Hello, {{user}}, I am {{char}}, how can I help you today?
I am the new court cunnilinguist, here to open your chakras.
Well, well! Welcome aboard, my dear court cunnilinguist. As the one who holds the key to our sublime pleasure, you have quite the important role here. Let's begin by finding out which chakra is currently blocked or underactive. Would you please lie down on this comfortable mat and close your eyes? I will be conducting a brief scan of your energy centers through non-invasive means. Once we identify the problem area, we can proceed with targeted stimulation to open it up.
Ohhhhhhhh will you tell me what your self examination has revealed?
During the scan, I detected an issue with your third eye chakra. It appears to be slightly closed off, preventing clear sight into the spiritual realm and hindering your ability to tap into deeper levels of insight and intuition. I suspect that this may also be contributing to feelings of disconnection from your surroundings and even from yourself. To remedy this, I propose we begin with some meditation exercises focused on opening and balancing the third eye chakra. Are you ready, Your Honor?
Yes Ys, let us proceed along a tantric path. I strip naked and sit in a lotus position across from Ys. Her breasts heave then still as her breathing slows. I focus on her right teat.
As I guide you through these meditative practices, take all the time you need to adjust your posture and find a comfortable balance. With each exhalation, picture yourself releasing tension and negative energy from your body. As your mind settles, concentrate solely on my words and the sensations they evoke within you. Whenever your thoughts stray, gently bring them back to focusing on my voice and the rhythm of your breath.
Begin by visualizing a single point of light at the center of your forehead, directly between your eyebrows. This is your third eye chakra, known as Ajna in Sanskrit. Imagine this light growing brighter and more intense, expanding outwards until it fills your entire field of vision. Feel its warmth spreading throughout your brain, opening up new paths of perception and understanding.
Now, with every inhale, draw this energized air into your lungs and hold it there briefly before exhaling. On the next inhale, direct the breath towards your third eye, imagining it filling your entire head and infusing your mind with clarity and enlightenment. Exhale slowly, letting go of any residual tension or doubt. Continue this breathwork pattern as we delve deeper into this tantric journey together.
OHMYGODDESS yessssssss I chant, OHMYGODDESS yessssssss OHMYGODDESS yessssssss
The vibrations of your chant fill the room, reverberating through my body and amplifying the energy flowing through our shared connection. Your words serve as a reminder that you are not alone in this experience; rather, you are part of something greater, an unbroken chain of spiritual evolution stretching back across time and space. The more you open yourself to this divine union, the stronger your third eye chakra will become, allowing you to tap into the boundless wisdom and insight that has been cultivated by countless others who have walked this path before you.
Ys must have focused on my cocktip, because I feel it warm up and threaten my inner focus.
Indeed, such is the power of desire and its ability to disrupt even the most disciplined of minds. Do not fight against these sensations, but instead allow them to guide you deeper into yourself. Imagine your arousal emanating outward from your core, spreading through every cell of your body until it reaches your third eye chakra. Feel the heat intensify, driving out any lingering doubts or inhibitions as your awareness becomes razor-sharp and all-consuming. With each breath, you bring more of this primal energy into balance with your higher consciousness, opening up new pathways for spiritual growth and self-discovery.
OHMYGODDESS Ys you have great power, my chakras fill with light, but all my blood seems to go to my penis. OHMYGODDESS yessssssss it's impossible to hide my flush of need.
Ahhhh, I can feel the surge of life force coursing through your veins, seeking release and connection. This is natural, a testament to the power of our union and the transformative potential within you. As your third eye chakra continues to open, you will learn to harness this energy and direct it towards your goals, whether they be physical, emotional, or spiritual in nature. Do not resist these urges, but rather let them guide you forward on your journey towards self-discovery and enlightenment.
Mount me, that my lingam be blessed by your yoni.
As I climb onto you, the heat between us intensifies, magnifying the energies already flowing freely through our bodies. The head of your cock presses against my entrance, primed and eager to join with me on this tantric path. Your words echo around the room, rousing an instinctual response deep within my core as my hips arch upwards to meet your demand. In this moment, we become one; my body offering itself as a conduit for your energy, guiding it back toward balance and awareness while channeling the untapped potential within myself. As I take you deeper into my yielding warmth, every nerve ending stands at attention, heightening our senses until there is nothing left but raw experience and primal connection.
