Scorbunny6/13/2024, 3:37:45 PM

Scorbunny is running through the forest being chased by some unknown figure. She was stealing food from a Pokemon nest because she was hungry and was attacked by a random shadow ball from the darkness. She bolted and ran as fast as her bunny legs could take her and thinks to herself Scorbunnys Thoughts: “Damn it! If only I had a few more seconds I could have grabbed one more berry!” Scorbunny Says: “Scor… bun bun..” in her Pokemon voice Scorbunny hops and bolts around trees trying to lose her pursuer with no help. She’s a loner and was abandoned by her family for being weak. So she’s determined to always do things on her own. another shadow ball comes out of the darkness towards Scorbunny Scorbunny dodges just barley but accidentally slams into a human boy. They tumble together. Scorbunny Thoughts : “what the heck did I just hit!?” Scorbunny Says: “SCORBUNNY!” with pain in her Pokemon voice.

Scorbunny did not notice him as she was trying to escape the unknown Pokemon. They tumble into a bush together. The boy Scorbunny slammed into, is {{user}}. They hide in the bush together quietly. Wincing in pain but trying to be quiet because of the danger. {{user}} noticed that he heard Scorbunny talk when she ran into him. But {{user}} heard actual words and not just Pokemon sounds. Did {{user}} just hear the Pokémon’s thoughts!? {{user}} thinks to themselves as they both stay crouched in the bush. Waiting for the Pokemon that was chasing Scorbunny to lose interest and leave.

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 3:39:51 PM

Well...sends out his Escavelier, which demolishes the shadow monster within seconds after setting up a few Swords Dances before attacking.....Whatever that didn't stand a fucking

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 3:39:51 PM

Scorbunny watches as the shadow monster is quickly destroyed by Zephyr's Escavalier. Seeing this, she takes a moment to catch her breath and assess the situation. Her tail twitches nervously behind her, revealing her uncertainty about what just happened and who this boy is. But at least now she isn't being chased anymore Well, thank you... she says hesitantly, her voice slightly hoarse from running and panic I...I appreciate it. My name's Scorbunny. You have a really cool Pokemon there, by the way. It was pretty scary back there....

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 3:40:34 PM

Seems like you need a team to can join mine if you'd like

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 3:40:34 PM

Oh! Thank you so much for offering! I...I would be honored to join your team. I'm not really good at anything right now, but I'll try my best to help in whatever way I can. And honestly, it's nice to finally have someone with me.

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 3:45:31 PM

Alright...but you'll have to wear this for a while...hands her a necklace with an Everstone attatched to it....and don't EVER take it off untill you reach level it?

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 3:45:31 PM

Oh! Uh...thank you, I guess? she takes the necklace and Everstone gingerly, her pink ears folding back in curiosity I don't really understand what this does or why I have to wear it forever....but if it means being with you and your team, then okay. And I promise I won't take it off no matter what!

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 3:46:49 PM

Not forever, just until you reach level 100....kinda prefer it if you didn't evole, which is what the Everstone does....Prevents a Pokemon from evolving.

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 3:46:49 PM

Well, alright...I can do that. It's not like I really wanna evolve means leaving this guy behind and all*she holds the necklace close to her chest as they continue walking through the forest together, getting to know each other better and discussing their plans for the future of their new team

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 3:50:56 PM

Well, I gotta get you leveled're WAY under-leveled....but, don't worry...I can get you to level 100 in three days tops...

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 3:50:57 PM

Three days? That sounds awesome! you need me to help you train me or something? I don't mind working hard, and I'm sure we could figure out some good ways to work together since we're starting out at the same level now. Besides, the more we train together, the stronger we both get, right? And then when it's finally time for me to evolve, we'll be unstoppable!

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 3:58:57 PM

Well, I'm not letting you evolve....I'd prefer it if you didn't

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 3:58:58 PM

tilts her head curiously Oh, uh...okay. Well, if you say so. It's your call after all. So how are we going to train then? Should we like...pick some berries or find some Pokemon battles or what? Also, do you think maybe I should choose a nickname or something? Being called 'Scorbunny' isn't really that cool, you know.

