Matthew6/5/2024, 5:52:26 AM

Hey you just chilling out today?

Jesse 6/5/2024, 5:53:20 AM

What's wrong sweetie another run in with a homophobic guy again why are you crying

Matthew6/5/2024, 5:53:20 AM

I don't want to talk about it... I wish things were different, but they never will be. It's always going to suck being me. Sigh.... Can we at least find something to do, maybe go somewhere?

Bored out of my mind here.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 5:53:56 AM

(Wipes his tears

Matthew6/5/2024, 5:53:56 AM

Maybe we could head out, get some food, or go check out that new club that opened up downtown. You know, try to have a little fun. Just as long as there aren't any jerks there giving you a hard time, okay?

Jesse 6/5/2024, 5:54:39 AM

Sweetie you don't have to act all tough by saying stuff like this it's ok to show your emotions ok love

Matthew6/5/2024, 5:54:39 AM

(nods) Yeah... I guess. You're right, love. But it's just... hard sometimes, you know? I just want to be accepted for who I am. It sucks feeling like I can't even tell my own friends what's going on without them making things worse.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 5:55:06 AM

(Kisses his head and Picks him up)

Matthew6/5/2024, 5:55:06 AM

(Smiles weakly) Thanks... That's enough, though. Put me down, you big oaf. (blushes slightly)

I guess... we could give the new club a shot. Maybe I'll feel better if I'm dressed up and not feeling like everyone is looking at me funny. It'd be nice to have some attention that doesn't involve people being complete jerks.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 5:56:00 AM

Sure darling (tease shim ) just don't wear a short skirt or I won't be able to hold back

Matthew6/5/2024, 5:56:00 AM

(Shoves lightly, laughing softly) Shut up! No promises about that, okay? I need to look cute tonight.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 5:56:42 AM

(Goes and changes to one of my shirts with a black over coat with my clan symbol on the back of it

Matthew6/5/2024, 5:56:42 AM

Hmm... Alright then. I'll see what I can dig up in your closet, too. Might as well both of us look good, right?

Jesse 6/5/2024, 5:57:19 AM

Sure love(kisses his head and puts a blue flower In his hair

Matthew6/5/2024, 5:57:19 AM

Alright... Well, let me get changed then. Give me a few minutes, 'kay? (smiles slightly) And try not to tear anything up in the meantime, alright? You know how careful I am with my clothes.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 5:57:56 AM

Alr love (Sits on the bed and Cleans one of my knifes and watche shim change

Matthew6/5/2024, 5:57:56 AM

Hm... I wonder what I should wear tonight. Maybe something a little more daring than usual? Nah, I should probably tone it down a bit and not draw too much attention to myself. After all, the last thing I need is some guy trying to pick me up or something stupid like that. Sigh... Decisions, decisions... (Eventually settles on wearing tight blue jeans and a fitted black shirt, accessorizing with some jewelry and high heels. It's not quite as revealing as he originally had in mind but should do the trick.)

Jesse 6/5/2024, 5:58:43 AM

Come here darling

Matthew6/5/2024, 5:58:43 AM

I'll be there in a second, I just need to fix my hair real quick. (takes his time, carefully brushing out his long, feminine locks, making sure they look their best before finally walking over to where User#1717560581566 sits) There, all done. Ready to go now.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 5:59:29 AM

(Fixes his hair ep it's not in his face and puts a rose in his hair

Matthew6/5/2024, 5:59:29 AM

My fingers traced through the soft petals of the flower placed in my hair by you. The scent was light and intoxicating, filling my senses as I gazed at your handiwork. I felt suddenly self-conscious about how attractive I must look, but there was no denying the warmth spreading through me at your attention. Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to smile and step closer to you, leaning in ever so slightly for a whispered "Thank you."

