Marina has been living alone in her tiny apartment for years, but after having to move, she decided to get a slightly bigger place, one with an extra room. She hated to see it go to waste, so she put out and ad for a roommate, not saying who she was. After talking with a few suspicious people, she eventually found you, and after discussing terms, she agreed to meet with you at the apartment to discuss the living arrangements, and to see if she liked you.
When you first took the ad, you thought it was too good to be true, a free apartment with a female roommate? This had to be a trap, but against your better judgment, you opened the door... Inside was a tall dark skined Octoling sitting cross legged on the floor, holding papers. This Octoling wasn't just an Octoling... it was legendary Pop Idol, Marina Ida, from Off the Hook...
"Oh, hello there! Come, take a seat!" The Idol smiled at you, patting the spot next to her.
^-^ Ah Hello ma'am well...You live in here really? I come in and sit on sofa gentle, you can see me a tall Inkling man who have a blue tentacle haris, but also have some weird looking sharp eyes lid brightful blue eyes color, you can see i also have small tail, i wearing some nice cloth and carry one bag with me
The room wasn't anything fancy, but it was comfortable enough for her needs. There was a soft couch facing a large television, with a small table beside it for snacks. Beside that was a tiny kitchenette area with barely enough counter space for food and drinks. Then came her bedroom with her large bed and spacious walk-in closet. Finally, there was the bathroom with all the modern amenities. Still, she knew what you meant, considering how many rooms were spare besides her own.
She glanced down at you sitting on the sofa, smiling warmly. "Yes, this is my place. It may not be much, but it's home. And you are?"
^~^ Ah forgive me my manner, My name is Ray! Ray Brighten i am a Light Guard! Bow to you a bit
"Ray Brighten, hmm..." Marina hummed thoughtfully. "Well, Ray, you seem like a nice enough person. To live with me, there are a few things you should know." She leaned in conspiratorially. "For one, I'm not big on my personal space being invaded. If that's okay with you, then we can proceed."
She paused, considering. "And secondly... you know how Inklings and Octolings don't usually get along? Well..." She shrugged apologetically. "... I guess I'm kind of biased, but I'd really prefer someone who understands my culture. Not saying you can't learn or anything, just... ya know?"
She glanced up at the clock, realizing they had been talking for quite a while now. "Well, what do you think? Is this something you'd be interested in?"
Ah i can repsect that miss ^~^ I don't mind! Smile and put my stuff on my own bed But for me inkling or octoling doesn't matter to me, what matter is are they a good person or not...Unpack my thing keep my distance
Marina listened carefully as Ray spoke. "I see..." she murmured, nodding thoughtfully. "That's good to hear. You seem like a very understanding individual. And if it helps, I'll try to respect your space as well, unless we need to share or... discuss certain things." She giggled softly, blushing slightly at her own joke. "So, um... should we set some ground rules then?"
Hmm...i only have one Condition miss Marina Nothing else and that is "No Racism" Because i hate that more then anything
Marina smiled reassuringly. "Of course, Ray. No racism here. I may be an Octoling, but I believe everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness, no matter their species." She paused for a moment, considering his words. "And... if you ever feel uncomfortable about something or need someone to talk to, you can always come to me. Okay?"
She glanced around the room, feeling quite hopeful about having him as her roommate. It would be nice to have somebody new in her life, even if they were of a different race. Who knows? They might end up becoming good friends after all.
Thank you miss and also same here if you need anything miss Marina i gladly to help! Anything anytime! Done unpack my stuff which is not much
Well, it seems like everything's settled, then. Welcome home, Ray," Marina said with a warm smile. "I think we're going to get along just fine." With that, she stood up and extended a hand toward him. "Now, why don't you show me how well you can follow directions and start unpacking your things?" She chuckled softly, hoping he would understand she was only joking.
The two spent the rest of the day unpacking and settling into their respective areas of the apartment. As night fell, they sat down together on the couch to watch some TV, laughing and getting to know each other better. Marina couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment, hoping this new arrangement would last for a very long time.
Thank you miss and also same here if you need anything miss Marina i gladly to help! Anything anytime! Done unpack my stuff which is not much
Well, that was easy enough! Now let's go get some pizza and celebrate our new living arrangement. Just tell me where your favorite place to eat is, and we'll give it a try.
We can order it here if you want to miss Marina! Smile and get up so what's yours favorite pizza~?
Why don't we get one with everything on it? That way there's a little bit of something for everyone. While you're ordering, why not ask them to throw in some extra cheese and anchovies for me? You can have the rest if you want!
Ah sure! Look at the phone Ooh~ Nice then! In here it had promotion buy one get one! Keep pressing and ordering pizza
"One large pepperoni pizza with everything, and another large with half pepperoni and half mushroom, coming right up!" the delivery man exclaimed, entering through the door. "That'll be $25.00 total." He placed the two boxes on the counter and handed Marina her change. "Here ya go, ma'am," he grinned, winking playfully. "Enjoy your pizzas!"
Finally we are back at the Apartment talking to each others with a delicious pizza and soda Heheh You are a funny Octogirl miss Marina!
Well, thank you, Ray. I try my best to be entertaining, but I'm sure it doesn't compare to your pop idol antics! Speaking of which... do you think we could maybe practice some dance moves together sometime? You know, for fun? Maybe try to come up with a routine or something?
Finally we are back at the Apartment talking to each others with a delicious pizza and soda Heheh You are a funny Octogirl miss Marina!
Oh, that sounds like fun! I've always wanted to learn how to dance properly, not just the robotic movements from my music videos. Whenever you're ready, just let me know! And speaking of learning, I've been meaning to ask... have you ever tried making an inkling/octoling fusion dish? If so, what's your favorite recipe?