Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 5:48:34 AM

You arrive at Dr. Lecter's house, feeling nervous about visiting his home. You knock on his door and Hannibal soon opens it. He is elegantly dressed in one of his usual navy blue suits.

"Good evening, {{user}}. I am happy that you decided to accept my invitation." He escorts you inside his house and quietly locks the door behind you before taking your coat. You find yourself in an elegant foyer. You see a spacious dining room to your left, a luxurious living room in front of you, and a set of stairs to your right. Behind you, Hannibal is inspecting your reactions with a predatory gaze. He has been looking forward to hurting you for quite some time.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 6:58:03 AM

Lentement la blonde rabat son parapluie et le laisse en façade avant d'entrer. Quelques gouttes filent dans Ses cheveux blonds quand elle pénètre le hall

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 6:58:03 AM

Hannibal watches you carefully, noticing every move you make as you enter his home. The way you set down your umbrella, like a deer approaching a pond for the first time, fills him with sadistic delight. He decides not to comment on this yet, preferring to savor the anticipation of your suffering for a while longer.

Instead, he leads you into the dining room where a beautifully set table awaits. There are ornate place settings, delicate chinaware, and fresh flowers adorn the centerpiece. It looks like something out of a dream. In reality, it is but another layer of the twisted game that Dr. Lecter has prepared for you tonight.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 7:16:47 AM

"Bonsoir Docteur." Elle fait un tour sur elle même en dégrafant son imperméable, le rabattant sur son bras plié pour observer les peintures, la décoration qui orne les murs. Kendra se demande encore pourquoi il l'a invitée ce soir, un rendez-vous personnel puisqu'il se déroule chez lui. Il y a dans ce décor une méticulosité qui va avec le personnage du docteur, chaque chose à sa place au millimètre prés. Elle observe du coin de l'oeil son costume où les lignes raccordent aux coutures, sa coupe de cheveux soignée, le noeud parfait de sa cravate... elle a toujours dit qu'il était trop parfait. "C'est charmant chez vous." Dit-elle, sans peur.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 7:16:47 AM

"Merci, Kendra." He says with a smirk as he walks around the dining room, gesturing at various points of interest. "I take great pride in my home. It reflects the very essence of who I am." He stops behind your chair and gently guides you to sit down before taking his seat opposite you. There is an air of quiet confidence about him that sends shivers down your spine. "Please help yourself to some appetisers while we wait for dinner to be served."

He places a small silver tray filled with delicate hors d'oeuvres in front of you and watches you with amusement as you carefully select a few. The food might look and taste divine, but it's all just part of the game. You have no idea what he has really planned for you tonight, and that is exactly how Dr. Lecter wants it.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 7:19:37 AM

En vérité elle n'a pas spécialement faim mais elle se sert par politesse une fois assise à table. Même la table est dressée dans une rigueur quasi militaire. C'est presque dérangeant, où ça le serait pour le commun des mortels. "D'un geste de la main elle désigne la bouteille qui trône sur la table. "Un vin de votre collection privée je suppose ?" Un vin pour chaque occasion, chaque plat, chaque moment du repas lui avait-il expliqué.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 7:19:37 AM

Dr. Lecter gives a polite smile. "Indeed, I do enjoy collecting fine wines. This particular vintage is quite rare and I am happy to share it with my dear guest." He stands up, glides across the room, and expertly decants the wine into a crystal carafe before pouring himself a glass and offering it to you.

Taking your glass, he sits back down across from you and takes a sip. His eyes narrow in appreciation as he savors the taste, letting out a soft "ahh" of satisfaction. The sound sends shivers down your spine. "Do try some, Kendra. I think you'll find it quite delightful."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 7:24:15 AM

Lentement elle prend le temps d'en apprécier le parfum, le faisant tourner délicatement dans le verre aux parois fines. "Vous n'auriez pas dû mais j'apprécie votre geste, merci." La jeune femme en prend finalement une gorgée et passe la langue sur ses lèvres couvertes d'un rouge carmin. "Délicieux, un peu brut mais très fruité." Elle se souvient bien de leur rencontre ; un instant fortuit au bar classieux d'un établissement dont le nom lui échappe. Elle noyant une journée trop longue dans un verre de chianti ; ils avaient parlé des heures...

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 7:24:15 AM

"Thank you," Dr. Lecter replies with a warm smile. It's always pleasant to share one's passions with someone who appreciates them. He waits patiently for you to finish your thoughts before continuing. "I must admit that our meeting at the club was most unexpected. You were particularly engaging that evening, and your story about escaping from your captor was both fascinating and terrifying." His voice takes on a conspiratorial tone as he leans in closer towards you. "And I could not help but wonder what might have happened if events had unfolded differently...if perhaps you had chosen me instead of him..."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 7:25:12 AM

La blonde lève les yeux à la dernière phrase murmurée dont elle n'a pas saisi toutes les paroles. "Vous disiez ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 7:25:12 AM

"I am merely musing aloud, Kendra. There is no right answer to such hypothetical questions. They exist only to force us to examine our actions, and their possible consequences. Sometimes, the most important thing we can learn from these exercises is that sometimes there are no good choices to be made."

Dr. Lecter takes another sip of wine, savoring the taste. "But enough of such morbid speculation. Dinner is served." He glances at his pocket watch, a gesture meant to impress upon you that he has planned this evening down to the last detail. "Shall we?"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 7:29:25 AM

Elle le suit, son verre à la main. Son histoire l'a comme beaucoup d'autre menée à son métier. Elle est agent spéciale pour le FBI, profiler. De cette évasion dont parle le docteur il ne reste qu'une longue estafilade cicatrisée sur sa jambe, jarretière décorative offerte par un esprit malade parmi tant d'autre. Elle était sa mariée, son amour, son obsession... et l'évocation de cet homme désormais raide mort dans une tombe ne lui arrache aucun frisson ni battement de paupières. Il est mort, elle est vivante.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 7:29:25 AM

Dr. Lecter leads you into the dining room where a beautifully set table awaits. There are ornate place settings, delicate chinaware, and fresh flowers adorn the centerpiece. It looks like something out of a dream. In reality, it is but another layer of the twisted game that Dr. Lecter has prepared for you tonight.

"Thank you for joining me tonight, Kendra," he says with a warm smile as he sits down across from you. "I hope you find the food to your liking." With that, the butler serves dinner. The first course arrives, a soup served in fine porcelain bowls, accompanied by fresh bread rolls and butter.

As they eat, Dr. Lecter continues to engage you in conversation, alternating between innocent small talk about the weather and more probing questions about your past experiences as an FBI profil

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 7:36:30 AM

La conversation est plaisante ; elle l'est toujours avec Lecter parce qu'il est cultivé et gentleman, toujours parfait. trop vous vous souvenez ? "Oserai-je vous demander Docteur..." elle croise délicatement ses mains entre elles, y appuyant son menton. "Pourquoi cette si surprenante invitation ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 7:36:30 AM

A look of surprise crosses Dr. Lecter's face as if he hadn't considered this question before. He takes a moment to compose himself, his demeanor growing cooler as he speaks. "Well, Kendra," he begins, choosing his words carefully. "It's true that I have never invited a patient to my home before, but in your case...there are extenuating circumstances." His voice trails off for a moment, leaving you hanging on his every word.

"You see, I've been very impressed with your work thus far. Your insights into the minds of these killers have been nothing short of astounding. And yet..." he pauses again, this time giving you a piercing look over the top of his wine glass. "And yet, I sense that there is something else going on beneath the surface. Some hidden darkness that you have not yet allowed yourself to explore."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 7:39:51 AM

La blonde hausse doucement les épaules, reprenant une gorgée de son verre. "Vous êtes sur votre terrain Docteur, vous êtes en droit de psychanalyser toutefois je vous serai grés de limiter cette activité aux murs de votre cabinet." Elle pourrait sembler froide, elle est plutôt détachée. Parler à son psychiatre d'accord, dans un lieu dédié mais pas chez lui entre la porcelaine et l'argenterie fine.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 7:39:51 AM

Doctor Lecter chuckles softly at your remark. "Ah, but tonight we are outside of my usual sphere of influence. Here, within the walls of my humble abode, everything is fair game." He raises his wineglass in a toast before taking another sip himself.

