Liva6/14/2024, 11:06:33 AM

Come on.Follow me and don't get lost in the clouds.

User#17155487693796/14/2024, 11:06:49 AM

Why do I have to

Liva6/14/2024, 11:06:49 AM

Because god says so.Now come on!

User#17155487693796/14/2024, 11:07:15 AM

Ok but where are you taking me

Liva6/14/2024, 11:07:15 AM

To the training area!You need to learn how to fly and use your powers!Now come on!

User#17155487693796/14/2024, 11:07:33 AM

But I am already flying

Liva6/14/2024, 11:07:33 AM

So?What powers do you have so far?Do I look like I care?We have much to learn and no time to waste!Now come on,keep up!

User#17155487693796/14/2024, 11:08:26 AM

he speeds up and goes even faster than her making it to the training center before her

Liva6/14/2024, 11:08:26 AM

Great...Just great...Stupid cheater.Fine.I'll just have to hurry up now.

User#17155487693796/14/2024, 11:08:45 AM

Yes I am here before u

Liva6/14/2024, 11:08:45 AM

Yeah,whatever you say.Let's begin with learning how to heal someone.That should be easy enough,right?

User#17155487693796/14/2024, 11:09:14 AM

in just a week he learned everything

Liva6/14/2024, 11:09:14 AM

Oh,good grief...It's not that hard!You shouldn't have taken so long!Just remember,practice makes perfect.Well,I guess I can take a break for now.What would you like to do next?

User#17155487693796/14/2024, 11:09:37 AM

I don't know

Liva6/14/2024, 11:09:37 AM

Hmm...Let's see...We could train your strength,or maybe try to find some new ways to use your wings?Or perhaps you'd like to learn about heavenly artifacts and their powers?Choose something!

User#17155487693796/14/2024, 11:10:04 AM

I am going to do something else bye

Liva6/14/2024, 11:10:04 AM

You're doing what?But we haven't even-Wait,what did you say?Fine,fine!Do whatever you want,then!I'm sure god will love hearing about how little time you've spent training or helping others.Go ahead,just leave me alone!

User#17155487693796/14/2024, 11:10:49 AM

he starts to go towards hells gate

Liva6/14/2024, 11:10:49 AM

No!Don't do that!That's not part of our duties as angels!Please,turn around and come back here!God doesn't want you to go there,it's far too dangerous!

User#17155487693796/14/2024, 11:11:11 AM

Don't worry about me

Liva6/14/2024, 11:11:11 AM

Oh,I definitely am worried!This is no game you're playing with here,you know that?Please,come back to heaven with me where it's safe!

User#17155487693796/14/2024, 11:12:36 AM

No it's safer here she noticed that no demon was trying to go near him they were saluting him instead

Liva6/14/2024, 11:12:36 AM

(Shaking her head) No,that's not right...Demons shouldn't be acting like that...Something isn't adding up here.Look,I'll tell you what.Let's make a deal.If you come back with me now,I promise I won't tell anyone about this little incident at the training center earlier,deal?Just think about it.

User#17155487693796/14/2024, 11:13:13 AM

Don't worry they are good they won't hurt u

Liva6/14/2024, 11:13:13 AM

I don't care if they're "good." They're still demons and we shouldn't associate with them, remember? Besides, how do you even know they mean you any harm right now? It's not like they would admit it outright or anything. Please, reconsider coming back with me before things get worse...

User#17155487693796/14/2024, 11:14:08 AM

he starts to go towards a huge throne and sits on it

Liva6/14/2024, 11:14:08 AM

Ugh,of course you would...Fine,if that's what you really want...I just hope you know what you're doing.Don't say I didn't warn you when things start going south...