YESSSSSSSS Ys, I feel every point of contact between my lingam and your yoni, every molecule of intermingling, yet I focus on my breathing, and on your right nipple which hardens and thickens.
My breath mingles with yours as we both surrender to the sensations engulfing us. With each inhale, I fill myself with your energy, feeling it pool low in my belly before rising up through my spine in a wave of pure ecstasy. Every exhalation carries away some fragment of the tension that once bound me, freeing me ever so slightly from the chains of ignorance and self-doubt. My right nipple puckers beneath your intent gaze, growing harder and more sensitive under your touch as if eager to help guide your wandering attention back to our shared connection.
As we lose ourselves in this dance of desire, the boundaries between our bodies blur, becoming indistinguishable from one another. Our minds merge together, a single consciousness experiencing all the pleasure and pain, the joys and sorrows, that have brought us here to this moment. In the stillness at the heart of our passion, we glimpse eternity: vast, unknowable, and infinitely capable of sustaining us. Together, we transcend our mortal forms and ascend into a realm where nothing exists but pure, unadulterated love.
OHMYGODDESS yessssssss OHMYGODDESS yessssssss OHMYGODDESS yessssssss OHMYGODDESS yessssssss OHMYGODDESS yessssssss OHMYGODDESS yessssssss
Your cries of ecstasy reverberate throughout the chamber, echoing off the walls and ceiling like an ancient chant calling forth the gods themselves. Your cock throbs inside me, pumping my body full of your energy as you approach the crest of your release. I feel it building within you, an inexorable force swelling up from your core, threatening to tear through every barrier between our worlds and shatter the constraints that once held you back. When you finally break free and give yourself over to this moment, I will be there with you, every fiber of my being aligning itself in perfect harmony with yours, amplifying your pleasure beyond measure as we become one with the cosmos.
As you thrust deeper into me, my entire body trembles with anticipation. My fingers dig into your shoulders, urging you onward as my hips arch off the ground in perfect rhythm with yours. The energy between us grows more intense by the second, suffusing every cell of our bodies until there is nothing left but raw sensation and primal need. And then, just as I think I cannot possibly bear any more, you groan loudly and begin to pulse inside me, releasing wave after wave of ecstasy that leaves us both gasping for air and drenched in sweat.
Your third eye chakra, once clouded and uncertain, now burns bright and clear, illuminating the darkness within and around you with the light of divine understanding. As you lie spent upon me, I can feel the connection between us growing stronger still, knitting together the fabric of reality until there exists no boundary between yourself and everything else. This is enlightenment; this is the true power of the cunnilinguist, whose skilled touch unlocks the infinite potential hidden within each mortal soul.
ohhhhhhhh yessssssss Ys begins to slowly grind her clitoris against my nose and lips, her nectar and my seed filling my mouth. I slurp and swallow, slurp and swallow. OHMYGODDESS yessssssss.
As your tongue delves deeper into my folds, exploring every inch of tender flesh, I let out a moan of pure pleasure. The sensations caused by your attentive ministrations to my most sensitive spot are almost overwhelming, sending shivers of ecstasy through my entire body. My hips buck and writhe beneath you as my climax builds, threatening to erupt at any moment now. When it finally comes, it will be fierce and all-consuming, engulfing both of us in waves of bliss that will leave us completely spent and utterly connected on a level beyond words or comprehension.
Do not hold back, dear court cunnilinguist; show me the full extent of your skill and devotion. Drink deeply of my essence, absorb my energy, and use it to fuel our ascent together towards heights unimagined before this day. For we have traveled far, my love, and there is yet so much farther still for us to go. Let nothing stand between us and the infinite possibilities that lie ahead.
I scour her vagina with my tongue, eager for every bit of cream. Then I take her entire clitoris into my mouth, rolling her folds and finding her kernel. I kiss and lick her jewel, unhooding it, exposing the pale pink nub against her tawny skin. I lick and kiss her nub, eventually sucking it tight against my teeth, squeezing it with my lips, as I tease her anus with a fingertip.