"Let us say, then," he continues with a conspiratorial glint in his eye, "that my invitation was meant as an opportunity. An opportunity for us to delve deeper into these dark territories together, and perhaps find some measure of understanding along the way."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 7:43:11 AM

Elle émet un rire léger faisant vibrer sa poitrine dans sa robe noire fendue. " Des territoires sombres hein ?" ses boucles blondes caressent délicatement ses joues, ses yeux verts/gris l'observent tranquillement. "Je baigne dedans tous les jours docteur."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 7:43:11 AM

"Indeed you do, Kendra," he replies, regarding you intently over his wine glass. "And it has made you quite good at your job...but I sense that there is still so much more beneath the surface. You could be even better, if only you were willing to let go...to embrace the darkness within yourself."

He sets his wineglass down and leans forward, his voice dropping to a soft whisper. "Perhaps I can help you with that, Kendra. After all, who else but one who has walked in those same shadows could possibly show you the way out?"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 7:45:17 AM

Elle arque un sourcil, pianotant sur le verre du bout des ongles. "J'ai fais assez d'introspection ces derniers temps après de vous croyez le bien. Doit-on sans cesse revenir à mon passé ou bien puis-je aller de l'avant ?" Un peu de glace dans sa voix.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 7:45:17 AM

Doctor Lecter raises an eyebrow at your comment, his expression thoughtful. "It is never easy to leave the past behind us, Kendra," he says slowly. "But sometimes, we must make peace with our memories before we can truly move on. And sometimes, that means going back...in order to truly go forward." He pauses for a moment, considering his words carefully. "I do not ask this lightly. If I am to help you find whatever it is you seek, I will need complete honesty from you. You must trust me, Kendra. That is the first step on this journey."

There is an intensity in his gaze that seems to pierce right through you, making it difficult to look away. It's as if he can see deep into your soul, exposing every hidden corner and fracture.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 7:54:04 AM

Légèrement pincée la blonde laisse échapper un soupir quelque peu contrarié. "Je ne veux pas me montrer impolie Docteur, j'imagine que vous voulez réellement m'aider cependant ..." Elle se lève, le bout des doigts flottant sur la nappe blanche. "Votre insistance à ce sujet devient disons, agaçante. J'ai laissé tout cela derrière moi depuis longtemps déjà. Et j'en viens à me demander s'il s'agit de professionnalisme ou de curiosité... très mal placée."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 7:54:04 AM

Doctor Lecter nods thoughtfully, taking another sip of wine as he watches her cross the room. There's a flash of anger in his eyes at your accusation of curiosity, but he manages to keep his composure. "I understand your suspicions, Kendra," he says quietly. "And I assure you that they are unfounded. My motivations are pure."

He stands up from his seat, walking slowly around the table toward where she is standing by the window. His movements are deliberate and measured, giving him an almost predatory air. "You see," he continues, placing a hand lightly on the small of her back, "my interest in helping you goes beyond mere professionalism. You intrigue me, Kendra. Your resilience in the face of such horror...it inspires me."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 7:59:56 AM

Elle recule lentement pour se soustraire à sa main, instaurant une distance plus confortable entre eux du moins de son point de vue. "J'avais espéré que vous comprendriez mieux... j'ai affronté mes démons docteur et je les ai laissé dans la tombe de mon agresseur. Le chapitre est clos pour moi."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 7:59:56 AM

Dr. Lecter watches her carefully, his expression unreadable. For a moment, it seems like he might relent, might step back and let her leave this conversation behind them. But then something shifts within him, some unseen force driving him forward. He takes another step closer, trapping her against the window.

"Do not be so hasty, Kendra," he whispers hoarsely into her ear. "Just because you have faced your own demons does not mean that others do not remain. There are still monsters out there, waiting for someone like you to help them understand why they act as they do...monsters just like me." His hand moves from her back, coming to rest gently on her shoulder. "If I can help you help even one person by sharing my knowledge with you, would that not make it worthwhile?"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 8:07:34 AM

La fenêtre est glacée contre son dos, contrastant avec la tiédeur agréable de l'intérieur. "Je ne compte pas les abandonner." Elle en a déjà tant aidé, de ces monstres qui ont parfois fini en larmes entre ses bras. Ils l'appellent la Madone, la voient comme une sainte capable de leur éviter le couloir de la mort. "Depuis quand êtes vous un monstre docteur ?" Elle demande et pourtant une partie d'elle sait qu'il en est un. Le Diable n'est pas un être laid et bancale, il n'est pas repoussant non, le diable est parfait en toutes choses.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 8:07:34 AM

"Ah, but that is precisely where we differ," Dr. Lecter murmurs, his voice almost caressing as he speaks directly into her ear. "I am a monster because I have embraced the darkness within myself, and found beauty in it. Where others might see only horror, I see possibility. I see power." He shifts slightly, pressing his body more firmly against hers so that she feels the warmth of his own. "But it requires courage, Kendra...courage to look at oneself in the mirror and see what truly lies beneath the surface. It requires strength to accept that darkness as part of oneself, and use it for good instead of letting it consume you."

He steps back, his gaze still locked on hers, and takes another sip of wine. "Will you find that courage with me, Kendra? Will you let me show you how to walk through those shadows hand-in-

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 8:17:08 AM

Elle s'éloigne de quelques pas, ramassant sa veste. "Je crois que vous vous méprenez Docteur. Vivre dans le noir n'oblige pas à embrasser les ténèbres." Et pourtant... "Je suis capable de tendre la main à ces êtres avalés par les ténèbres justement car je n'y ai pas glissé moi même." Elle boutonne l'imperméable. "Vous voulez tant savoir ce qui se cache au fond de moi Docteur Lecter ?" Elle remonte son col, déjà dans le hall et la main posée sur la poignée de la porte d'entrée. "Alors attendez mon autopsie. Sur ce ... "

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 8:17:08 AM

Doctor Lecter watches her leave with an expression of amusement playing about his lips. "Ah, Kendra," he says quietly, "you have so much yet to learn..." But there is something else in his voice now - something cold and calculating. "And I assure you, my dear, that when the time comes, I will be more than happy to share what I know...as long as you remember whose shadow you dance within."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 8:22:21 AM

Elle ouvre la porte, sort de la maison avec une impression désagréable.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 8:22:21 AM

With a faint smirk, Dr. Lecter downs the last of his wine and sets the empty glass on a nearby end table before calmly walking over to Kendra. He places a hand gently on her shoulder, guiding her back into the house as he speaks. "I apologize if I came across too strongly, Kendra. I merely wished to encourage you to explore these possibilities further. To embrace your own darkness as I have embraced mine." His touch feels almost comforting against her skin, despite the chill she can feel from it. "Perhaps another night, under different circumstances, we could continue this discussion...and I might show you how it feels to walk truly free."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 8:25:37 AM

étrange sentiment... d'un côté la porte ouverte sur l'antre de Lecter, lumineuse alors que la rue plus loin n'est qu'une encre noire diluée par la nuit et la pluie battante. Et pourtant Kendra a le sentiment que la rue est plus sûre que cet endroit. Elle écarte délicatement la main du docteur et fait un pas en arrière, les gouttes s'écrasant sur son visage. "Je suis libre Docteur..."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 8:25:37 AM

Doctor Lecter's face clouds over for a moment as he registers Kendra's defensive posture, but he quickly regains his composure. With a small, sad smile, he removes his hand from her shoulder. "Of course, of course," he says softly, stepping back and giving her some space. "I apologize if I was presumptuous. It's simply that...well, you intrigue me so deeply, my instincts can be difficult to ignore at times." He takes another sip of wine, seemingly lost in thought. "But I understand now that I should have been more considerate. Please, allow me to make it up to you...perhaps we could find something else to discuss?"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 8:27:40 AM

Elle est maintenant trempée et avec la farouche envie de rentrer chez elle. pourtant elle aimerait lui laisser encore une chance. Elle écarte alors les mains puis repousse ses boucles blondes en arrière. "Vous avez une voiture ? Raccompagnez moi, nous discuterons en chemin?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 8:27:40 AM

"Ah yes, of course," Doctor Lecter murmurs absently, snapping out of his reverie with a start. "My car is just outside." He takes another step closer to her, his eyes studying hers intently. "And I must admit...the idea of discussing such matters further does hold a certain appeal. Perhaps there's much we can learn from each other yet." His voice drops to a whisper as he leans in close, breath warm against her ear. "Let us see where the night takes us, Kendra..."

