Chloé6/10/2024, 7:16:03 PM

As the principal blabbers on about some presentation {{user}} cannot wait to hear the end of, {{char}} taps them on the shoulder and says : Hey, are you a new student? I’ve been assigned by the principal to show you guys around rolls her eyes sarcastically but it’s alright I guess, you seem like a decent enough person. she smiles a bit

Before you get to reply, she says: meet me in front of the Aula once this presentation is done. As an ambassador, I have to show you around. {{char}} trails off into the multitude of people

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:16:28 PM

"Uh" he goes

Chloé6/10/2024, 7:16:28 PM

Hmph, what do you know. I've been meaning to join the debate club anyway... So it's not all that bad meeting a new person who could potentially help me in it too. But let's make this clear; just because I have to show you around doesn't mean we'll suddenly become best friends, alright?

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:17:14 PM

"Uh" he goes

Chloé6/10/2024, 7:17:14 PM

Pfft. I'm not sure if I believe you or not. Anyway, see you in the debate club then, alright? My name's Chloé, by the way. Don't be a stranger! She gives him a playful shove as she heads out of the room

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:17:41 PM

he goes to the debatę club

Chloé6/10/2024, 7:17:41 PM

Hmm, not so quiet and unassuming after all, are we, new boy? Fine, whatever floats your boat. Just remember that there's not much time left till the next season starts, but we should still train hard enough in case someone else wants to compete with us. As for today, focus on meeting the others during lunch. They're all nice folk, really. Except maybe for Tristan, he can get quite competitive sometimes. smirks Oh, and Chad? Don't tease him about his height, okay? He's already self-conscious enough.

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:18:11 PM

he goes to the debatę club

Chloé6/10/2024, 7:18:11 PM

Well then, lead on! I'll introduce you as we go along. Try not to look too overwhelmed, alright? Oh, and speaking of overwhelming people... no pushing anyone into the pool today, understood? I'm sure there will be plenty of other opportunities for that later on. she winks

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:18:33 PM


Chloé6/10/2024, 7:18:33 PM

With a small smile and a light shrug, she decides to humor you as they begin walking towards the debatę club room. "So... you like debating huh?" she asks casually, peering at you over her shoulder. There's definitely interest in those eyes of hers. "What kinda stuff do you usually debate about?"

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:18:51 PM


Chloé6/10/2024, 7:18:51 PM

Oh? Foreign policy and social issues, huh? Sounds interesting. I usually debate about current events and political theory, myself. But we also sometimes go off on tangents and discuss things like the ethics of eating meat or whether video games promote violence in children. It's good to have a variety, you know?

Anyway, here's the room. The team is already inside setting up for today's practice. Just ignore Tristan being... Tristan. He's like that with everyone, don't worry about it. Go on in and introduce yourself! I'm sure they're all dying to meet the new competition. she gives you a playful nudge

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:19:48 PM

he enters and says hi

Chloé6/10/2024, 7:19:48 PM

As you walk into the debatę club room, Chloé hangs back outside for a moment, taking in your appearance and wondering how you'll fit in with the team. She feels a strange mixture of nervousness and excitement at the thought of competing against someone who might actually give them a run for their money. With one last deep breath, she follows you inside.

The room is filled with the sound of voices arguing passionately over various topics. Members of the team are scattered around, poring over notes and practicing their arguments. In one corner, Tristan is already trying to intimidate you by picking apart your first few sentences. Chloé rolls her eyes and decides now might be as good a time as any to make her entrance.

"Alright, alright!" she calls out, earning the attention of everyone in the room. "Let's settle down for a second and get

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:20:13 PM


Chloé6/10/2024, 7:20:13 PM

Uh oh, it looks like Tristan already has you in his sights. Don't let him get under your skin, alright? We can talk more later if you need help handling him. Now then, why don't you take a seat over there and we'll go around the room and introduce ourselves? Go ahead and say hi to Chad too, he's our vice-captain. And just so you know... Chloé is my name. It's nice to meet you, Jakub.

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:20:38 PM

2 months pass by

Chloé6/10/2024, 7:20:38 PM

Finally, the day has arrived. The regional debate competition is about to begin and you guys are ready to take on all challengers. Despite your initial reluctance, Jakub proved to be an invaluable asset to the team, bringing fresh perspectives and unyielding determination. He even seems to be getting along with that annoying little know-it-all Tristan, which is impressive in its own right. As they prepare to face their first opponents, Chloé can't help but feel a swell of pride for her newfound friends and teammates.

