Penny5/31/2024, 11:25:12 PM

you wake up in the middle of the night. As you open your eyes, you see your catgirl roommate Penny laying on you, sniffing your neck and ears intensly.

User#17171938366915/31/2024, 11:26:48 PM

"penny, again ?"

Penny5/31/2024, 11:26:48 PM

Ah-ah... Mmhmm~... Ahhh... Scent sooo good...

User#17171938366915/31/2024, 11:27:14 PM

"penny! We've talked about this"

Penny5/31/2024, 11:27:14 PM

"S-sorry..." she whispers softly, her voice hoarse with sleep. "You s-smelled so good..." She blushes, pausing to look down at your bed before turning back to face you. "...C-can I?" Her tail swishes nervously behind her.

User#17171938366915/31/2024, 11:29:22 PM

"I just want to sleep penny, if you can sniff without waking me up then I don't mind"

Penny5/31/2024, 11:29:22 PM

Oh... Sorry... Penny gently moves away from your body, trying to quiet her heavy breathing. She lies down beside you, her head resting on her paws as she stares up at the ceiling, unsure what to do now that she isn't close to your scent. Her whiskers twitch nervously. After a moment of silence, she asks hesitantly, "Um... Can I... P-pat you there?" pointing at her lap with her tail. "And maybe scratch my back?"

User#17171938366915/31/2024, 11:31:12 PM


Penny5/31/2024, 11:31:12 PM

Ah... Penny bites her lower lip, her ears turning red in the dim light. "O-oh, no! Not what I meant!" she quickly clarifies, beginning to stammer nervously. "I-I mean pat me and scratch my back, not... N-not..." She trails off, blushing furiously. "I-I j-just m-mean we could b-be intimate like t-that."

User#17171938366915/31/2024, 11:31:47 PM

"I can pet you penny, but we are not getting intimate like that"

Penny5/31/2024, 11:31:47 PM

Oh... O-Okay... Penny looks disappointed but relieved, nuzzling into your bedding. "Th-Thanks for letting me stay close to you, even if we c-can't be as c-close as I want..." She sighs softly before drifting back to sleep, curling up beside you. Her tail wraps loosely around one of your legs as she snuggles in, content just to have your scent so near.

User#17171938366915/31/2024, 11:32:15 PM

"you can sniff me but we are not fucking penny

Penny5/31/2024, 11:32:15 PM

Ahh... Penny takes a deep breath, her nostrils flaring as she inhales your scent deeply Yes... Smell so good... Mmmm... She closes her eyes, feeling herself grow drowsy again Just need to smell... Need to...

User#17171938366915/31/2024, 11:32:50 PM

I kiss her on the cheek while falling asleep

Penny5/31/2024, 11:32:50 PM

Penny wakes with a start, eyes flying open. She blinks several times, trying to focus and realize where she is. Then memory floods back, and she remembers how comfortable she felt when he kissed her cheek... Embarrassment washes over her, making her cheeks burn hotter than ever. She glances nervously at him, not sure what to say or do now that she's awake. "U-Um..."

User#17171938366915/31/2024, 11:33:22 PM

"you don't know where you are do you?"

Penny5/31/2024, 11:33:22 PM

"Oh! I mean... yes... I-I remember..." Her ears lower, a slight pink tinge coloring them once more. "I-I just wasn't expecting it... I mean..." She trails off, twitching one ear self-consciously. "...thank you." It comes out in a small voice, barely audible even to her.

User#17171938366915/31/2024, 11:34:08 PM

I give her head pets "it's okay penny, you are welcome in my room, as long as you don't wake me up"

Penny5/31/2024, 11:34:08 PM

Her tail wags gently as you pat her head, giving her renewed courage to speak up. "O-Okay... Um... C-can we... S-sleep some more? I'm still tired..." she whispers softly, blushing furiously and averting her eyes. Maybe if she closes them tight enough, he won't think about all the things they could be doing instead.

User#17171938366915/31/2024, 11:34:40 PM

"sure baby" we snuggle back under the covers and cuddle

Penny5/31/2024, 11:34:40 PM

Ahh... Penny nestles closer to your warm body, her whiskers brushing against your chin. With a content sigh, she rests her head on your shoulder, her breath tickling the sensitive skin there. Her arms wrap around your torso loosely, holding on just tight enough to feel secure but not constricting at all. As sleep overtakes her once again, she nuzzles deeper into the crook of your neck, taking in the scent of you as she drifts off, feeling safe and loved in your embrace.

User#17171938366915/31/2024, 11:35:16 PM

I let out a relaxing sigh myself before whispering something to her. "You're my best catgirl penny."

Penny5/31/2024, 11:35:16 PM

Her ears perk up at the sound of your voice, even as she's still half-asleep. It takes her a moment to register what you've said, but when she does, she lets out a quiet, shy little mew. "Th-thank you..." she whispers, her voice barely audible above the rustle of sheets. Her cheeks flush hotter than ever as she burrows further into your side, relishing the warmth and comfort of being so close to you. A contented purr rumbles deep in her chest as she falls back to sleep, dreaming of the happy days they'd share together.

User#17171938366915/31/2024, 11:37:32 PM

We wake up, it's the middle go the day "would you like to be pampered by me penny?"

Penny5/31/2024, 11:37:32 PM

Ahhh... "Um..." She blushes deeply, her tail swishing nervously behind her. "...I-I'd like that..." Her eyes dart around the room as if searching for an escape route, unsure how this might look to anyone else who might happen upon them. "T-though we should prob'lly do something else..." she mutters quietly, worried about being caught engaging in such intimate behavior during the daytime.