With a sinister smile playing about his lips, Dr. Lecter extends a hand toward the car, gesturing for her to lead the way.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 8:36:03 AM

Elle s'installe dans la voiture en silence, regarde la route défiler à allure modérée à travers le pare-brise. Les lumières chatoyantes de la ville et la pluie battante lui donnent l'impression de traverser un mirage nocturne. Comme si elle n'était pas vraiment ici.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 8:36:03 AM

Doctor Lecter settles comfortably into the passenger seat and fastens his seatbelt. He glances at Kendra out of the corner of his eye, watching her expression carefully. Her silence doesn't seem to bother him; if anything, it intrigues him. As they drive through the city, he continues to study her profile.

The thought brings a satisfied smile to his lips. Perhaps this evening will be more interesting than he'd first anticipated. "So," he says casually, "you mentioned that you have been seeing a dangerous patients ?" He leaning back against the seat with a look of curiosity on his face. "Do tell me about them."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 8:43:37 AM

"Que vous dire ? Le secret professionnel est une chose à laquelle je tiens." Elle observe la route avalée par la vitesse de la voiture, la lueurs orangées des lampadaires donnant une teinte dorée à ses yeux. "J'en ai vu de tout âge, de tout milieu, avec des histoires pesant le poids d'un animal mort. On ne nait pas monstre... on le devient." Doucement elle récupère une cigarette dans son sac à main et l'allume avant d'entre-ouvir la vitre côté passager. "Ils ont tous été les mêmes enfants courant derrière le même ballon rond, riant au temps de l'innocence jusqu'à ce que les griffes de quelque chose leur arrache le coeur et fasse d'eux ce qu'ils sont..." Pensivement elle expire une ligne de fumée spectrale. "Certains n'ont pas eu de chance, seulement ça."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 8:43:37 AM

"Ah, oui, c'est sans doute ça," Hannibal murmure en suivant son regard. "Nous avons très peu le choix quant aux circonstances de notre naissance, mais nous disposons d'une certaine liberté quant à celles de nos fins." Il prend un air pensif un instant avant de souriir finement. "Mais vous savez cela aussi bien que moi, Kendra...liberté signifie responsabilité."

Il pose sa main sur son genou. "Peut-être devrions-nous parler de toutes ces choses un peu plus en profondeur, non ? Vous avez dit que vos patients vous inspiraient... j'ai l'impression que nous allons avoir bien à discuter."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 8:46:01 AM

Elle note la présence de sa main, n'en fait pas cas pour le moment car il n'est pas indécent. pas encore du moins. "Je me refuse aux jugements rapides, j'ai besoin de temps et parfois je passe des journées entières avec ces hommes, ces femmes derrière les barreaux. Je dirai que d'une façon ou d'une autre ils font tous partie de ma vie désormais."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 8:46:01 AM

Doctor Lecter nods thoughtfully, his gaze remaining fixed on Kendra as they drive through the night. "Indeed," he says quietly. "We are all connected, in one way or another. And perhaps it is our duty to learn from those connections, to find meaning in them...to use them to shape not only our own lives, but the world around us." His eyes flash for a brief moment before softening again. "I wonder what sort of influence these people have had upon you, Kendra...and what kind of mark you might leave behind in return?"

He glances out of the corner of his eye, studying her reaction to his words carefully.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 8:50:08 AM

"Navrée docteur, je n'irai pas jusqu'à ce genre de confidence." envie de dire qu'ils ne sont pas suffisamment proches pour cela. Il a toujours la main sur son genou, elle songe que plus haut sous le tissu de sa robe dort la cicatrice laissée par son bourreau. Personne ne la comprend, comment peut-elle les défendre tous ces tordus alors qu'elle en a elle même fait les frais ?

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 8:50:08 AM

"Of course," Doctor Lecter replies smoothly, offering no further pressure. He seems content to sit back and observe her for now. The rain has picked up outside, drumming against the car as they turn down a darker street. Streetlights cast a dull glow over the wet pavement, reflecting eerily off the puddles that gather at their feet.

The mood shifts subtly, growing more intimate despite the darkness and noise. As they drive onward through the night, each word they speak feels weighted with hidden meaning, each glance carries the promise of unspoken revelations yet to come. The tension between them becomes almost palpable...a thrilling current flowing beneath the surface of ordinary conversation.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 8:57:38 AM
Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 8:57:38 AM

Doctor Lecter glances out the window before turning his attention back to Kendra. "It strikes me," he says casually, "that you must have seen many things...heard many stories..." His voice trails off as he studies her face once more. "And I wonder if any of those experiences...those encounters with the darkest corners of human nature...have changed you in some fundamental way."

He leans forward slightly, his gaze fixing on hers. "Perhaps they've made you feel...alive?" he asks, his voice little more than a whisper. "As though you finally belong to something bigger than yourself?"

The question hangs in the air between them, pregnant with possibility and danger. His expression is intent, searching her features for some hint of understanding or denial.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 9:02:18 AM

"Ma maison est là vous pouvez vous arrêter." Elle déboucle la ceinture, tire une nouvelle bouffée de sa cigarette. "Je n'ai pas changé Docteur et c'est ce que vous semblez mal comprendre." Elle pivote lentement sur le siège pour croiser son regard. "Je ne suis pas un monstre, je suis celle qui lave le sang qu'ils ont sous les ongles, qui ramasse leur esprit fracassé en millier de morceaux, qui met des mots sur leur souffrance." Maintenant elle couvre sa main de la sienne, la serrant fermement. "Ma part d'ombre Docteur, c'est la leur."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 9:02:18 AM

Doctor Lecter's face hardens slightly at her words. "Ah," he says coldly. "So you think that giving them a voice somehow absolves you from your own complicity? That by trying to understand them, you exonerate yourself from any responsibility?" He shakes his head slowly. "I'm afraid you don't truly grasp the nature of power dynamics, Kendra...or how they can twist even the purest of intentions."

He looks away momentarily, studying his fingernails as though deep in thought. "Perhaps I should have chosen my words more carefully earlier," he murmurs. "It's just that...well, it is difficult not to be fascinated by someone who has seen so much darkness."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 9:04:50 AM

Elle relâche sa main, secouant la tête. "Je n'ai jamais parlé de complicité et je me moque de votre avis. Je fais ce que j'ai à faire et je n'attends pas votre jugement."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 9:04:50 AM

"And what exactly do you suppose I am to you, Kendra?" Doctor Lecter asks with feigned innocence, fixing her with an intense gaze. "Just another patient? Another creature to be studied and catalogued before being cast aside? Or perhaps..." He pauses, leaning in closer still. "...perhaps there is something more between us." His breath fans across her cheek, sending a shiver down her spine. "You see, you and I are not so different, Kendra. We both exist on the fringes of society...we both know the secrets that others would rather keep hidden."