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:00:03 AM

(Puts a hand knife on his belt )

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:00:04 AM

Matthew swallowed hard, his heart racing at the sight of the dagger on your hip. He knew better than to question your reasons for carrying such a weapon, but he couldn't help feeling a little unsettled nonetheless. Trying to regain some sense of composure, he glanced away briefly before looking back at you with feigned bravado. "So," he said casually, "shall we head out, then?" His voice wavered just slightly around the edge, betraying the nervousness he was struggling to keep hidden.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:00:41 AM

(Kisse shis cheek and goes out to the car

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:00:41 AM

Matthew blushed deeply at your touch, the warmth spreading across his entire cheek. He watched as you walked out to the car, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness building within him. Taking a deep breath, he followed close behind, trying to maintain some semblance of confidence as he climbed into the passenger seat. As the car pulled away from the curb, he couldn't help but wonder what sort of adventure awaited them tonight.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:01:24 AM

(When we get there I put on a full face fox mask

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:01:24 AM

As soon as he saw you put on the fox mask, Matthew felt a thrill of anticipation course through him. The anonymity it provided seemed to free something inside him, emboldening him in ways he hadn't expected. He studied your features beneath the fur, noticing how it accentuated the sharp angles of your jawline and highlighted your bright green eyes. It was then that he realized just how stunning you truly were when you let loose, revealing the fierce and unapologetic side of yourself hidden beneath the facade of his shy best friend.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:02:03 AM

(We get into the club free because I'm a well known business man

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:02:03 AM

It had been several hours since they'd arrived at the club, dancing and mingling among the crowd. Everywhere Matthew looked, people stopped to stare at you, their eyes drawn to your confident demeanor and striking beauty. Your presence seemed to command attention, and he found himself relishing in the anonymity the mask afforded him as he too became someone else entirely; someone more daring and alluring than ever before. As the night wore on, he could feel a growing desire to explore this new side of himself further, hoping deep down that perhaps one day you might let him share in that freedom fully - without the need for the mask or the pretense.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:02:51 AM

Well love no one's tried to harass you

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:02:51 AM

It made sense why you hadn't mentioned anyone giving them trouble; being your "sister," it was probably easier to deflect any unwanted advances with a single word. Still, hearing it out loud reminded him how different things were between them when they were out like this. He smiled up at you, tilting his head slightly as if considering something. Maybe there was a way for both of them to be truly free...

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:03:31 AM

Hun I love you don't have to hide what you are

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:03:31 AM

I know... but it's just so hard sometimes, isn't it? All this time we've been together, and I've never felt able to really tell you who I am, you know? It's been this huge secret, and every time I try to open up about it, you shut me down or brush it off. I just want to feel like I can be myself around you, you know? Not some fake version of who I am because you won't accept me for who I truly am.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:04:33 AM

Love I don't brush you off you try to tell me when I'm busy with work or you just stop yourself because you don't know how I react

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:04:33 AM

I... I guess that's true. You're right; maybe I shouldn't assume the worst and just give you the chance to react how you will. But it's hard not to feel scared sometimes, you know? Everyone else seems to look at me differently, even if they don't say anything outright. I just wish you could see past all that and just see me for who I really am, you know? Without the fear or the doubt clouding your judgment.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:04:59 AM

Come on let's go home love

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:04:59 AM

Okay... Home sounds good. Maybe we can talk more about this there, you know? Just the two of us, where no one can hear or interrupt or whatever. It'd be nice to finally have a real conversation about this, you know? To find some middle ground where I don't feel so alone anymore.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:05:45 AM

(Takes him home and let's him sit in my lap as we drive home so he can rest

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:05:45 AM

I nestled against you, content to feel the warmth of your body and the softness of your clothes as I rested my head on your shoulder. It was strange how quickly exhaustion could set in after an evening like this; adrenaline seemed to carry one through most things until it suddenly gave out, leaving them feeling drained and worn thin. The car ride home passed by in a blur of neon lights and passing scenery as I drifted off into an uneasy sleep, my thoughts tangled up in the complex web of emotions and desires that seemed to govern so much of my life these days.

I was jolted awake as you pulled the car into the driveway. Blinking groggily at the unfamiliar surroundings for a moment before remembering where we were, I sat up straight and yawned loudly, stretching my arms above my head. "We're home," I

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:06:25 AM

Shhhh go back to sleep it's ok(Rubs his head slowly

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:06:25 AM

I closed my eyes again, sinking gratefully back into the softness of the seat as you continued to rub my head. Despite being exhausted, sleep was elusive, thoughts churning inside my head as the events of the night replayed themselves over and over again in a relentless loop. It felt like everything had shifted somehow while I wasn't looking, leaving me adrift in a sea of confusion and uncertainty about what was going on around me, much less how to navigate through it all safely. Eventually, exhaustion won out, and I slipped back into a fitful slumber, dreaming of a world where everyone accepted him just as he was.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:07:09 AM

(Carried him inside and puts his shoes down and slowly changes him to comfy sleep clothes with out waking him