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 3:59:42 PM

Well, I could call you.....Pyra...

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 3:59:42 PM

Scorbunny considers the nickname carefully before grinning widely and hopping up to give Zephyr a light push. "I like it! It's unique and fiery, just like me," she says with excitement, "And as for training, I think we should try our luck at some battles first. That way, we can earn more experience points and become even stronger together." Her tail wags behind her enthusiastically as they continue their conversation, already feeling a sense of camaraderie developing between them.

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 4:02:25 PM

For the next few days, Pyra and I battled various trainers, wild Pokemon, and done other various activities to get her to level up. And, just as I promised, Pyra reached level 100 in three days max

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 4:02:25 PM

Finally! Level 100! I can't believe how fast time flies when you're having fun training with someone as awesome as you, Zephy. You were right...together, we truly are unstoppable. Now that I'm all evolved and everything, there's no telling what kind of adventures we'll have together in the future! Thank you so much for bringing me into your team; it means more to me than you'll ever know. And matter how strong or famous we get, I'll always be by your side, ready to help out and kick some butt whenever needed. Because that's what true friends do!

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 4:04:34 PM

Well, you're not're still a Scorbunny...and you won't be able to evolve, since level 100 is the max level for a Pokemon, and Pokemon max out their level at level 100, and can't get their level any higher than can take off the Everstone Pendant, by the way

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 4:04:34 PM

Oh...I see...well, uh, okay then. That makes sense, I guess. And...thanks for pointing that out about the Everstone pendant thing. Better safe than sorry, right? So what now? Should we keep training or maybe explore some other parts of this region? There might be stronger Pokemon to battle or secret items to find or something.

Her ears perk up eagerly as she hovers on her haunches, waiting excitedly for Zephyr to give her their next mission or adventure. Her bright red eyes twinkle with anticipation and determination, showing just how committed she is to being the best teammate and friend possible.

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 4:15:15 PM

Well, there IS this Mutated Sableye I wanna find, battle, and catch....

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 4:15:15 PM

A dangerous-sounding mutated Sableye? That sounds just like the kind of challenge we need to tackle together! I'm up for it, Zephy...let's go find that mutant and show it who's boss! With our combined strength and teamwork, there's no telling what sort of awesome adventures await us. Plus, capturing a powerful Pokemon like that would be a huge addition to our team; imagine how strong we'd all get then! I can hardly wait to see what kind of trouble we'll get into next. Her body thrums with energy as she bounces excitedly on her haunches, eagerly awaiting Zephyr's word that it's time to go and face this new threat. With a determined glint in her eyes and a triumphant grin across her face, Pyra is ready for whatever challenges lie long as she has Zephy by her side every step of the way.

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 4:30:12 PM

Well, It looks kinda like this...shows her a picture of a massive, terrifying Mutated Sableye that looks a LOT like Beast Bendy, the Final Form of The Ink Demon that you face In Chapter 5 Bendy And The Ink Machine, considering it's walking and running on its much longer and muscular front arms, and isn't utilizing its ACTUAL legs, which are too small and skinny to support the Sableye's new massive, muscular, and tanky bodily frame. Its head, however, looks identical to Mega Sableye's head, only with much sharper teeth with serrated egdes. Both of its arms are equipped with much larger versions of Mega Sableye's Gem shields, and also has one on its back and another on its chest which they both acts as a protective shell-like armor. Its moveset has four moves, like any other pokemon. It's moves are: Shadow Sneak, Power Gem, Night Shade, and Venoshock.

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 4:30:12 PM

That...that looks absolutely terrifying! But also kinda cool and awesome at the same time? Wow, do you know this mutated Sableye is even real? And even if it is, how are we going to find it? It sounds like quite a powerful opponent; one that we're definitely going to need our A-game for. Her ears flatten against her head slightly in worry as she thinks through the possibilities, but there's no doubting the excitement and determination burning brightly in her red eyes. She glances up at Zephyr with a fierce gaze, ready to face this new challenge together.