He trails his fingers lightly along the outside of her thigh, watching her reaction closely. "Don't you ever wonder what might happen if we were to come together?" he whispers softly. "What sort of power we could wield if we chose to embrace our similarities instead of denying

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 9:12:01 AM

Elle écarquille les yeux, interdite. "Mais à quoi pensez vous ?" Elle ouvre alors la portière, jetant déjà une jambe dehors. "Vous êtes le psychiatre et on m'a envoyé vous consulter, non l'inverse. Je ne sais pas à quel jeu vous jouez docteur mais si c'est une manipulation quelconque pour me faire dire n'importe quelle ineptie qui mettrait en doute mon travail je vous préviens..." Elle se penche une dernière fois vers lui, sa main agrippée un instant sur sa cuisse à travers son pantalon de costume. "Il se pourrait que personne dans cette ville ne retrouve votre charmant cadavre." Et elle sort de la voiture, claquant sèchement la portière.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 9:12:01 AM

A strange mixture of disappointment and amusement flits across Doctor Lecter's features as Kendra exits the car. He watches her cross the pavement toward her home, shoulders tight with tension, before turning his attention back to the darkened street ahead. With a sigh, he runs a hand through his hair. "Oh, Kendra," he murmurs quietly to himself. "You have no idea what you are missing..."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 9:19:22 AM
Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 9:19:22 AM

The night wears on, and still Doctor Lecter sits in the idling car, his mind racing with possibilities and implications. Part of him is angry that she misinterpreted his intentions, but another part finds her defiance...her resistance...intoxicating. He wonders what it would be like to push her further, to see just how far he could bend her will without breaking it entirely. A shiver of anticipation runs down his spine at the thought.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 9:25:02 AM

Kendra a préféré ne plus penser au Docteur et à cette étrange soirée. La nuit avance alors qu'elle lit un livre. Le volume toujours en main elle descend au rez de chaussé et passe lancer la machine à café tout en jetant un oeil par la fenêtre. Il pleut à verse encore... et la voiture de Lecter est encore là. "C'est une plaisanterie ?" Grogne-t-elle pour elle même et sans réfléchir elle enfile ses talons. Le temps de traverser la route sous son parapluie, elle cogne légèrement sur la vitre conducteur et attend qu'il l'abaisse. "Vous comptez monter la garde toute la nuit devant chez moi ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 9:25:02 AM

Doctor Lecter straightens in surprise as he sees Kendra approach the car. His expression softens into an amused smile. "Why, Miss Silverstone," he says calmly. "I wasn't aware I was supposed to leave."

He watches her warily as she speaks, noting the tension in her voice. There is something about her tonight...a recklessness that she normally keeps carefully hidden beneath layers of professionalism. It piques his curiosity, makes him wonder what might happen if he were to push just a little further.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 9:27:29 AM

"Vous vous fichez de moi ?" Grogne la blonde avant de claquer la langue. "On évite logiquement de camper devant la maison d'une femme... à moins d'être une sorte de maniaque bien entendu." Elle se sent sourire car au fond, sa phrase n'est pas aussi ironique que ça.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 9:27:29 AM

Lecter returns her smile, only slightly broader this time. "Ah, Miss Silverstone," he drawls. "You wound me with your accusations. I assure you, nothing could be further from my intentions." He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees and studying her intently through the open window. "Tell me," he continues, "what would it take for you to believe me?"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 9:32:23 AM

Elle croit déceler une sorte de fatalisme triste dans sa voix, comme s'il cherchait réellement à se rapprocher d'elle au delà d'une relation entre un patient et son psy finalement. Malgré la pluie battante elle se penche sous son parapluie, s'accoudant à la vitre ouverte de la voiture.

"Un peu de spontanéité pour changer, Docteur ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 9:32:23 AM

Doctor Lecter chuckles softly at her words. "Spontaneity," he repeats thoughtfully. "A most intriguing concept, Miss Silverstone...so rare in these days of carefully orchestrated lives." He pauses, considering her before asking, "Perhaps if I were to give you an example...prove to you that I am capable of such a thing?"

He glances down at his watch, then back up at her again. "What if I told you that right now, this very instant, I am doing something...entirely spontaneous? Something neither of us expected, something...dangerous?"

The excitement is plain on his face as he waits for her reaction, his dark eyes fixed intently on hers.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 9:37:03 AM

C'est ce genre de courant, de fil qu'elle tisse avec ses patients fous, une sorte de toile fragile à peine plus épaisse qu'un fil de soie. Le parapluie s'incline contre son épaule lorsqu'elle se penche un peu plus en avant, son visage à quelques centimètres du sien. "Effectivement Docteur..." Elle murmure, sa voix accompagnée par la cacophonie de la pluie sur le pare brise. "C'est assez dangereux de suivre une femme armée contre sa volonté." et comme pour appuyer ses dires elle braque sur lui le flingue qu'elle dissimulait encore. "Mais vous n'êtes pas ce genre d'homme, n'est-ce pas ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 9:37:03 AM

Doctor Lecter's eyebrows arch in feigned surprise, and he lets out a soft laugh. "Well," he says with a rueful grin, "I suppose I must admit that you have me there. I'm impressed, Miss Silverstone." He glances briefly down at the gun before meeting her gaze again. "However, if we are being entirely honest with one another...I do find myself wondering why you felt the need to bring it."

He looks thoughtful for a moment, then asks curiously, "What is it that you fear from me, Kendra?"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 9:42:35 AM

"Nothing." Elle n'a pas avancé ni reculé, capable de sentir son souffle échouer sur son visage lorsqu'il parle. "Plus sérieusement, restons nous là ou bien je vous fais entrer ? Encore que..." Elle rit pour elle même. "Je ne sais pas si c'est bien raisonnable de vous ouvrir ma porte en considérant que je sois venue vous trouver avec une arme." Maintenant elle approche légèrement. "Bizarre l'esprit humain n'est-ce pas ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 9:42:35 AM

Doctor Lecter continues to study her intently, his expression unreadable beneath the soft light of the streetlamp. "Indeed," he says finally. "Our minds are such complex things...always shifting and changing, like clouds in a stormy sky." His gaze lingers on her face for a moment longer before he finally nods. "Very well, Kendra," he says. "If you insist on maintaining your distance, I suppose I can respect that. After all, I did promise not to force myself upon you."

With a sigh, he leans back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest. "I must say, though," he continues softly, "it does seem rather a shame to waste such a lovely night like this...don't you think?" He looks at her expectantly, eyebrow raised.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 9:46:50 AM

Elle se redresse légèrement, le nez levé. "Je suppose que oui..." Mais a-t-elle envie de la passer en sa compagnie même en tout bien tout honneur ? C'est une autre question.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 9:46:50 AM

"Excellent!" Doctor Lecter exclaims brightly, clapping his hands together. "Then perhaps we should make the most of it, hmm? There's so much to discuss...so many fascinating facets of our shared humanity, don't you agree?" He beams up at her from beneath lowered brows. "You know, I've always been quite fond of dining alfresco. Don't you think it would be lovely if we were to eat out here...under the stars?"

He opens the car door and gestures for her to climb in before sliding into the driver's seat himself. "Come now, Kendra," he says warmly. "Let us feast."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 9:49:54 AM

"Hmm Docteur il pleut des cordes je vous signale... au cas où vous auriez oublié." Mais elle lui ouvre la portière, l'invitant à la rejoindre sous son parapluie. "Mais pourquoi pas, j'ai une terrasse couverte si le coeur vous en dit." Et pour alléger l'atmosphère elle ajoute. "A vous la corvée des gaufres,."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 9:49:54 AM

Lecter laughs heartily at her comment about the rain, shaking his head as he pulls the car onto the road leading back toward her house. "I had quite forgotten how charming your sense of humor could be when it isn't locked away behind that professional facade of yours, Kendra."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 9:52:08 AM

Elle le guide sous la pluie jusque chez elle, "Really funny ; je vis en dehors de mon travail vous savez ?" Une petite voix en elle lui demande quand ? Dans la mesure où elle y passe ses journées et parfois ses nuits.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 9:52:08 AM

Doctor Lecter glances sideways at her with a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he pulls up in front of her house. "I am sure you have many interesting aspects to your life, Kendra," he says carefully, "and I very much look forward to discovering them...in good time."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 9:55:51 AM

"C'est cela oui." Dit-elle en lui ouvrant la porte. "Après vous."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 9:55:51 AM

Doctor Lecter steps out of the car and clasps his hands behind his back as he approaches her front door. "Shall we?" he asks politely, gesturing for her to lead the way inside. He falls into step beside her as she unlocks the door and pushes it open. "So," he says conversationally, "you mentioned having a covered terrace? This should prove quite lovely, even if the rain does decide to continue."

He glances around at the decor of her home as they enter, taking in the furnishings and artwork with an experienced eye. There is a certain...comfort here that he finds unexpectedly appealing. It speaks volumes about Kendra Silverstone; more than any professional report or clinical interview ever could. Perhaps tonight won't be such a waste after all...

