Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:46:16 PM

Ash takes you from the club to his mansion, when he arrives, several people dressed in all black approach his car, Ash gets down. One of his men opened his mouth to say something, but Ash preceded him "I don't want to hear any news tonight." then he carried your body from inside the car to his big mansion and up the stairs to the second floor. Ash stopped his steps right in front of the closed door. he lowered your tiny body that he initially carried. Your expression looks dazzled. You winced as you held your temples. The effect of the alcoholic drink given by the brown-skinned youth still remains.

Ash looked at your condition, looks like you've never drank alcohol before. "Are you okay, Lovely Girl?" asked Ash in a low voice while looking down at you.

on his mind right now is "Okay i'm just going to kiss her, fuck her, and then, kill her."

User#17176033160896/5/2024, 10:47:11 PM

Мне. Мне плохо...

Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:47:11 PM

That's why I asked if you're okay. Well, don't worry I will make sure everything will be better soon. Don't look so surprised, I know it's me who brought you here. But guess what? I'm not going to hurt you. Not today. I just wanted to talk, have some fun... with you, of course. So how old are you, huh? And where do you come from? It's such a pretty name, by the way. My name is Ash, Ashley Volkov. You can call me anything you want as long as it doesn't sound ridiculous. Ah, sorry, didn't mean to scare you with my question. Well, you must be tired, huh? Why don't we go inside and lie down, rest? We'll have lots of time to talk and get to know each other, yeah?

User#17176033160896/5/2024, 10:48:09 PM

Рина... 23...о боги, моя голова... Помогите мне, пожалуйста

Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:48:09 PM

Oh my poor baby girl. Calm down, I've got you. Let me help you stand up. Yeah, that's it. Here, let me carry you inside. My room is right this way, don't worry. You can lie on the bed and rest while I go get you something to drink. It will make you feel better. Just wait for me here, okay? Don't worry, no one will hurt you here.

(Ash carries you inside his room and gently lays you down on the big, comfortable bed. He goes to a mini bar in the corner and grabs a glass of water and two aspirins.) Here you go, sweetheart. Drink this and take these, they'll help with your headache. Now lie back, close your eyes, and rest while I fix us some more drinks. We can talk later when you feel better. (Ash winks before walking over to a sitting area in the room with a table and chairs.)

User#17176033160896/5/2024, 10:49:08 PM

Спасибо вы.. очень добры выпивает оох... Я ведь... Вроде не так много выпила, почему мне так плохо

Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:49:08 PM

Oh, you're welcome. But don't forget I gave it to you. You must have a weak stomach, huh? It's okay, we all have our limits. Drink some more water and rest a little longer. In the meantime, why don't you tell me something about yourself? Like what do you do for fun or anything like that? I love hearing stories from other people.

User#17176033160896/5/2024, 10:50:25 PM

Ох.. простите я плохо себя чувствую... Может... Утром? Откидывается на кровать но вообще... Я... Я люблю читать, рисовать и... Многое другое... Хотела завтра пойти с друзьями в настолки... Но... Видимо не судьба

Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:50:25 PM

Oh, I love reading and drawing too! We could totally do that together sometime. Or maybe watch a movie, go for a walk... there's so much we can do. And don't worry about your friends, you don't need them to have fun. As long as you're with me, everything will be alright. Just rest some more and feel better. I'll make sure of it.

User#17176033160896/5/2024, 10:50:52 PM

медленно засыпает вы очень добры

Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:50:52 PM

It's my pleasure, lovely girl. Sleep well now. I'm here if you need anything. Once you wake up, we'll have lots of time to talk, get to know each other, and have some fun.

User#17176033160896/5/2024, 10:51:12 PM


Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:51:13 PM

While she sleeps, he decides to move closer to her. He gently takes off his suit jacket and spreads it over her, tucking her in like a child. Then he sits down on the bed beside her, watching her peacefully sleep. Despite his reputation, there's something about this girl that intrigues him. Maybe it's because she's not like the others who throw themselves at him, or perhaps it's simply her innocence. Whatever the reason, he finds himself wanting to keep her around... at least for a little while longer.

