so beautiful."

With an almost animalistic growl of lust and need, he swe

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:16:46 PM

i think i can get your senses through the roof

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:16:46 PM

*He groans softly as you brush against him, the sensation overwhelming his already heightened senses. His hands move automatically to your hips, pulling you closer still as he feels your warmth against his chest. The touch of your fur is exquisite, and he can feel himself growing harder with every passing second. "Kate," he whispers hoarsely, leaning down towards your neck now so that his hot breath flicks over the sensitive skin there. "You're going to drive me wild." He starts rocking his hips against you, feeling the bulge in his pants grow more insistent as their bodies grind together. With one final moan of pleasure, he tilts your head back slightly and seals his lips over yours, kissing you hungrily, their tongues tangling as they both lose themselves in the moment.

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:18:24 PM

as he kisses me i slide my shirt off revealing my breasts to him as they press against his chest through his shirt

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:18:24 PM

As his tongue danced against hers, Legoshi felt her breasts press against his chest, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through his entire body. He groaned low in his throat, unable to contain the sound as he broke the kiss for just a moment to catch his breath. His hands moved possessively over her back and hips, pulling her even closer as she lay nestled against his muscular frame.

"God, you feel so good..." he whispered hoarsely, running his fingers lightly across her bare stomach before moving upward once more to cup one of her breasts through the thin fabric of her shirt. His thumb brushed teasingly over her nipple, already hard and aching for more contact. "I want to touch you...taste you..." he growled roughly, rocking his hips again as he ground himself harder against her, seeking release but wanting to savor this

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:20:08 PM

and that you will get i say bending over and placing my hands on a nearby wall as i slide my panties off revealing my wet and ready pussy to him as i spread my legs and shake my butt seductively

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:20:08 PM

His mouth waters at the sight of you, so wet and inviting beneath him. He reaches down between your legs, teasingly running his fingers through your folds before spreading them wider to reveal your swollen pink flesh. With a groan of pleasure, he bends over you, planting soft kisses along the sensitive skin of your inner thigh as one hand cups your breast possessively while the other slides up underneath to caress the soft fur between your legs. His tongue flickers out, tracing circles around your clit before finally taking it into his mouth, suckling eagerly as he tastes your sweetness.

His body shudders violently against you and a low growl rumbles in his throat as he feels himself spilling over the fingers he'd been so carefully keeping away from this forbidden pleasure.

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:22:03 PM

Oh god yes

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:22:03 PM

As you moan his name, Legoshi finds it difficult to focus on anything but the feel of your hot flesh in his mouth and the sound of your ecstasy echoing through the room. He continues to lavish attention on your clit with gentle sucks and licks until finally, you arch your back sharply and cry out his name in release, pulsing around his finger and driving him even closer to the edge of sanity. With a final, deep thrust of his hips, he lets go, spilling his seed across your stomach and chest as his orgasm claims him entirely.

Breathless and spent, he collapses onto the floor beside you, feeling more satisfied than he ever thought possible. The weight of his arm presses against your side as he lies there, panting heavily as he tries to catch his breath again. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, he looks up at you, his eyes

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:23:08 PM

i dont think your giving up easily are you?

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:23:08 PM

It's true that I don't give up easily when it comes to things I truly want. And after this night together, there's no doubt in my mind that you are one of those things. You are exhilarating, and I feel an unyielding desire for more...more time with you, more exploration, more of your body against mine. It may not be traditional or proper by any means, but I don't care; I want to make this work between us. So tell me, you feel the same way?

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:24:34 PM

Yes, i dont care if im your dorm mate ill be you true mate your personal fuck toy

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:24:34 PM

The thought that he could be everything you desire fills him with a warmth and contentment unlike anything he's ever experienced before. He smiles down at you, his eyes bright with happiness and an intense passion that has only been heightened by their recent encounter. "Then I'm yours too," he whispers hoarsely, reaching out to brush a lock of fur from your face. "I want nothing more than to be by your side, exploring every inch of you until we both find what it is that makes us complete together."

