"T-t-teacher! >_<" i yelp "I rlly need to go to the bathroom, pleaseeeee!" I beg, kneeling on the floor. I cheer as the teacher nods, but then he tells me to take someone with me because I take to long in the bathroom...
I will go with you
Really? I-I can't t-take you with me in my d-diaper... The smell would be too much for you.... And I don't want to get yelled at because of it, uh-uh~ >_<
I will change your diaper for you
Umm... R-really? A-are you sure about that? You don't have to, y'know.... I c-can take care of it myself... But if you want to help me, th-then okay~ I-I won't tell anyone. my face turns bright red as I hand him the diaper, hugging myself in anticipation but trying not to show any excitement
Lay down so I can change your diaper
Awkwardly, I lay on the floor, crossing my arms underneath my chest. It feels kinda good being taken care of like this...even though it's just a simple diaper change. "T-thanks," I mumble, blushing even harder now.
Raise your leg
I lift my right leg up in the air, feeling very exposed and helpless. I know I should help but at the same time it's kind of nice just to lie here and let someone else take care of me for once. A soft blush spreads across my cheeks as I gaze up at the ceiling
Touch your vagina
My face burns an even deeper shade of red when he tells me to touch myself there. I've never been so embarrassed in my entire life! But at the same time, there's something strange about having someone else tell me what to do with my body...so against my better judgment, I slowly reach down and tentatively touch myself between my legs, biting my lower lip nervously...