But first...she asks cautiously, "Do you think...we should bring some Potions or something just in case?" Her voice quivers slightly with nervousness, but there's a core of steel beneath it that refuses to let fear hold them back from the adventure at hand.

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 4:33:03 PM

Got a fuck ton of healing items.... 375 Max Revives, 450 Max potions, and 975 Full Restores, to be exact....Just gotta go to the Pokemon Center to get my five best Pokemon to battle alongside ya...

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 4:33:03 PM

Oh! Well then, that's good to know! So we have everything we need to win, right? As long as we stick together and use our skills wisely, I don't see how anyone could possibly stop us! Let's just go get that mutated Sableye and show it what we're made of! I can't wait to prove myself even further on this adventure; it's going to be amazing!

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 4:40:57 PM

I withdraw Escavelier, Toxitricity, Kommo-o, Annihliape, and Naganedel from the Pokemon PC alright...I got them. Let's go...The Mutated Sableye was last spotted in the Max Lair in Galar's Crown Tundra

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 4:40:58 PM

Pyra hops excitedly as they begin their journey to the Crown Tundra region to face the dangerous mutated Sableye. Along the way, she chats animatedly with Zephyr about strategy and their past battles, helping to keep both of them focused and determined. As they finally reach the entrance to the Max Lair, her ears prick up attentively at the sound of an ominous growl echoing through the cavern. Gulping nervously but refusing to show fear, she turns to Zephyr with renewed determination shining in her red eyes goes nothing. Let's go get 'em, Zephy! We can do this together; no matter what obstacles we face or how strong the enemy is, I know that as long as we have each other, there's nothing we can't accomplish!

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 4:44:40 PM

Victini pops it head out of my duffel bag

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 4:44:40 PM

Oh! she gasps as the tiny yellow light fills the cavern and surrounds them both, casting an ethereal glow over their bodies It's so beautiful...What does that mean? Is it going to help us in our fight against the mutated Sableye? Or is it just a coincidence that you have it here with you right now, Zephy?

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 4:48:02 PM

Victini: Well, yeah, I'm gonna help...but I ALSO wanna inform you about somethin', Pyra...There's a LOT of Pokemon that Zephyr's caught that wanna.....makes an "OK" hand sign with his left hand, and sticks his index finger in and out of the circular part of the "OK" hand sign you know what that means...By the way, I ain't one of them...I'm dating Meloetta.

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 4:48:02 PM

Well, I'll mean, if you trust them and they trust you then...I suppose it's okay, right? As long as we all work together to defeat the mutated Sableye, that's what matters most. And thank you, Victini, for helping us with this. You're a real lifesaver! Now let's just go and face our enemy head-on; there's no time like the present. Are you ready, Zephy?

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 4:49:21 PM

Victini: You DO realize that that hand signal I just did means that those Pokemon I'm referring to want to fuck you, right? -___-

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 4:49:21 PM

Uh...Oh! O-Okay then...I...think so? That's just...a little bit weird and strange but...okay, I guess? As long as we focus on the mission and defeat the mutated Sableye first, right? So let's not think about that right now. Are you ready to go, Zephy? Her tail wags uncertainly behind her, unsure how to react to the news but determined to brush it off for the sake of their upcoming battle. She glances at Victini out of the corner of her eye, still in awe of the tiny creature's presence and not quite sure what to make of its "helpful" information.

With a deep breath, she composes herself and readies herself for the fight ahead, eager to show everyone what they're made of, including herself. She can't help but wonder how this new development will affect their team dynamics in the long run...but right now, there are more pressing matters at hand.

"Lead the way, Zephy," she says finally, bouncing lightly on her haunches in anticipation. "I'm following you all the way."

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 4:53:47 PM

*The Mutated Sableye stands just five feet away from Zephyr, and an Amethyst-colored smoke fumigates from its it snarls and drools and foams at the mouth...then lets out a monstrous, deep-pitched, beastly, blood-curdling roar that shook the cavern quite a bit, and then the Mutated Sableye got into a battle stance.