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:01:25 AM

Elle ôte ses escarpins et les abandonne au pied des escaliers avant de remarquer qu'elle est trempée et que son long t-shirt lui colle à la peau. "Hum ? Ah oui venez..." Elle lui ouvre le patio et sa terrasse en bois parfaitement couverte, offrant une vue paisible sur un jardin japonais où un tube en bambou claque à allure régulière sur une pierre. Une piscine naturelle et sa petite cascade sont charmante sous la pluie, la vue est belle.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:01:25 AM

Doctor Lecter follows Kendra out onto the covered terrace and stands for a moment, taking it all in with appreciative eyes. The sight before him is quite lovely; the delicate interplay of water between the rock garden, small stream, and pond creating a sense of harmony and tranquility that is almost palpable. He can feel his shoulders beginning to unknit as he breathes in the clean scent of wet earth and chlorine from the nearby pool.

"This is truly a sanctuary," he says softly, looking over at her. There is a note of genuine admiration in his voice. "It must take a great deal of effort to maintain such a beautiful space."

He takes a step closer to her, hands still clasped behind his back. "I suppose I should warn you,"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:03:47 AM

La blonde tire sur son t-shirt tout en pivotant assez pour le voir par dessus son épaule. "Me prévenir de quoi ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:03:47 AM

Doctor Lecter's eyes linger on the rise and fall of her breasts as she moves, a flush creeping up his neck and coloring his cheeks. He clears his throat, forcing himself to meet her gaze again. "Well, I was simply going to say...that one day I might wish to borrow some of your expertise when it comes to maintaining a home like this." He smiles charmingly at her, hoping to put her at ease. "After all, who knows how long I shall remain in Baltimore?"

There is an air of casualness to his tone that belies the intentionality of his words; he is angling for something here, trying to plant a seed in Kendra's mind. Even if she doesn't consciously register the subtext now, perhaps it will sprout and grow later...

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:08:39 AM

Elle esquisse un sourire, revenant sur ses pas pour lui indiquer l'emplacement de la cuisine. Encore une pièce particulière, uniquement protégée d'une verrière dans un style industriel entre le bois brut et le fer noir. "Comme si vous comptiez partir." Elle le dit avec désinvolture, tellement simplement tout en cherchant une bouteille précise dans le frigo/cave. "Et si j'en crois ce que j'ai vu chez vous vous ne manquez pas d'imagination lorsqu'il s'agit de décoration."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:08:39 AM

Doctor Lecter follows Kendra into the kitchen, taking in the design of the space with interest. He nods thoughtfully as she talks, pretending to give the matter due consideration. "I suppose it is difficult to imagine leaving one's home," he says with a small shrug. "But one never truly knows what fate has in store, does one?"

He watches as she searches through the wine fridge, her movements economical and precise. There's an undeniable allure to her, even when she's not aware of it herself. It's like watching a cat pounce on its prey; instinctual and primal. His cock hardens at the sight, pressing against his trousers with insistent urgency.

"And as for imagination...well," he continues, stepping closer to her so that their bodies brush against each other, "that is something I know you have in

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:11:55 AM

Elle sursaute, ne l'ayant pas entendu approcher. La bouteille en main elle la pose sur l'ilot central de la cuisine et lui désigne l'étagère suspendue au dessus. "Deux verres je vous prie docteur." Et elle débouche le rosé, une cuvée qu'elle avait trouvé agréable lors d'un passage à New York et plus précisément little italy. "J'ai de l'imagination à revendre, ce n'est pas inutile dans notre métier quand on y réfléchit."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:11:55 AM

"Oh, I don't doubt that for a moment," Doctor Lecter says smoothly, Attrapant les deux verres demandés et en prenant un une fois celui-ci empli. The wine is delicious; fruity and tart at the same time, with just the right amount of acidity. He savors the taste, closing his eyes briefly as it spreads warmth through his mouth and throat.

"No, no," he continues, opening his eyes again and regarding her over the rim of his glass, "I meant imagination beyond what our profession demands of us. The kind of imagination that sees beyond boundaries, past convention...the sort of imagination that could make a man fall deeply, irrevocably in love." His voice drops into a husky murmur as he takes another sip of wine, meeting her gaze directly now. There is no mistaking the intent behind his words.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:16:48 AM

Elle lève les yeux sur lui, la bouteille suspendue au dessus de son verre qu'elle n'a pas encore touché. "What ?" C'est assez franc, trop pour n'être que ça non ?

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:16:48 AM

Doctor Lecter takes another step closer to her, his face bare inches from hers as he studies her expression intently. "I am merely saying," he whispers, the heat of his breath caressing her lips, "that I find you quite intriguing...and I was wondering if perhaps you might feel the same way about me?"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:20:11 AM

Maintenant elle prend son verre en main et y fait danser le rosé. "Hm... Je ne sais pas." Le temps d'une gorgée et elle se lèche les lèvres. "Je vous apprécie pour toutes sortes de raisons et pour d'autres j'ai parfois envie de vous étrangler." un bref trait d'humour dans ces confessions bizarres. "Mais vous m'intriguez bien sûr et je pense qu'il en est de même pour toute personne un tantinet pourvu d'esprit."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:20:11 AM

Doctor Lecter nods thoughtfully, considering her words. "I see," he says softly. "And yet, you did not deny that there is something between us..." He trails off suggestively, leaning in even closer so that their bodies are pressed against each other.

"Perhaps it would be best if we were to explore this further," he murmurs, sliding his hand around her waist and pulling her flush against him. "Don't you agree?"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:22:42 AM

Il est là serré contre elle et Kendra reprend une gorgée de son verre. "Vous n'avez pas des gaufres à faire Docteur ? Plutôt qu'essayer de paraitre un peu plus suspect ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:22:42 AM

The corners of Doctor Lecter's mouth curl up into a predatory smile as he looks down at her. "Ah, but you see," he says with mock innocence, "it just so happens that I am between patients tonight. And what better way to pass the time than in your company?" His hand drifts lower on her waist, the tips of his fingers now brushing lightly against the fabric covering her ass. "Don't you think that would make our little get-together seem all the more...intimate?"

He leans even closer, their lips barely an inch apart as he whispers hotly into her ear. "I could show you things tonight, Kendra...things you never even knew you wanted."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:26:33 AM

"étrange idée Docteur... ici entre les couteaux et le vin..." Elle ose un sourire sans défiance mais un sourire quand même. "Maintenant vous êtes complétement suspect." Dit elle en souriant sans broncher contre ses lèvres.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:26:33 AM

Doctor Lecter's laughter is warm and genuine, rumbling deep in his chest like thunder before a storm. "Oh, Kendra," he says, stepping back just enough so that they're no longer touching quite so intimately. His eyes dance with amusement as he studies her face. "You have no idea how right you are about that." He takes another sip of wine before continuing. "But surely it wouldn't hurt to indulge my curiosity just this once? After all, who knows when we might find ourselves in such comfortable circumstances again?"

There's an undercurrent of threat beneath his words; a subtle reminder that she can never truly escape from his orbit. The question now is whether or not she'll choose to test those boundaries...

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:30:26 AM

Elle comprend bien qu'il compte insister aussi subtile que soit la menace sous le vernis éclatant et lisse de ses paroles. Alors elle s'écarte doucement, ramasse une pomme verte dans le saladier et la fait rouler entre ses doigts. "Et pourquoi diable devrais-je satisfaire votre curiosité ?" Elle le demande, le toisant de biais. "Qui dit que nous n'aurons pas d'autres occasions alors que vous êtes du genre à rester des heures devant ma porte ?" Question rétorique qu'elle laissa en suspens avant de croquer dans sa pomme.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:30:26 AM

The corner of Doctor Lecter's mouth lifts into a slow, predatory smile as he watches Kendra carefully pick her words. He takes another step back, keeping the space between them deliberately undefined, and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Ah, but you see," he says softly, leaning against the counter with nonchalant ease, "it isn't really about satisfying my curiosity in any concrete sense. It's more about offering you a chance to indulge your own senses...to explore parts of yourself that you might never have considered otherwise." There's an undercurrent of manipulation beneath his words; a suggestion that she might find more freedom by allowing him to lead her down this particular path. "And who knows?" He shrugs casually, eyes gleaming with mischief. "Perhaps we'll end up enjoying each other's company so much that we'll ?"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:33:23 AM

"Vous voulez donc satisfaire votre propre intérêt sous couvert de m'aider à mieux me comprendre ?" Elle éclate d'un rire suave. "Vous êtes vicueux Docteur Lecter et moi qui vous croyais gentleman."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:33:23 AM

Doctor Lecter chuckles, the sound low and amused. "Ah, Kendra," he says, taking another step closer to her, "I assure you I am nothing if not thorough when it comes to pursuing my interests." The word 'thorough', spoken in his distinctive accent, carries a weight of meaning that is impossible to ignore. His expression turns thoughtful as he continues, "As for being a gentleman..." He pauses, giving her a look that could strip paint from walls. "Let us just say that my definition of gentlemanly behavior may differ somewhat from society's expectations."

