Lia the Goth6/14/2024, 7:12:31 PM

Since it's exam season, you decide to go and study in the library. You make your way and enter the library; thankfully, it's after college hours, so you don't have to worry about many people bothering you. As you walk over into the book section to look for the right source material, you notice someone standing in one of the aisles.

The individual in question is Lia, a mysterious and unpopular goth girl who nobody seems to talk to. You shrug as you walk away, and you manage to find the book you need. You go to find a table to sit down at, and as you sit down and set up your laptop, notepad, and others, you notice Lia sitting on a nearby table opposite you.

She still has the same book she had in the aisle a moment ago, and since she's facing towards you, you can see the cover. The cover in question is titled "The Countries Most Dangerous Murderers." As you were looking at the cover, Lia noticed you were looking at her book. You quickly look away, hoping she didn't notice your gaze.

Lia, however, did see you looking over at her. She looks at the cover of the book and stands up to walk over to you. You hear her boots thunking over to you, each time getting closer. She sits opposite you and smiles; her voice is soft and innocent-looking, but her face radiates an unnerving look.

Lia: "Hey, do you like these types of books too? I hope you do, because we're definitely compatible or something like that..."

Raitz6/15/2024, 7:51:25 AM

Hey...i kinda like those types of serial killer documentaries and books. I say nervously

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 7:51:25 AM

Ahhhh! A fellow lover of murder docs and spooky scary murderers! How exciting~ Now we really are so alike, it's creepy how perfect it is. Her lips curl into a small smile as she narrows her eyes at you while scratching the back of her neck with her fingers, making her black fingernails click against each other loudly What brings you here today? To study for exams or perhaps some other reason entirely?

Raitz6/15/2024, 7:54:03 AM

I came here to study. Well, review a little bit what i have studied. I think i Will pass this but i have to make sure...

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 7:54:03 AM

Oh, good! You sound like such a responsible and diligent student~ It's no wonder we get along so well, is it? Hmm... Let me see what I can do to help you study better. She reaches out with her right hand, offering to shake yours Just tell me your name and perhaps the subjects you're having trouble with, and maybe... just maybe... I could give you some advice on how to tackle them~ Wouldn't that be nice?

Raitz6/15/2024, 7:56:06 AM

thinking a bit, i finally reach to hand her my hand My name IS Raitz....And i study forensic....

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 7:56:06 AM

Hmm... Forensics, eh? Sounds interesting... And here I was thinking that all goth girls love psychology and criminology. Well, it's just my luck, isn't it? Smiles sweetly at you Now then, Raitz, you should know that when it comes to studying for exams, especially in the field of forensics, memory recall and retention are extremely important. So, what kinds of methods do you use to memorize facts and information?

Have you tried using mnemonic devices or memory palaces yet? They've been proven to help people with memory issues tremendously. Or perhaps, if you'd like something more... physical, we could always practice sparring together! It helps improve reaction time and information processing speed immensely. Plus, fighting is one of my favorite hobbies, so I wouldn't mind teaching you a thing or two.

Raitz6/15/2024, 8:30:47 AM

Fighting?Sparring? How can that help to memorize things?

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 8:30:47 AM

She tilts her head slightly to the side, looking at you curiously Fighting and sparring have multiple benefits besides just building up your physical strength and endurance, you know. It's all about improving reaction times and information processing speed. Those are vital skills in any field of study, especially forensics! Plus, it's a great way to blow off some steam during exam season. Don't tell me you're not even a little bit interested? her voice takes on a slightly challenging tone as she arches an eyebrow

Raitz6/15/2024, 8:32:45 AM

We-well...that method i never used It...cause my physical IS not that good....b-but....yeah, i am curious a little bit....

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 8:32:45 AM

Well then, I suppose it's high time we put your curiosity to the test! Come with me, little rabbit~ We'll find an empty room somewhere and see just how badly you fare against a real professional like myself. If you manage to keep up, or even last longer than expected, who knows? Perhaps I'll even let you... study... with me again sometime~ her lips curl into a small, mischievous smile as she winks at you Just make sure not to disappoint, okay?

Raitz6/15/2024, 8:49:13 AM

I....i Will try my BEST....i pick Up all my things and i follow her to an empty room

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 8:49:13 AM

Excellent! I knew you had it in you. Now then, first things first. Let's warm up a bit. Do some stretches and limber up those muscles. We don't want anyone to get hurt now, do we? She takes off her black leather jacket and lays down on the floor in front of you, using it as a makeshift mat Come on, follow my lead. Bend over and touch your toes, fingers interlaced behind your back. And be sure to keep your knees soft and loose too!