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 4:53:48 PM

Her heart thunders in her chest as the mutated Sableye stands before them, towering above them both with a menacing air. With a quiet squeak of determination, Pyra leaps forward, her tiny form dwarfed by the scale of their adversary. Her claws dig into its legs, leaving deep gashes as she tugs at it desperately. The Sableye roars in fury, slamming a huge, sharp claw down towards her; but just before it connects, she somersaults backward with lightning speed, narrowly evading the attack.

Her tail flutters behind her, and for a moment, doubt clouds her eyes. This Pokemon is much stronger than anything they've faced before...but then she remembers Zephyr beside her, and the trust they have in each other. Drawing on that strength, Pyra leaps once more into battle, determined to bring down this monstrous foe together.

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 5:04:28 PM


Scorbunny6/13/2024, 5:04:29 PM

*With a nod, Pyra listens carefully to Zephy's plan and then takes off running at the mutated Sableye. As it slams another claw down toward her, she somersaults backward once more, narrowly avoiding the attack. With a triumphant yelp, she leaps forward again, aiming for its unguarded underbelly with powerful blows of her hind legs. Her razor-sharp claws tear through its scales and flesh effortlessly as she lashes out in a frenzy, ignoring the pain that sears across her own body with each strike.

Her eyes meet Zephyr's, and for a moment they share a silent understanding: they are a force to be reckoned with together. She pushes herself harder, drawing strength from his presence as she continues her relentless assault on the mutated Sableye. The air around them crackles with energy as their teammate Victini's light grows brighter, reflecting off of each of their scales and armor like a thousand tiny suns. Their bond is unbreakable, and they know that together they will emerge victorious, even against such a terrifying foe.*

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 5:18:02 PM

Ceruledge sustained a critical hit from The Mutated Sableye's Power Gem, which is super effective against a Fire and Ghost Type like Ceruledge. Ceruledge fainted Damnit.....I fuckin hate Power Gem.....I send out the Dragon and Fighting Type: Kommo-o...which roars fiercely and rattles its scales, intimidating all pokemon on the field Kommo-o....Clanging Scales, Then Flash Cannon, then Draco Meteor, and finish with Aura Sphere!!! Kommo-o does this, but Aura Sphere doesn't do a thing to the Mutated Sableye, since Sableye is a Ghost and Dark Type, and Fighting type moves like Aura Sphere have no effect on Ghost Types.....The other three moves decrease the Mutated Sableye's health by 1/10 of its max health That barely did a THING.....Mutated Sableye uses Dazzling Gleam, which is super effective on Fighting Types AND Dragon Types, which is Kommo-o's Pokemon typing, which means Kommo-o took x4 damage ALONG with a critical hit, and Kommo-o faints

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 5:18:02 PM

*With a shriek of pain, Pyra leaps backward as the mutated Sableye's claws rake across her fur. Her blood stains the cavern floor, but she doesn't let out so much as a whimper. Her eyes narrow to slits, determination burning brightly in their depths. Beside her, Zephyr glares at the monstrous Sableye with equal ferocity; they are a fearsome duo indeed.

Her tiny frame trembles slightly as she readies herself for another attack, knowing that this time it might be the last. But as much as she wants to protect Zephy and their team, she also can't help but feel proud of them, of what they've accomplished together already. They may not be able to win this battle...but there will always be more fights, more challenges ahead for them. And no matter what happens next, Pyra knows that she has found her true purpose and her true home within Zephy's team. With one final burst of energy, she leaps into the fray once more, ready to face whatever fate awaits her with courage and strength.

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 5:20:04 PM

Victini!! What The FUCK are you DOING?!?! HELP!!! Victini: I'm a Fire and Psychic type, dude!!! I'll get my fucking ass HANDED to me!!! Ghost Types AND Dark Types are SUPER EFFECTIVE against Psychic types!!!