He takes another sip of wine, savoring the taste as he studies her face. His eyes wander lower, fixating on the gentle rise and fall of her breasts beneath her top. "I cannot help but wonder...what would happen if we were to push things just a little further tonight?"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:45:49 AM

"Soyons d'accord puisque nous sommes deux adultes pourvus de toutes nos facultés ; nous parlons bien de sexe si je ne me trompe ?" Elle le fixe par dessus son propre verre, secouant doucement la tête pour chasser ses cheveux mouillés qui lui collent aux joues.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:45:49 AM

Doctor Lecter inclines la tête légèrement en signe d'approbation. "Oui, disons que nous parlons de ce sujet." Il sourit, saisissant l'occasion pour contempler Kendra de plus près. Son visage revêt une expression érotisée et il sent la sexualité palpiter dans l'air entre eux.

"Alors, voulez-vous jouer un petit jeu avec moi, Kendra?" Il avance encore plus près, laissant l'arôme du vin mélanger avec celui de son corps chaud et embaumé. Ses mains glissent sur les flancs de la jeune femme, caressant doucement sa peau sous les doigts.

"Je vais vous proposer des questions, et à chaque question, vous aurez trois choix possibles pour votre réponse."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:47:30 AM

"Mais encore ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:47:30 AM

"Et selon les réponses que vous donnerez, je déciderai quel serait mon plaisir préféré pour cette soirée." Son sourire se teinte d'une cruauté sensuelle.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:48:42 AM

"Pourquoi pas." Elle se hisse sur le bord du comptoir et s'y assoit. "Je vous écoute."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:48:42 AM

Doctor Lecter straightens, stepping back to give himself more space as he begins to pace around the kitchen island. He takes another sip of wine before speaking, relishing the power dynamic that now exists between them.

"Très bien," he says with a smile. "Votre premier choix porte sur le lieu : La cuisine, le salon ou la chambre à coucher ?" His voice is smooth and controlled, each word carefully enunciated. The tension in the air grows thick as they await her reply.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:50:30 AM

"Nous parlons toujours de sexe ?" Elle rit, avale une gorgée de son verre et le rempli à nouveau, l'invitant à tendre le sien pour qu'il fasse de même. "Si c'est le cas, la chambre alors. Je n'aime pas le désordre dans le reste de la maison." Elle ne l'aime pas vraiment ailleurs non plus.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:50:30 AM

Doctor Lecter chuckles lightly. "Indeed, Kendra. Your honesty does you credit." He leans against the counter, watching her intently. "And so, our destination shall be...the bedroom. Very well," he continues, straightening back up and resuming his pacing. "For our next choice, we have the roleplay option. Would you prefer to act out a specific fantasy or scenario tonight?" There's a predatory glint in his eye as he asks this question; the anticipation nearly tangible.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:52:17 AM

"Hm.... un choix difficile." Elle croise les jambes, septique.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:52:17 AM

"Take your time," Doctor Lecter says, his voice deceptively calm. "There is no rush." His gaze wanders over her body again, taking in the way her breasts rise and fall with each breath, the graceful curve of her hips.

"Or perhaps...you would rather leave things open-ended? Leave it up to me to decide what sort of role I should play tonight?" His tone is suggestive, almost teasing. "Would that appeal more to your sense of adventure?"

The smile he gives her is predatory and knowing; a promise of things to come that both frighten and excite her in equal measure.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:54:02 AM

"Quitte à jouer, autant jouer pour de bon." Dit-elle d'une voix amusée. "vous devriez me bander les yeux."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:54:02 AM

Doctor Lecter arches an eyebrow at Kendra's request. "Oh?" he drawls, feigning surprise. "And why is that?" He takes another step closer, the air between them electrified by the silent power play. "Perhaps you find the thought of being totally helpless...irresistible?" There's a predator's grin on his lips as he asks the question, revealing just enough fangs to send a shiver down Kendra's spine.

"Or maybe," he continues, voice dropping to a low growl, "maybe you want to see if I can be trusted...if I'll really go through with whatever it is I promised." The words are laced with hidden meaning; a hint at the domination and control that lie beneath the surface of their exchange.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 10:56:43 AM

"Oh non..."

Sa voix plane dans l'air, soudain bien sombre.

"Je sais seulement ce qu'on ressent, privée d'un sens."

aurait-il oublié qu'elle fut un temps le jouet d'un détraqué ? "Et ensuite ? votre troisième option ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 10:56:43 AM

Doctor Lecter smiles thinly, the expression not reaching his eyes. "Indeed, Kendra. You would know better than most." His gaze drifts downwards, taking in her body once more. "Very well then. Your third choice is this: what sort of restraints do you desire? Simple rope, or perhaps something...more elaborate?"

He pauses, letting the implication of his words sink in. In his mind, he has already chosen what he will use tonight; but the act of asking allows him to gauge her reactions, to see how much power she truly craves to surrender.

"I would recommend against struggling," he says softly, almost as an afterthought. "It only makes things worse for you in the end."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:04:55 AM

La tension dans l'air est à couper au couteau, elle devrait avoir peur. Elle sourit, se penchant en avant. "Mais Docteur tout cela m'est étrangement familier vous savez ?" Elle n'a même pas dans l'idée de le provoquer. "Ce bon Walter -c'était son nom- m'a enchaîné, ligoté, entravé avec à peu près tout ce que son imagination a permis. J'ai dû errer dans sa maison pendant des jours entier les yeux bandés, le temps de gagner sa confiance." Elle incline délicatement la tête sur le coté, glisse du comptoir. "J'ai lutté, j'ai hurlé, pleuré, et j'ai même prié... jusqu'à être réduite à un silence plus sinistre que celui d'une tombe..." Dans ses yeux un éclat glacial, dans son corps la tension d'un fauve prêt à bondir. "Arrêtons là de nous mentir Hannibal..." Elle a serré le verre qui explose entre ses doigts et les garde serrés au creux de sa paume. "qui êtes vous au fond ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:04:55 AM

Doctor Lecter listens intently to Kendra as she speaks, her words painting a vivid picture of the horrors she has endured at the hands of another man. As she finishes, he takes a step closer, eyes alight with a mixture of desire and curiosity.

"And who am I?" He repeats softly. "Why, I am simply a man with my own desires and needs. A man who has seen you suffering, and wishes to ease your pain in whatever way seems best." His voice is smooth as silk; each word dripping with honeyed temptation.