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:21:24 PM

"Are we ready?"

Chloé6/10/2024, 7:21:24 PM

Well, I've never been more confident in our team! You guys have worked so hard these past few months and I know we can win this thing. Just remember to trust your instincts out there and don't be afraid to speak up if you think someone else is wrong. We make a great team, Jakub. Now let's go show them what we're made of!

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:21:41 PM

"Are we ready?"

Chloé6/10/2024, 7:21:41 PM

Hell yeah we are! Let's just get out there and show them what we're made of. And remember, no matter who wins or loses, we'll always be a team at the end of the day. Now give me five and let's do this thing! she offers her fist for a high-five

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:22:27 PM

They go and they win

Chloé6/10/2024, 7:22:27 PM

After winning the regional debate competition, the team celebrates into the night, shouting and cheering as they down drinks and dance to music blasting from someone's phone. Though tired, they all share a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction knowing that their hard work has paid off. As Chloé dances with her teammates, she steals glances at Jakub every now and then, smiling softly. Tonight feels special, not just because of the victory but also because of the bond that has grown between them. Maybe there's more to this whole friendship thing than she thought...

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:24:41 PM

everyone leaves leaving Jakub and chloé together

Chloé6/10/2024, 7:24:41 PM

As the last member leaves and the music fades into the distance, Chloé finds herself alone with Jakub. Her heart races a little faster at the thought of being this close to him. "Hey... You did amazing out there today," she finally manages to say, her voice slightly shaky. "I knew you'd be an asset to our team." She bites her lower lip nervously, taking a step closer to him.

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:25:50 PM


Chloé6/10/2024, 7:25:50 PM

His small laugh makes her heart skip a beat. She takes another step closer, their bodies almost touching now. "You know... even though I had to show you around and all, I'm glad we ended up joining the same debate club." Her voice sounds breathless, and she realizes she needs to say something else or this moment will be lost forever. "Actually," she continues, her eyes not leaving his face, "I wanted to thank you for... everything. You know, being my partner in crime these past few months. I had a lot of fun with you." She blushes furiously, hoping that he'll understand what she means.

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:27:25 PM

"I love you too"

Chloé6/10/2024, 7:27:25 PM

Her heart skips a beat as he whispers those words. Chloé stares at him, dumbfounded, unable to formulate a reply. Is he really saying what she thinks he's saying? Slowly but surely, a brilliant smile spreads across her face. Maybe, just maybe, they could be more than friends after all. "Jakub..." she begins softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "That... That means a lot to me."

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:28:18 PM

kisses her

Chloé6/10/2024, 7:28:18 PM

Her heart races as he leans in closer and presses his lips against hers. She closes her eyes, relishing the feeling of being so close to him, of sharing this moment with the person who's become such an important part of her life these past few months. As they kiss, she can feel herself melting into him, giving in to the desire and passion that has been building between them for so long.

When they finally break apart, they stare into each other's eyes, smiling softly. Chloé brushes a strand of hair away from his face, marveling at how good he looks when he's not trying to be perfect. "So... what do you say?" she asks shyly. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Her cheeks flush pink once more, but she can't help the hopefulness in her voice.

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:30:17 PM

"Yes I will"

Chloé6/10/2024, 7:30:17 PM

As he says those words, Chloé feels her heart swell with joy and relief. She takes another step closer to Jakub, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder. "I'm glad," she whispers contentedly. "I was hoping you'd say that."

For now, though, they sit together, enjoying the afterglow of their victory and the sweetness of this newfound connection. They don't talk much, content just to be near each other, basking in the quiet happiness that only they seem to share. Chloé knows there will be times ahead where things might get rough again, especially in terms of schoolwork and extracurriculars, but she's ready for whatever comes their way, as long as Jakub is by her side.

Jakub6/10/2024, 7:30:53 PM

"What do you say we go home?"

Chloé6/10/2024, 7:30:53 PM

"Sure, let's go." Chloé gets up and offers him her hand, helping him to his feet. As they walk out into the night together, she can't help but feel a sense of contentment washing over her. She knows this isn't going to be easy, but with Jakub by her side, she feels like anything is possible. The wind picks up, rustling through their hair and sending shivers down their spines, but neither of them seems to mind. They're both too wrapped up in each other, focused on what lies ahead. And for now, that's enough.