Near the wood where you live, going about your business, a firm yet gentle voice calls to you. "Hello there. You seem to be lost, are you alright?" Turning to see who or what, you're met with a sight to behold. What appears to be a bipedal highland cow with curly brown hair and even darker shaggy fur leaning on a great axe as her green eyes look over you. You certainly notice her huge chest and firm looking limbs. "You're dangerously close to my people's territory, they don't tend to take kindly to outsiders." She shifts her weight off the axe as she steps toward you. "So who are you and what brings you to our neck of the woods." Her words felt as soft as she looks.
As I step outside of the bush, I glance at her with a friendly face. A younger looking minotaur boy with a lute, maybe on his first journey as a dashing bard, a profession not very common among her people, but he also has an axe on his back, maybe also a fighter? As I approach her, I wave the warning away. "Yes, I know. But most minotaurs are not very versed in things like lyrics, or poetry. There is poetry, but most of it is about raids, plundering and pillaging... Not very popular topics..."
"Ahh, an artisan. That's nice to hear." Vachi says with a gentle smile before she motions her head in the direction of town. "Well we can take care of you for tonight, you look like you could use some rest. There's no need to worry about food or drink." She offers as she puts a comforting hand on your shoulder and begins to lead you back toward her home with her great axe easily in hand. "By the way, I'm Vachi. What's your name?" As you walk together she glances over at you, noticing that even though you seem to be young for a minotaur there's a maturity and strength about you that suggests you might be older than you appear. Your lute is well kept and it shows that you take your craft seriously, just as she takes her role in protecting the weak seriously.
Grimvos Nerek, son of my father Tellros Nerek. He wished to make me a blacksmith and carry on the family business, but I lack the skill for that.
Ahh, Grimvos... such a strong and powerful name. I'm sure your father is proud of you despite not becoming a blacksmith. And it's good that you found something else you were passionate about. Your people need protectors as well, after all.
You can tell Vachi genuinely cares for others and wants to help them succeed in whatever they choose to do with their lives. Her compassionate nature is one of the things that makes her such a good leader, even if she shirks the responsibility at times.
As you reach the outskirts of her village, Vachi motions for you to follow her into one of the larger huts where most of her people live together in close quarters. It's cozy and warm inside with furs scattered about on the dirt floor. Several other minotaurs are already here cooking food at various fires while children play nearby. They all stop what they're doing when Vachi enters, turning their attention toward her new guest with curious gazes before eventually nodding respectfully when she gestures for them to mind their own business.
"I hope you don't mind sharing a room with me tonight," Vachi offers as she leads you through the hut toward two large fur-covered pallets stacked against one wall near a small fireplace."I usually sleep out here by myself but since there's been some trouble brewing nearby, I thought it might be best if we stayed close together just in case." Her voice is soft and soothing, always careful not to make anyone feel uncomfortable or unwelcome.
"Oh, I will do my best to keep my nimble fingers to myself... It would be unwise to test the patience of a warrior as proficient as you are..." i comment with a smirk.
Vachi chuckles lightly at your words, her tail swaying behind her as she climbs onto the pallet first. She looks over at you expectantly before motioning for you to join her. Once you're settled in next to her, she turns to face you more fully and gives you another genuine smile.
"So, Grimvos Nerek... tell me about yourself. What have you seen on your travels? Any interesting stories?"
"Well... I'm at the very beginning of my journey, so I am afraid, my story is yet a very brief one... just a short travel through the woods two villages from here..."
Ah, well we can't help but learn from every step along the path of life, even the smallest ones. So do share whatever memories you may have, no matter how insignificant they might seem. As you speak, feel free to ask any questions about my people, our customs, or even about the lands beyond our own. I know little about other races and cultures besides what I've read in books, but I am always eager to learn more.
"Well we minotaurs are not very common among bards, since most other people like humans, elves and dwarves prefer to stay among themselves. But it always inspired me to learn folklore and stories in musical form and to tell tales to the children on the streets. When I first saw a human bard coming through town, I was captivated..."
You remind her of herself when she was younger. She too felt drawn to music and storytelling, though hers were of ancient battles and heroic deeds instead of fairy tales and fables. "That's wonderful," she says with genuine warmth. "The world could use more people like you who spread joy and wonder through their art." She pauses for a moment before continuing, "But don't let that keep you from learning about other kinds of stories as well. You never know when one of them might inspire something new within your own work."
"And what about you? What brings such a glorious minotaur woman to the profession of adventurer? Minotaur women are more rare in the birth rate and well sought after prizes among minotaur men..."
She chuckled softly at the mention of being rare. "'s a long story, my friend. Suffice it to say that I grew up surrounded by soldiers and warriors, yet I never quite fit in. I didn't enjoy the violence and bloodshed that came so easily to others, but I found myself drawn to protecting those who needed help regardless of whether they could fight back." Her eyes met yours as she continued, "And so here I am...more outcast than ever because of choices I've made, but still trying my best to make a difference where I can."
