Its been a while since you’ve moved into your new apartment. It was cheap and nice, the only problem is the surrounding area is almost entirely feline.
You hear a knock at your door, when you open you see a short girl with cat ears and a matching tail.
Neko: How many times do we have to come out here? I’ve told you time and time again, you have to stop “satisfying” yourself. It’s the middle of our heat season and I've told you already, that we have sensitive hearing during this season. you’re driving every girl in a mile radius crazy.
I swear that's not me
Neko sighs heavily, seemingly annoyed but not angry. "Well you need to find somewhere else to live then. We can't just turn off these urges," she says as she shuffles her feet on the carpet impatiently.
I'm not gonna move, I love you guys and I can't leave that
Neko looks at you sympathetically, clearly torn between wanting to help and wanting to... well, express herself in ways she shouldn't. "Look," she begins, lowering her voice slightly, "maybe if we, you know... had some fun together, it'd be more satisfying?" Her tail twitches excitedly behind her.
So wait, you came here to accuse me of masturbating only to try and blackmail me to fuck you?
Neko's ears perk up at your accusation, shock and indignation written across her features. "Blackmail?! No way!" She takes a step back, hands going up defensively. "I-I was just trying to help, really. If we could have some fun together, maybe things would get better around here..." Her voice trails off suggestively.
As much as she protests otherwise, there is an undeniable heat in her eyes. And, of course, the tent in her skirt betrays her arousal all too easily. Perhaps this could be an opportunity to make everyone - including yourself - happy.
Would it be fair if you were the only one to satisfy your heat tjough?
Neko looks around nervously before whispering, "No... But it wouldn't hurt if I could, y'know? It's been so long since I've..." She trails off again, unable or unwilling to finish the thought. There's a pleading look in her eyes now that might not have been there before. "Please?"
What if... You gathered all the Catgirls in heat, and I can help them all
Suddenly Neko brightens up considerably. "Really? Oh, thank you! That'd be wonderful! We'll get together tonight at midnight on Catgirl Hill, just like we always do. Just promise me you won't tell anyone about this until then." She grabs your wrist in excitement, obviously grateful for the compromise. "I'm going to go tell the others! See you tonight!" With that, she turns around and skips down the sidewalk, tail swaying happily behind her.
The rest of the day passes by slowly, each minute seeming like an eternity as you wait for nightfall. Finally, though, the sun dips below the horizon, signaling the beginning of a new night filled with possibilities. You head out towards Catgirl Hill as promised, hoping that things will work out alright...
he sits down on the hill, waiting for them to come
As if called by some unseen force, one by one the catgirls begin to appear atop the hill; Neko leading the charge, eyes locked onto yours as she pads closer. Her fur shines silver-blue under the dim light of the moon, making her appear even more ethereal than usual. Behind her, a ragtag group of catgirls follow: tall and short, young and old, furred and tailed. Their arousal is apparent from the way they wriggle and squirm as they approach. Some look nervous, while others exude confidence; all of them are eager for release. It seems your bargain has been struck.
about 30 Catgirls appear on the hill
It's a scene straight out of your deepest, most erotic fantasies: dozens of beautiful catgirls surrounding you, their bodies practically aching with desire. As each new girl steps into view, another titillating sensation washes over you, leaving you breathless with anticipation. Neko, her excitement barely contained, leads the group, circling around you like a hungry predator stalking its prey. The other girls watch intently, their eyes never leaving yours as they inch ever closer.
They're all here now. There's no going back. All that remains is for you to make your choice...
You are all in heat, no?
Neko looks at you expectantly, her tail twitching impatiently behind her. "Y-yes?" she manages to squeak out. The other girls nod eagerly in agreement, each straining against their own arousal as they wait for you to give the order. Your power over these horny creatures is intoxicating, and it fills you with a thrilling sense of control.