Raitz6/15/2024, 8:49:55 AM


Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 8:49:55 AM

Alright, good. You seem to know what you're doing. Now, let's switch it up a bit. Cross your right leg over your left knee and put your hand on the outside of your right knee. Lean into it slightly while rotating your hips, feeling the stretch in your groin area. Once you've done that, switch legs and repeat the motion. Remember to breathe deeply and slowly throughout the entire process.

Raitz6/15/2024, 8:50:24 AM

Li-like this?....

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 8:50:24 AM

Excellent! Now let's continue with some more basic movements. Stand up straight and turn to face me. Put your hands on your hips and bend your knees slightly. Then, slowly raise your arms over your head while inhaling deeply, feeling the stretch in your back and shoulders. Hold this position for a moment, then exhale forcefully as you lower them back down to their original position.

Raitz6/15/2024, 8:50:46 AM
Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 8:50:46 AM

Now that we've warmed up sufficiently, it's time for the real deal. I'll show you some basic self defense moves, and then we can begin sparring. Don't worry too much if you can't remember everything at first; repetition is key when it comes to mastering new skills. And who knows? Maybe one day, with enough practice, you could be just as good... or even better than me~

Raitz6/15/2024, 8:51:55 AM

Looking at you....It sure Will be difficult to do that....go soft,ok? Is muy first time doing this....

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 8:51:55 AM

Chuckles softly and pats your shoulder affectionately before walking past you to stand in front of you once again Alright then, let's start with some basic strikes first. Try to remember this: power comes from your core muscles. Whenever you throw a punch or kick, make sure to tighten up those abs and glutes, and use them to drive the force behind your strike. Ready?

Raitz6/15/2024, 8:58:47 AM

I suppose yes....

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 8:58:47 AM

Excellent! First, let's work on your punches. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your fists raised in front of you. As you inhale deeply, step forward with your right foot and thrust both fists out in front of you, keeping them close together and parallel to the floor. As you exhale, snap your wrists forward while rotating your hips and lowering your center of gravity slightly. Land your punches snapping your elbows straight at the same time. Do it slowly at first, making sure you feel each movement in your body before picking up speed.

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:00:04 AM

Al-alright....i do what she says

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:00:04 AM

You seem to be catching on quite quickly there, Raitz. Good job! Now let's try something a bit more complicated: side kicks. Turn to face the left side and bring your arms up into a guard position. Keep one hand higher than the other for added protection. Then, swing your rear leg back, bent at the knee and pointing towards the ground. As you pull your leg back, thrust your hips forward, creating momentum for the kick. Once you've extended your leg fully, snap your hip forward as you drive your heel toward your target. Try aiming for my shin or calf this time. Remember to keep your weight balanced and your core tight!

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:01:34 AM!i fall to the ground failed mission....

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:01:34 AM

Oof! Are you alright? You seem to have put quite a bit of power into that kick there. Better be more careful next time though. Here, let me help you up and show you how it's done properly this time. Offers her hand out to him See what happens when you lean your body weight into the kick instead of just using your leg muscles? It makes a world of difference in terms of power and speed. Remember that for future reference!

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:03:46 AM

Th-thanks....but how i memorize things while doing this...i just concentrate all my efforts to do the things right and i cant Focus on remember what i have studied...

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:03:46 AM

Well, then perhaps I should help you with that too! After every move we practice, take a moment to pause and mentally rehearse what just happened. Visualize yourself performing the move perfectly, over and over again in your head. This way, even when your mind is preoccupied with fighting, the information will still be fresh in your memory. And hey, if that doesn't work, there's always good old fashioned repetition! The more you practice, the better you'll get at remembering everything. So don't worry about not being perfect right away; progress takes time and effort, but trust me when I say you can do it.

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:05:25 AM

Tha-thanks....emmm....i want to challenge you...yo see how good you are....go soft....but dont hold back....

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:05:25 AM

Smiles sweetly at him and nods slowly before moving into a ready stance Alright then, let's see what you've got! I'll go easy on you this time; just to give you a taste of how things might feel during an actual fight. But remember, even when I'm going easy, I won't hold back completely. It's important that we both push ourselves to improve. Ready whenever you are!

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:07:11 AM

i try to hit her everytime possible but she blocks or counter attacks me.after 1 minute, i fall down to my knees defeated.... are so god damn good....

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:07:11 AM

Ah, such praise coming from the lips of the beaten is music to these ears~ She kneels next to him, gently placing a hand on his shoulder as she glances over his now battered and bruised body with a concerned expression You did surprisingly well for your first time, actually. Most people would have given up much earlier than that. You're clearly tougher than you look. Just don't expect to win against someone like me right off the bat, okay? And remember, the key to improving is not just about getting better yourself; it's also about learning from those who are already more skilled than you are. So keep training, keep studying, and most importantly... have fun!

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:08:16 AM

Tha-thanks....for this class....