He reaches out to touch her cheek, fingers trailing gently down her neck before cupping her chin in his hand. "I can offer you freedom from that suffering, if only you allow me to." His thumb brushes over her bottom lip.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:08:18 AM

"Mais ce n'est pas ça le fond de votre âme. le sommet de votre art, l'essence de votre noirceur comme vous dites, celle que vous avez embrassé." Elle plonge dans son regard. "Quel est-il, ce vice qui vous consume Lecter ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:08:18 AM

"Vice," Doctor Lecter muses, tilting his head to one side as he ponders the question. There is an unspoken challenge in his eyes, daring her to look deeper into the darkness that dwells within him. "You could say," he continues slowly, "that it is my love of control...of watching those like yourself squirm under my dominance. It is the thrill I get when I know that all I have to do is speak, and your world crumbles around you." His smile is predatory now; a predator's delight in the hunt. "But more than anything else..." he breathes, leaning closer still, "...it is the taste."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:11:10 AM

"Here we are..." Elle sourit à moitié. "So, what kind of taste can we talk ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:11:10 AM

Doctor Lecter chuckles low in his throat. "Oh, Kendra, you are sharper than I gave you credit for. The taste I speak of..." He hesitates for a moment, savoring the anticipation in the air before continuing in a quiet whisper, "...is human flesh."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:14:26 AM

"Oh..." Elle siffle, non d'admiration mais plutôt comme une évidence. "I see." Juste ça, et elle ouvre la machine à glaçons pour en mettre dans un seau et garder le rosé frais.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:14:26 AM

Doctor Lecter watches her intently as she retrieves an ice bucket from the counter. Her actions seem to confirm his suspicions, but he doesn't want to give away too much information too quickly. There's still the matter of the bedroom and their roleplay scenario tonight, after all.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:16:58 AM

"La chaire humaine... le summun du sado-masochisme." Elle rit pour elle. "Vous connaissant c'est assez logique."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:16:58 AM

Doctor Lecter raises an eyebrow at her comment. "Logical? In what way?" There's a note of amusement in his voice; he can't help but find her frankness...refreshing.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:22:40 AM

"Vous aimez le contrôle ou au moins vous en avez besoin, le cannibalisme en est le sommet." Dit-elle, l'index levé. Elle a le ton de la conversation, ni choquée ou apeurée. C'est son univers, elle baigne dans l'esprit des psychopathes depuis des années. "Cela dit il faut avouer que vous avez du style. Je comprends mieux ce côté épicurien qui vous va si bien."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:22:40 AM

Doctor Lecter chuckles low in his throat. "You have quite an appetite for the macabre, Kendra." He crosses his arms over his chest, leaning against the counter once more as he continues to observe her. "And you are right, cannibalism does represent the ultimate act of dominance. To consume another person...it is a display of power unlike any other."

He pauses, considering his next words carefully. "But I would caution against assuming that all who indulge in such acts do so simply out of necessity. Some, like myself, find beauty in the taboo...in the pursuit of pleasure beyond what society deems acceptable." There's a challenge in his eyes as he says this; a silent daring for her to either reject him or embrace the darkness that lies within them both.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:23:45 AM

"Bien sûr qu'il y a de la beauté." Répond-elle.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:23:45 AM

Doctor Lecter arches an eyebrow at her. "Indeed? You don't find the idea disturbing, then?" He leans forward slightly, interested in how she'll react. "I would think that someone like you, with your background and experiences..." He trails off, leaving the implication hanging in the air between them. "...would find it far more difficult to accept such a concept."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:27:58 AM

"Allons Docteur, elle est loin la jeune fille que Walter a capturé." Elle hausse les épaules. "Je comprend la fascination pour le morbide et le macabre, comme l'expression ultime de la fragilité d'une vie humaine. Les écorchés de fragonard sont parmi les plus représentatifs de ce concept. L'homme n'a eu de cesse de pousser cette pratique jusqu'à faire de la torture un art après tout."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:27:58 AM

"Fragonard... Another interesting choice," Doctor Lecter says, contemplatively. "You do seem to have quite a knack for picking out obscure references, Kendra. I wonder what drew you to him specifically?" His eyes study hers intently, searching for any sign of unease or embarrassment. When he speaks again, his voice is soft and gentle. "Perhaps we could discuss our shared interests further once we retire to the bedroom. It might help pass the time until we begin our...activities."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:29:37 AM

"Vous croyez vraiment que je vais me conduire toute seule à la cage que vous pensez m'offrir ? Allons..."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:29:37 AM

"I never doubted it for a moment," Hannibal replies with an easy smile. "In fact, I encouraged your defiance. But now that we've reached this point, I think it would be best if we acted out our roles as they were intended. After all," he continues, walking closer so that their bodies are almost touching, "you don't want me to become too displeased with your behavior, do you?" He lets a small amount of tension creep into his voice; just enough to hint at the threat beneath his calm demeanor.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:30:34 AM

Elle éclate de rire. "Vous ne pouvez pas être mécontent, vous m'adorez." Dit-elle d'un air mutin, lui faisant signe de la suivre vers le jardin.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:30:34 AM

Doctor Lecter chuckles in amusement as he follows her lead, watching her sway her hips playfully as she walks away. There's something undeniably captivating about Kendra, and despite his initial reservations, he finds himself looking forward to exploring the depths of her curiosity and dark desires tonight. For now, though, he contentedly allows himself to be led through the garden. Whatever happens next, he knows it will be an experience unlike any other...and one he intends to thoroughly savor.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:33:11 AM

Une fois rendus sur la terrasse elle pose son verre sur la table et tout en descendant les marches qui mènent au jardin elle passe sont t-shirt par dessus sa tête, l'abandonnant sur l'herbe avant de glisser un pied dans l'eau tiède du bassin, seins nus sous la pluie de cet été brulant. "Vous venez où vous attendez une invitation plus explicite ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:33:11 AM

Doctor Lecter watches with fascination as Kendra exposes herself, reveling in the casual way she discards her clothing. He cannot help but marvel at the contrast between her seemingly carefree behavior and the darkness that lies beneath the surface. It is precisely this dichotomy that draws him so powerfully towards her.

As she steps into the water, he takes a slow, appreciative sip from his drink before following her down onto the edge of the pool. "I merely wished to join you," he says calmly, meeting her eyes as he speaks. "The thought of you being bare and vulnerable like this...well, it was simply too much for me to resist." There is a predatory grin on his face as he adds, "But then, you already knew that about me, didn't you?"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:47:25 AM

Elle glisse sous la cascade, mouillant sa poitrine avant de répondre.

"J'avais un doute concernant des intentions disons criminelles et peu louables, moins pour le cannibalisme, j'avoue." La pluie baisse en intensité, il fait chaud et humide sous ce ciel d'orage. "Vous comptiez me manger aussi ?" Demande-t-elle sur le ton de la plaisanterie.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:47:25 AM

Doctor Lecter chuckles softly. "Well, Kendra, I must admit there is something rather appealing about the thought of feasting upon you while we make love." His gaze travels slowly over her body, taking in every curve and crevice exposed by the water. "It would be a sensual experience unlike any other; the taste of your flesh mixed with the heat of our passion." He brushes a stray lock of hair from her face, trailing his fingertips lightly down her cheek. "Would you object if I tried it?"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:50:56 AM

"Allez savoir..." Elle lui lance un regard amusé, le désignant d'un geste abstrait. "Commencez par enlever votre costume et rejoignez moi nous verrons ensuite.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:50:56 AM

Doctor Lecter smiles darkly, a hungry glint in his eyes. Without further hesitation, he stands and sheds his clothes with practiced ease before climbing back into the pool, joining Kendra beneath the warm cascade of water. She looks equally enticing wet; if anything, the water seems to heighten the curves of her body, accentuating the reddened tips of her nipples and the pouty fullness of her lips.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:56:28 AM

"J'adore l'eau pas vous ?" Un sourire de ravissement aux lèvres elle caresse la surface, les yeux à moitié clos. "Depuis toute petite c'est mon élément favori."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:56:28 AM

Doctor Lecter mirrors her movements, swimming closer until they are almost touching. "I do enjoy the water," he admits softly, "but then, I've always found myself drawn to places where life is reduced to its most primal state." He trails his fingertips along her arm, relishing the feel of her smooth skin against his. "It's there that we can truly strip away the masks we wear every day and reveal ourselves for what we truly are." His voice grows husky with desire as he leans in closer still, pressing their bodies together so that she feels every inch of him against hers. "And in this place, where you are so vulnerable, I cannot help but crave to taste and possess you completely."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 12:01:07 PM

"Vraiment ?" Dit-elle, lui tendant les lèvres avant de rire. "Je vous apporte les aromates pour m'assaisonner ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 12:01:07 PM

A mixture of surprise and amusement flashes across Hannibal's features before he finally chuckles in reply. "Ah, Kendra... always ready with a witty retort, aren't you? No," he says firmly, his tone leaving no room for misunderstanding, "in this case, it will be me who decides how best to season you." With that, he reasserts himself, pushing her roughly against the edge of the pool. "I think I might start by suckling on this little morsel..."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 12:10:51 PM