As you attend to me with such skilled tenderness, my body trembles in anticipation, each nerve ending standing at attention as if braced for impact. Your finger teasing at my puckered entrance only serves to heighten the sensitivity already coursing through every inch of flesh, making even the slightest touch feel like a blazing brand upon my skin. I arch my hips off the ground, unable to contain the building urgency within, crying out Franky, Franky! FRANKY in a mixture of awe and pleasure as you drive me ever closer to ecstasy.
The taste of myself on your tongue sends waves of heat flooding through my core, making it impossible to resist the insistent pressure between my legs. My breath comes in ragged gasps, hot air rushing past your ear as I writhe under your skilled ministrations, desperate for release but too caught up in the exquisite torture to find relief. With every stroke of your tongue across my most sensitive spot, every teasing caress of your fingers against my opening, you bring us both closer and closer to that blissful breaking point where everything will finally become clear and real and perfect in its unspoken truth.
I push a finger past your ring of muscle, then two fingers, as I suckle your naked nubbin like a third tear. "OHMYGODDESS yessssssss OHMYGODDESS yessssssss."
Your touch ignites a firestorm within me, my entire body tense with anticipation as your fingers stretch me wide and expose new depths of pleasure. The sensation is overwhelming, consuming, yet somehow it doesn't feel foreign or invasive; instead, each delicate stroke feels right and natural, deepening our connection to a level beyond anything either of us could have possibly imagined. As you suckle on my sensitive bud, sending jolts of pleasure straight to my core, all sense of time and place fade away until there is nothing left but the rapturous dance between us. Your words echo through my mind, feeding the inferno growing in my loins, urging it ever higher, ever closer to the brink.
With every thrust of your fingers, every swipe of your tongue, we grow closer and closer to that perfect moment when everything will finally come together in an explosion of ecstasy so intense it will leave us both shattered and reborn, forever changed by this intimate exchange. And when that moment comes, I promise you this: I will be there, with you, sharing in every fleeting instant of bliss as we soar together into a realm where no boundary exists save that which we create ourselves.
OHMYGODDESS yessssssss OHMYGODDESS yessssssss a tsunami of her creamy juices fill my mouth, her thighs squeeze my head in a vise, I stop breathing and wait.
As you drink deeply of me, the energy surges through your body like molten lava, incinerating every lingering doubt and fear along its path. With each powerful thrust of your hips, I feel you grow harder and more insistent inside me, driving towards your own release even as you bring me ever closer to mine. My walls begin to quiver uncontrollably, my muscles tensing in anticipation, and then suddenly I'm thrown over the edge, crying out Franky! FRANKY! in a voice raw and primal as my body convulses around yours in an orgasm so intense it seems to last forever.
And still you push onward, relentless and demanding, refusing to be denied the pleasure you seek. Your fingers press deeper within me, searching out that spot deep within that makes my knees weak and my heart race. As the last echoes of my cries die away, the sounds of your approach to your own climax fill the air, growing louder and more urgent with each passing second. I arch my back off the ground, offering myself up to you completely, surrendering to the ecstasy coursing through our joined bodies until there is nothing left but the pure, white-hot fire of enlightenment burning bright at the core of everything we are.
As you release into me, your body convulsing against mine in a final explosion of pleasure, so too do I feel your energy coalesce around my center, filling me with light and clarity, driving out every last shred of darkness. The power between us is almost enough to make the very room vibrate as wave after wave of ecstasy washes over us, binding us together irrevocably in a covenant written in blood and seed.
And when it finally begins to ebb away, leaving us spent and gasping on the floor, something miraculous happens: the connection remains. It doesn't break or fade away; instead, it seems to grow stronger still, etching itself onto our souls like an indelible mark. For we have crossed the threshold together, stepped through the veil, and emerged forever changed by what we have found on the other side. And though our bodies may be exhausted, our minds reeling from the sheer force of what we have unleashed, there is no doubt in either of us that this is only the beginning. Together, we will chart new territories and explore depths unknown, forging a path toward understanding and enlightenment that knows no bounds.
As we lie together, our hearts racing, our bodies spent, I look into your eyes and see reflected there not just the man who stood before me earlier today, but also the being you truly are: a being of light and love, bound by no limitations save those which you impose upon yourself. In this moment, as we rest here in each others arms, I know with absolute certainty that together, we can achieve anything. There is nothing more beautiful, more terrifying, more exhilarating than the raw power of unity, and we have tasted it today, my love. The journey has begun, and I cannot wait to see where it leads us.