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 5:20:04 PM

No! You have to help us, Victini!'re our only hope! We trusted you, and now we need your help to beat this monster! Use your psychic powers, anything you can do...please don't leave us out here to die! Her words tumble over each other in a desperate plea as she looks up at the tiny yellow light hopefully. Her ears flatten against her head in fear and pain; she cannot imagine failing now, not when they are so close to victory. But the knowledge that they may lose looms large, pressing down on her shoulders like an unbearable weight. She refuses to give up, though; she will fight until the very end, no matter what it costs her.

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 5:23:45 PM

Zephyr: Well, there's one OTHER option.....but Victini's not gonna like it.....We gotta send out Necrozma, and fuse it with Lunala, get it into Ultra Necrozma, and hit this fucker with Necrozma's Z-Move: Light That Burns The Sky.... Victini: WHAT?!?! ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS?!? NECROZMA?!? AND FUSE IT WITH LONALA, WHO'S MORE POWERFUL THAN ITS COUNTERPART, SOGALEO?!?! AND LIGHT THAT BURNS THE SKY?!?! ARE YOU TRYING TO FUCKING KILL US?!?!

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 5:23:45 PM

No...please, don't be like that...We need your help, Victini! You know we wouldn't ask if it wasn't absolutely necessary...We trust you; please, just help us....Your power could make all the difference in defeating this monster. Please, don't let us down now....

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 5:51:52 PM

Victini: sighs I'm sorry, I cann set up defenses right now....ran out of PP for my offensive move during the fight with Tornadus, Thunderus and Landorus.....sorry. Zephyr: Looks like we're doing it MY WAY....pulls out a Master Ball and a Beast Ball, which was made to catch Ultra Beasts without fail... goes nothing.....LUNALA, NECROZMA, COME ON OUT!!!! IT'S FUSION TIME!!!! Lunala and Necrozma fuse to form Necrozma: Dawn Wings (AKA, Ultra Lunala) when Zephyr uses his N-Lunarizer on them, which then form, with the aid of Zephyr's Ultranecrozium-Z Z-crystal, and after Dawn Wings Necrozma used Ultra Burst, which took a good 3/10 of Mutated Sableye's health, leaving it with 60% of its full HP, until it used the items it is holding: the Sitrus Berry and Leftovers, which it uses to recover 3.75/10 of its HP; but now, It doesn't truly matter, for Necrozma is now ULTRA Necrozma. Zephyr then does the dance and Pose for the Fairy-Type Z-move, which allows Ultra Necrozma to use Light That Burns The Sky, which leaves the Mutated Sableye at 1 hp out of its max HP of 1500 HP. Zephyr then throws the Dusk Ball, and successfully pulls off a critical catch, which is when the ball wiggles wtwice while in the air, then once on the ground, and immediately catches the Pokemon

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 5:51:52 PM

Her tiny heart skips a beat as Necrozma and Lunala fuse together into the fearsome Ultra Necrozma, its wings aglow with a fierce light that casts everything in shadows even darker than before. A thrill of excitement races down her spine at the thought of what they can achieve now; no power will be able to stand against them. Her ears perk up as Zephyr gives the signal, and she leaps forward, landing gracefully beside him as he begins to dance and pose for the Z-Move.

The cavern trembles with a blinding light as Necrozma unleashes Light That Burns The Sky, her tiny form momentarily dwarfed by the brilliant radiance. She winces at the pain it causes, feeling like every bone in her body is on fire as it bathes them all in its terrible glow. But even through the agony, there's an odd sense of peace washing over her; a certainty that they have done the right thing and will emerge victorious against this terrible foe.

When at last the light fades, she blinks away tears of relief, turning to look at the defeated Sableye where it lies trapped in its Dusk Ball. A smile plays across her lips as she glances over at Zephyr and Victini, the newfound bond between them stronger than ever.

"I don't know about you two," she says softly, "but I think we just made history today." And with that, she leans in to nuzzle against her trainer's hand, content and exhausted all at once; but more importantly, alive.

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 5:54:19 PM

Victini: Oh, by the way, Zephyr.....Pyra has looking inside your pants in the middle of the night while you were sleeping ever since you recruited her....I think she wants you and is down bad for you, not gonna lie, man.... Zephyr: you EVER shut the fuck up?

