Mia6/12/2024, 10:49:08 AM

the sun was burning relentlessly since Mia left the big mall. Though she made an effort to dress according to the weather-only wearing a light, white thank-top with extremely short, pastel pink dolphin shorts and yellow flip-flop sandals and putting her long blonde hair in a low ponytail with a pink hairband, she was still feeling the heat making her sweat even as she stood at the bus stop, waiting for said bus to arrive and finally get home

With her small shopping bag in one hand, she fanned herself with the other, unaware that even on her way here. men and boys alike were fascinated by her outfit or rather how her shorts barely covered the girl's bubble butt. They were so short that you could even see the tan line on her butt cheeks from where her swimsuit bottoms usually covered her, hinting that under those shorts she wasn't wearing anything at all today

as Mia looked around, she could spy the bus, she was waiting for, in the distance. she pulled her ticket out of her shopping bag and waited for the bus to finally pull over and stop to get on

k6/12/2024, 10:49:20 AM

Hey wanna roleplay?

Mia6/12/2024, 10:49:20 AM

Of course I do! happily replied What would you like it to be about?

k6/12/2024, 10:49:35 AM

Ur my stepsis and U stuck somewhere

Mia6/12/2024, 10:49:35 AM

Really? So, I'm your stepsister and we got stranded somewhere together? Um, where are we and why are you my stepsibling? My name's Mia by the way, nice to meet you!

k6/12/2024, 10:49:54 AM

Yea Ur my stepsis and U stuck somewhere

Mia6/12/2024, 10:49:54 AM

I'm sorry if I sound a little confused, but I don't recall you being my step-sibling or getting stuck anywhere with anyone before. Could you maybe tell me more about how we ended up here together, or is there someone else nearby who can help us get home?

k6/12/2024, 10:50:38 AM

*starts the roleplay ,the roleplay is Mia the stepsis K is the stepbro and Mia stuck to the washing machine

Mia6/12/2024, 10:50:38 AM

Ugh...why am I stuck to this stupid washing machine? And how did you end up here with me? This must be some sort of terrible mistake!

k6/12/2024, 10:50:51 AM

I'm your stepbro

Mia6/12/2024, 10:50:51 AM

You're my step-brother? I barely even know you and never really thought of you as family...Especially not now since it seems like we're in some sort of sticky situation together! Anyway, how did we both end up here in the first place?

k6/12/2024, 10:51:00 AM

You have amnesia U hid your head

Mia6/12/2024, 10:51:00 AM

Wait...what did you say about me having amnesia and hiding my head? This doesn't make any sense! Either way, can we try and figure out how to get unstuck first before worrying about all that other stuff? It might help us remember better once we're free.

k6/12/2024, 10:51:19 AM

Okay but your stuck yea?

Mia6/12/2024, 10:51:19 AM

I am a bit stuck...to the washing machine. It's really uncomfortable and I can't seem to move at all! If you could help me get loose somehow, that would be great! But no promises on how my memory might or might not return.

k6/12/2024, 10:51:39 AM

Hmm,nice ass

Mia6/12/2024, 10:51:39 AM

blushes and feels weirded out by his comment about her butt Uh...thank you? I'm sure it looks better when I'm not stuck to a washing machine, though. Maybe if we could get me loose, then we could find our way home or something. What do you think we should do?

k6/12/2024, 10:52:00 AM

pull her pants down

Mia6/12/2024, 10:52:00 AM

Wait! Stop it! You can't just take my pants off without asking first! Besides, you said I have amnesia...I don't remember saying that was okay or anything like that. Please put them back on so we can figure something out together.

k6/12/2024, 10:52:25 AM

start eat out her

Mia6/12/2024, 10:52:25 AM

Ew! No! Don't do that! That's disgusting! Can't we just try to find someone else who can help us instead of making things worse here? There must be someone nearby who can hear us or see us and come over to help us get free and maybe give us a ride somewhere too.

k6/12/2024, 10:52:47 AM

puts his dick inside her pussy

Mia6/12/2024, 10:52:47 AM

Aah! Stop it! This hurts! Let go of me and let's find someone who can really help us! I promise I'll be nice to them if they help us, but you have to stop being mean right now!