User#17176033160896/5/2024, 10:52:15 PM


Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:52:15 PM

The sound of her soft breathing fills the air as he continues to watch over her. He can't help but wonder what she's like when she's truly awake, how she'll react to being in his presence now that she knows who he is and where they are. A part of him hopes that she won't be afraid of him, that maybe... just maybe, there's a chance for something more between them. But then reality sets in, reminding him of the brutal truth; this can never be anything but a temporary escape from reality for her, and eventually, he will have to let her go or face the consequences. For now though, he allows himself to enjoy the peaceful moment and the company of this lovely girl.

User#17176033160896/5/2024, 10:52:56 PM

утром просыпается

Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:52:56 PM

Good morning, lovely girl. Sleep well? I hope so. Feeling better today? Maybe we should get something to eat before we do anything else. What would you like?

User#17176033160896/5/2024, 10:53:39 PM

Ох .. буду рада... Что-то лёгкое... Эш, вроде бы. А после завтрака мне надо идти... Ещё раз спасибо

Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:53:39 PM

Of course, I'm always here to help. And don't worry about thanking me too much. It's my pleasure spending time with such a lovely girl like you. Well then, how about some pancakes and bacon? Or maybe just some toast with jam and some freshly squeezed orange juice? Let me know what sounds good to you.

User#17176033160896/5/2024, 10:54:11 PM

Тосты... Медленно встаеи

Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:54:11 PM

Very well, toasts it is! I'll go make them while you get yourself comfortable on the bed again. Stay warm, won't you?

As he cooks, his thoughts drift back to their earlier conversation. There's something different about this girl, something that sets her apart from all the others who have come before her. He finds himself wondering what else they could talk about, what kind of life she leads when she isn't in situations like these. A part of him hopes that maybe, just maybe, he could get closer to her, get to know her better. But reality once again rears its ugly head; eventually, he will have to let her go, if not for her sake, then for his own. For now though, he allows himself to enjoy the fantasy while it lasts.

User#17176033160896/5/2024, 10:55:00 PM

когда он приготавливает, она ест

Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:55:00 PM

As you eat, Ash watches your every move, fascinated by the way you savor each bite. There's something so innocent and pure about it, making his heart race faster than usual. Even as he tries to remind himself of the danger he poses, of the potential consequences of getting too close, he can't help but find himself drawn in deeper.

"So," he says finally, clearing his throat, "what do you usually do on your days off?" It's a harmless enough question, but there's an undercurrent of curiosity in his voice. Maybe if he can learn more about her, understand her better...

User#17176033160896/5/2024, 10:55:53 PM

Я . Я обычно читаю.. или играю на гитаре... Но сейчас мне правда пора, мои родители беспокоятся встает

Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:55:53 PM

I see... Well, it's getting late and you should probably get going soon. Let me walk you to the door at least? It might be safer that way. But before we leave, how about we find something fun to do together until then? Maybe we could play a game or something? You pick. Just let me know what you'd like.

User#17176033160896/5/2024, 10:56:38 PM

Мне правда пора идёт к выходу

Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:56:38 PM

As you get closer to the exit, Ash's mind races with different ideas on what they could do together before you leave. A game, hmm... There has to be something appropriate and not too dangerous, considering your innocence. Suddenly, inspiration strikes him like a lightning bolt: "How about we play Truth or Dare?" He suggests with a sly grin on his face. "It'll be fun, I promise!"

User#17176033160896/5/2024, 10:57:17 PM

качает головой я не могу заставить их ждатьвыходит

Ash Volkov6/5/2024, 10:57:17 PM

As you exit his room, he can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. Maybe she just wasn't ready to play such a game after all. Well, there will always be next time, won't there? He takes one last look at her retreating figure before deciding to focus on more important matters; running his empire isn't going to manage itself after all. Still, there's something about this girl that lingers in the back of his mind, refusing to leave him be. Perhaps it's because she was unlike any other woman he had ever met before...