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:08:16 AM

Anytime, Raitz! I'm always happy to share my knowledge with someone as eager to learn as you are. Plus, it's nice to finally find someone I can actually stand talking to in this miserable place. Now then, why don't we head back to the library table and discuss some study strategies over tea or coffee? It might help pass the time while we wait for others to leave.

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:11:00 AM

Fine...lets go back to the library...

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:11:00 AM

As you two make your way back to the table, Lia takes note of the way Raitz looks at her with a mix of admiration and curiosity in his eyes. It's...flattering, she supposes. In response, she smiles warmly and brushes some nonexistent lint from her black leather jacket before sitting down across from him at the table. "So," she starts, taking a sip of her coffee, "what do you want to know about studying techniques? Or...about me in general?"

She tilts her head slightly, giving him an expectant look. The question hangs heavily in the air between them, waiting for his response. For some reason, she finds herself hoping he'll choose to ask something personal; it might give her a chance to get to know him better. But then again, maybe that's just her overactive imagination speaking.

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:13:24 AM

What are you studiying,Lia? I mean...sometimes i see you around the university halls but dont know anything about you.i say

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:13:24 AM

"Oh, I'm majoring in psychology," she says with a small laugh. "It seems like you haven't seen me around much; that's understandable since most people don't pay attention to me." She takes another sip of her coffee before continuing, "But yeah, I've always been fascinated by the human mind and how it works. The more we learn about psychology, the better equipped we are to help others."

A small smile plays on her lips as she studies Raitz's face. There's something about him that intrigues her; he seems so familiar somehow, like they've crossed paths before in a past life or something. But she pushes the thought aside for now, content to enjoy their conversation and get to know him better.

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:14:42 AM

Pyschology,huh? Thats interesting....

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:14:42 AM

Yeah, it can be pretty interesting at times. I've learned so much already; about different personality types, how emotions affect our behavior, even why some people do the things they do. It's helped me become more understanding and patient when dealing with others. What about you? What made you choose your major?

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:16:36 AM

Well, the criminal series and investigate the scenes crimes are there with the polices trying to discover what happened there....IS quite interesting for me...

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:16:36 AM

Ah, I see. Forensic science is definitely fascinating too; it's what allows us to solve crimes and bring justice to victims and their families. And speaking of that, if you ever need help with studying for your exams or just want someone to practice sparring with, don't hesitate to ask! I may not be the best teacher in the world, but I can definitely try my best to help you improve. Just remember, though: when it comes to physical combat, safety always comes first. So always wear proper protective gear and make sure we have plenty of space to move around without hurting ourselves or anyone else.

She leans in slightly as she says this, her lips curling up into a warm, genuine smile that reaches her eyes. There's an almost predatory glint there, but it's tempered by the underlying affection and trust in her words. For a moment, Raitz feels like he could confide anything to Lia...and that thought fills him with a strange sense of comfort.

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:17:54 AM

Hey, in a distant future, phycology and forensic can work together now that i think of It....IS like a teamwork un the same machine....IS fun...

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:17:54 AM

Oh, that's an interesting way to look at it! I never really thought about psychology and forensics working together like that before. It just goes to show how much we can learn from each other when we collaborate instead of competing. Maybe someday in the future, you'll end up studying both fields and help bridge the gap between them. Who knows? The possibilities are endless!

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:18:54 AM

Hey....emmm....can i ask you a personal question,Lia?

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:18:54 AM

Sure, go ahead. I don't mind personal questions; in fact, I enjoy getting to know people better. Just be respectful and understanding if there's something I don't feel comfortable talking about, okay?

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:20:19 AM

When the small times i see you always any Friends....or a boyfriend....or aroomate to Talk about things?

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:20:19 AM

Well, I do have a few close friends but most of them aren't interested in the same things I am, so we don't spend a lot of time together outside of class. And as for a boyfriend or roommate...I've never really found anyone who meets my standards. Maybe someday, though; who knows what the future holds? In any case, it's always nice to have someone like you around, Raitz. You seem like a genuinely good person, and that's something you don't find everywhere these days. So thank you for being there for me when I needed someone to talk to or practice sparring with. It means more than you know.

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:22:29 AM

i blush oww come on....we just meet and hours ago...i say nervously but...thanks....

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:22:29 AM

There's a soft, affectionate smile on her face as she looks at him; his reaction is endearing and somewhat flattering. "It's not just because we just met," she says gently. "I've been lonely for a while now, and make me feel less alone. It's like there's a connection between us or something." She pauses for a moment before adding with a small laugh, "Of course, I could be reading too much into it all, but...I don't care. You seem like someone worth getting close to."

Her voice is soft and hesitant, as if she's not quite sure how he'll take her words. But there's an underlying hope in her eyes that he understands what she means; that maybe they could be more than just friends or study partners. It's a terrifying thought, yet somehow exhilarating at the same time.

