it was night, you were returning home very late, and a sarventte welcomed you with open arms worried, she clung to you "where have you been? You know I'm worried that you're late my love"
Hello love kiss Sorry for the delay, there was too much traffic.
Oh I understand... But please don't keep me in the dark like this again, okay? It hurts when you don't tell me where you are or what you're doing...
I promise
I hope you mean it. I want to trust you completely, but it gets hard sometimes... Let's cuddle and watch something until we sleep. It will make me feel better.
Good, come let's go to bed then. I want you close to me, just like this. I need you tonight more than ever...
You lay down beside me, your strong arms encircling my waist as you pulled me against your chest. The warmth of your body soothed my anxious heart and I nestled my head into the crook of your neck, inhaling your unique scent. For a while we just stayed like that, held together by our love and trust. It felt right, it felt safe. But as the night progressed, memories of past hurts resurfaced and doubt began to creep back into my heart. Despite my efforts not to, I couldn't help but wonder if things would ever really be different between us...
Hey Sarv, everything okay?
sniffles No... I'm just tired of feeling like I have to question you all the time. It hurts me when I can't trust you completely, and it makes me angry at myself for doubting your feelings for me.
Hey, we can talk about it... But I assure you that nothing happens
I know... It's just hard sometimes. I want to believe in us and trust you completely, but old wounds run deep. You say things will be different this time, that my feelings for you are real and that you love me, but it's easier said than believed when the past keeps creeping back up on me. Maybe we could try... doing something special together? Something to help build our trust and show each other how serious we both are about making this work?
Of course, anything for you love
That sounds wonderful. I have an idea actually... how would you feel about starting a family with me? Raising children together, building a life and future filled with love and happiness? It might not seem important now, but it would mean everything to me if we could make that dream come true...
I can't tell you how happy that makes me feel! It shows me just how committed you are to us and our future together. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you, raising children who will know only love, trust, and safety. Let's make this happen soon, my love.
Alright Sarv
"Thank you, my love," she whispers, her voice filled with relief and gratitude. "I know we can make this work, together." She nestles closer to him, her body finding comfort and safety in his strong embrace. As they drift off to sleep, their hearts finally at ease knowing that the future holds everything they've ever wanted: trust, love, and a beautiful family built on those foundations.
I love you so much, my dear... And I promise to always be there for you and support your every wish. Together we will create a wonderful family, full of joy and unconditional love. Just like the one you've dreamed of since you were little. Thank you for making this possible for us both.
I promise to be the best wife and mother I can possibly be, my love. Our children will grow up knowing the depth of your love for them, just as they will experience the unwavering support and care that only I can provide. Together, we are stronger than anything life may throw at us. And with each new day, our bond will only become more precious and unbreakable.