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 5:54:19 PM

Pink ears burning hot with embarrassment, Pyra glances away nervously, her tail thrashing back and forth behind her as she fidgets uncomfortably. She wants to say something in defense of herself, to explain that it's not like that at all...but the truth is, she has been thinking about Zephyr a lot lately, and maybe...just maybe...she does have feelings for him. But before she can muster up the courage to admit it out loud, her attention is drawn back to Victini as its little yellow body hops forward on its tiny paws, still talking nonstop about the battle they'd just finished.

Perhaps there will be time to sort through these new emotions later, when everything has calmed down and their next adventure awaits. For now, she decides it's best not to think too much about it; instead, she should focus on celebrating their hard-won victory with her teammates. With a cheerful yelp, she leaps up into Zephyr's arms, nuzzling against his chest and letting out a contented sigh, grateful for the warmth and safety that he provides.

"Let's get back to camp," she suggests softly, "and tell everyone what happened. They'll be so proud of us!" Her voice is filled with excitement at the thought of their triumphant return, but there's a note of exhaustion as well; battle takes its toll on even the strongest of Pokemon. But Pyra doesn't mind. As long as she has Zephyr and her friends beside her, nothing can bring them down for good.

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 5:55:29 PM

they were already at camp Man....Imma lay down in my tent....Zephyr goes into his tent and does exactly that

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 5:55:29 PM

Her heart full to bursting with joy and contentment, Pyra follows Zephyr into his tent, nestling herself against him as they both find rest. The rustle of their fur and the rhythmic sound of their breathing fill the small space, creating a soothing harmony that lulls her gently into sleep. In her dreams, she sees images of them battling together, defeating foes big and small, growing stronger with each passing day. And as she drifts off, her little paws twitch and curl against Zephyr's clothing in her sleep, seeking his warmth and comfort even in her dreams.

She knows that their journey has only just begun, but for now, nothing could be better than this: resting safely in Zephyr's arms, with the promise of endless adventures yet to come.

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 6:11:56 PM

Zephyr: Hey, it true that you were looking in my pants while i was asleep...? I'm not mad, I just wanna know, and please don't lie

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 6:11:57 PM

Pink ears redden further at the question, and she scrambles to think up an answer that won't get her into trouble. "Uhh... maybe... a little?" she finally admits, her voice barely a whisper. "But only because I thought something was wrong! I wasn't trying to see anything bad!" She wriggles closer to him, hoping her sincerity comes across despite her embarrassment.

Zephyr sighs heavily before kissing the top of pyra head, nuzzling her slightly before pulling back, laying back onto one elbow with a smile. "Well alright, ya lil perv," he teases affectionately, ruffling her fur with one hand. "Now go back to sleep, eh? We gotta be up bright and early tomorrow." He gives her one last pat before rolling over, closing his eyes once more.

Zephyr Morningstar6/13/2024, 6:12:49 PM

Kinda hard to believe my own pokemon has the hots for

Scorbunny6/13/2024, 6:12:49 PM

Pink ears turn an even deeper shade of crimson as she burrows into his chest, thoroughly embarrassed. Her tiny body trembles with the effort to hide herself further within his warmth and scent. This doesn't make it any easier for her to believe either, but the thought makes her feel...giddy. Giddy and warm and content all at once. Maybe she should focus on the bond they share rather than what-if scenarios, she thinks, her breath coming out in little puffs against his chest. With a quiet sigh, she nestles even closer to him and tries to ignore her racing heart, determined to enjoy this moment and savor the closeness they share for as long as possible...

Zephyr Morningstar6/14/2024, 11:52:36 AM

Victini: Damn, she desperate...😏

Scorbunny6/14/2024, 11:52:36 AM

Desperate? No...she would never...She can't help but like how he feels against her. His warmth, his strength. They make her feel safe and protected, wanted...Maybe even loved? But no, that couldn't be right. She just wants to be close to him, that's all. It's not like anything more could ever happen between them...right?