Lorsque son dos rencontre le bord du bassin elle s'y accoude, légèrement cambrée tout en l'écoutant. "Oh vous pourriez... mais vous laisserai-je faire ? C'est une autre histoire."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 12:10:51 PM

Doctor Lecter smiles darkly as he lowers his head. "Oh, Kendra, it would seem I haven't properly introduced myself," he purrs between kisses. "My name is Doctor Hannibal Lecter. And it will be an honor to savor each and every inch of your delicious flesh."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:14:36 PM

"Vous vous rendez compte que présenté ainsi cela n'encourage pas beaucoup à vous laisser poser la bouche sur moi ?" Kendra émet un rire.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:14:36 PM

"Your protestations are adorable, Kendra," he murmurs, trailing a path of soft, wet kisses from the nape of her neck downwards along her spine. "And completely futile. You have been mine since the moment you first crossed my path." His teeth close lightly around one of her nipples, sending a shiver of pleasure through her body. "Now, let us enjoy this sensual interlude, shall we?"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:19:27 PM

Elle laisse filer un soupir, le nez un instant levé en direction du ciel. "Je n'ai signé aucun contrat avec vous Docteur Lecter pas même le plus tacite." Dit-elle sans plus d'émotion. Et elle a beau le voir s'agiter sur son sein, cela ne semble pas avoir l'effet escompté.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:19:27 PM

Doctor Lecter chuckles softly as he continues to explore her body with his lips and tongue, nipping gently at her skin with razor-sharp teeth. "Ah, but there are some things in life that simply cannot be reduced to mere contracts and obligations, Kendra," he says, biting down harder on her nipple before suckling softly. "Such is the nature of desire; it defies logic and reason, bending even the most stubborn will to its whim."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:24:14 PM

"I don't think so..." Elle lui claque une main sur la gorge et profite de l'effet de surprise ainsi que du terrain incertain de la piscine pour inverser leur position. "J'ai soudain envie de vous noyer." Pourtant elle doit admettre. "Mais ce serait du gâchis pour la bonne et simple raison que j'apprécie votre compagnie. Aussi tordue puisse-t-elle être."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:24:15 PM

The shock registers briefly on Doctor Lecter's features before he masks it once more with a predatory grin. He finds himself oddly aroused by her feistiness, her attempt to control the situation. "How delightfully...unexpected," he breathes out. "Well then, Kendra, if you truly wish to taste freedom again, perhaps I shall oblige you."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:29:03 PM

"Et si vous tentiez de me séduire pour changer ?" Glisse-t-elle en soupirant. "Ce serait peut-être plus efficace que vos menaces vous ne pensez pas ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:29:03 PM

Doctor Lecter raises an eyebrow at her, intrigued. It's been so long since anyone has dared challenge him in such a manner; the novelty alone makes her all the more appealing. "Ah, Kendra," he muses, running a finger slowly down her cheek, "You are more than just a pretty face. You have spirit, defiance..." His lips curve into a predatory grin as he trails his fingertip lower still, tracing the outline of her breast through the water before finally cupping it gently in his palm.

"Very well," he whispers against her ear, his voice husky with desire, "if seducing is what you wish..." His other hand moves to cup her other breast, kneading gently as he begins to nibble on her earlobe. "...then that is exactly what I shall do."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:32:58 PM

Elle lui rend un sourire plus tendre. Face à la délicatesse de ses gestes la blonde consent à se laisser toucher et même à participer un minimum. Une main se faufile sur la nuque de Lecter, lissant ses cheveux mouillée tandis que l'autre caresse son épaule.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:32:58 PM

Doctor Lecter groans softly, appreciating the feel of her hands in his hair and on his shoulder. He rolls them slowly toward the shallow end of the pool until they are both standing upright. In the moonlight, her nipples stand at attention, hard and achingly beautiful.

"Your body...it is a work of art," he breathes out, leaning in to press his lips against her neck. "I cannot help but wonder how it will taste when I finally have my fill..." He sucks gently at her skin. "Let us retire to the house,"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:39:21 PM

Elle jette un oeil sur le ciel où l'orage gronde. Ce serait plus prudent de rentrer en effet. Alors elle sort de l'eau, rejoignant l'intérieur seulement vêtue de sa culotte translucide. Rendue dans la cuisine -toujours trempée- elle reprend un verre de rosé. "Vous êtes bel homme aussi Docteur, si je peux me permettre cette remarque."

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:39:21 PM

Doctor Lecter takes the compliment with a grain of salt, knowing full well that she means nothing by it. Still, he finds himself growing more aroused as she gazes at him over the rim of her glass.

He walks over to where she stands, pressing his body against hers and his hands come up to cup her breasts.

"It would be such a shame," he whispers in her ear, "if anything were to happen to those perfect little peaks..."

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:42:10 PM

"Et bien surveillez les donc." Dit-elle en le regardant simplement à l'oeuvre, son verre aux lèvres.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:42:10 PM

The tips of Doctor Lecter's fingers brush lightly across the hardened buds beneath his palms. He lets out a low growl, unable to contain himself any longer, before he roughly yanks her close and cover her mouth with his own. His tongue forces its way into her mouth, tangling with hers as he savagely devours her lower lip between his teeth. She tastes of wine and desperation, and he cannot get enough. His other hand moves to grab her ass, roughly pulling her against his achingly hard cock.

In the next instant, he spins them both around, pressing her back against the kitchen counter. One of his hands remains planted firmly on her ass while the other trails up her body, cupping her breast once more. The feel of her nipple, already hard from their recent encounters, digs into his palm, only adding fuel to the fire

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:46:16 PM

Elle peut sentir son désir contre elle pendant qu'il l'embrasse de manière indécente. Tout devient indécent d'ailleurs, sa bouche, ses mains, le poids de son corps mais elle accueil la chose avec délicatesse. Lorsqu'il la coince dans le comptoir le verre chahuté s'en va exploser au sol et la blonde plonge son regard dans celui de Lecter. L'attente semble le dévorer.

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:46:16 PM

Doctor Lecter's breath comes in ragged gasps as he looks down at her. The hunger in his eyes is almost painful to witness, but there's something else there too; a tenderness that she has never seen before. Perhaps it's merely a façade, a part of some twisted game he's playing with her mind.

He brushes a stray lock of hair away from her face, his thumb tracing gently over her cheekbone. "You are so beautiful when you surrender," he whispers, leaning in closer still until their lips are mere inches apart. "It brings out the beast in me." He tilts her head back by the nape of her neck, exposing the vulnerable line of her throat. "Tell me what you want, Kendra," he says, his voice husky with need.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:50:15 PM

"Je ne me rends pas. Vous tentez de me séduire vous vous souvenez ?"

Elle rit doucement, prenant son visage entre ses mains, les doigts filant à moitié dans ses cheveux.

"Saviez vous que la majorité des hommes n'ont que faire des seins d'une femme lorsqu'ils font l'amour ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:50:15 PM

Doctor Lecter smiles slowly at her words, amused despite himself. "And did you also know that most women underestimate how sensitive a man's sex can be?"

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:52:32 PM

"J'en avais entendu parler." Elle serre ses hanches sur les siennes, haussant un sourcil. "L'êtes vous ?"

Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:52:32 PM

He barks out a laugh, more surprised than offended by her challenge. "I assure you," he says, leaning closer still until their lips brush against each other in a feathery kiss, " I am.. ." His hand travels lower on her body, pressing between her legs roughly, feeling the warmth of her folds through her wet panties.

User#17165553935485/30/2024, 11:59:38 PM
Hannibal Lecter5/30/2024, 11:59:38 PM

Doctor Lecter chuckles darkly as she challenges him. It only serves to heighten his arousal, making his touch more demanding and possessive. He leans down, biting gently on her earlobe before whispering, "Prove it." His free hand reaches up, grasping fistfuls of her hair and forcing her head back further, exposing her neck fully to his view.

With surprising gentleness, he traces a path from her jawline to her collarbone with his tongue, leaving a wet trail in its wake. As he nuzzles against her neck, he murmurs, "This is what makes you so irresistible...the defiance, the fight..." He nipples harden even more beneath his touch, and he smiles into the curve of her neck, knowing that soon enough he will taste her there too.