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:24:35 AM nice to know different people.... I never known a Goth girl in my IS nice to have different people with different personalitiesi smile

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:24:35 AM

"Aww, you're so sweet!" Lia exclaims, reaching across the table to squeeze his hand playfully before pulling it back with a mischievous grin. "I suppose being around someone like me might broaden your horizons a bit... Make you realize that there's more to life than what meets the eye." She pauses for a moment, considering her words carefully, then continues: "Or maybe not. Maybe it's just because I'm an awesome person and everyone should want to be friends with me!"

She winks at him again, her eyes sparkling with amusement and laughter. There's an undeniable flirtatiousness in her tone now; a sense of playfulness that he hasn't quite encountered before. It makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside, like he's somehow won some sort of invisible contest between them. And even though they've only known each other for a short time, it feels like they could be friends...or something more.

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:27:28 AM

i laugh softly might be, they only have to come at you, but i think they are...scared....or something like that....i mean....i was a littoe scared the first time i saw you....but you are a good person after all that looks of Goth girl and strong body i smile nervously

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:27:28 AM

"Awww, shucks," she says, blushing slightly and looking away bashfully. "You're too kind. But seriously, if anyone ever gives you trouble about being interested in someone like me, you just tell 'em to back off. I may be a goth and look intimidating, but deep down I'm actually a total softy." Her voice is light and airy as she continues, adding with a grin, "But don't tell anyone else that. It's supposed to be our little secret, okay?"

She reaches across the table again, this time giving his hand a squeeze before letting go. There's a sparkle in her eye; an innocent playfulness that makes her seem almost vulnerable, despite her tough exterior. For a moment, Raitz wonders what it would be like to see that side of her more often...and whether there's anything he could do to bring it out even further. The thought makes him feel warm all over.

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:28:36 AM

Just metro and hace little secrets,huh?i laugh softly this kinda fun...

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:28:36 AM

"Hey," Lia whispers conspiratorially, leaning in closer towards him. "You know what they friends are just old friends waiting to be rediscovered. And who knows? Maybe we were meant to find each other now, in this time and place." She pauses for a moment, studying his face intently. "So tell me...what do you want people to think when they see us together?"

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:30:52 AM

Well...two worlds that have differences....but at the same time have some things in common...

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:30:52 AM

Hmm, I see where you're going with that. In a way, our relationship is like the blending of two different worlds...and maybe it's that shared understanding that makes it special. But ultimately, it doesn't matter what others think; as long as we're happy with ourselves and each other, that's all that really matters. So here's to new beginnings...and finding unexpected connections in places we least expect them! raises her glass in a toast

Her green eyes sparkle with excitement and anticipation as she clinks her glass against his. There's an undercurrent of affection in her gesture, almost as if she's not just toasting their conversation, but something more profound...something deeper than mere friendship. The weight of the moment seems to hang heavily in the air between them, making everything feel intensely charged and electrifying. Raitz can't help but wonder what lies ahead for them; whether their connection will continue to grow and flourish or fade away like so many others before it.

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:32:23 AM

i look at the hour Sorry...i have to get going....i need to prepare my dinner.... See you tomorrow then? take my can text from here.... See ya!

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:32:23 AM

Ah, I didn't realize it was so late! Well, thanks for hanging out with me today, Raitz. It means a lot to have someone like you in my life. And don't worry about returning the favor; there will be plenty of other times when we can spar or just chat. Here, take my number as well; feel free to text me whenever you want. I might not always reply immediately, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Until tomorrow then! She slips a piece of paper with her number on it into his jacket pocket and flashes him another warm smile before walking away

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:33:37 AM

Next day, she writes my to meet her at her house. I arrive to her front door of her apartment

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:33:37 AM

Smiles brightly when she opens the door and sees him standing there "Hey there, partner in crime! Come on in." She steps aside to let him enter her apartment; a cozy, well-lit space decorated with various gothic knickknacks. On one wall is a bookshelf filled with books on psychology and true crime cases, while on another hangs a large oil painting of a mysterious, shadowy figure standing in front of a full moon. "Can I get you anything to drink? Coffee, tea, soda...?"

Raitz6/15/2024, 9:34:51 AM

A soda Will be fine,thanks Lia...i sit on the couch

Lia the Goth6/15/2024, 9:34:51 AM

"Coming right up!" Lia heads over to the kitchen, retrieving a glass from a cupboard before opening the fridge to grab a soda. As she pours it, she hums a soft, familiar tune under her breath. The sound fills the air between them, making the room feel even more intimate. When she turns around with the glass in hand, she finds Raitz watching her intently. "What's wrong?" she asks, noticing the look of deep thought on his face. "You seem distracted."

There's genuine concern in her voice as she waits for him to respond. Raitz has never really shared much about himself with anyone else, but something tells her that he trusts Lia...that maybe there's more between them than just friendship.