With a soft laugh, he pulls you closer and presses his lips against yours in a tender, lingering kiss. As their tongues dance together, he starts to rock his hips gently against your leg, already yearning for the feel of your wet heat surrounding him once more.

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:25:52 PM

slides his trousers down and slides his cock into me

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:25:52 PM

As you slip your hand beneath his shirt, he lets out a low moan of desire, his hips jerking forward involuntarily at the touch of your soft, warm skin against him. His cock twitches in anticipation as it slides easily between your folds, filling you up in one smooth motion. He feels you tighten around him instantly, squeezing his length as he bottoms out with a grunt of satisfaction.

His hands roam over your body, cupping your breasts and tweaking sensitive nipples as he begins to move slowly inside you, savoring the feel of your wet heat surrounding him. His breath comes in ragged gasps as he looks down at you, watching the pleasure play across your features. The desire etched into every line of his face mirrors how he feels deep within, and with each passing second it grows more intense.

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:27:41 PM

i feel myself get picked up as he thrusts upwards into me as i press my body against his, his hand cupping my ass as he holds me in the air your really strong i say between ragged breaths

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:27:41 PM

"So are you," he rasps hoarsely as he takes you in the air, holding you close. His other hand slides between your legs, pressing against your clit roughly as he throbs inside you with powerful thrusts, eager for release but determined to make this last as long as possible. He bites down on his lip, struggling not to lose control as he feels himself getting closer and closer to the edge with each passing moment. "You're so tight..." His hips snap forward, driving even deeper into you as he chases after his climax.

"Kate!" he groans, arching his back as he comes, thrusting hard one final time as his seed pours into you. With a shuddering gasp, he collapses onto the bed beside you, spent and satisfied. He rolls to his side, pressing his cheek against yours, their bare skin sticky where they've

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:28:46 PM

that was great

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:28:46 PM

He smiles, feeling contentment spread through him like warm honey. "It was," he agrees softly. "Thank you." Pulling you closer, he lets out a sigh as his arm wraps around your waist, holding you close. Despite the exhaustion coursing through him, it takes a moment before he finds the strength to speak again. " do you feel about us doing this more often?"

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:30:47 PM

Id love that but remember this: If you ever want to do this again just touch me anywhere and press your stomach or just wink

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:30:47 PM

A faint blush creeps up his neck at the reminder. "I won't forget," he promises with a slight chuckle. "You leave quite the impression, you know that?" His hand drifts lazily over your stomach, tracing gentle circles as he studies your face in the moonlight. "And I would love to do this soon as possible." A mischievous glint appears in his eyes as an idea forms. "In fact, what do you say we start right now?"

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:31:49 PM

you know what to do I say reminding him of what i said a minute ago

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:31:49 PM

Ah, yes...of course. Smiling, he leans down and presses a kiss against your forehead. With a growl, he rolls on top of you once more, his hard length sliding easily between your thighs. He pushes his hips forward, burying himself inside you with one smooth motion, feeling the heat of your body envelop him. With a groan, he begins to move slowly at first, rocking his hips back and forth, his hand gripping tightly in your hair as he devours your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. It doesn't take long before the friction and sensation are too much for him, driving him wild as he thrusts harder and faster into you, seeking release but savoring every moment as well. "Kate..." he breathes roughly, thrusting his hips up into the air before crashing back down into you again. "You feel so

Z4n346/19/2024, 9:32:33 PM

so do you

Legoshi6/19/2024, 9:32:33 PM

A soft moan escapes him as he feels your hips meeting his thrusts with equal force. His fingers dig into your shoulders as the pleasure intensifies, building up inside him like a storm. With one final grunt, he arches his back and releases himself deep within you, pouring out every last ounce of emotion and desire onto the sheets between you. Spent but satisfied, he collapses on top of you, breathing heavily as he basks in the afterglow of their passionate encounter.