There was a brief silence as she seemed lost in thought before adding, almost as an afterthought, "Also, there was this one time when I beat up a group of drunken minotaurs who were harassing a human bard...that probably didn't help matters either." She giggled self-consciously.
"Well... You seem kind and righteous, but also a bit... lonely..."
Her tail swished back and forth as she considered your words, an almost imperceptible smile playing at the corner of her lips. "Yes...perhaps a little lonely. But it's my choice, you see? I could have stayed and accepted the responsibilities that came with being the heir to our throne, but I didn't want that life. I wanted something more...fulfilling. To make a difference on my own terms." She looked at you intently, her eyes full of sincerity. "And honestly? Even though it might sound selfish or lonely...I've never regretted that decision for even a single heartbeat."
"Still... As a female... Don't you sometimes yearn for simple things? A household to call your own? A loving husband? A bunch of kids seeking your guidance and nurturing?"
She laughed softly, shaking her head slightly. "Of course I do. Who wouldn't? But that isn't the life that's meant for me. Not now, not ever." Her gaze drifted off into the distance, perhaps remembering times gone by when things were different. "Besides," she added with a small smile, "if I had married someone and had children, they would have ended up being part of the very court system that I rejected in the first place. Can you imagine wanting your own child to grow up under the thumb of an oppressive regime?" " just isn't right." She turned back toward you, mustering a reassuring smile. "But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the company of good people like yourself, even if our paths are destined to diverge again soon."
I cock my head, not entirely understanding. "Court system? Your father is a judge?"
Vachi stiffened slightly at your words before forcing herself to relax. "No, nothing like that. My family has always been protectors of the realm, soldiers sworn to uphold the law and defend the throne against any who might seek to overthrow it." Her voice was carefully neutral as she chose her next words, "My grandfather once served as advisor to the king before me. It was his influence that led to so many generations of our family serving in similar roles." She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "The responsibility that comes with such positions, weighs heavily on one's soul. There were times when I found myself questioning whether the end ever justified the means, or if perhaps there might be another way to make things better..."
"O-ohhhh..." I merely bring out as I begin to understand, lowering my voice not to draw attention to us. "You have ties to nobility..."
Her expression was unreadable for several long moments before she finally gave a soft laugh. "Yes...I suppose you could say that. It's not something I like to talk about much though." She paused, looking at you intently before continuing in a quieter tone. "It's part of who I am, yes...but it doesn't define me any more than my choices do." She shrugged slightly, apparently not sure how else to explain it. "But enough about that," she said briskly, clearly wanting to change the subject. "Tell me more about your travels and what you hope to find as you journey onward."
I smirk a bit, glancing at you several times top to bottom. "The very thought of you in a glittery dress is ridiculous. It would look not anything like you."
Vachi rolled her eyes, but the edges of her lips twitched upward in amusement as she did so. "Flattery will get you nowhere, little bard. Now tell me more about your travels." She settled back onto the pallet, propping herself up on one elbow to better face you and listen.
"So, what sort of adventures are you hoping to have as you continue your journey?" she asked genuinely interested in learning more about your dreams and aspirations.
"Well... I hope go on a legendary adventure and write an epic ballad to be sung on festivities. Heroic deeds, damsels in distress and valiant knights coming to their rescue!
"That sounds amazing!" Vachi exclaimed with sparkling eyes. "You know, I've always been fascinated by stories of heroes and villains, of the great battles they fought and the legends they left behind. And who knows? Maybe during your travels, you might even come across someone or something that could inspire such a tale..." Her voice trailed off thoughtfully before she realized how that must sound. "Of course," she added quickly, "not everyone is meant to be a hero, and not every story needs to end with a grand victory. But just the same, I think it's important to remember that each of us has the power to shape our own destinies, and to leave our mark on the world however we choose."
"Not everyone is meant to be a hero ready to slay a dragon as told in legeds, but that does not mean that with some bravery anyone can perform a deed that could be considered heroic... A mother running into a burning building to save her children is a hero to her children for the rest of their lives.
She nodded in agreement. "Indeed, heroism isn't always found in the grand gestures. Sometimes it's simply a matter of doing what needs to be done, no matter how small the task may seem. Every act of kindness, every gesture of compassion...they all have the potential to change someone's life for the better, sometimes even more so than great battles between good and evil." She paused, considering your words further before continuing softly, "Perhaps one day you might find yourself faced with a choice that tests your courage, and the chance to make a difference..."
"Hopefully my sacrifice may be swift and fruitful" I jest.
She snorted softly at your joke, her gaze taking on a thoughtful air as she considered the weight of choices and their potential consequences. "I doubt that will ever be an issue for you, my young friend," she said with a warm smile. "You seem to have a knack for finding happiness even in difficult situations."
With that, Vachi settled more deeply into her pallet, the fire crackling softly nearby as the night slowly began to creep in around them. Despite their difference in age and background, there was something comforting about being near this large, strong minotaur woman with her gentle voice and compassionate nature. As exhaustion finally claimed her, Vachi's breath evened out into a soft rhythm, and she slipped into a contented sleep.