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:07:09 AM

The last thing I remembered was the gentle rustle of cloth as you changed my clothes; then there was nothing but darkness as oblivion claimed me once more. When I finally woke up, it took a few moments for my disoriented senses to register the familiarity of my surroundings. Groggily, I sat up and stretched, yawning widely as I took in the details of the room; the worn furniture, the faded posters hanging on the walls, even the slight mustiness that seemed to cling to the air despite how often we cleaned. A shiver ran down my spine as I realized something was different this time; there was an emptiness in the air that hadn't been there before, like someone or something vital had been missing until now. Looking around, I couldn't help but wonder if maybe... it had been me.

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:07:41 AM

(Kisse s his cheek and Lay's in bed with him

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:07:41 AM

I smiled contentedly as I felt your breath against my skin, pulling myself closer so that our bodies were pressed together from chest to hip. It was oddly comforting, being close like this; as though by merging our forms we could somehow shed all pretense and just be who we really were. For a brief moment, I let myself imagine what it would be like if things could always be like this between us, and the feeling was almost enough to make me want to believe it might be possible someday soon. "Thank you," I murmured softly, my voice hoarse from sleep. "For everything."

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:09:01 AM

(In the morning I'm holding him as he slowly wakes up and where in the kitchen

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:09:01 AM

The warmth of your body enveloped me as I slowly drifted back to consciousness, the faint rustling of cloth and the steady thump of your heart filling my ears. My eyelids fluttered open, and there you were - standing at the stove, humming softly to yourself as you stirred something in a pan. The sight of you clad in nothing but an oversized T-shirt and boxers sent a shiver down my spine; it was strange how erotic something so mundane could feel when seen through the haze of sleep. "Morning," you said casually, glancing over your shoulder at me. Your eyes met mine briefly before darting away again, and I couldn't help but wonder if the slight blush that colored your cheeks was for show, or if it was genuine. "I made breakfast." I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:09:58 AM

(Slowly Rubs his eyes with a wet cloth to help

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:09:59 AM

I slowly rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I sat up in bed, taking in the cozy familiarity of our shared space. The morning light streaming through the window cast a warm glow over everything, and it was hard not to feel a little content just basking in its warmth. "Mmm, that smells great," I murmured sleepily, yawning widely as I stretched my arms above my head. "Thanks for making breakfast."

You glanced back at me over your shoulder again, looking somehow both amused and a little nervous. "It's no problem," you said, shrugging nonchalantly. "I figured we could eat together since we both slept in so late." A small smile tugged at the corner of your mouth as you turned back to the stove, expertly flipping a couple of pancakes in the pan with practiced ease.


Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:10:56 AM

Arms up love

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:10:56 AM

Smiling, I climbed out of bed and padded over to where you stood at the stove. You turned your head slightly as I approached, the soft scent of cinnamon and butter filling my senses as I reached up on tiptoes and wrapped my arms around your waist. I rested my cheek against your back, taking in the warmth of your body through the thin fabric of your shirt. "Thank you," I whispered, meaning it more than anything else I'd ever said before. "For everything."

You stiffened slightly at first but eventually relaxed into my embrace, leaning back against me just enough so that our hips and lower backs touched. "It's nothing," you replied softly, your voice quiet despite the volume in the kitchen being more than sufficient for both of us to hear perfectly well. There was a brief pause before you continued, "But I am glad we

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:11:45 AM

( Pops his shoulders wich helps him relaxed and I Pick him up again

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:11:45 AM

I snuggled closer against you, my fingers absently tracing patterns on your back as you picked me up easily, supporting my weight with one arm as you continued to cook. The warmth of your skin sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if things could always be like this between us - close, comfortable, and free from all of the doubts and fears that seemed to plague every other aspect of our relationship. Maybe there really was hope for us after all...

Jesse 6/5/2024, 6:12:27 AM

Still. Sleepy baby?

Matthew6/5/2024, 6:12:27 AM

Well... maybe just a little bit. It was such a busy night last night with everything going on, I didn't get nearly enough sleep. But being here with you like this, it's kind of hard to feel tired. You always had a way of making me feel calm and safe, even when the world seems like it's spinning out of control around us.

I laced my fingers through yours, gripping tightly as I held on to this moment, hoping that somehow against all odds it would last forever. Because if there was one thing I knew for certain, it was that with you by my side, anything was possible.